《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 5: Orphanage


Alderick leaves the temple. He was about to make his way back to the blacksmith, but the Orphanage came into view. He contemplated going to visit or not for awhile. Remembering that he had more meat than he needed, he decided to drop by to give some to the orphanage.The Orphanage was run by a retired adventurer and his daughter. He walks over, and then peeks in. He could see several kids playing around in the yard. Then he spots a young woman playing with the kids. It was the daughter who helps run the orphanage, Ammalinde. She was a young lady, with long silver hair, with blue eyes that when you stare into, it makes you feel as in you are staring into the endless ocean. She is usually rather quiet, but can talk your ears off when you get her started on a subject she enjoys. From what Al could remember, she was also an adventurer from the guild. An Iron rank Paladin. He wasn’t sure how to talk to them once he goes in and hesitated at the gate. Someone grabs him from behind on the shoulders, and he turns around to see an elderly gentleman.

It was Carne, the person who runs the orphanage, and a retired Mythril adventurer. He was wearing a nice suit with a bowtie. If Al didn’t know better, he would’ve thought Carne was a butler from a noble’s house. “What you are doing is pretty suspicious young man.” Carne started. “I can’t have you try anything funny to my precious childrens.”He showed an expression as if he was about to show Al a beating of a lifetime. Al looked shocked. “Wait, Carne! It’s me. Alderick!” He explained himself. “Kolen said I should come visit, so I just dropped by after visiting the temple.” Carne then showed a gentle expression. “Oh-ho, It is Alderick. Why are you standing here like a pervert? Come on, let's go in.” He then led Al inside.Al followed him in.

“Come on kids, we have a guest.” All the kids look over, and then ran up to Carne, cheering and yelling welcome back. “This is Alderick. He was also living here until just a year ago.” He introduced Al to the group. “Hello.” was all Al could say, uncertain on how to talk to the kids. Many of them were new faces that weren’t there a year ago. “Ah, it’s Al!” One of the kid shouted while pointing at him. “Welcome back! I miss you!” The kid ran up and hugged Al. The kid was a little girl known as Evie. She was an energetic girl with long brown hair. She was pretty attached to Al back when he was still living here.

Al patted her head and smile. “I’m back for a visit.” “Ehhh…. You aren’t going to stay with Evie?” She replied with a sad expression, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, making it almost impossible to say no to her. “No, I can’t. I have some more work to do. But I’ve brought you guys some food.” Al said as he started showing the kids the meat he got from earlier. “Oh-ho, aren't those from a Devil Tusk? I’m amazed you killed one.” Carne said while looking at the meat. Al was surprised that he could tell with one look. “Amma, can you take this to the kitchen?” Ammalinde walked over, showing no expression on her face. She takes the meat, bowed to Al, then walked inside the building.


Al and Carne sat outside talking and catching up while the kids continued playing. “So, what have you been doing this past year?” Carne asked. “I’ve been continuing my training, and doing some odd jobs. I’m now staying at the Shadow Raven Inn at the west district of town. I’ve also just became an adventurer a couple of days ago.” Al replied, while his eyes focus on the kids. “How have you guys been? There seems to be more kids here now than before. Are you guys getting enough to eat?” Al asked back. “We’ve been doing ok. A few adventurers come by and donate some gold or items for us to use. The war however is getting slightly worse. More and more orphans of war are showing up in all the towns and cities, and they end up getting pushed here. Amma has also been doing some quest to help us feed everyone so you don’t have to worry too much.” Carne replied. The chit chat stopped for a moment.

Al knew that Carne was waiting for him to ask, but he wasn’t sure how he should. “How… how is Natalie? Is she still living here too? Or did she also moved out?” Al finally asked. Natalie was also an orphan who was the same age as Al that stayed here while he was still living here. She was the sister of Kolen, and also from the same village that Al was from. The two of them were close, but when Al turned seventeen, and planned to move out, Natalie asked him to stay with them. She wanted to stay here and continued helping the orphanage, but Al wanted to become a strong adventurer so that he can help villages out so that no more kids will become orphans. “She cried herself to sleep for awhile after you left you know.” Carne said while he turn his gaze towards the kids.

“I couldn’t stay here. You know why.” Al said as he then turn his he down to look at the dirt. “I couldn’t stand the thought of more villages being burned down and more kids being forced to come here with no more family. I can’t just not do anything.” Carne then patted Al’s head, and then looked at him. “I know why you left. I understand why you left. It is because I know that I thought you swordsmanship did I not? It’s just that she didn’t want to lose you too. You were her new family, and the thought of you putting yourself in danger was too much for her.” Al couldn’t respond to this, and remained quiet. They both just sat there quietly while watching the kids play.

