《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 16: Death's Bargain


After waking up in his room, Al debated on what to do for the day, as he was unable to do most quest due to his injured left arm. Figuring that he could go visit the orphanage, and help out for the day, he wash up, got ready to head out to the orphanage. Just as he was about to leave his room, he felt a sudden chill down his spine. He glances over to his runeblade that he left in the corner of the room. He was planning on leaving it behind since he was only going to go visit the orphanage, but then felt that he shouldn’t leave it behind. He walks over and picks it up. “Guess I’ll go visit the Temple of the Divines as well…”

Upon reaching the Orphanage, Al, again, hesitated just like his previous visit. He peeked inside and saw Natalie putting up the laundry onto the drying racks. Just remembering what had recently happened between them made his face blushed, making him hesitated a little longer. “What are you doing?” Ammalinde asked, seeming appearing out of nowhere. This had spooked him, making him jump out into the opening in front of the gate. “If you are going in, hurry up. These bags are heavy.”

Al then notice that Ammalinde was carrying big bags in both her hands. “Oh, uh… Let me help you carry them in.” He reaches for one of the bag. She hesitated for a second before handing one of the bag to him. “I guess you are still uncomfortable near men?” Al asked. “It’s only because men are weird.” She replied before walking around him and walked inside the orphanage. Al followed behind her when someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns to see that it was Natalie.

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise.” Natalie said with a smile. “Back for another visit?” Al could feel his face blushing at the sight of her and fumble for words. “Y-Yeah.” Natalie then notice his injured arm that was in a cast. “Divines! What happened? Are you ok?” she asked with a really concerned look. “Ah this… I was just a little careless. I’ll be fine. It’s the reason I’m taking a break from adventuring for awhile.” “Really?” “Yeah. I’m ok. The adventurers I was with said my arm should recover after a few months.” “Hmm… If you say so. Well, you better take that in before Amma kills you for taking too long.” “Oh, right.” Al rushes inside. “I’ll see you in a bit.” he said just before going inside.

Al places the bag on the counter near where Amma was standing. “Thanks. I’ll put them away in a bit. For now I need to finish cooking breakfast before the kids wake up. Father is upstairs in his study if you came to see him.” She said with her back towards Al, not once turning to look at him. “Ok, thanks. I’ll go say hi to him.” Al leaves the room, and headed up the stairs to Carne’s study room. He knocks on the door and Carne calls out. “Come in.”


Al enters the room and sees that Carne had his back turn towards him. Carne was looking at a book in front of one of his many bookshelves. “Did you need something Amma?” He asked, still nose-deep into his book. “Um, no. I just came to say hi.” Al replied. Surprised, Carne turn towards Al. “Oh, hello there.” He said with a warm smile. “What brings you here today? How is your arm?” “I just drop by to say hi. My arm is healing, but I doubt I can do much with it for awhile.” “Oh, that's good.” “Can we talk for a bit?” “Sure. I’ll get us some tea.” After his talk with Kreyg, Al had decided the night before to tell Carne about everything, including the Runeblade and his bargain with Death. Carne was like a father to him and the person who he trusted the most.

“Hmm…” Carne remained silent afterwards. He took a minute to absorb all the information that Al had just told him. “A runeblade?” he finally spoke. “Yes. It was a gift from Death.” Al replied. “I’ve only heard about these in legends. There is no information about the weapon aside from it being a powerful sword.” “Yes, it is indeed a really powerful sword. But I still try my best to use it as little as possible.” “Oh? Why is that?” “It… it slowly chips away at the user’s mind. Using it for a long time can cause the user to go berserk and attack anything in site.” “That sounds rather dangerous.” Al remained silent to the comment. “Have you gone berserk before?” “Only one time. Since then I have been careful.”

