《Unknown Fate's End》New Beginning Part 3


Finally remembering who he was seemed to be a final key to something. He felt a warmth in his chest that slowly spread outwards, reaching every part of his body. The aches plaguing his body seemed to melt away in front of the warmth, while he slowly felt his strength recovering, enough so that he knew he could stand up if he wanted without passing out. Val looked down at the scrawny body that belonged to him, surprised and shocked at what was happening. In his short life so far, he had never felt anything like this before, but he knew what he was experiencing. “Awakening...”

That word was something that all beings on Azara longed for. Enough so, that those who experienced it, would have the greatest chance to change their lives. It was like wining the national lottery back on Earth, but it was more than just material gain. An 'Awakened' or 'Professional' could use something that did not exist on Earth, per his memories. It was something only known in fiction and legends on Earth: magic.

Val couldn't believe what was happening. This was something every street rat prayed for as they struggled to survive, but few if any gained the chance to experience. He did not know much about magic, but from everything he had seen in his short life so far, he knew it existed. If science was the fulcrum by which civilization rose on Earth, 'magic was the lifeblood of civilization on Azara. Without it, life would not exist.' That was a phrase he had heard as a child from famous storytellers in the great market, the poorest bards in the seediest inns, and the wisest scholars debating in great plaza.

As his mind raced to keep up with what was happening to him, the warmth finally reached his upper neck and began spreading to his head. Val flinched, clenching his teeth as felt something happening in his thoughts. The dark, foggy space that he remembered feeling/seeing, when he was remembering everything earlier, was back, but this time it was more vivid. It wasn't a dream or his imagination, but a vision of something that was a part of him. The past him would not have had the words to describe it, but memories of earth gave him a phrase: 'mind's eye.'


The dark sphere in his mind's eye seemed to be as real as his hands, though he could not physically feel it. However, there was a... 'mental feel' to it, and as the warmth finally covered his entire body, the dark sphere began to glow, emitting a silver light. Val couldn't look away, even if he wanted to, as the dark sphere stayed at the forefront of his mind, its visualization becoming more concrete/vivid as time passed.

Just when he thought the brightness would keep increasing, the silver light dulled as it was quickly absorbed into the dark sphere. Everything seemed to have returned to before, but Val saw little flashes of silver in the dark sphere, clearly showing him that something had changed. Then, before he could look closer, the vision vanished from his mind. He was curious at what had happened, and he knew that all of it had something to do with magic. However, having grown up on the streets, eating leftovers and garbage, there was very little he knew about that side of the world. However, he now had magic, and even though he had no idea how to use it, he knew he had changed. The dark, narrow path that been his life was now a little wider and a little brighter.

Of course, all that depended on whether he would survive the next few days. “Uggghh....” His elation over, he remembered the predicament he had found himself. 'Street rat' was as low and menial as it sounded. He was one of the lowest of the lowest in the City of Albreit. He had no official 'job,' no real 'home,' and no real rights. If he was being honest, his existence was probably lower that most slaves in this city. Most slaves at least had life skills that gave them worth, but the only thing Val knew how to do is pickpocket, steal, and keep his ears open. Worse yet, he wasn't exactly a genius at being a 'street rat,' and not being a genius in his current career choice was the same as counting down the days til he dies.

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