《The Bored God Decides to Meddle》Chapter 17: A new companion yay?


I turn my had back towards Cerina who seemed to run off the bandits. She was now frantically looking around. Probably for me. I stroked my chin in a thinking gesture. My hunch is telling me to go help the less fortunate…

“Alright I can come with you, but only for a little!” I smacked a fist to my chest.

The raging flame circle dissipated as she grabbed my hand. “Your quite odd, you aren’t afraid of fire, and you’re not scared of me.” She pulled my face close to hers. Her amethyst eyes were bright and seductive. The longer I starred at them the more I felt myself being pulled into her.

She chuckled to herself. “Come, our camp is this way.” She pulled me deeper into the forest.

“Wait!” I struggled with her hand, but her fingers were welded together like steel.

The rogue mage stopped.

“Right… You must be concerned about your friends.” She made a hand gesture that looked like a cone, and suddenly. A loud horn boomed over the forest.

“There, all bandits in Deadwood should cease operations for a while.” She tilted me a smile.

I’m not concerned about them in that way! I’m sure Cerina could wipe the floor with those low lives.

I shook my head. “I just want to tell them that I’ll be off for a little bit. It’s a curtesy!” I placed my one free hand on my hip.

She focused in on my eyes. Probably determining if this was some kind of high level IQ escape plan, even though my kind soul really wants to help. But those deep purple eyes…

“I’ll send word to them.” She brushed some hair off the side of my face. Is this where I’m supposed to blush?

She signaled with a hand and pointed to Cerina. With a torrent of wind, a bow shot out from the darkness. It actually caught Cerina off guard.

“Aw!” She jumped back with her sword in a defensive stance.

“I attached a message to it. Shall we be off.”

Before I could usher another word I was pulled along into the forest. Her grip was still tight. I must be pretty important huh?

We walked for around 10 minutes till we reached a small clearing of all the creepy trees to a big wooden house.

“It’s me!” My captor said as she pushed opened the front door.

Inside was a bunch of circular wooden tables, and a bunch of armed men and women with brown leather armor sitting around talking. There was a bar on the far end where a couple of them were raising their mugs gallantly laughing.

Suddenly all eyes locked onto me with a deadly glare. But A reassuring hand came around my shoulder and gripped me close.

“She’s going to be our local healer for now on treat her nicely.” The stares stopped for now, but I could still sense a murderous aura in the room.


We arrived at another building that was connected to the first. Inside was a bunch of sick beds with wounded on them.

“How many can you heal at once?” Is she trying to gauge my limit? Should I low ball it? Yes. Let’s keep my true power hidden for a bit.

“I can only do 3 max, then I have to take a break.”

Her deep amethyst eyes scanned my eyes for deception. Awwwwwwh please just believe me.

“3 it is.” She let out a sigh and sat down on a nearby couch. She rolled to her side, and slumped her arms in a really relaxed position.

“You can go heal anyone over there. I’m a take a nap. If you need me just call out. You can call me Ria….” Her voice decrescendoed to slumber.

“I can leave you know? Your all-important healer can leave.”


Geez! I could you know! But I guess I can be your savor for a little. You certainly are interesting Ms.Ria.

“Well that makes 3.” I finished my song.

“Wow missy your amazing! It’s almost unheard of a healer that can heal serious wounds let alone heal in a matter of seconds!” Praise rained down on me from the tree people I decided to grace. The other patients looked jealous as they struggled in pain. Sorry I guess, I’ll try and get you all up and running by the end of the day.

I never did specify how long I need for my breaks; I guess I’ll go wander around a bit. It’s not like I’m bound here.

“My Songs just healed your physical wounds. You should probably let your minds rest a little.” I flashed a smile and walked out the room, leaving Ria snoring on the couch.

I went back into the other building with the bar. I sat on one of the stools, and ordered a nice class of their finniest.

“You got money?”

I frowned a little. I’m flat broke! I could conjure some money, but that would make me a little suspicious.

“I’m just pulling your leg kiddy; the drinks here are on the house to anyone in the Ravint clan.” The old men started stroking his long white beard while fetching a mug.

“So you’re a healer. I’m glad you came. A nasty flu came in. Thank god we don’t have to rely on Forinch’s medicine anymore.” The surprisingly muscular old man placed the mug down in front of me. It was filled with a deep brown liquid with small white bubbles emerging from the top.

Medicine? He must mean the cargo that gets delivered to and from Forinch.

“Thievery must be tough…” I sipped from the mug that was clearly bigger then my face.

The sweet yet bitter liquid was pulled away from me. “It’s not thievery. It’s justice, we have people dying all over the continent, and Forinch is the only place to get competent medicine, but they don’t share!” He returned my mug.


