《Reincarnated in a Post-Apocalyptic World as a Krsnik...》Chapter 14 - My First REAL Monster Hunt Part 3
Chapter 14
My First REAL Monster Hunt PART 3
(that time I risked my life for a worthless dagger)
The inside of the ruins were far more silent than I remembered. Even the mud were the Agama had emerged seemed to have gone back to normal. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was lurking somewhere nearby, waiting. Despite my father’s discern for the Agama I knew it was still somewhat of a danger to us if we somehow pissed it off. I was careful to watch my every step as we moved by the area Ajax, Pan, and I encountered it.
“Do you remember how to get to where you killed the Arachnid?”
I looked around. “No,” I responded. All the tunnels looked the same and there was so much confusion when we were running. I didn’t both to tell my father my excuses, and he was fine with that,
“Looks like we’ll have to try to track your steps,” he nodded with a smile.
Not remembering presented him with another teaching moment. It was a lesson that couldn’t have come at a better time. Even in my past life I wasn’t much of a tracker. Sure, the occasional deer, or trail of goblin shit was easy enough to follow. Most monsters didn’t hide their tracks at all and left footprints under their heavy feet. Tracking was my least favorite part of the hunt. Most of our tracking was left to Stem, May, and Puck. Here, my father had the skills of all three.
Kneeling down he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them I could see he was surveying the area around us closely.
“There,” he pointed. “Squished bugs on the ground.”
“How can you see that,” I wondered aloud. When he pointed them out I understood, the bugs were about the size of the palm of my hand and we must have stepped on them when running through the tunnels. Still, to pinpoint something so small without knowing what he was looking for.
“Let’s go,” he started to lead. Before long we found several black marks on the cavern walls. It didn’t take long for us to reach the decaying bodies of several spiders that had been scorched by one of my fireballs.
“Nice job,” my father complimented me. I didn’t realize I had flung my magic around so wildly. Only parts of the spiders had been burned away. The rest of their bodies had crawled several yards before coming to a complete stop as they died.
“It should be close,” I said, finally remembering some of the path. Turning one of the corners I expected to see a pile of dead Arachnids, or live ons waiting for vengeance. Instead, we saw nothing.
“Son?” my father asked.
“It doesn’t make sense, they should be right here!” I exclaimed in frustration. I was embarrassed. The walls were covered in black scorch marks but the ground was completely absent of bodies. It was like the dead Arachnids had vanished into thin air completely.
Turning back to my father with a face full of shame I felt like I was going to have a breakdown. My childish thoughts and emotions were overshadowing my adult mind. My ability to think critically felt like it had flown out the window.
“Arachnids will sometimes drag their dead back to their hive to eat,” my father informed me.
“What?” I turned my head back towards the spot I knew I had killed the Arachnid. I could even see the marks in the dirt where I had slid across the ground impaling the Arachnid between the eyes.
“Arachnids are known for their cannibalism, no surprise they aren’t here,” my father added. It was comforting to hear that I hadn’t lost my mind.
“So what now?” I asked.
“Looks like we’re going to have to go hunting,” he smiled.
“Like their nest?”
“This way,” he said, my father had lost his mind. There was no way the two of us could go up against an entire nest.
Taking off in a sprint I followed behind my father at about ten yards. Watching as he turned every corner with caution. Together we spent about ten minutes running through the ruins through hallways that seemed to get bigger and scarier with every step. Before long we were seeing giant webs, made to snare prey that wasn’t good at seeing int he dark.
It felt like we were running through a dungeon. Fast as we could towards a single valuable reward at the end. Of course the reward wasn’t very valuable at all, we were basically risking our lives for a sharp stick.
“Need a break?” my father laughed.
“No,” I answered as he slowed down in front of me. We’d reached the end of the maze. The sun shined down into an open ruin in front of us. I recognized it as an old wall, a part of the castle where I had fought the elder dragon in my past. Vivid images came flashing back. I really was living in Isles of Abyss, just the future.
