《The Story of how I died and was reborn in another world as a Half-Demi》Chapter 3 - Helping a great family
Oh well, it looks like I have forgotten a story, which has happened, when I was 14 years old. This story is about how I was able to get some reputation. Since two years ago, when I got the Ambrosia berries as a present from Victima, I was searching for them in the forest. As I found them, I looked at how many of them there were. It wasn’t an artificial field – they grew naturally there.
Because of my special skill – by the way, it is officially called Foodie King – I wanted to eat as many of these fruits as possible. I don’t know what skill I could get by it, but it would probably an unrivalled healing magic, if I level it up enough. As I need less of the normal expenditure to level up skills, and I have again a lessening with another skill, I only need one fifth of my body weight.. Which means 11,5 kilograms at the moment. It still is a great amount, but it is far easier than 29 kg. So after I ate some fruits every day, I got it on level 3 after 2 years. These fruits are bitter, but I ate a whole amount of 49 kg until now.
You see, this ability, if widely known, would cause a worldwide uproar, and everybody would chase after me. I don’t want that. It would be annoying.
So, to tell you a fun fact: After I got that ability, I got a message from god, because there shouldn’t be a quadruple-S ability like this. If measured in Ss, he said it should be a septuple-S. I haven’t answered him, but it is no septuple-S probably because of one little flaw: I can’t heal myself with that ability yet. I probably need LV.5 for that. At least. So a whole lot of Ambrosia berries more.
When I was fourteen, I got to hear something: The landlord died. And I wanted to test my ability. So I sneaked into the building. I heard that he died around midnight. And it took me almost one day to get there, when it was after midnight. So I needed either about 300 blood drops or some tears. I can also combine them.
The problem: I can’t forcefully extract tears. So I need to extract some amount of my blood. How much is one drop? Less than one ml, or more? I think less. I probably need less than a quarter of a litre. It is hard to get the exact amount, and it will be very difficult to get in his mansion. I hope a quarter of a litre will be enough. And, as I want to know if it works, I will need to stay in there for some time.
So, I sneaked inside the building. At least, I tried. But I saw the barriers. Like this, it will be hard to intrude the mansion, but there seems to be a gap inside the barrier. But it is very small, and it is wandering. If I wait too long, I will need more than one quarter of a litre. Should I destroy the barrier? That would surely attract too much attention... Huh? At the top seems to be another gap. Is this intentional? Well, I shouldn't care about that too much, I need to use that gap. *jump* Close! I thought, I even felt the barrier with my hairs.
Phew. At least that has worked. And the soldiers don’t seem to be alarmed. Now, where is that landlord? I mean, you could say, that he is a guinea pig for me at the moment. But there still is no possibility of a worsening. So there should be no moral doubts. I also have a weird mask, so really nobody will be able to say, who I am. Hopefully. Now, how do I find him? Should I threaten a maid? I could be strong enough to defeat his strongest butler… maybe not. I think it is the best if I threaten a maid. It will be a crime, but I won’t do anything worse.
[After wandering around inside some time]
There is finally a maid.
[Lupin creates an air dagger]
(Lupin) “Don’t scream or you’ll die.”
(Maid) “A-“
(Lupin) “Don’t do anything, except what I tell you to do. Nod if you understood.”
*Maid nods*
(Lupin) “Lead me to the corpse of your landlord.”
*Maid has a shocked expression on her face*
(Lupin) “Don’t worry about that. I won’t necronize him.”
*Maid is confused, but leads him to landlord*
[Butler appears] (Butler) “Maid, who is this?”
(Lupin) “You can call me . You keep quiet about my presence and existence, except to the landlord’s family. Else I won’t do anything.”
(Butler) “What do you…? Hey! Wait!”
[Lupin rushed with the Maid further to the direction of the landlord’s room.]
(Lupin) “This is the room where the landlord’s corpse is?”
[Maid nods]
(Lupin) “If you lied, you will die. This really is the room of the landlord’s corpse?”
[Maid nods]
(Lupin) “Now you answer my following question: How many hours have passed since his death?”