That’s still stealing old man…

I finished the refreshing drink with a loud “Ahhhh”. As I headed back into the other building.

“You sure can drink missy.” Gramps said as I walked out.

“Hey Big Sister!” A small girl with a half pony tail tugged on my jacket. Her hair was a dark brown color with glowing lighter brown tips. Cute.

I patted her head, and lowered myself to her height.

“Hello!” I sad with a big smile.

“Can you save my papa?” Her eyes were an azure blue that were filled with hope.

“I sure can!” I ruffled her hair.

“Uff.” She glomped onto me with a warm nuzzle.

She guided me to her papa.

We reached a man who seemed to be barely clinging to life. His body seemed like it would break from mental thought alone.

“Dear Veronica… *cough* You’ve grown. *cough*”

“Father! Do not worry we have a healer now!”

“Is that *cough* so?” He directed his attention towards me.

“Yes I am Melody the … Temporary Healer.” I stated clearly. I can’t go in saying I’m the local healer, when I have a fun journey to go on with my-

“My my do I get to see a miracle happen.” Ria pulled up a chair and placed it backwards, laying her arms on the back of it.

I Thought you were dead asleep!

♪I sing this song to heal this girl’s father♪


The father patted around his body frantically.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Yea but you should rest and eat properly, my songs can restore your physical body, but you need to take care of it.” I smiled

“Wow Big sis is so amazing! Father!” She glomped onto him with all her might. All this praise is nice. I might forget to go back to Cerina.

“I don’t know how I can repay you, the medicine was slowly wearing off. It wasn’t for you I would have…”

“It’s ok …Mr…. Veronica’s Dad. Your praise was more than enough.”

“Oh, my eyes didn’t deceive me then, you certainly are a one of kind healer.” Ria said putting a hand over her mouth. She was clearly pleased by what she saw. Why wouldn’t she be!

“Are healers really not common?”

“Well it depends what kind of mastery the healer is. Everyone can study magic. Anyone can be a healer. But healing magic is hard, you have to know the human body to the finest detail, and be able to mend the broken parts. A wrong move could be fatal. So seeing you heal fatal wounds, and in this case a terminal illness in so short a time is amazing. I’m so glad you are mine.” She bridged her hands together for her chin to rest on. She put a lot of emphasis on ‘mine’.

“Yours! Sorry, but this is just a short detour for me. Just a pit stop!” I exclaimed. Ria’s eyes saddened.

“Why can’t you stay?”

“Because I am already on a journey to … to … Aperian!”

“Are you now? What is it you desire. I can get it.” Her eyes cut deep into my eyes. Determination. Confidence. Strength. A hint of recklessness. Conviction.

“Oh It’s not a thing I want. It’s more like a duty type of thing.”

*sigh* “I believe it’s better to reward people instead of punish them. To Praise rather than threaten. You get more out of people that way. So I’ll come with you. Let’s get your mission done. Then you are mine.” She leaned in close and whispered that last part into my ear. That deep sexy smooth voice.

Is it normal for human bodies to heat up?

“But wait didn’t you punish that guy earlier. You know when we first met. You turned him to ashes.”

“Ah him. This rule only applies to people in Ravint. He is part of the deadwood gang. I simply use them as tools for scouting out carriages. It also applies to you to if you become my cute little healer.” She twirled her finger around my hair.

Ignoring that last part.

So the deadwood gang is under the Ravint clan. I see.

“I also didn’t kill him. I saved him. He may be part of another group doing my dirty work, but its best to keep as many pawns as possible.” She looked to her right to see the father lifting his daughter up and swinging her around. A small smile speared on her lips.

“What! Do my eyes deceive me! I saw-”

“Yes they did. I have a talent for light manipulation magic. You only saw what I wanted you to see.”

Illusions! That’s pretty neat.

“Before we go I should formally introduce myself. It’s what my old man would have wanted. Even though if it’s really late.” She got up and rubbed the back of her head.

“I am Riallete Rosary. Call me Ria. I look forward to gobbling you up.” She flirted again. She’s a dangerous one.

“I’m just Melody. A fun loving traveler looking for adventure!” I struck a pose with my arms out and one of my feet kicked out.

“Ha, aren’t you cute. But no family name. Would you like to be part of mine?” Her eyes closed in on the lost sheep, as if she was going to take me away forever.

“Melody is just fine. I have a family!” I pointed at the ceiling. “In the stars, we just don’t have a family name.”

Ria’s eyes saddened. It looks like she took it the wrong way. Well that’s ok. I’ll let her own assumption cause her distress!

“Poor child.” She scooped me up in an embrace. “I know how it feels both, of my parents are gone too.”

Ahh! Being smothered. This isn’t how I imagined things!

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