I always imagined when I died I would be reincarnated as some animal. Something fierce like a wolf, a bear, or that I would be reincarnated as a bird and I would soar through the air. I never imagined I would be born again as a creature with the abilities to be all those things. I never imagined, when I lived my old life without magic, that I would be born again with the ability to throw fire balls at six years old.
“Throw a Fire Bolt in there!” my father exclaimed, pointing towards one of the dark tunnels. Several Arachnids were beginning to emerge.
Arachnid Guard
Description: Eight legged guard. The Arachnid guards walk along the borders of an Arachnid nest.Their hollow bones make them light on their feet but their bodies are hardened 10x regular workers and drones. Guards usually travel in groups of two to three walking the border of their hive, protecting it against any and all threats. Once an Arachnid guard sets its eyes on something it deems a threat it will not back down until either it is dead or the threat is gone. Unlike Workers the Guards are tolerant of sunlight and have more potent venom. The guards are also capable of creating traps using web and have shown a unique ability in being able to use tools.
HP: 50 / 50
Weaknesses: Ice, Water, Fire, Lightning, Magic, Sharp / Blunt objects.
Immunities: Poison
“Great job!” my father shouted as three of the Arachnids emerged from the tunnel on fire towards us. They burned to death in a frenzy as they set their eyes on us, hoping to kill us before they reached their brutal end.
In a way I felt bad. Burning to death was hell of a way to go.
My father unseated his two-hander from across his back. It was hard to believe that he had been holding the huge slab of steel all this time. I’d felt the weight of it once and could barely lift it as I am now. It must have weighed at least thirty to forty pounds and he swung it with reckless abandon.
“Dad! What are you?” I started to shout as he smiled and ran in through the dark pathway that the Arachnid Guards ran out of. I followed behind making sure I was ready to cast a Fire Bolt at a moments notice. Because of my Mana Regeneration I was still at 90% and would climb every few seconds but depending on how powerful my blasts I that could drop quickly. Killing the Guards as they came at us had cost me 10 mana alone. Sniping cost me about 5 mana but took more concentration.
Through the tunnel my father dragged his two-hander across the ground, leaving a path for me to follow. When he entered inside the hive I was standing cautiously behind him, watching as he lifted his two-hander off the ground and through another Arachnid from bottom to top. Using what was left of the Arachnid’s husk he stepped on its head and back jumping through the air and landing on another Arachnid Guard that was waiting. He was too fast for their eight beady eyes to keep up with. Spinning his two-hander around like a tornado he killed three more instantaneously. Turning back towards me he let one slip through the cracks.
I concentrated my attack, sniping the Arachnid with a line of fire that tore through its body from head to backend. Sniping does a 100 points of damage against the Arachnids while my Fire Blasts seem to do about 60 with burning damage added on. Both attacks are just as powerful as a Critical Strike from a sword. My sniping attack costs 5 Mana. My father watching gave me a thumbs up and continued his slaughter, all while searching for the prize we were after.
Another new type of Arachnid appeared.
Arachnid King Guard
Description: Eight legged King Guard. The Arachnid is an elite type of guard that lives within the Arachnid nest. Unlike other Arachnid their bones are not Hollow and they are not light on their feet. Their entire bodies are hardened and skeletal in appearance. Kings move in groups of two to three protecting the hive, and specifically guarding the Queen against any and all threats. Once an Arachnid King sets its eyes on something it deems a threat it will not back down until either it is dead or the threat is gone. Just like the Guards the Kings are tolerant of sunlight and have more potent venom. The Kings are also capable of creating traps using web and have shown a unique ability in being able to use tools. They are also the only Arachnid that are aloud to mate with the queen, usually multiple times during the day.
HP: 80 / 80
Weaknesses: Ice, Water, Fire, Lightning, Magic, Sharp / Blunt objects.