(Maid) “27. And some minutes.”
(Lupin) “That was the most important information, thank you.”
[Lupin got a chalice filled with a red fluid out of his pouch]
(Maid) “You will really not necronize him?”
(Lupin) “I would need various tools to do so, right? And, I haven’t even got the affinity to do so.”
(Maid) “But, what else…?”
[Lupin hears steps]
*door opens*
[Lupin rushes inside with maid and closes door]
So, in here is the landlord’s corpse? I bet the butler thinks, I want to steal the treasures instead. But it still is important to barricade the door. ‘Barrier – physical’ ‘Barrier – magical!’ [A mediocre double barrier appears.]
(Lupin) “This should be enough. Let’s see, if it works.”
[Walks to the corpse]
(Maid) “What will you do?”
(Lupin) “See it yourself.”
[Lupin attaches the chalice onto the landlord’s lips and slowly let the fluid seep into his mouth.]
(Lupin) “Does the landlord have a treasure which is connected to the phoenixes?”
(Maid) “A feather he has is said to be a feather of a phoenix.”
(Lupin) “Hahaha! This is the best distraction! Hmmm… More than half is already down.”
(Maid) “Could you tell me now please what you plan to do with the landlord’s corpse?”
(Lupin) “Sure, why not? But listen closely. This fluid is able to heal every wound and disease and can purify every poison. If the intake is enough, it is even able to revive a person. But, there is a price: The person, who got revived, will have to rest one day for every dead hour. Whenever he does something except eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, lying and talking whilst this period, his lifetime will be reduced by the thousandfold of time he did that.
So, 1 day of walking will reduce his lifetime by almost 3 years. If he continues with his normal day life, his lifetime would be reduced by about 47 years. It can be used again on him, but I would have to treat him with that reduction. Lets say, he would live 20 more years. Then I would have to treat him, as if he were 27 years dead. I would never get enough of this fluid.
[The last drop seeped into the landlord’s mouth.] It should at most take 10 minutes for him to wake up. I will tell him the same I have told you, then I will go. I don’t want too much attention.”
(Maid) “But why? You would be famous all over the world!”
(Lupin) “This fluid.”
(Maid) “Yes?”
(Lupin) “It is my blood. Do you understand now?”
[Maid is completely stunned]
(Lupin) “I got this ability, as I accumulated a lot of the essence of the Ambrosia fruit. This was only possible through a special skill I have. So, no other person will ever be able to have this skill. And, this skill is also dependant on two things: First, the innards of the concerned person must be intact. Second, the time the dead person is dead. 12 drops per hour.
Imagine, he would have been dead for several days. I would have needed to use a far greater amount. I could’ve died myself. And, the only real flaw of this skill: I. Can’t. Heal. Myself. And you will keep quiet about this. Understood? Else, I don’t know what could happen.”
LV.4 -> LV.5 -> LV.6 -> LV.7>
(Lupin) “It looks like my skill improved by leaps and bounds just because I revived him. Maid, you surely have some skills, right?”
(Maid) “I have the Cleaning skill.”
(Lupin) “Lets take it as an example. What level is it?”
(Maid) “12.” (Lupin) “And you know, how hard it is to increase its level, right?”
(Maid) “It took me 1 year, to get it from 11 to 12.”
(Lupin) “Now, the skill, which allowed me to revive him, just went from 3 to 7.”
(Maid) “If you had that level before…. What would be different?”
To revive a person, the needed amount of blood is 2 multiplied with the number of elapsed hours. A person’s revival is only possible, if its innards are unchanged after the death. Also, the revived person will have to rest two hours for every dead hour. If the person doesn’t, its lifetime will be reduced by a twenty-times of the period it didn’t rest. This skill’s owner can also heal himself or revive him, but the amount of rest and blood needed is multiplied with ten.>
(Lupin) “He would just have to rest double the time he was dead. His lifetime would only be reduced by a twenty-times, and I would only have needed a sixth… This skill surely wasn’t in the mind of gods. But I still don’t know, how good the real phoenixes were… They probably could have done everything with one drop of their blood, let alone their tears...”
