《The Bored God Decides to Meddle》Chapter 1: For I am Melody
“Hmm I’m so bored….. I’m dying here. All these planets are so boring… Even the gruesome bits aren’t good enough for me. Seen em so much, none of them are unique anymore. Maybe I’ll go meddle with one of em”
“Ok let’s go.”
“Melody where are you going?”
“ummmm,♪ I sing this song for me, and only me transport me some where entertaining! ♪”
“WAIT Melo----”
“Sorry Ergo, but I don’t need another celestial getting in the way of my fun. Anyways I wonder where my song sent me. I didn’t specify anywhere. I just mentioned somewhere entertaining.”
Just then the scent of open wounds, and fresh blood intruded my nostrils. Wait nostrils? What race am I? I carful looked down. Hmm it seems I am a young female human. One of the more undeveloped races. But they do have a lot of pointless conflict. Maybe that’s what causing this detestable smell.
Let’s find out! I carefully used my legs to climb up a grassy hill. Stumbling with each step I finally made it. Geez legs are annoying, why can’t I just float. Wait… I CAN
“♪With these feeble legs that cannot walk anymore I demand the winds of this planet to provide some comfort♪”
With that my body became weightless as I began to float a couple inches off the ground.
OOOO a Bunch of soldiers are going at it!
“Take this you Cardigo scum! HHHHEEEEAAAAAUH!” A soldier screamed as he sliced another with his giant claymore. Wow that man’s quite skilled. He’s taken out 5 all by himself. Wow even with a skilled swordsman like himself his side seems to be losing.
“This is the end Merian trash” A soldier ambushed the giant claymore man. Hehe But his reactions are too good for you. Giant claymore man pivoted out of the way, and tore the ambushing soldier in half. OOO I wonder how the soldier feels! To feel so confident to just die like that! HA!
“Merlin Watch out” Another soldier said positioning himself in the way of a pinpoint arrow, slicing the arrow in half.
*Chuckle* “I woulda avoided it” said the claymore man.
“I’m sure you would, but I wanted to test my skill *Smirk*”
Well aren’t they the lovely bunch. I’m surprised they can still talk like that when there probably going to die. It’s only a matter of time before the army overwhelms them.
Burrrr *Shiver* Ugg I’m cold. Geez these human bodies are weak. I’m not used to wearing cloths, I wonder if they’ll be comfortable. Right now I’m what they call naked.
Plops fist in hand. I know I’ll just wear what those soldiers are wearing.
“♪ Bless me the magnificent with armor the will protect me from the weaker forms of weapons! ♪”
A short glow surrounded me for a second. Then shiny silver plate armor bore itself onto me. Ugg its kinda snug. But I guess this is good enough. I’m not cold anymore. Ok where are we.
OoO they are surrounded. The final two. They seem exhausted. They did A good job, the claymore guy took about around 70, while the other one took about around 50. Well I wonder how there goona skewer these two.
Unless the miraculous comeback commences. I can’t wait!
“So Merlin the unkillable, you certainly did put up a good fight. But atlas you were outmanned. A pompous leather wearing soldier said with his bow aimed straight at him.
Claymore guy Merlin inched closer to his friend soldier, and whispered something to him. My excellent celestial ears could probably pick it up but for some reason the sound deafened there.
Well anyways the friend soldier’s face was in shock, but the giant oath Merlin gave him a stern face. With that, the arrow slicer nodded. And in an instant. He jumped up into the air. An arrow was shot by the soldier with the bow. Merlin swung his sword in a huge circle slicing the arrow, and forcing all of the surrounding troops to take a quick back step. As if I sang a time song, the soldier friend in the air perfectly pushed off of Merlin’s sword, and leapt over the surrounding enemy soldiers. With that he bolted extremely fast to my left. The recoil of the swing left Merlin a little dazed. His giant claymore left a ring in the ground around him. Flustered, the arrow soldier fired two shots into Merlin’s knees, and biceps.
“Ho- How dare you. We will find your so called pupil and kill her! Half of you go after Ceriena.”
Whaaat that soldier was female? Wow. Fooled me.
“You won’t catch her *cough*” Blood spewed out of his mouth.
“Shes a fast runner, even with armor. You should know that. *cough*. You never could beat her in a race.”
“Damn you Merlin!” Angry bow soldier said holding a knife to his neck.
“I once thought of you as a brilliant unbeatable soldier. But now I see you are most foolish to fight in this open plain where my army has the advantage.”