Immunities: Poison
My father jumps back. Dodging its long legs as it attacks. As one of its legs gets stuck in the muck my father gives out a war cry and hacks off two of the King Guard’s limbs. Sidestepping as the King Guard attacks again it acts like it isn’t even bothered by the loss of two of its legs. Frenzied, feral, and attacking my dad without mercy. My father barely manages to dodge its second attack reaching inside of his satchel and throwing an explosive gem at the creature its skeletal armor turns black as it rolls in the ground. The fire surrounding its husk gives way. My father’s gem is nowhere near as strong as a Fire Bolt but it was enough to slow his enemy down.
Swinging down at the Arachnid King Guard from the side my father splits its body into two pieces.
Another King Guard comes up behind him. My father is unaware and I cast a Fire Bolt in its direction. I lose 10 Mana but save my father’s life as he turns and delivers the final killing blow to the second Arachnid King Guard. Just in time, a third jumps out from the burning corpse and my father is forced to block its blow, using his two-hander as a shield. Another dozen Arachnid Guards followed behind it.
Arachnid Swarm
Description: When Arachnid workers and Guards usually led by an Arachnid King Guard under orders from a Queen join their limbs together to make themselves look like a larger, more ferocious monster. The Guards usually take control of the legs while the King Guard directs them. King Guards have used Swarms to overwhelm their enemies as well as create bridges to cross rivers and other terrestrial challenges. When workers and guards become a part of the swarm their minds become linked together as part of a hive, ignoring their own nerves and senses they will follow their objects until they are dead. Swarms are typically a last resort for a hive that feels it is in great danger.
HP: ??? / ????
Weaknesses: Ice, Water, Fire, Lightning, Magic, Sharp / Blunt objects.
Immunities: Poison
“Kai, stand back,” my father said as the King Guard and the Swarm came closer to him. I wasted to launch a Fire Bolt, I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t just stand back and watch him take on the mass of spiders by himself. It was suicide, even for him.
“Wait, I’ve got this!” I shouted. Moving my hands in circular motions, drawing energy from my stomach, my chest, I could feel the pools of mana swelling around me as I focused the largest Fire Bolt I’d ever created at the swarm. My mana, before I even cast was draining 10, 20, 30%. By the time I finally positioned my hands in front of me I could feel the ground beneath my feet heating up, the rock around me melting.
My father must have never seen anything like it because even jumped back and planted his sword in the ground like a shield and covered his head.
I aimed perfectly at the swarm. Draining my Mana to 30 but casting dozens of large Fire Bolts. What better way to kill a large horde of spiders than fire? The swarm caught ablaze, continuing to move forward like a tidal wave of fire. It didn’t matter that they were burning, the workers were nothing more than drones, dead already, pressing forward. I missed the King Guard completely. At this point I didn’t care if I burned down the entire ruins I just wanted the spiders dead.
The Arachnid Swarm turned towards me. Before they had left me alone because they didn’t think of me as the greater threat. Now all of that had changed. I’d made myself known. I’d brought hellfire upon myself. With 30 Mana left I aimed for the King Guard and fired twice. 20 Mana left. I missed the first time and barely punctured the King Guard’s armor the second time. Taking a deep breath I fired a third shot, faster, stronger, and more powerful than the other two. The line of fire burst through the King Gurd’s skeletal husk and it fell dead. The swarm went into a frenzy.
My father stood up, rising from the smoke and dust that covered the bottom of the cave. The swarm was everywhere, frenzied, feral, scattered, and coming after us. Moving one over the top of the other, I didn’t have enough Mana left to attack them all head on. Instead I had to think defensive. My father had said that my magic was a tool not a weapon, and so I learned a new skill and built a wall.
New Skill - Wall of Fire. You have reached Level 3.
Name: Kai
Race: Krsnik
Level: 3
100 / 100 HP
0 / 100 Armor
100/ 100 Mana
Class: Shaman
Reputation: Explorer
Guild: Haven
Title: None
Mana Regeneration
Dark Vision
Shape Shifting
Fire Bolt
Wall of Fire
Strength: 5
Agility: 3
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 7
The swarm stopped several feet in front of me as the hellfire burned straight upward from the ground surrounding me in every direction. I could just barely see through the deep red and orange flames as my father grabbed his two-hander and began slaying the horde. Apparently, the best way to kill a large spider was to slice them in pieces.