*cough, cough, inhaaaaaaaale*
(Maid) “The landlord!”
(Landlord) *faintly* “w-what happened…”
(Lupin) “I have revived you. You need to rest for 28 days. You are not allowed to do anything in this time, except eating, drinking, talking, sleeping and breathing. Else your lifetime will be reduced by a thousand-times the time you didn’t follow this rule. This is the flaw of the medicine I gave you. And, I don’t expect any payment. Not yet.”
(Landlord) “Who… are you?”
(Lupin) “Call me . But search for me under the name of , and test them, to sort out impostors.”
(Landlord) “What… medicine is so… powerful, that it could revive me?.... Even after… so much time…”
(Lupin) *smiles* “Don’t do anything exhausting and follow the rules I’ve told you. Else, like I’ve said, your lifetime will be reduced 1000-times the time you didn’t follow the rules. And if you want to see my face… see you in a month!”
After that, I got out of the landlord’s mansion. Shortly after that, it was announced, that the landlord revived, and everyone was shocked. One month passed in the blink of an eye, and I heard, that the landlord was searching for a person called . I smiled. He did exactly, as I had told him. In that one month, I ate the wyvern, and I got the following two abilities:
Nice, huh? I also helped some other people with , and it got levelled up to 9, mainly because I revived another one, shortly after his death. It is like the following now:
To revive a person, the needed amount of blood is 1.5 multiplied with the number of elapsed hours. A person’s revival is also possible, if its innards are slightly damaged. Also, the revived person will have to rest 1.5 hours for every dead hour. If the person doesn’t, its lifetime will be reduced by a 15-times of the period it didn’t rest. This skill’s owner can also heal himself or revive him, but the amount of rest and blood needed is tripled.>
I don’t want to know, what god is thinking now. What would happen, when I was able to eat a sufficient amount of Aeternitum. But this ability maybe has another flaw: Probably, if the intake is too much, the healed person could die because of over-energizing. I don't know about that, but I am not eager to find out.
Well, I got to the landlord’s mansion.
(Landlord) “Are you Phoenix?”
(Lupin) “I am just a Descendant of the Phoenix race.”
(Landlord) “Ahh, finally. So it truly is you. I have never thought, that it will be a Demi, who will make me regain my life. Could you tell me your name?”
(Lupin) “At first, please keep the matter a secret.”
(Landlord) “I understand. I surely will. Could you please tell me your name now?”
(Lupin) “Lupin.”
(Landlord) “Lupin. I wanted to offer you something, but whatever I offer, it wouldn’t be enough. Is there anything you wish for? Like, for example, to enroll in the Elite Academy?”
(Lupin) “I merely saved a life. Many more get lost outside of this city. Although I saved the life of an important person, it was enough, that I got the opportunity to see the capabilities of my skill. The enrollment in the Elite Academy is no problem for me, my parents have already dealt with that matter.
If I should get the opportunity to wish for something… I should consider the fact that it is inside your capabilities… It might be bold, but do you possess some dragon scales? Or something from a similar powerful entity?”
(Landlord) “For an average commoner to ask this, it would surely look like he would be audacious. But you are my life-saver. I got the feather of a phoenix, but you already have a powerful healing technique, so you probably won’t need it.
I indeed possess some dragon scales, but these were leftovers from the auctions, because they were too damaged for sale. They are normally used for bone-meal or as other ingredients, because of their strengthening effect. But, will you be happy with those leftovers?”
(Lupin) “Indeed, if the mass is enough. I don’t care about quality if they all are from the dragon race.”
(Landlord) “The mass? Very well then. I shall get them for you. Sebastian!”
[The butler from a month ago, who Lupin met, appeared]
Sebastian? That is such a cliché name!
(Landlord) “Get the dragon scales!”
(Sebastian) “But, milord, these leftovers, are they really enough for your life?”
(Landlord) *whispers* “I surely intend to give him some other rewards, but for now, if he himself chose them, we shall fulfil his desires.”
