《The Castaway Isle》Chapter 8: The Swordsman From The Stars


Chapter 8: The Swordsman From The Stars

11 Months after Seofon’s escape from the Dark-

Gemini System 11E-42P-68, home of the planets Enith and Piros, the world duo fondly nicknamed “the dancing sisters”, and for good reason.

One a beautiful Arcane World of green and blue; the other, a Tech World of stone, rust, and technology. Enith and Piros were polar opposites, perfect reflections of the paths every world could take, one of magic or science.

Both planets, so different from each other, hugged so close their atmospheres had melded together in places, creating a sort of bizarre negative zone in the center of their intertwined grasp. Two huge masses this close should have collapsed and warped against the warring gravitational forces in play, and yet they remained in delightful, playful balance.

This anomaly was just a single example of the impossibilities that are commonplace in the Castaway Isle, and this was one of the more believable of the bunch.

{Attention all personnel, brace for Warp Re-entry. Attention all personnel, brace for Warp Re-entry.}

Several thousand miles outside the sisters’ negative zone a silent piece of the void suddenly and violently curled and bent as if something beyond the veil and taken hold of the cold fabric of space and pulled.

With a thunderous roar lost to the empty, soundless vacuum a mass of white-hot metal erupted into existence. The tower like shape stretched and snapped like a rubber band as the distortion was calmed and the fabric of space relaxed, leaving the searing hot monstrosity of metal and technology floating just inside Enith’s lower orbit.

Slowly the metal cooled, the huge warship’s glowing armor died to its normal battle scarred black, revealing the complex array of laser batteries and blast shielding. The main body resembled a mile ling square tower laid on its side with four massive main thrusters on its aft with raised sections protruding from its walls. Every inch of the monstrous vessel was covered in odd black shielding, the same material that had glowed hot from the incredible energy friction Warping caused.

{Warp Re-entry successful. Diverting power from Warp Drive to Main Systems and lowering Warp shields. Welcome Home, Crew of the Prosecutor.}

A sea of lights flickered to life all across the ship as a thunderous cheer rose up from the Prosecutor’s crew as the massive plates of armor sunk back into their slots, revealing more weapon arrays and ship systems.

“Its good to be back.”

Near the aft of the warship an older man in a black jumpsuit with red trimmings settled back in his chair with a satisfied sigh.

The human’s black and grey flecked mustache twitched as he watched out of the command bridge windows as the last of the heat shields slid away, revealing Enith’s beautiful blue and green surface. The man sat behind a console at the top of the bridge, the rest of the room was designed like an amphitheater with each step down led a row of consoles manned by a plethora of races dressed in similar regalia to the old man.

The command bridge was a hive of activity as the heat shields slid back into their slots with a chest shuddering thud. The jumpsuits the crewmembers wore were baggy in some areas, a more efficient one-size-fits-all solution to clothing the hundreds of crewmembers on board than the custom skin-tight flight suits common among some of the merc outfits throughout the Castaway Isle.


The jumpsuits double as a combat uniform should the need ever arise. The scars that marred some of the crew’s faces and skin were proof that feature was more than just hearsay.

A door behind the mustached man slid aside and every being in the room fell silent. The man spun his chair around and climbed to his feet.

“Lord Regulator on the Bridge!”

The old man roared and snapped to attention, his subordinates following suit, their postures straight and expressions neutral, the very demonstrated height of military professionalism and precision.

A huge shadow encroached the open doorway, the shape herculean in size and shape. The figure was so massive it had to bend its head just to get through the doorway. It straightened and proudly settled a shovel like hand on the hilt of a sheathed katana taller than a man as the other, a dark metal contruct, curled its fingers into a fist.

The gargantuan man that stood before him was more than twice his height and his shoulders as wide as the old man was tall. Muscles bugled beneath the half-giant’s tanned skin, his toga a white fabric that rippled and shone like scales on a fish; a subtle indication of the enchanted power that dwelled in the modest bit of clothing.

Most of the being’s torso was exposed, his toga only covering part of him, though only half of his body was still flesh. The scars of a battle fought centuries ago, the left side of the intimidating monster of a man’s chest was a constellation of dull black metal in the vague mockery of his original anatomy.

His shoulder and entire arm were the same, the plates shifted and flowed almost as if they were alive, the entire construct was powered by the Regulator’s magnetic magics. He did nothing to hide the horrific wound, nor the artificial portion of his being, he wore it as a reminder of his mistakes and warning, though to whom it was a mystery.

“At ease.” The huge being growled. The room instantly kicked back into action and the dull roar of voices filled the bridge as if hitting the play button.

The old man relaxed, if but a fraction. It seemed his spine was stuck rigid from habit and personality than nerves, even in the face of a being more than 12 feet tall.

“Glad you could join us Lord Regulator Knivblad.” The old man aired and glanced out of the bridge’s window. “The view is something to behold.”

“Beauty is only an illusion Captain, worthless and deceptive. You will do well to remember that.” The half-giant growled in disinterest. The old man’s mustache twitched in mild amusement.

“Of course Lord Regulator, just as I remember the dozen other times you have reminded me of this lesson.”


“Is the Young Seer going to join us?” The captain asked as he kept his eyes on the wonder they orbited.

“He already has.”

The captain glanced behind him once again as a short person shuffled into the room. Though, truly calling the young Seer that had just walked in as short was incorrect, he was a gnome, and a very tall one at that.

“Seer Elo.” The captain dipped his head in greeting.

Seer Elo looked human enough, except for his abnormally large feet and 3-foot, 6-inch stature. He was a Plains Gnome, distinctive with his short curly blonde hair and light skin.