“Hehe foolish you say *cough* With my death Cardigo will fall. I really *cough* thought you were smarter than that, or were you so filled with vengeance that you forgot the southern pass right now?”
“Southern pass----!”
“King Carmin! You basterd”
UGGGH. Bow guy delivered a swift knee kick to Merlin’s stomach.
“I hope you think your death was worth it.” With a quick slice of the neck Merlin dropped to the floor.
… Poor Merlin.
“Men Withdrawal to the citadel. I’m going to finish the job here.” With that, the remaining soldiers started marching back to my right. And Merlin’s murderer took off on horseback to my left.
Wow I can’t see this as any different from any of the other war scenes I’ve seen, but being here is… entertaining.
Well let’s take a closer look I floated down towards the gory bloodied field.
… Poor Merlin.
*Cough* What! He’s still alive. Hohoho interesting. I walked closer to him, to see him ripping off fake skin around his neck, revealing a cut leather strap.
“Why did you come back?” Although he survived the fatal neck slice, the arrows were still lodged in his body.
OOO I guess we would look similar since I basically modeled my armor after hers.
“Sorry Mr I’m not Cerina” With a puzzled face he struggled to lift his head.
“My mistake. I’m just surprised anyone from Merian was still alive. This was a suicide mission.”
I stopped floating and sat next to him.
“Hey Merlin do you think you’re going to die here?”
“Not at all Cerina should come back. I believe in her”
“Can she really take on that many men in her exhausted state?”
“I believe so, but it would be better if you would help her, I don’t know what you were doing during all this chaos, but I’d say you were really lucky to make it out.”
“Help her hmmm. Is there something you’re offering me?” With this Merlin Looked at me with a confused look.
“As your commander I ---”
“Let’s get this straight, I’m not one of your soldiers. I’m simply a watcher that is currently wearing your kingdoms armor.” I said while poking one of the arrows.
“ARRG, then what are you doing here then!”
“Simply enjoying the moment!” I said flashing a big smile, even though my helmet shielded it.
“Whatever just leave then?” Merlin said resting his head on the grassy plain.
*Clank Clank*
“Wow she’s come back fast.”
O I forgot human ears are far weaker than mine, well anyways he should start hearing her soon enough.
Around 5 minutes past before Cerina came rushing back.
“Merlin I have returned. Who are you?”
“give her no mind, lets just get back.”
OoO I hear quiet footsteps. OOO its Mr.Bow guy. It seems he’s going to ambush them. Let me just back away.
Swoosh an arrow game darting on from just above a bend. Wait its coming towards me. This human body will probably be badly damaged.
A shadow covered me in an instant. Cerina dashed in front of me taking the arrow to the left shoulder. Using the momentum of the arrow she spun left, and through her sword with her right hand.
“Awggg! Damn it” The boy soldier said as he fell to one knee. Wow her sense are good. She might be fun to toy with.
*Cough* but this time it was Cerina turn, as she dropped to one knee.
“I will avenge my…” the Bow guy said in between huge breathes, the sword was halfway lodged in his stomach. He grabbed his bow and pulled back an arrow. He let go, but the arrow was way off.
He fell down on his side.
…. Annnnnnd dead.
“Hey you…. I need your help. Help me lift… Help me SAVE MERLIN!” Cerina cried out as she snapped the arrow inside her shoulder off.
“I think I’ll just watch this hopeless situation unfold hehe!”
“Whats *huff* wrong with you? Your part of the Merian army, and with that armor you’re the same rank as me. You should know who Merlin *huff* is!”
“Sooooorryyyy. I’m really just an observer. Let’s just say I found this armor. And I really don’t help anyone, the only person I help is myself.” I chuckled. “Butttt seeing as you did me the convenience of keeping this body intact, Ill give you a little gift.”
“♪ I sing to restore this big oath of a man, and this foolish young lady. Restore them for I am Melody ♪”
With That a bright green light swirled around them. And just like that…..
“Huh I feel refreshed! My body…. Amazing!”
“What is this sorcery?” Merlin said getting up and stretching his arms and legs.
“Well if that’s the end of this battle I’ll be taking my leave. Its suddenly got boring.
“Wait!” Merlin said grasping my hand. Eww gross.
“With your type of abilities we can wipe out Cartigo’s main stronghold! We managed to stay one step ahead of them now, but I don’t know if we can maintain the advantage.” Merlin spoke.
“Look I have already done you a favor. Go home now. And stop touching me.” I said trying to push his hand off of me. But he had a strong rip on my hand. Why you!