(Sebastian) “I understand.”
[First goes away, then, after some minutes, comes again with a medium sized item bag]
(Sebastian) “These are the dragon scales. They mostly are from lesser dragons, but some scales of medium dragons and one scale of a greater dragon. The latter one alone weighs probably as much as half your weight . But these are merely the broken leftovers.”
(Lupin) “I humbly accept. I hadn’t expected such a big amount.”
(Landlord) “May I ask, what you are planning to do with them?”
(Lupin) *bite* “Hm? I have already begun with it.”
(Sebastian) “You have BITTEN into these scales?”
(Lupin) “I still haven’t completely recovered from the revival. It doesn’t only use my blood, but also a great amount of MP. Moreover, these used MP can only be recovered with a far lowered speed of natural recovery, and artificial means of recovery don’t work. So I have to eat a great amount of things to speed up the recovery.”
(Landlord) “Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHA! You truly are interesting! You have bitten into a dragon scale as if it was a piece of cake! But, I have another question: One ton of dragon scales will surely be enough to speed up the recovery fast enough. In fact, a small part of them should do. So, do you have another advantage of them?”
(Lupin) “Has your maid told you, how I got the skill ?”
(Landlord) “No, she hasn’t.”
(Lupin) “No matter what I eat, if I eat enough of it, I can gain abilities depending on what I eat. I can’t choose which one I get, but with a bit of luck, I am able to gain outstanding abilities. And, I can also train them the normal way. The was the ability I got, after I ate a great amount of Ambrosia berries.
I am interested in what I will get, when I eat dragon scales. But nevertheless, please keep this a secret. I don’t know, if this ability can be stolen.”
(Landlord) “It‘s Skill Level must be above Triple-S… I am truly interested in seeing your development. But, may I ask a favour?”
(Lupin) “Which one?”
(Landlord) “Could you please… could you please heal my wife?”
(Lupin) “No problem. Just by reviving you back then, the abilities level rose by 4. Reviving is truly an outstanding accomplishment, as it gave that much Skill-experience.”
(Landlord) “Uhm… Do you see reviving just as gaining experience?”
(Lupin) “Reviving is playing with lives. If I saw that as just gaining experience, how unscrupulous would I be? Nobody could trust me. Now, I see the matter from back then as gaining experience for now. But back then, it was a serious matter to me, as it was acute.”
(Landlord) “At least.”
(Lupin) “Would you like to tell me, what your wife is suffering from?”
(Landlord) “She almost got assassinated. She has serious wounds and got poisoned too. She is at the brink of death. So please, heal her!”
(Lupin) “…”
(Landlord) “What is it? “
[An extremely murderous aura suddenly revolves around Lupin]
(Lupin) “Could you tell me the assassin’s name after I dealt with this matter?”
[All people began to shiver because of fear]
(Landlord) “Yes, but…”
(Lupin) [The murderous aura dissolves] “Ok. Then at first we should heal her.”
[After some minutes]
(Landlord) “This is her room. Really, please, heal her!”
(Lupin) “I told you already, that I will do it. So calm down.”
[goes inside]
(Lupin) “What is this smell? Do her wounds seep? You should have cleaned them!”
[Rushes to the Landlords wife]
[Feminine voices are heard behind the curtains]
(? #1) “Haven’t I told you already, that you should leave us alone! Mother is dying!”
[Lupin stops]
(? #2) “Just get lost, whoever you are!”
(? #3) “If it was father, he would have gone away until now. So would Sebastian or any of the maids. Who are you?”
(Lupin) “The descendant of the phoenix race.”
(? #2) “Don’t speak in riddles.”
(Lupin) “The landlord hasn’t told you?”
[Suddenly, Lupin cuts his thumb, rushes to the landlord’s wife, and presses his cut thumb on her lips.]
(? #1) “What are you doing?! Get away from mother!”
[One of the women tries to pull Lupin away from the Landlord’s wife]
(Lupin) “Don’t worry. It is already done. Three drops should be enough at my current level.”
