《Draconic Transcendence: Cinders and Ashes》Chapter 13


After growing older and her time spent with George, Edna’s world had expanded quite a bit, and it was inevitable that she would explore more and more of the city, and meet more and more people. However, she ran into trouble in the form that other kids in the area designated her an easy target, perhaps due to how distinct she was compared to them. And of course, there was that boy, who came regularly to the slums to torment her: Albert Miriam Hughes, of the Hughes House, a clan that had much influence within the Council that the Archon of Apollyon counseled with on important matters.

Their first meeting did not quite go well; Edna was playing with June and Hart, when she felt a presence behind her. She turned around and regarded the person, noting how much older he was, and how well dressed. It was plain that he was a noble. “Hello! What brings you here?” she asked cheerfully. The boy spat on the ground, snarling. “That’s no way to address me, pig!”


“I am Albert Miriam Huges, first in line as head of my house! You should address me as “Lord!”

“Ok, lord,” Edna said, quickly changing her tone and form of address. For whatever reason, that seemed to make him angry. “You piece of shit! You’re mocking me, aren’t you?”

As a matter of fact, she wasn’t, but of no will of her own, she had indirectly made enemies of a powerful kid. For the next few months he wormed his way into her life; he gave all her friends expensive items and used that, in additional to his leverage, to turn them against her. He took every chance he could to make her life miserable.

“Out of my way, runt!” Albert, on one particular occasion, shoved Edna away, who was doing nothing but minding her own business. She fell down under the impact, letting out a surprised yelp at the sudden contact. Edna winced, not able to understand why he was being so harsh. He had verbally abused her, but had never quite raised a hand against her before.

For someone like her, born and raised with love and having surprising luck, she had been lucky to avoid seeing troublemakers or aggressive people...although that inexperience meant she was nothing more than a pushover...the perfect target for the noble kid. “Look at the hot potato. I bet she’s going to cry!” The rich kid said, sneering. He was surrounded by both his friends and the other children she had been playing with just moments prior. The boy’s friends started laughing boisterously, and, unwilling to be chosen as a potential target, the other kids began to laugh at her too.


For the very kids she considered friends to laugh at her…it was quite a betrayal for her. Especially when the nickname ‘Hot Potato’ was born.

Given her rather dirty, rough looks and her high body temperature, he had decided to start calling her ‘hot potato’...though it was far from a term of affection. Because of the boy’s influence, others soon called her that as well.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked him. “Why? Because I hate seeing kids in your position looking so happy! It’s like you don’t even know your place!”

“How does my happiness affect you in anyway?!” she asked him angrily. “Eh? Because when peasants don’t know their place, they always cause trouble for us.” In response to his curt reply, she balled up her fist glaring at him. “Aren’t nobles supposed to treat girls nice?!” she asked him harshly. Albert tilted his head. “Well, I suppose that is true…but you’re not a girl, are you?” he asked. Edna fell silent, staring at him with a shocked expression.

“After all, I don’t think you’re even human. No, you’re lower than a human, little more than dirt to be scrubbed off the bottom of my shoe!” For whatever reason, those words deeply gouged Edna’s heart. The other things were hurtful, sure, but this was like a blow directly to her heart. Why? Why did it affect her so much?” Vision swimming, she fell to her knees, her face completely empty.

You’re not human. You’re worse than one.

Her unnatural heat, the fact she never got sick, the fact she could eat piping hot food and drinks without issue, the fact she couldn’t even cry…

Edna knew she was different. Her mother was kind, and Serena was too, but she had heard their discussions between each other. How they wondered why she was abnormal.

It was surely because she wasn’t human…right? She had never questioned it before, but the boy before her had brought those subconscious fears violently to the surface, like a drowned corpse finally breaking free from its watery grave. Deep down, on an instinctual level, she knew he was right.

She did not know how, or why, but he was right. Perhaps if she were older, or had come to grips with the knowledge of such a thing, she’d easily let it pass and love herself for who she was.

But at this stage? Not a chance. “Oh, look! Guess I was right!” Albert shouted, jabbing a finger at her and laughing. “Look at the worm! She’s not even human!”


