《I reincarnated as an octopus - There has to be a mistake》The Village (part 3)


Come to papa. If I could drool underwater right now, I’d probably being drooling. So far everything I ate tasted like rocks, was bitter or is poisonous to me. Leo stops fidgeting around and focuses on the bowls Isaias brings towards us. He hands one bowl down towards Leo and the other one to me. I reach out to the bowl with my tentacles and take it from him. Unlike Leo who doesn’t know his table manners and starts eating the moment it’s given to him I take the bowl and Isaias and tiny bow with my head.

I peer into the bowl to inspect it’s content, to my surprise there’s soup. Soup…. something doesn’t sound right, pretty sure soup is a liquid, and water is a liquid right. Shouldn’t my soup start drifting in the water and mix with it? You know what, I’m not going to question this, I’m a monster, my mom was a massive octopus and the ocean is a horrible place for anyone to be in. I move the bowl towards my beak which is really awkward cause it looks like I’m stuffing it up my. Okay, stop overthinking this, I’m ruining my meal. Using my tentacles I try to figure where my beak is in relation to the bowl.

Leo stops stuffing himself with the soup and looks at me in confusion as I try to move the bowl towards my beak. It’s not easy for me you know, you guys are lucky that you can actually see your mouth. I can’t see my own mouth and god knows where my butt-. Okay, let’s stop thinking about that.

Leo loses interest in watching me try to eat and resumes eating. After a minute I find my beak and I raise the bowl towards it. Fucking finally. Now how to eat… Fuck. I tilt my entire body so the soup can get into my mouth. Why is it so hard? Isaias who was busy eating his meal finally notices me as I tilt my body 90 degrees. He looks confused at what I’m doing. After I finish tilting myself, I slowly pour the soup into my beak. I wasn’t expecting anything near what I was currently tasting, days of having to eat poison, acid, and meat that tasted like a rock even the blandest of foods would taste like a meal served by that chef Jorden Kramsey, that’s his name, right? I’m trying to make the meal last but it’s really hard. Using every ounce of strength I pull the bowl away from my beak. That. That was fucking delicious.

After I finished eating my soup Isaias asked me if I’d like more to which I replied yes. He came back and brought several food items, one looked like some kind of underwater bread, apple and I’m not entirely sure what the last one was. I used Inspect on it but I didn’t really get any useful information out of it that told me what it was. All I can say is it looked weird and tasted even weirder. It seemed that the village doesn’t have any kind of seasons other than the stormy season which means more frequent storms. So I guess that means they can just farm all year long, which would also explain why they seem to be giving a lot to eat.


I’ve also asked Isaias where we are, and he said that we were near the harbor. Not sure what he meant by it but I guess we're just near the harbor. While I was busy chatting with Isaias Leo swam off to somewhere cause when I went back to check on the little guy he disappeared. The crowd was slowly dying and people were starting to head back to their home. I’m still extremely confused with the fact that fires can burn underwater. I asked Isaias about it and he seemed confused with my question. I explained to him that fire needs air to burn which confused him even more. He said that as long as he could remember these flames burnt underwater and died the moment they were brought to the surface. More questions to add to my ever-growing list of questions. As the crowd dispersed I brought up my status.

Name: Unnamed

Race: Magic Baby Octling

LvL: 10/15(12/15)

HP: 7/16

MP: 2/27

Strength: 9

Vitality: 9

Defense: 6

Agility: 9

Endurance: 14

Intelligence: 31

Rank: F

Status: Normal

Titles: [Reincarnator] [Kin Eater] [Curiosity]

Unique skills: [Multi-limbed lvl 2] [Poisonous beak lvl 3] [Ink Cloud lvl 2] [Alter]

Skills: [Acid shot lvl 3] [Inspect lvl 4] [Night Vision lvl 3] [Hidden Presence lvl 2] [Mana Manipulation lvl 2] [Over Eating lvl 3] [Water Magic Affinity lvl 2] [Whirlpool lvl 2][Strike lvl 2]

Resistance: [Mental Resistance lvl 3] [Hunger Resistance lvl 3] [Acid Resistance lvl 4] [Pain Resistance lvl 2] [Fear resistance lvl 3] [Rage Resistance lvl 1] [Weakness Resistance lvl 1] [Exhaustion resistance lvl 2] [Poison Resistance lvl 2] [Paralysis Resistance lvl 1]

5 more levels and I evolve again. Wonder what I’m going to evolve into. Intelligence is now my highest stat compared to Endurance and the others. 31… does that mean I’m uber-smart now? I don’t feel any smarter than before…

(We should probably find a place for you for the night)

I stop looking at my status and look at Isaias, where is Leo? I look around trying to find the little shark but I still can’t spot him.

(Your shark friend should be with Ava)

Thank god he’s not lost, I feel like I can fly knowing Leo isn’t lost. I’m turning into a parent, stop, I’m a young octopus I still have to see the world before I settle down. Isaias motions towards me to follow him. Lead the way, my guy. We walk past the main encampment and moved towards the fields.

