《I'm... Skeleton A?!》Chapter 7: Things In Motion


What does this title even do? Nothing feels different.

I leave the now ownerless study. My steps taking me back towards where my crew is.

As I enter the room, most of the skeletons begin chattering excitedly. One skeleton begins to walk towards me. He’s the one that had run off with the mace.

I swear I see him blush as he steps up to me and hands me the weapon. Skull to the side as he doesn’t meet my gaze. Seemingly bashful.

“Ah, thanks.” I say accepting it.

He makes to scurry away, but I stop him.

“Hey, wait. You should use this.” I hand the mace back to him.

He tilts his head in response.

I quickly raise my arm, the other placed where my biceps would be. “My fists are stronger than some flimsy metal after all!”

His eyes seem to gleam as he looks at me. Clutching the mace before scurrying away again he furiously begins chattering with his group of skeletal friends. The scene reminding me of a group of schoolgirls.

“Well aren’t you popular.” Mary pokes at me.

“I’d better hope so. We need a new leader after all.”

“What do you mean?” She asks.

“I.. kinda… killed Vragska.”


“Not gonna say anything?”

“Ah, I’m sorry for being such a bitch. Please forgive me.” She says bowing her head.

“Wh-what’s wrong with you? It’s gross.”

“There’s a reason for that.” Henderson says as he walks over. I really can’t get the image of a gorilla out of my head everytime I see him.

“I’m kind of interested.”

“Well, when she got that power surge, apparently CWO Mary let it get to her head. When she decided she didn’t have to listen to the lunatic, she tried fighting him.. only, it didn’t go as she planned.”

“It was that bad?”

“Pretty one-sided.”

“I-it wasn’t that bad!” Mary interjects.

“No, considering your apology, it was that bad.” I say nodding my head in understanding.

“You! I try to be nice, but you just…” I think I see her bones trembling in anger.


“Maybe.. I shouldn’t have..” I begin.

“Yeah, it must’ve taken a lot for that prideful Mary to bow her head.” Henderson agrees.

The Undead Marsh

Merchant POV

“Isn’t this path unsafe? Not to mention how easy it is to get stuck in this mud.” Asks a voice from the back of the wagon.

“Ahaha, there’s no need to worry. The Lich has been subjugated, so the most we’ll run into are a few straggling minions. I’ve hired plenty of guards, so no need to be worried Lilia.” I respond.

“If you say so father.” She responds after a brief silence.

The wagon moves smoothly along the path, conversations sparse. The silence hangs in the air, creating a somber mood.

“Even so, isn’t it a surprise? The one who killed him was none other than that twerp Asan! He’s really made a name for himself, hasn’t he? Hahaha.” I laugh in an attempt to alleviate the mood.

“I really can’t believe it. That same Asan who always boasted about being too big for our small village has realized his dream.” Lilia responds. That’s my daughter! She always knows just what to do.

“I remember when he wet his pants after running into a horned rabbit, and that time he fainted after being spooked by the village boys who played pranks on him. Hahaha. To think that scaredy cat would end up a rank A/5 adventurer. We all thought the one of the fast track was Halk. It was a shame when he died to an ogre while protecting the village.” I prattle on.

“Yes father, but Halk was still a child at the time. Only twelve years old, and he even took three of them with him. Had Asan just helped fight that day, he wouldn’t have died. Halk had so much potential.” Lilia says, a hint of sadness creeping into her voice.

“You always did have an eye for that boy, didn’t you honey?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. I just hope Asan is living for the both of them.”

Asan POV

The Hammered Hare is jam packed as usual. The murmurings of secret dealings and of hidden dungeons drowned out by the rough housing adventurers. A few stragglers sit along the edges of the room, casting a disdainful gaze at the others.


“Hey! Asan! I brought a couple of your fans.” Keith says walking over to the table with a couple of giggling town girls in tow. His helm stowed away in his room to reveal his disheveled brown hair. His green eyes glistening with mirth.

“Oh? Quite the catch there bud!” I answer while laughing. “Sit down, sit down.”

“Then, please excuse our intrusion.” Says townsgirl A. Her brown hair is parted, and it frames her cute round face. Two beautiful hazel eyes gazing at me as she evaluates me.

“Excuse us.” Echoes townsgirl B as she moves her light purple hair to reveal her clear grey eyes while she takes the seat to my left.

“Intrusion? Please, don’t think of it that way. You’re more than welcome here.” I say, confidently flashing my white teeth. “I’m sure you all know the name of Asan the Lichslayer, but I’m afraid I’ve yet to learn yours.”

My response elicits a chorus of giggles before they introduce themselves.

“I am Sophia. The daughter of a rather prosperous item shop in this town. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Says the brown haired girl. An almost refined air surrounds her. Perhaps she’s been trained to catch the eyes of a noble, but everyone knows that a prominent adventurer is in every girl’s heart.

“And my name is Melissa.” Says the purple haired girl. The unusual color of her hair giving me clues as to where she’s from.

“Melissa, you wouldn’t happen to be from the continent to the west, would you?” I ask.

“How did you know?” She asks, feigning shock.

“Haha, well, that’s easy. For one-” I begin but I’m cut off.

“Are you Asan?” Someone asks from behind. The challenging voice just having come out of adolescence.

Turning around I see a rather tall boy. His blond hair is long and straight. Piercing blue eyes glaring at me as if he’s looking for a fight. He’s wearing light metal armor, and in the center of his breastplate are three interlocking circles.

“What’s it to you boy?” I respond in kind.

“I’ll just get straight to the point. Give up the soul gem. They may only be held by those who have been acknowledged by the Holy Church of Lumox.”

“Hey kid, what’s the big deal?!” Keith yells, throwing me a wink before towering over him.

“I am Luke. Paladin of Lumox, and I’ve been tasked with recovering the soul gem of Vragska the Lich. I suggest you move aside. I have business with Asan.”

“And if I don’t?” Keith says in a threatening manner as he places a hand on the kid’s shoulder.

“Gyahhhhh!” Everyone in the room freezes as Keith’s cries fill the tavern. Where his hand was is just a bloody stump. I didn’t even see him swing, but the sword is at his side. Blood trailing down the edge.

“Hmph.” Luke grunts.

“Hey! Don’t dirty my floor!” Shouts the bear of a man that is the owner. He stomps over wielding an oversized frying pan.

“I apologize, but could you convince that man over there to see me outside?” Luke says pointing at me.

I gulp before turning back and biting into my bread. “I don’t have time to spare for kids.” I say barely keeping my voice from shaking.

“Go settle your dispute. Or is the Lichslayer not so great after all?” The owner inquires.

“Damn it all, and when I was just about to spend time with such lovely ladies. I’ll meet you at the entrance to the Lich’s old dungeon. At least give me the decency of the meal and company.” I respond in annoyance.

“Very well then, but be sure you don’t run. No shadows can hide you from the light of Lumox.” Luke says before leaving.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit. What the fuck is going on?

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