“Not even human!” The other kids echoed, laughing. For the first time, she felt something within her stir in response, this time, not just despair, but a fiery anger. However, it was gone as quick as it had flared, and she ran away.

That night, she told her Mother what had happened. “Oh, Edna…” Veronica embraced her daughter. “Don’t listen to them. Only humans can laugh and enjoy the company of others, only humans can truly enjoy life. You can do all of these things, and so much more! What is that, if not human?” The words brought comfort to Edna, though she still found herself in doubt. “And, no matter what, Edna, I’ll always love you. In this life, or the next!”

“Heeeey!” A soft voice called. “Oh? I wonder who that could be…” Veronica murmured, crawling out of their ramshackle hut. Edna followed, also curious. Standing before her was Hart and June. “Edna, are you ok?” Hart asked, worry clear in his voice.

“Yeah, we heard what those mean old jerks were calling you!”

Despite all that had happened, Hart and June had cheerfully remained by Edna’s side, always supporting her. “Want to hang out for a bit?” Hart asked. Edna nodded glumly, and the three went off to play. Veronica smiled wanly, though she couldn’t help but sigh. “Why must those above us seek to take what little we have, when they want for nothing…?” she asked softly, but her question went unanswered and unheard.

Despite the support from her friends, the constant bullying from Albert was severely impacting Edna’s mental health. Especially the time when Albert had punched Edna full on when she was playing with Hart, knocking her down. Blinded by pain, Edna could only try to reorient herself, still stunned from the sudden impact. “Stop that!” Hart shouted, stepping in front of Edna. “Or what? I’m not done playing with her yet!”

“You should go rot!” Hart spat.

“Filth like you should know your place! After all, if you-urkh!” he staggered backwards as Hart threw a clumsy punch, nailing Albert straight in the jaw. “You little shit! Hold him down!” Both of his friends moved forward, and easily pinned Hart down, despite his struggling. “Think you’re so tough, huh? Think you can get away defending that little trash pile you consider a friend? Well, see how long you still think after I beat you to a pulp!”

Albert threw a single punch, nailing Hart square in the stomach. Then he threw another, and another, a hail of blows coming down upon Hart, who could only whimper and grunt in pain. Edna, having now recovered, stared in mute shock as the three brutally beat her friend.

And then, she felt something within her stir. With a dreadful creaking, she felt something within her awaken. Warmth flared in her chest, like a newly lit fire eagerly eating through kindling. And that warmth soon turned white hot, though she felt nothing. The world fell silent as she stared at the four…no, three, bullies.

“Eh? Something feels…off?” Albert stopped, looking around. “Hart, get back!” Edna shouted. She had no idea what was about to happen, but she knew it was probably nothing good. Hart, managing to muster all his strength, threw off the confused kids holding him down and dived sideways. The air in front of Edna thickened as she held out her hands, and then powerful flames burst into being and roared forth in front of her, racing towards Albert and his goons. “Woah!” Albert tried to run, but the flames quickly engulfed him and his friends.

And then, they started to scream and cry in pain. They all dropped and began to roll furiously, managing to dampen the fire, but by then, it had done serious damage. Albert groaned, and through tear stained eyes, grit his teeth. “You….little shits! I’ll make sure you pay! I’ll have my father raze down this shitty place!”

“Edna! What the heck was that?!” Hart shouted, completely taken by surprise. Heavily burned, Albert got up and ran off, followed by his lackeys. Edna stared at the scorched ground in front her, her face utterly expressionless.


She hadn’t wanted to hurt them. That wasn’t at all what she wanted! She stared down and gazed at her trembling hands. They could’ve died. They were lucky to get away with heavy burns. In that moment, Edna for once felt a soft heat within her, something she instinctively realized was warmth; it was the first time she perceived such a sensation.

And right now, that warmth within her made her feel disgusted.

Now, everyone she knew would pay. I’ll have my father raze this shitty place! Those words echoed fiercely in her head. Unsure of what to do, she turned and ran, ignoring Hart’s cries of protest.

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