He was young, though only by gnome standards. Humans in the Castaway Isle can live to be about 300 years old, triple their normal lifespan, Gnomes in the Castaway Isle can live to be nearly 900 years old. Elo was barely out of adolescence at a mere 92 years of age and was easily the youngest gnomic Seer in the Regulator Order.

“Greetings Captain.” Seer Elo squeaked.

The old man fought to keep his mustache from twitching at seeing the young man try so valiantly to act regal and grown up in his white and gray robes, of which were size too big for him.

“Have you gathered anymore information about the disturbance you envisioned Seer Elo?” The Captain asked.

“I have!” The gnome’s hardened face broke into a beaming smile before he realized his mistake and he forced it into a frown. “I mean, yes I have Captain.”

“Good.” The old man’s mustache bent upwards, losing the fight to contain the smile on his face. Can’t help it, the kid’s so damn cute. “Shall we?” He waved to another closed door behind the Command Bridge.

The trio entered an empty conference room with a long table and spinning chairs bolted to the floor along its sides.

The captain and Seer Elo settled into a chair on the corners with Knivblad setting his weight into a huge throne like chair at the head of the table.

“So Seer, have you uncovered anymore on your vision?” The Captain asked. “It has to be important to pull an Avalonion flagship and one of the most renown Regulators in the Order from the warfront just to investigate.”

“I shall start at the beginning.” The gnome squeaked and cast a nervous eye towards the huge half-giant glaring down at him. the Seer knew Regulator Knivblad had little patience for beating around the bush, and to be frank the massive, bloodthirsty Enforcer scared him.

“Approximately 11 months ago myself and a number of other Seers were given a Vision. It was muddled, even in Elder Seer Elijah’s eyes, yet there were a number of clues we managed to put together. First, whatever caused the disturbance was strong enough to tear a rend a hole straight into our dimension, our plane of existence.”

“What does that mean?” Regulator Knivblad asked. Elo’s shoulders popped in fright at his low growly voice, but he found his head quickly.

“It means that what we Saw had ripped a hole into the Castaway Isle. In short, a monster on par with a Gatekeeper, or perhaps even an Overlord.”

“So it is powerful.”

“Y-Yes Lord Regulator.”

“Go on.”

“Yes Lord Regulator.” Elo swallowed and ordered his thoughts. “The second conclusion we came to was the invader’s aura. It is evil without a doubt, its alignment is sure to be chaotic in nature and, under normal circumstances, should have been extremely easy to find a track.”

“It’s been almost a year though, and you have not found it.” Knivblad rumbled and crossed his arms skeptically. Elo shrunk in on himself in shame.

“Yes Lord Regulator.”


“We… We don’t know.”

“So this… powerful monster strong enough to tear holes in the fabric of reality just… vanished?”

“Yes Lord Regulator.”

Elo fought to keep from sobbing as Knivblad loomed over him and bared his dagger-like teeth in a snarl.

“Useless little FOOL!” He roared. Spittle slapped against Elo’s child like face and a sob really did slip from his lips.

“I-I’m sorry Lord Regulator, b-but it’s the truth!” He squeaked in a trembling voice.

“Lord Regulator,” The captain’s composed tenor drew Knivblad’s ire from the little Seer. The Captain frowned at the Half-giant with a sort of disappointed look in his eyes. “Perhaps you should let the boy finish?”

Few would dare speak to Knivblad the Swordmonger as if he were an equal, and even fewer could get away with it; the Captain however, is once such person.

“Hmph. Very well.”

Chastised, Knivblad thumped back into his seat as Seer Elo recovered. He allowed himself a few sniffles then launched himself back into is explanation, the only evidence of what had just happened was the slight slip and hiccup at the edge of his words.

“T-the last definitive clue we could identify c-concerns you, Lord Regulator.”

“Does it?” His usual monotone rumble rose an octave. Knivblad’s interest was piqued.

“Y-yes. After months of research and collaboration we have come to believe that the location of the vision is in fact on Enith. We believe the creature emerged in a place you are… were, familiar with.”

The Seer swallowed nervously and Knivblad didn’t miss the way the young gnome’s eyes flicked to his artificial arm as he spoke.

“The creature emerged in the Cursed Lands. The same place were the Magekiller took your arm.”

Shocked silence descended on the fiery Regulator, even the Captain was stunned. Neither had expected this.

“Are you sure?” Knivblad’s question came as little more than a strained whisper.

“Y-yes Lord Regulator.”

“Well, this must be dealt with immediately.” The captain spoke up, jolting Knivblad from his shock.

The captain turned to the Regulator. “Isn’t your apprentice in Chador?”

“Hmph. Yes. Last I heard he just married his eighth wife. Some half-elvish ranger.”

“Perhaps this is a good opportunity to test him? Arawin is talented and powerful but his performance in his last quest left much to be desired.”

“I agree.” Knivblad nodded, surprising Seer Elo immensely. The regulator was actually taking advice from a weak little mortal human?! Inconceivable!

“Would you like Seer Elo to accompany him Lord Regulator?” The captain suggested as he tapped his chin in thought.

“No.” Knivblad shot down the notion bluntly and didn’t explain his reasons further.

“As you wish Lord Regulator.” The Captain rose from his seat. “Shall I send a messenger down to the surface, or are you paying him a visit?”

“A visit.” Knivblad left his seat and followed after the departing captain.

“Very good! I shall prep a vessel.”


Seer Elo hesitated for a moment before scampering after the pair as anxiety gnawed in his gut.

The gnome had told them both the confirmed facts, but he left out much of what he had Seen in the Vision. Blood, screams, monsters, a beautiful red haired Elf, a growling wolf, a cat holding a shining medallion-

- and an image of haunting glowing blue-gray eyes above a feral, bloodstained grin.

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