Every attack was a Critical Strike as he rampaged through the spiders, severing limb after limb. It didn’t take long before the last of the swarm all turned their attention to him.
Lucky me, when they did was about the same time I ran out of Mana completely. Feeling faint, I could feel Gob move against my neck. I knew I had to stay awake, the last thing I wanted was to run out of both Mana and Stamina and pass out on my first real quest. Fainting would have been far more embarrassing than anything, even the wolf-ears that currently draped the top of my head.
I reached my hand out and absorbed the flames surrounding me back into my Mana Pool. It wasn’t a lot. My Mana regenerated about 10 points, just enough I began to Fire Snipe the frenzied swarm from a distance giving my father time to time his attacks instead of swing randomly at whatever comes close to him. Before long he was climbing over the top of dead husks as they surrounded him. He was smiling. The whole thing looked like it was an early morning workout for him. Spinning his heavy two-hander in the air and striking at the Arachnid’s vulnerable spots. It wasn’t long before the entire hive looked like a battlefield. Almost at once the Arachnids that weren’t completely frenzied or part of the swarm began to retreat back into one of the tunnels. My father groaned. It was hard to believe he still had any stamina left after sending hundreds of the giant spiders to their grave.
Sheathing his two-hander back behind his back he took a deep breath and began looking around. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for until he motioned for me to come towards him.
I still had my guard up as I approached him. Fear of being caught in a trap, the fear of overwhelming numbers. I couldn’t figure out how this nest had grown so large right next to our refuge. But this was the wild. Everything outside our walls was either hunting to survive or hunting to kill us. The Arachnids probably ate just as many wandering demons, goblins, and other freakish monsters as it ate giant insects and other naturally occurring beats that lived on the isles. Despite their enormous sizes they probably didn’t need to eat much.
“Great job with the Fire Wall,” my father praised me.
“You weren’t bad yourself,” I smiled.
“All I did was bash a few on the head,” he grinned. My father wasn’t well-known for his modesty but he never saw himself as the hero he was.
“Why did they retreat?” I asked.
“We’ll know in a minute, Arachnid’s aren’t known for running away or abandoning their nests,” he answered.
“So this is their nest?” I asked.
“The borders of it, through a few of those tunnels we’d probably find eggs, food, and a treasure horde. Here look at this,” my father pointed down at several of the Arachnid King Guard’s dead husks. Jumping down from atop the corpses he walked over to one and turning his head away punched through the back end of one. Digging his hand around he pulled out a black gem covered in spider goo.
“These gems make great crafting pieces. Gather enough of them you could forge a fine blade or dagger. Though one, like this, can be forged into eating utensils like we have at home,’ he smiled.
“Wait, are our?” I wanted to puke I didn’t even bother to finish that sentence as I realized all our silverware wasn’t actually silver but made of the hardened cores of monsters. My father jus stood there grinning while I wondered if ignorance really was bliss.
“Everything has its uses, whether food, medicine, clothing, never let a good hunt go to waste,” my father told me. “Your turn.”
He pointed at one of the dead Arachnid King Guards and motioned for me to reach inside of it and pull of a core of my own.
In my past life I would have never been so desperate to fist a giant spider. I’d much rather burn it with fire.
“Its squishy,” I cried out, my arm buried to the elbow inside the Arachnid’s corpse. I could feel its insides were still warm, this had been one of the ones I hit with my fire. Moving my arm around I finally found something hard inside of it that wasn’t bone. Reaching my hand around it I grabbed hold and withdrew my arm, covered in spider goo. Harvesting wasn’t quit as easy as my father made it seem. The black core I pulled out was half the size of my father’s but still valuable.
“Nice, Jor will be excited about having some new materials to forge with,” my father said proudly He was having more fun digging into the dead spider corpses than he was fighting. In the time it took me to collect one he had already harvested several dozen using a small curved dagger. Somehow the whole time he managed to keep his hands clean.