Al pulls his runeblade out. It glowed a light blue glow as it did before when Al used it in the spider’s nest. “The glow from the sword is sort of a warning to me. It slowly changes from a faint light blue to dark blue, then purple, and then a crimson red. Once red, it’s when the Rune of The Berserker activates.” “Hmm…” Carne inspects the runeblade, but dares not to touch it. “When was it that you went berserk?” he asked. “When… when my village was attack. It was then that I struck the deal with Death, and receive the runeblade.” “Do you recall what happened in the state of berserk?” “No. I only recall pulling the runeblade out of the sheath, and then before me laid the bodies of countless dead bandits and a crying Natalie, scared of everything that had happened… but she was most scare of me…”

The two remained silent for awhile. Carne was unsure of what to ask next as Al was recalling some horrible events from childhood. Carne finally decided to break the silence with a question. “Can you tell me more about your bargain with Death?” Al took awhile before he responded. “For the power to save my village… or what was left of the village… Death gave me two conditions. One was for me to be his follower. The second was one of either of two things. Harvest a million souls or to serve him forever after death.” Carne slammed on his desk. “AND YOU AGREED TO THIS?!” he shouted angrily. “What was I to do?! My village is burning, my family slaughter! Natalie was the only one left near me. What can a young boy do at that moment?!” Al shouted back, tears flowing from his eyes.


Carne was upset that Al had agreed to a life that when he dies, he would be unable to rest in peace. But was also able to understand why he had chosen to do so. A stupid decision, but the only choice left. “What about the other Divines? Did you pray to them?” He asked softly. “I tried. I prayed to all three. Bravious, Marellda, Senpai… none of them answered. I prayed and prayed but no answered…” Al started to tear up again. “Then I made an opened prayer. A prayer for anything that could hear me. Again no answered. I prayed and prayed still no answered. Until a whisper. A whisper that sent chills down my spine. A whisper that filled me with more fear than the bandits going crazy and killing all the other villagers.” “Interesting”

Al stayed silent afterwards, trying to calm down. Carne waited for Al to calm down. After Al had calmed down a bit, Carne continued with his questions. “How many souls have you gathered so far?” “A little over a hundred.” Al replied. “What kind of souls does it required?” “Anything. From rabbits to demons to… humans.” Carne was a little perplexed. “How do you collect these souls? Do you need to land the final blow?” “No. As long as I am within a certain distance from anything that has died, their soul will get absorbed by the runeblade. I then just have to take it to a Temple of the Divines, and pray to Death to come collect it.”

“It would take you a lifetime to collect those souls. You know that right?” Carne stated. “Yes.” Al replied quietly. “But it is something I will have to do. I will find a way.” Carne leans back onto his seat, deep in thought. “Why not join the army instead of being an adventurer? They are constantly fighting bandits and other monsters. I hear they have been finding remnants of the demon army. Surely you can collect more souls there.” “I can’t.” Al replied. Al can’t trust the army. They did not come to the aid of his village, even when they asked for help months prior to the attack. “I can’t join the army… My movements will be restricted. And I have no control over what souls get absorb. I can’t allow for the souls of friendly soldiers to be absorb and sacrificed into slavery after death just to save myself.” “That is understandable…” Carne replied, and followed up with silence.

“Does she know?” Carne asked. “Only about the runeblade. I can’t tell her about the rest. It’ll make her worry.” Al replied. “Speaking of… What happened between you two?” Carne asked, hoping to change the subject and lighten up the atmosphere a little. Al appreciated what Carne was trying to do. “Um… something did happen… yeah…” he replied meekly, again remembering his confession to Natalie. “Oh-ho. Tell me. I believe you promise to tell me before.” Carne grin evilly at Al.

“I, uh, I told her I love her…” Al said meekly. Carne laugh loudly. “Well? How did she respond?” “Um… I don’t know… I kinda… ran away after confessing.” Carne showed Al a very sour look. “Coward.” The word stabbed Al deeply. “I don’t remember raising a coward. I recall raising a good gentleman! You should always wait for the ladies reply afterwards! You coward!” Carne said with a slight joking tone. “But… it… I was embarrassed! It was nerve wracking!” Carne again laugh loudly. “Well, make sure you hold onto her. You have sacrifice so much for her. Don’t lose her now.” Al quietly nodded. He then gets up to leave and as he reach the door, Carne calls out to him again. “Al, I’ll do what I can to help you. You can always come ask me for help with anything.” Al nodded again and left.

Al exited the orphanage and was about to reach the gate when Natalie calls out to him. “Hey, you leaving already?” she asked. “Ah yeah.” “Do you have some time?” “I do. I don’t have much to do today.” “Ok, then can you accompany me for today? At least until I have to go to work.” “Oh ok. Where are we going? Natalie smiles. “A date.” Al was taken by surprised. “A date?” “Yeah.” “Um… Why?” “Why?” she giggle, and her face was turning red. “It’s because I love you too.”

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