《The Contact Person》Book 1 Chapter 2: A responsibility on intergalactic level: Part 1


First, all of the windows and doors of his room closed and locked themselves. Second, all the light in the room went out. Third, the wooden laughing Buddha Roy got as gift for his 29th birthday suddenly sprang to life and its eyes lit up. All the sounds from outside immediately got muted. All in all, his room became something out of a classic horror story.

Roy was instantly sober. His heart was pounding furiously and pumping liters of Adrenalin into his system. He was ready to act at a moment’s notice.

“Hello Roy.” Roy turned around like lightning, to face the direction he heard the sound from. But he couldn't see anyone. Only the laptop screen gave out light, but it was bright enough to see around the room. But Roy couldn’t see anyone in his room.

“Look at the laptop.” Again the voice said and Roy could discern that it came from the laptop. There was even a big smiling cartoon face on the screen.

“Please do not be alarmed.”

It was a deep voice, maybe the most manliest voice Roy had ever heard. Whoever was behind the voice said it in a very assuring sounding tone, but to Roy, it sounded like something a bad scripted criminal movie villain would say. Without a word, he moved with superhuman grace which would have put most gold medalist to shame. Without a regard for the laptop socket, he tore off the ethernet cable which was connected with the laptop.

Roy released the breath that he was holding, “that should do it.” he wiped the sweat from his eyebrows. Whoever was hacking him, shouldn't be able to do it anymore, now that he has disconnected laptop from internet.

“Nope, that didn't do it.” Again the same voice spoke from the laptop.


Roy hurried up and picked up the laptop. 'They must have downloaded some programs in here'. He immediately took off the battery and disconnected the charging cable.

“Phew.” Roy wiped the sweat off his forehead. He didn't notice it before but he was sweating heavily. Must be because of all that adrenalin. In his relief of doing good job of taking out the battery, he forgot to notice that the laptop screen was still on.

“I am still here.” the voice spoke again and Roy went full into panic mode.

He dropped the laptop onto the desk and fell down on his ass while trying to hastily back off. He backed off into a corner, trying to put as much distance as he could between the laptop and him. The laptop, however, didn't fall with a loud thud like Roy expected. Rather, just before reaching the desk, it stopped and hovered in the midair for a second, then slowly settled down on the desk, like it was a weightless feather.

Looking at this supernatural spectacle, Roy could think of only one thing, ‘this is definitely the work of a ghost. My laptop is possessed by a ghost.’

Roy was expecting the ghost to come out of the laptop and scaring him to death, however that didn’t happen. The deep voice from the laptop started talking, “I am not talking THROUGH the laptop. I AM the laptop.” The voice said very seriously.

“What?” Roy was very much confused, scared and in denial, “I took off the battery and the cable. How is the laptop still on?”

The deep voice answered without any emotion, “The voice you are hearing is mine. I am a semi-living being. I don't require electricity to stay alive.”

“Are you going to kill me?” Roy asked the first and worst question that came to his jumbled mind. Every normal living being is afraid of death. Roy was no exception.


“Rest assured, I mean no harm, just want to talk. If it helps ease your mind, it was Frank who has gifted me to you.” The voice sounded out in most reassuring tone. Roy chose to believe it and got up from the floor. Either way, if the voice wanted him dead, there wasn't much he could do.

“Uncle Frank sent you? But I haven't seen him like, in 8 years. Could you please explain?”, Roy wanted to make heads or tails out of this situation. He still didn’t fully trust the voice though.

“Sure can.”, started the voice, “It is a long story though. You might wanna take a seat. Let me start from the beginning. I was created in a laboratory, an alien laboratory if you please. I ..”

“Aliens exist?” Roy suddenly interrupted.

“Yes they do. And they are very near, provided you have the correct means to travel. Now as I was saying, I was created in an alien laboratory. I and several other beings like me were created to help alien astronauts to go to different planets where civilization has formed to make friendly contact. Then we would be the contact person, or an ambassador if you want, through whom all businesses will be conducted. And hopefully with enough time, become allies.” The laptop explained without pause.

Roy missed most of the explanation and asked the voice to explain again, but slowly. He listened to the explanation and gradually his adrenalin stated to subside.

“Do you have a name?” Inquired Roy. Calling the laptop, laptop, didn't feel right.

“Frank called me Mike. You can call me anything you want.” The voice, now called Mike, answered.

“I will stick with Mike. All right then Mike, exactly what are you?” By this time, Roy has calmed down enough to think properly, and since Mike didn't show any hostility towards him, he decided to talk things out.

“I am a techno-organic being, created artificially in a controlled environment to enable people undergo evolution.” Mike answered like he practiced answering that same question thousand times before, which might probably be true.

“Why did you come to earth? What is your purpose here?” Roy had to be sure of its motives before talking about anything else. If it had any sinister motives, like destroying the planet or something, he had to find some way to escape.

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