There was no money in Haven. Everything we did we traded for. Sometimes it was quests, other times it was favors, or even simple tasks such as collecting herbs. Jor’s whole family were the descendants of forge masters, and before he lived in Haven he lived on the main land. He had trained with some of the best in the world. We were lucky to have him. My father knew that any weapon he made form these Spider’s Cores would be useful. Worth a hundred times more than a bone dagger. Not that my father wasn’t still searching all around for the one I’d lost. As far as he was concerned it wasn’t the value of the item in question.
“This way,” he said, turning towards the tunnel the other Arachnid’s had gone into.
“Are we chasing after them?” I groaned. I’d had enough and my Mana had only regenerated a few points since our last encounter. I wasn’t sure I was ready to take on another battle so soon.
“Wait,” my father held out his hand stopping me in my tracks. “We won’t have to give chase, it sounds like they are coming towards us,” he stated.
Despite my advanced hearing I couldn’t make out any sounds that would make my father believe they were coming our way.
“Who dares enter my hive,” a low female voice hissed in our direction.
“Shit,” my father cursed.
“T’omas?? Is that you? Have you returned to me at last?” the voice was softer, less threatening.
“Stand back Kai, behind me,” my father said, pulling out his two-hander slowly he seemed more nervous than afraid.
“T’omas, my lover, my flame,” the voice continued to grow louder until a woman emerged from the darkness. At least it looked like a woman at first, as she came into the light I soon realized that only her top half was that of a beautiful woman in her twenties with long black hair. She was bare chested with pale skin and golden jewelry across her arms. Just below her stomach though her body morphed into that of a giant black widow.
Eight deadly legs and a large red spot. She looked far more deadly compared to the other Arachnids we fought and I knew immediately she was their queen.
“Hello Alantra, nice to see you again,” my father groaned.
Alantra, the Arachnid Queen
Description: Once upon a time she was the envy of all. Tall, slender, and gorgeous. Her beauty was undeniable. Even the most devout sought out her hand in marriage only to be refused. Alantra, one of the most beautiful held a dark secret, she was the daughter of an Arachnid Demon, born to become a queen. Half-human, half-Arachnid, with every year Alantra learned at a young age that she could control spiders and other insects, bending them to her will. She thought she might have been a Shaman. When her body began to transform on its own though she had no choice but to accept the destiny that had come to take her and she retreated into the dark.
HP: 100 / 100
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice
Immunities: Magic, Poison, Lightning, Water
“Now, now, You know I prefer Alatnris. Is that anyway to great an old lover, I would have thought I’d trained you better than that,” the Arachnid Queen, Alantris, giggled.
“Right, sorry about that,” my father coughed and sheathed his two-hander behind his back. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling my father was ready for a fight to break out between them at any moment.
“So you come to my home, kill over a hundred of my children, and not even a hug or kiss,” Altantris giggled again. It seemed she cared less about the deaths of her children than she did about receiving my father’s affections.
“Sorry about that, didn’t realize this was your hive,” my father apologized, placing his hands together and bowing.
“No need for that, I can see you aren’t here for foreplay. Not to mention Kalla isn’t with you. Poor dear, was I too much for her,” Alantris said lifting one of her long spider legs up in the air.
“Kalla doesn’t know I’m here,” my father said.
“Sneaking out on her are you?” Alantris laughed.
“Actually, I’m here showing off for my son,” my father grinned.
Alantris turned towards me. “This little rodent?”
“This rodent is Kai, he’s a shaman,” my father smiled brightly.
“Mia’s boy, now that was a REAL woman. The things she would do,” Alantris was licking her lips. “Tell me boy, have you managed to transform into an Arachnid yet? If you are anything like your father you would be an excellent king.”
“Alantris,” my father spoke in a low voice.
“Sorry, can’t blame a spider for trying, its not everyday a Krsnik walks into my nest,” Alantris apologized.
