《Anime wheel of fortune》Two personality's


Troy POV

I turn around and say “Kweet carry the meat with your smoke ability”

“Okay,” said Kweet who grabbed the meat and flew off, following Tyreek.

I activate my magic and start jumping from tree to tree.

Roomy POV

Cross-legged with my eyes closed, I feel the heat from the fire that is being pushed by the low breeze. I try to focus on my aura, so I can work on my Hatsu. I do, but my mind keeps wondering, it eventually led me to my life back on earth.

I start remembering the women, my incorporation, my three story house, and more than anything I remember my parents. Huuh, sometimes I forget that I’m only 22 years old because my mind was always on the money.

M mind goes back further than that it reaches the first 16 years of my life in Oakland, Ca. The place where me and Kweet met. Me and him are like brothers because of the things we saw when we walked to school like the rats in the buildings, the junkies, people getting jumped on a corner, the dead bodies, shoot I remember it all for some reason.

I leave my thoughts when I feel someone close “Roomy we found you” said Tyreek who came floating down from the sky. I also seen Kweet right behind him carrying the meat of the last animal we killed.

I grab a stick and poke the fire “What took you guys so long”

Roomy sits across from me while Kweet sets the meat on a low branch that hung from a tree.

Tyreek scratches his head “We kinda got lost on the way here”

“Oh, where’s Troy”

“He should be somewhere around here,” said Tyreek

We stop talking and just sit around the fire. I watch Kweet fly up to a branch and lay on it.


“A Kweet what does it feel like to make the lower half of your body disappear.”

Kweet shrugs and says “I don’t know, I feel the same, just with no legs.”

I close my eyes and say “Oh, interesting.”

With the conversation over, I will just work on my hatsu till I fall asleep. However, I suddenly think of an idea that will help me with developing my hatsu. The idea is that I should buy the water divination, so I can see what type of aura I have. By doing that I can have a breakthrough.

I think of the phone, so it appears in my hand. I open up the store and search up water divination, and what water divination does is put my aura in a category so I can know what my archetype is.

With the tab open I see that water divination cost 1k points. I bite my lip and look at my measly 1.5 thousand points in my wallet. I click buy and a notification pop ups, it says [This is a one time use item]

Huuh, this over priced store, I click proceed and immediately regret my decision.

The fucking pot pops up in my fucking lap, over priced ass pot. I tell myself to calm down and that it is not that serious, but then my heated personality comes back saying “What you mean it not serious, I just wasted 1k on the fucking pot”

My cool headed side comes back with “The pot is going to make us better, look at the positive side of this beautiful pot. My two personality keep arguing with each other.

Kweet POV

Hmm, I’m broke as a joke, and I am sitting in a tree in the dark with a fire crackling beneath me.


Fuck it, I’ll go to sleep before Troy comes bitching about how we left. Haha that's what he gets for making me carry that smoke, bitch.

Troy POV

I stop running and look around wondering “where the fuck are they”

They know I can’t fly so why did they fly so high in the dark expecting me to follow them. I jump into a tree and start jumping from branch to branch going higher and higher until I see a fire. Oh let’s check that fire at.

I activate my free run and run at max speed.

Tyreek POV

Huh, I stare at the sizzling fire that holds all my attention until I feel the breeze come right by me. I see that it is Troy, so I fall on my back trying to act like I was asleep.

“Tyreek, I know you aren’t sleep because I just went past you at full speed.”

I hear his footsteps getting closer and closer until they stop. I try not to laugh, and succeed but A huge iron cube hits my stomach makes me sit up and push it off.

Rubbing my stomach “What the fuck Troy! That shit hurt”

“Well don’t leave me next time.”

“It’s because you can’t fly, slowpoke.”

He says “What,” but I cut him off saying “Don’t talk to me I’m going to sleep”

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