(? #3) “What…?”
[The wounds began to close at a speed visible for the naked eye]
(? #1) “How… Have you…? Is she?”
(Lupin) “Don’t worry about her. She will be healthy in no time. As she hasn’t died yet, there will be no negative side-effects. But she should still rest for some hours. I have to go now. These dragon scales are indeed tasty.”
(? #4) “You… healed mother?”
(Lupin) “Yes. Is it that unbelievable? You can see yourself.”
(Lupin) “She should be completely healed by now, the poison should also be purified. So no need to worry for now. I have a topic to discuss with you father now.”
[Passed the door, then Lupin releases a murderous aura again, even more dreadful this time.]
(Lupin) “So, who was it?”
After the Landlord has told me, I used my damn overpowered stats to kill that guy. I once revived him and killed him again. And that was it. I killed him twice, once for the landlord’s wife, and once because I hated him for doing such a thing to his wife.
I wouldn’t have done it twice, if it was the landlord. But it was his wife. His wife wasn’t even involved in anything, as it seemed, so to try to assassinate an innocent person deserved it to be killed a second time. And I got quite some stuff from him. Looks like he was a well-paid elite assassin. 7 big gold coins.
After that, the landlord tried to marry me with at least one of his daughters.
(Landlord) “Do you really don’t want to marry any of my daughters?”
(Lupin) “I neither know them nor love them at the moment. I won’t marry any woman I don’t love.”
(Landlord) “Haaah… I understand. Then, at least accept this please.”
[hands Lupin over a small item bag]
“Inside are 3 kilograms of Aeternitum and 1 platinum coin. It is the least I can offer you for reviving me and healing my wife. And if you ever have any problems, do not hesitate to ask me.”
(Lupin) “Did you just give me this amount of Aeternitum as if it was nothing?”
(Landlord) “It truly is nothing in comparison with two lives.”
(Lupin) “If this is what you say, then I shall humbly accept this offer.”
(Landlord) “You really don’t want to at least become acquainted with my daughters?”
(Lupin) “Well, I will probably meet them at the Academy, right?”
(Landlord) “You want to get to know them on your own? This is different, as when I would introduce you to them.”
(Lupin) “But then, they would show themselves only from their best side. It is important to know the complete spectrum of their personality.”
(Landlord) “Hmmm... May I ask how old you are? Your appearance suggests, that you are less than 16 years old, but you behave like you were as experienced in life as an old man.”
(Lupin) “I am fourteen years old.”
(Landlord) “Let me ask you the other way. Are you perhaps a so-called ‘Re-Souled’ ?”
(Lupin) “What, if I wasn’t?”
(Landlord) “Seems like you are one, if you ask like that. I won’t ask any further, but I at least understand now.”
(Lupin) “I need to go home now. I hope, there won’t be any weird side-effects because of the medicine.”
(Landlord) “Could you tell me at least, what the medicine was?”
(Lupin) “Oh well, your maid would probably tell you anyways, because I somehow told her.
It wasn’t something acquainted with the Ambrosia berries. It instead was my blood. Because of that, really please keep it a secret. I hope, I can trust you.”
(Landlord) “You mean… I and my wife drank your blood? This really shows some similarity to the phoenix race. They were chased and killed for their blood hundreds of years ago. You would probably be chased too. I can’t let this happen for the greatest benefactor of my family. You can rest assured about that.”
(Lupin) “I am relieved. But I really have to go back home now.”
(Landlord) “Thank you for everything, Lupin.”
After I have gotten back home, my parents were wondering, where I have been lately. Well, I had to tell them somehow, So I told them, that I have done a great deed, and told them, that they shouldn’t ask more about the topic. As they asked me, how far I would go, I told them, that I would even give up my dinner and more. They knew, that I would only do that, if something is very important for me, so they didn’t ask further, but instead tried to find out themselves. I don’t have to say, that their search was in vain.
So, that is what happened when I was 14 years old. This time, for real, the next important thing that happened, what my enrollment in the Elite Academy.
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The Cosmic Interloper
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