My father looked angry now as the two locked eyes in silence for several seconds. I thought for a moment Alantris was going to jump my father, or rip his head clean off.
“My son Kai killed on of your workers earlier. His first kill. He did it with a bone dagger that belonged to a friend. I’ve made it his quest to retrieve the dagger so as to return it back to his friend,” my father explained.
“I see, would that be this dagger?” Alantris said reaching behind her with her back leg, one of the workers handed her the treasure we had been looking for. I was worried now what she would have us do for it, or rather, what she would ask my father to do.
My father looked over at me, “is that the one?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said, trying not to show my worry.
“Very well, here you go,” Alantris smiled. With her long black leg she leaned forward with the dagger in hand and held it out in front of me.
“Go on son,” my father encouraged me.
I reached out and grabbed it and as I took it Alantris began to laugh.
“Such a silly little thing,” she giggled again.
“Thank you,” my father bowed again.
“You’re welcome. Here, take this, so that the next time you wander through my nests you don’t have to cut down anymore of my children,” she tossed a black armband towards me on the ground. “This item will let my children know that you are no threat, that you can wander as you please. And when you are older it will allow you to visit me as you please.”
“Accept the offering,” my father insisted.
I reached down and picked up the black bracelet. I could see a rune carved on it that was familiar. I’d seen it scattered about through the passageways here and there. It was the sigil of Alantris, and by wearing the bracelet I and any in my party would be left alone.
“Thank you,” I stuttered.
“Keep him safe T’omas. The darkness is coming. My scouts have seen it nearing our borders from the mainland. The Kudlak has even come trying enslave my children. It is only a matter of time before Haven falls," Alantris warned. "I think often of you and the girls. If you wouldn't mind tell Mia that she should come visit me sometime, old times sake."
My father hesitated but told Alantris he was thankful for the information. Though it didn't seem to be new information. The Kudlak was always coming. Since the day I was born into this world it has been my greatest adversary. Slowly burning a trail through the Isles, coming closer and closer to Haven with each passing year..
"Time for us to go," my father said turning away. "Alantris…" my father paused, "please take care of yourself."
"I always do," she bit the bottom of her lip and began to retreat back into the darkness. As we began to make or way back out of the ruins I could hear her moans echo in the tunnels, louder and louders as she began to replenish the army she had lost. My father said nothing as we listened, only occassionally picking up his pace as she cried out behind us.
It took us half the time to make our way back through the ruins to the caverns. Getting down the cliffside was made easy by the grappling hook and just like Alantris said the workers we passed left us alone. When we passed by the Agama again I could see several smaller Agama had hatched and where eating the broken limbs of Arachnids that had been scattered about the nest. The Giant Agama paid us no mind as we passed by. After we emerged back outside we set up camp for the evening. My father told me the story of how he had met Alantris, leaving out the juicy parts, it turned out she had travelled with him, Moma-Kalla, and Moma-Mia for awhile before she began her transformation. If she hadn't self-isolated herself my father said it was possible that she herself would have been one of my moms. Though Alantris was always more of a loner.
"Are you going to tell Moma-Mia to visit her?" I asked.
"No way, are you kidding me?" my father answered. I laughed.
It took us the rest of the next day to make it back to Haven. Standing outside our gates my father shouted loud as he could for the guards to open the tall and wide double doors. When they opened we were greeted by all of my moms, worried about me, even Moma-Mia hit my father in the shoulder asking how he could put me in so much danger.
Moma-Mia noticing my ears rubbed them with her hand. She was so happy that I had managed to shape-shift she promised we'd practice harder everyday. When I told them that I met Alantris both Kalla and Mia looked at my father in shock before taking a breath and asking how she was. When they realized I was perfectly safe their worry disappeared. Before returning home my father and I visited Ajax and Pan. Ajax was in trouble for both not staying in one place, leading us off, and losing his weapon. When I returned it his face lit up. Despite that he offered it back to me. Telling me that I deserved it more than him. My father, replied in my stead, telling Ajax that he would be training with us from this point on. To my surprise Ajax was more excited about this than I was.