(I’m afraid this is the best we could find in such short notice)

I hear the message in my head as Isaias looks towards the storage units I saw earlier on my way towards the village. I don’t mind, I’ve been sleeping on the floor, inside the husk of a fish and a cave so this is a massive improvement on what I originally began with. At this distance, the storage units seem smaller than I had expected but it’s still at the very least twice my size. I slowly leave Isaias and head towards my new bed for tonight, as I approach the entrance inside the storage I wave Isaias as he moves back towards the village.


This was a pretty hectic day, I just went out on a walk with Leo, got lost and found… I wanna say humans but I’m pretty sure calling them mermaids and merman is more accurate. I then befriended them and got welcomed into the village. I’m surprised that I wasn’t chased after and hunted because of my exterior. This surprisingly went really well. Too well…. I survey around my surroundings, half expecting a dragon to dive down and kill me. Okay, no dragons are gonna kill me, spending my time fighting, eating, and running away has started to take a toll on my mind. Thank god I found civilization before I lost my marbles.

I turn away from where the village is and move toward the entrance and squeeze myself inside. Being an octopus sure has its advantages. I first push my tentacles inside and slowly move in my head. If I was a human I’d have broken every single bone inside my body, suffice to say I’d have killed myself if I tried doing what I did right now. I’m pretty big but there is still quite a lot of room unlike my previous homes, I wonder where Leo is right now… He isn't doing anything bad with those kids, is he… my tentacles move by itself and wacks me on the head.

[Multi-limbed lvl 2 has leveled up]

You're not a parent, you're still a bachelor, you have the whole world to explore before you settle down. I wonder, will my tentacles be able to have their own minds by the time Multi-limbed levels up? That seems like a massive headache to deal with… I can’t imagine myself having to deal with eight other personalities who are also my hands wanting to do different things. Ahh, fuck it, that’s a problem for future me. Right now I want to sleep instead. I slowly space out my body as my eyes grow heavier and drift into sleep. goodnight.

The hallways were quiet throughout the year, but today, people were bustling around, the birds seemed to be bursting with energy, quite literally because they were spontaneously bursting into flames as they flew around. Phoenix Butterflies, small birds that looked like normal canaries, the only difference was their tendency to burst into flames during mating, when threatened, or when they were excited. Then again, who wouldn’t be excited right now, shopkeepers closed their shops, adventures stopped taking quests for the day and people from all over had journeyed to the capital. It’s been nearly 3 centuries since the last champion of light had been chosen by the lord of light.

Magister Menaedes, a voice called out.

Hmm, I turned away from the flaming spectacle before me and turned around to confront the voice.

Magister, huff, huff.

It was Iris. He was breathing rapidly. Take your time, I told the boy. He was only 17, but he was already qualified to teach his class, teacher included. Then again, he had the [Genius], [Prodigy], and the [Curiosity] title. Titles and the unfair advantages they gave to people. Having any one of those titles already gave a massive boost to people but he had all three of them. It would only be a matter of time till he catches up to me as well. I chuckled at that thought, Iris was extremely smart, his curiosity only made things worse for his teachers. He would constantly question his seniors at every moment, one teacher tried to jump out the window to escape him. Luckily the other students quickly grabbed him before he fell.

The Archbishop has requested your presence, he said while breathing.

Ah, so the tub of lard has called for me eh… We glanced at each other and had a few chuckles. The church and the Scholars never had any good relations, it isn’t surprising given our history. The only time we worked together was when there was a threat to humanity or occasion such as this.

I should be going now, I rose from the bench I was seated on. Archbishop fatso wouldn’t be very happy if I was late. As much as I would have liked to annoy the fat ass I’m afraid I cannot turn up late if he requested my presence.

Before I leave, could you tell magister Zeneva to continue without me. I asked Iris. Iris had been looking at the Phoenix Butterflies and didn’t hear anything I said.

Iris, I called out once again.

Ah, sorry magister, I was just distracted.

I wouldn’t recommend trying to catch them, they’re not dangerous but they can still bite. Iris turned into a shade of red, I guess he was about to catch the little birds after all. I grinned as I started to walk through the hallways to the Archbishop’s dwelling.

Tell magister Zeneva to continue without me, I told Iris once again.

Yes, magister.

Also, stop being so formal with me, it’s not like I haven’t raised you since you were a child. I couldn’t really answer his question since those two bumbling philosophers Anaxa and Anaxi were once again arguing on whether dungeons were capable of having a free will or were just mindless machines. For two of the greatest philosophers in the continent, they always had contrasting thoughts on every single subject.



I glance into they’re room and it looks like those two are ready to settle their argument with a fistfight. They continued shouting, cursing, and threatening to punch the other onto a bloody pulp as I walked down the corridors. I wonder why they’re even kept in the same place...

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