《Raimei no Henka》Raimei No Henka Chapter 8


Chapter 8:


“Prisoners Number 3715 and Number 3583, Lunch is about to me brought. Any wishes, I will see if any of them can be done.”

Hey it was the best guard of this place, his name is Larry. Unlike the other ones he seemed to actually care for some of the inmates here.

“Could you get me a soda and wait a second.” I had to hand the mute guy a paper first so he could tell me what he wanted. Cause there is no way in hell I am learning sign language in this cell.

On the paper he wrote, “Just a chocolate bar.”

“And he’d want a chocolate bar. If you can thank you, if not then no problem. Don’t get yourself in trouble.”

“Don’t worry, then one soda and a chocolate coming along your lunch.”

It’s not bad to have at least one guy like that in a shit hole like this. “What ya say man? Have you made up your mind about my plan?”

“I’m still not sure, do you really think they’d accept me?” Even through just writing his worries were quite clear.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be a problem, those guys will welcome you with warm arms.” I feel bad for him, not only did he have to be a Power Bearer but also was born a mute. Him being afraid was expected, well at least he has me here. I have no idea what he’d do without me.

“Want me to continue were I left off with my story till lunch rolls around?”

“Yes yes, go on, you stopped on an interesting point.”

“So I was walking along Nina when she told me that the leader of them was a non power bearer…”

“Yeah I guess after being the lead researcher in that field, he realized his wrongs and is trying to overwrite them now.” What else could be the reason for the side change, not like he was in any harm.


Nina’s expression seemed to be thinking about what I said, but not replying, rather she just kept walking forward down the hallway. I guess I angered her with my words.

The base they had was actually quite well built when I look back at it, it was like a military bomb shelter, but way more on the comfortable side. I was expecting a more run down facility, but if such a building couldn’t be built under the radar of the entire government.

Finally we reached the main control room, which just further confirmed that it was a military bunker. There stood the Leader and along him a girl in wheelchair. “I brought him here.” Nina finally spoke after what I said.

The leader smiles at the both of us, he had mostly gray hair and he wore a long lab coat, I guess it was a reminder to what he was. The girl also waved to us.

Nina and I walked over to them, “So this is Hayato Raiiki, the power bearer that is wanted and also has a kill on sight order on his head.” The man cracked a small laugh, “You have racked up quite a record in only a few months of being a power bearer. But nevertheless I welcome you into Resistance. I am Dr.Mertias and this is Rena, you might had noticed her handy work with the illusions you went through.”

“As you know I am Hayato, it’s nice to be here along all of you, hope to get along with everyone.” They really seemed quite welcoming towards me, I mean not like Mari at first wanted to even look at me.

“So if it’s not a problem, I would like to know why you wanted me exactly to join?” I had to break the nice moment for this. Would you blame, me? They had sent both Nina and Mari to get me to join and still accepted me after declining at first.


The girl meanwhile rolled her wheelchair forward, “We are here to provide shelter to all power bearers we can. So to answer you, we just wanted to help you.” That girl Rena, I still barely understand her even now. She carried herself so well, always with a bright smile, complemented by her short light green almost blue hair.

“Now could you please move so I can get out, you are in the way of the ramp.” I moved out of her way and she just went done and out of the control room.

The doctor continued then, “It is as she said, but another factor is at play, we were actually aware of you being a power bearer before the incident with your mother. And soo…”

I had to cut him off, my mind was filled with what he said, “What did you say? You knew that was gonna happen and didn’t help, nor warn me?” In the heat of that I didn’t notice what I was spewing out. But that man knew his way with words.

“I knew of you, but not of your mother, I am deeply sorry we couldn’t jump in earlier but there was no chance for it. If we did, we would’ve gotten caught by the government as well. Do you understand?” His melancholic voice had almost a soothing effect to it. Calming me down just with his simple words.

“Now that you are calm, I will go on where I left off, I took a large interest into you due to the actual movement capability, I have seen many types of powers but yours is very very unique.”

“In a good way or?”

“In a very good way, teleportation powers are rare anyway, but they are usually weak due to requiring too much stamina to use or being too short distance, but yours. It is instant and can be used to many times over. Could you explain it to me?”

I was expecting him to wonder how to weaponize it, but he just wanted to know the inner working of it I guess. Weird people at that god damn Resistance.

“I don’t mind, it simply works by me placing a mark on things I physically touch. Though from what I have observed the mark is not visible to others. So when I want to, I just have to think of a location with a mark and then just focus on it, then I appear there. But the most unique thing is the trail of energy left between the areas I move between and between each movement it gets stronger and stronger.”

When I looked back at him he had already written almost two full pages down, which first off seems impossible and second off where did he even get that much info.

“I see I see, so it seems like it pretty much deconstructs your body but unlike the usual teleportation where the body is reconstructed at the other place, your body is just dragged along, leaving that trail of kinetic energy.” I didn’t know back then if I should nod in agreement or just look dumbfounded, so I chose the middle ground, being confused.

“How did you get all that?”

He walked passed me with his pinboard with his papers in it, placing it on my shoulder, “Though I am not proud of it, I am probably the person who understand power bearers the best.” Then he also left me and Nina in a really awkward silence.

Which was really awkward cause I still hadn’t told her about me meeting her father or anything.

“Sooooo… Should we also leave or should I like take your hand and move us forward?” Yeah that was a really awkward thing to say, but I still did it.

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