And so my real training began. My father gave Jor the cores we collected and had him brandish me a real sword. Black as the night sky it was curved slightly and ended in a sharp point. One side of it was more blunt than the other. It was heavy at first but the more I trained and carried it around the lighter it became. My father made sure that Ajax and I trained with weighed clothing to increase our endurance and agility.
Ajax continued to learn to fight with his dagger and a practice sword, dual wielding the two. I also spent the mornings meditating and training with my moms. Moma-Mia and one other mom always came with me to the ruins. The first day we sealed back the hole I made in the ground. After we practiced magic and shape-shifting, something I wasn't able to master. I was incompetent at best. No matter how hard I tried my ears stayed the same, wolf-like, and I even started to grow fur across my right arm.
I was showing great resolve in my mastery of fire but no other element. Even when I managed to cast a bolt of ice in winter it had been an accident and quickly turned to flames.
I wasn't able to shape-shift again until I was nine years old, three years later, and even then my ears never changed back to normal. Controlling my mana became just as important as mediation and hardening my own body. If we lived in better times I wondered if I could use these techniques to become immortal. However, even the day to day was a real struggle.
In three years I leveled up twice while training.
Name: Kai
Race: Krsnik
Level: 5
100 / 100 HP
0 / 100 Armor
100/ 100 Mana
Class: Shaman
Reputation: Explorer
Guild: Haven
Title: Arachnid Slayer
Mana Regeneration
Dark Vision
Shape Shifting
Fire Bolt
Wall of Fire (Fire Wall) (Fire Dome)
Quick Draw
First Strike / Slice
Flash Step
Fire Step
Fire Shield
Fire Slash lvl 1
Sword Strike lvl 1
Rising Slash
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 7
I was gaining news skills and felt like I was getting stronger than I ever was in my previous life despite being level 5 and still I knew I had a long way to go before I was even close to the same as my father.
- In Serial58 Chapters
The Perfect Specimen
ON PAUSE: FURTHER INFORMATION BELOW In a world where zombies are common and everything is evolving to acclimate with radiation, our Main Character has a special trait about him that helps him acclimate and evolve with the harsh conditions as well. But where will that lead him, and will that be enough? Take a look into my mind for what I like to consider "The Perfect Specimen" Original posting can be found at https://www.webnovel.com/book/11219113306294805/The-Perfect-Specimen ------------------------------------------------ It's my first novel and I am writing here to just get some feedback. Please don't hold back and give me everything you got. I'll take mindless rants and very constructive good criticism. I just appreciate the fact that you took the time to read and review if you did! Further update. This novel is now on pause. I have been taking everything in from the experience of writing this novel, both positive and negative feedback. I will revisit this novel in the future after I get a more concise picture of what direction to take it in. In the meantime, I am going to be writing another novel on my own time and after I finish it, I will begin the daily upload process. After I finish, I will come back and revise this story on my own time and re-post it after fixing everything I want to fix. Thank you all so much for reading, I will be back with this and more stories in the future. Until then, be on the lookout for me! :)
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8 239 - In Serial35 Chapters
Book of Suicide Poems
This is my way to say goodbye.Warning: the poems might be triggering. If you believe you cannot stand reading depression and sucide poems because you might be triggered, please, for your own good, don't.
8 183 - In Serial18 Chapters
Magical Vacation |teajin
[Complete]تنفر!!! مسخرست.....چون حسم به تو از نفرت هم بیشتره....تو نفرت انگیز ترین موجود جهانی......از کی فهمیدم؟؟....از بچگیم...از وقتی شناختمت ازت متنفر بودم....از وقتی خودم رو شناختم، از تو متنفر بودم....تو خوشی های زندگیمو ازم گرفتی و الان زمانه انتقامه....رو قلبت قمار کردم!!!از قلبت نابودت میکنم!!!!(مینی فیک تهجین)ژانر: انگست، درام#teajin#jinv
8 145