《tale of a worm》How to annoy a beetle and a Lily


It's been 2 days now,a lot has changed and guess what.I will be able to get my status back and also the lost companion system.Also my access to Queen's system

We are now out of the hive preparing for the winter as we can feel it.it's coming near.

"What are you doing there???"Queen asked me whose feeling the air on the side of the tree as she pull some woods

"I'm just CHILLING"I said as i give her a wink

"Not funny"She replied with plain tone

"Yeah,it's Punny"I said

(Yahh I know it sucks


I don't know,but I got lot of puns inside my head before writing this and now their gone.Fuck it)

"Arhhh shut up"She replied as she left

"Hahahahahaha"I laugh

"Hey,help me here!!!"Lily shouted as she pulled a huge log of tree

"Huh,why wood you even want to carry such a huge log,"I asked

"Fuck off"She replied as she asked the other beetles instead

"I think you need to calm down,you're too COLD"I said

"Ha ha ha ha ha no one laughs"She replied

"Hahahaahahah ok,I will help you"I said as I took some of her burden by helpig her

"It's getting cold haha"I said as I carry the log together with her and the others

"Hahahahaah yeah,you might freeze to death"She laugh

"Never experienced being a hotworm before"I replied

"I though worms skin are more sensitive,but you're not"She said

"Yeah,but I'm thick,so....."I replied

"Stop your Puns"She said with a pretty annoyed tone

"We have to continue.we can't stop here.But seriously,it's cool here"I replied

"Ahh I should have known"She replied as she just look away

We soon reached where we stack up our woods and also some bones


"Wanna break some bones??"I asked her if she want to carry some more log

"Huh,shut up"She replied as she walked away and sit next to Queen whose helping arrange the logs and woods.There's a bit of fire next to the them enveloped with stones to prevent it from burning the woody floor of the hive

"That's pretty lit"I said as I look at queen who look really gorgeous

"Stop it and just help"She replied with her usual shy tone of speaking

"Ok,how long before winter will officially start??"I asked lily while helping Queen with the logs

"It's starting already,I heard that some rare creatures and plants appear during winter"She replied

"Huh,it will be the most dangerous part of our life,we are somewhere unknown covered with fog with a lot of undead"I replied

"Undead???"Queen asked

"Yeah,bodies without souls or corrupted souls,well there are some that have souls and body,like demons,vampires,Lich and lot more"I replied as I tend the larger pieces of woods

"Kind of scary"Queen replied

"Yeah,kinda spooky"I replied

"Speaking of rare animals,which is best to eat???"I asked with question marks above my head

"I heard about a very plump ice rabbit,they are delicacies on my hometown"Lily replied

"What about you queen,what do you eat when it's winter??"I asked Queen and she just pluck some ice crystal from the side and much on it

"Try this"She said as she gave us two ice crystals

"Hmmm I have that point of my life where I want to eat ice"I said as I bit on it.It's hard,but it melts once it entered my mouth.It's tasteless,but very soothing

"How do you eat this???"Lily asked as she look at the ice crystal.Torn between eating it or not eating it


"I don't know about humans,but It melts once it entered your mouth"I said

"Hmmm lemme try"She said as she break it and put some inside her mouth.She look fine after eating this,but instantly her face change.

"What's wrong???"i asked

"Humans are not supposed to eat monster food like that one,I remember one whose body explode after eating a weird crystal"Lily relied with nervous on her voice and her face looks really terrified

"But you're not exploding"I replied and it eased her as she cheek her body and found that nothing change

"How come"She said

"Why look so weird???"Queen asked as she munch on some ice crystals

"Generally monster eat foods filled with chaotic mana.Only monsters are known to be able to eat foods like that"She replied

"Actually why are you too not worried.There's a possibility that I will die and you two are just'chill'"She said

"I doubt that you will die"I said

"Me too"Queen said

"Ehhh why,I'm not that strong"She replied

"You're just thic hahahaha"I replied while laughing

"Come on,be serious"She said

"You have been eating those berries without knowing their kinds"Queen said

"Take a better look at this"I said as I passed a berry over to her

"Nothing weird about it"She said

"Nahhh sense the inside"Queen said and so did Lily split the berry in two

"Nothing here"She replied

"She's talking about the mana that circulates around it"I said

"Only mages can sense mana"Lily complained

"Then be a mage"I replied

"I'm a warrior"She replied

"Then be both"Queen said

"Nahhhh let's continue this tomorrow,I'm sleepy"She said

"Ya'll sleep like a log"I said

"Shut up!!"They shouted


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