Ammalinde came back outside and told them the food was ready. All the kids cheered, and then ran inside the building. Al and Carne sat there still, watching the kids exiticly run back inside. “Are you not going to join us? You did bring the food after all.” Carne asked as he got up and motions for Al to go inside. Al soon got up and went inside. He walked into the dining room. It was a huge room with one very large table and chairs surrounding the table. He sat down in the middle of one side of the table, while Carne and Ammalinde sat at both ends of the table. Evie ran and sat next to Al. Once she got on the chair, she turned and smile happily at Al. He smiled back and patted her head.


Amma had cooked the meat into stew and stir fried. There were also breads laid out on the table. After Carne gave a prayer to the Divines, everyone started grabbing for food. Since Evie was having a hard time reaching some of the food, Al gave her food. “Thank you.” She said, smiling like an angel at Al. Once everyone started eating, they also started exclaiming how tasty it was. It was a happy setting of everyone enjoying a meal together that Al had not experience since he was last here. He had missed Amma’s cooking. She could turn the most simple ingredients into something amazing.

As everyone was enjoying their meal, someone open the door into the room. “Wah, something smells good.” Everyone turn to see who it was. At the door was a young woman, around Al’s age. She had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She wore a simple dress and had emerald eyes. She turns and sees Al. Her smiled disappeared, and she showed a sad expression. She didn’t say anything. The room was quiet for a short time, that to Al felt like an eternity. “Welcome home Natalie. Sit, and eat, Al brought us some food.” Carne spoke to break the silence. Natalie nodded and sat down on the opposite side of Al. The kids started talking again, and the happy mood came back. Only Al and Natalie remained quiet through the meal.

After the meal, Amma and Natalie took the kids upstairs for class, while Al and Carne went into Carne’s study. They talked for a bit more. “Ah, before I forget, let me congratulate you on becoming an adventurer. It’s not easy work, especially the higher rank you become. But remember to hold your head high, and that no matter what, you will always be welcome here.” Al nodded. He bowed and walked out the office. As he reaches the stairs, he notice Natalie standing at the front door, her hands behind her back leaning against the door. Al walks down the stairs to her. “Can we talk for a bit?” She asked. Al nods and motions for them to go outside.

“Have you been doing good since you left?” Natalie asked. “I’ve been good. I just completed a few quest earlier at the guild.” Al replied, thinking about what to say next. “So you did become an adventurer…” She said softly to herself. She showed a worried face. Al had always felt guilty whenever he sees he show that face. “I’ll be ok. I’m only going to fight battles I know I will win. I won’t do anything dangerous. It’ll mostly be the likes of spiders, pests, and goblins…” “I know you will be fine. After all, you got trained by Carne. I’m still just worried.” The two became quiet.

Al couldn’t take the silence so he randomly asked a question. “Where did you go earlier?” She looked at him, slightly surprised by the sudden question. “Oh, I do part time work at the magic shop.” “Oh…” Silence again. After a couple of minutes, Al was just about to say goodbye and run off, but she suddenly spoke. “Why haven’t you come to visit until now?” She said softly. Al didn’t know how to respond. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know if I should. I didn’t know if I would be welcome here anymore at the time.” He turn to face her, and made eye contact. She was on the verge of crying. She suddenly hugged him. “You are always welcome here.” Al stood there for a second, then hugged her back. “I’m sorry.” The two remained like this for awhile. A sudden chirping sound interrupted the two. Al pulls out his guild card that was making the sound. He had just received a message from Darretta. Heyo! It’s Darretta. I’m at the guild and they want you to come back to it. Something about the Devil Tusk we killed. After Al read the message, he looked at Natalie. “I’m sorry… The guild wants me to go back.” “Ok.” “I’ll come back to visit again. When I have time.” She nodded and he left.

Once Al reached the guild hall, he went in. The usual packed hall was now completely empty. There were only three people at the counter. Darretta, Maria, and Kreyg. He walked up to them to see what they needed. “We have confirmed your story with Darretta, and consider that you both have defeated the devil tusk.” Kreyg stated. Both Darretta and Al smiled. “But seeing as how it is a monster normally assign to rank Iron or higher, we decided it might be fair to allow you a chance to rank up.” Al was surprised by this. Ranking up a few days after joining is a big achievement. “But for you to be allowed to rank up, you will go through a trial. It’ll be sim-” He was interrupted before he could finish. Someone had grabbed him in the shoulder from behind. “In short, you will be facing me together as a simple test.” Came a deep familiar voice to Al. One he dreaded hearing say “Simple test.” Al turns to see Hudsonus with a huge grin on his face.

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