“♪ I sing this song to break theee…♪”
“Cerina! Cover her mouth” With lightning speed Cerina was an inch away from my face. And in the next second her hand was blocking my song. These Jerks! I should have let them die!
“Please I beg you, but if you don’t I leave you no other choice.” Merlin’s grip tightened. And pressed a sword to my stomach.
I tightened my glare to connect with Cerlina’s deep blue eyes. I pushed my stomach into the sword.
“What are you doing” Merlin said as he pulled the sword away “Are you insane! Cerina!” Cerina nodded and delivered a strong punch to my abdomen. Ouch these bodies really are weak. What my consciousness is fading. You undeveloped human species…
- In Serial14 Chapters
Dream Dungeon
Welcome to the dream dungeon. Ely suddenly finds himself in a mysterious dungeon accessed only through sleeping. Many people are drawn into this dream world, confused and mystified. Those in this dungeon must kill monsters to survive; maybe even each other. Join Ely as he struggles to survive a ruthless environment. What replaces his rest is untold trauma. What seems like an innocent game trope turns into a nightmare. This is a story of tragedy and the path to ultimate power. All in the hopes of an uncertain survival. _________ This fiction has NOT been abandoned. I made a haughty promise earlier to not worry because I'll continue this series, and with things lately, I've only proved myself a liar. Further promises dwindled, and I've lost trust. So many things have been going on recently that I've been booked. I will refrain from making any future guarantees or promises as my busy schedule will stay with me for a long long while. Time for me to actually spend on writing and revising won't appear until at the least November 19. I won't say expect that's when I'll restart, but you can expect expecting it to maybe happen. That's really shallow. But with everything going on, I've let my small reading base down. I apologize. I still stick by my statement though that I won't abandon this project. I plan to stick it to the end, no matter the delay. Most importantly, thank you everyone; readers who both like and dislike my work. I appreciate your time spent on my dumb imagination. Stay toasty my readers in this winter season. Cheers. UPDATE: We're back on track. Thank you for your patience. Any future readers, heyo! Glad you're here. UPDATE 2: So far it's been 21 days since I last uploaded a chapter. The best thing done for any fiction, no matter how good it is, is that it continues, and I have a bad history with that. 1 fiction on hiatus and already more delays with less than 20 chapters in this fiction. I've been very preoccupied with adding more things to do in my life rather than actually committing to any particular thing. That applies primarily to this. I cannot abandon this, as busy as my future looks and will look as I get busier and busier. Someday, I hope, I will be able to sit down and just write. just. write. But for now, I ask for patience. I suppose I'm glad this fiction hasn't picked up so that I don't disappoint too many people if any really. But I need to commit and it's going to happen sometime and sometime soon. No more flowery words. I'll see you later. UPDATE 3: It's very evident I won't be able to pick up this story for a while. With AP Testing, competitions, and other things I am busier than ever. But I must complete this fiction. I have too. Until next time. UPDATE 4: It is now the summer. I owe everyone an apology. Chances are, nobody's around to see this, and that is okay. I only blame myself for this sort of brokenness of a fiction, not that it is actually that bad but I am just exaggerating it for dramatic effect.But what's not exaggerated is the severity of my broken promise. I apologize for my naive claims about finishing a novel that I couldn't finish and that I didn't have the discipline to finish. Nor the skills, really, I was and am still an immature writer.What is to place now? I want to make it clear I understand this is my fault. I will man up to this. And I will accept any criticism. I understand I messed up. Reading Stephen King's On Writing made it clear to me that I need to do two things:Read lots.And write lots.I have done neither. If I don't have the time to read often, how do I expect to write? I need to become more experienced. I need to become a serious writer.So if I want to dream of continuing, I need to at least fulfill both requirements. I enjoy writing. I haven't written seriously outside of school in a while. I planned to write this summer and finish this. I made a lot of promises that I didn't keep.So there's that. I won't enact any self-pity, or be foolishly obsessed. What I did was wrong, and I must deal with it. I let down readers. And I apologize.I hope I can find forgiveness. This is a writer's sin.I won't promise I'll finish this. I intend to finish this, at some point, because writing is fun and I want to write. But how things are don't reflect that. Maybe I'll finish this at some point. Maybe I won't. I won't be naive to make that promise.I thank everyone who has read this if this is the end. If not, and hopefully not, I thank everyone who is to read future chapters. I thank everyone who allowed me to live in the miniscule little dream of mine as I passed my days. I thank everyone who cares enough to read this. Until next time, peace everyone. Thank you. You are all great readers and great people. I wish everyone the best in whatever reading/writing endeavors follow you henceforth.
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