《Blinker》Chapter 6: Escape


I woke up on the stairs of the dungeon where it connected to the 2nd floor and my back was aching. I decided to take a break after I finished off the two zombies from earlier and rested on the stairs. I closed my eyes to rest and I was passed out before I knew it.

I opened up my status and saw that my MP was full. My stomach grumbled in protest but there was nothing to eat around here.

I ignored the rumbling of my stomach and went to explore the dungeon. I didn’t want to make the same mistake as I did in the first floor with the pitfall traps, so I took a few rocks and threw them in front of me every 10 steps or so just in case there was a trap like before.

Soon enough I met another zombie. But this time this one was alone. The zombie noticed me when I got closer and it shrieked in excitement as it rushed towards me.

I had no problem dealing with one zombie. I [Blinked] behind it and stabbed the back of its neck with my knife and that was it. The zombie fell to the ground, unable to move and I finished it off by stabbing it in the head with my spear.


[Level Up]

I opened my status menu.

Name: Rane Coult

Title: Snake Slayer

Level: 7

HP: 22/22 MP: 18/18

Strength: 10 Agility: 10 +1

Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 10.5

Intelligence: 5+1 Luck: 3

Wisdom: 1

Skills: [Throw ☆]

[Blink ☆☆☆☆]

Unallocated Points: 3

Hmm… so my MP goes up by one point every time I level up and it refills also. That’s good to know.

The thing I need most is MP right now because that allows me to use [Blink] more times.

I experimented by putting one point into intelligence but that didn’t do anything. Then I put in one point into wisdom. I saw that my MP rose by one when I put a point into wisdom which made my MP 19.

So wisdom and mana are correlated. I decided to put in my last remaining point into wisdom so now my stats looked like this.

Name: Rane Coult

Title: Snake Slayer

Level: 7

HP: 22/22 MP: 20/20

Strength: 10 Agility: 10 +1

Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 10.5

Intelligence: 6+1 Luck: 3

Wisdom: 3

Skills: [Throw ☆]

[Blink ☆☆☆☆]

I cautiously went around the second floor, making sure not to run into large groups of zombies. Whenever I found a lone zombie I used [Blink] and finished them off quickly. But of course, when I ran out of mana I waited for almost 100 minutes. I noticed that because I put more points into wisdom, my mana regen went up and it now took about four minutes and fifty seconds for a point of mana to recover.


Because I didn’t know what time it was I just took small naps while waiting for my mana to regenerate and I never got too tired.

But hunger was the only thing that kept on bothering me.

After I killed my 10th zombie I leveled up to level eight and put in more points into wisdom. Now my wisdom is at six points so my MP went up to 24 because I got one from my level up and my mana regen also increased.

While I was exploring the second floor, I found that there weren’t any traps on this floor or any other monsters, only zombies. Maybe it’s because the zombies were too stupid and would fall into the traps, is why there were no traps set by the Dungeon Master.

I entered a room and saw another set of stairs leading down to the third floor. This time there wasn’t any special chest with a reward for completing the floor but I didn’t care I just wanted to get out of this place and eat something. Overall, I spent over five hours on this floor (I think).

When I reached the third floor, I saw that the scenery was different from the first two floors. The first two floors had a cave-like setting but the third floor had a forest-like setting and there were trees and sunlight. How the hell did sunlight shine in here?

I walked around the third floor until I heard the sound of trickling water.

Hopeful I followed where the sound was coming from and soon enough I came across a small stream.

My spirits were lifted. I rushed towards the stream and brought my head down and took a big gulp of the water and drank until my stomach as full.

“Aah…. That was nice.”

I laid down on the ground and looked up at the blue sky.

‘I seriously wonder how there is light here.’

I got back up and saw black berries on the bushes to my right. I didn’t know if they were poisonous or not so I was hesitant to pick them because I was already full from all the water that I drank. But I didn’t know what might happen in the future so I picked a few berries and put them in my pockets.

If their poisonous and I get into a bad situation where I know I’ll die then I’ll eat them with no regrets. But if they’re not then good for me it won’t matter.

I followed the stream that was going downhill and walked for roughly thirty minutes. During this time I didn’t meet any monsters which I found incredibly strange, as I was on guard the entire time.


The small stream gradually got bigger until I merged with a pond. I decided I needed to take bath so I took off my clothes and put them behind a large rock and I went to bathe in the pond.

The water was cold but it felt absolutely amazing. I was covered in sweat and dirt so I rinsed myself and saw the clear water around me turning dark.


[Level Up]

“Huh? What the fuck?”

I had no idea what the hell just happened. I rushed back to where my clothes were and I found two unidentifiable monsters lying there motionless.

I saw black juices on their mouths and hands and realized what happened.

‘These monsters ate my black berries… Sonuvabitch!’

The two monsters had some sort of doglike features and sharp claws. From the looks of it they might have been scouts and have been following me.

‘Are they… kobolds?’

I didn’t know and didn’t care. I was too careless and berated myself for allowing this to happen and letting my guard down.

‘I’m in a dungeon, if I’m not careful, I’m going to die.’

I put my clothes back on and left the two monster bodies where they were. I began my search for the way out like the Dungeon Master promised, but before that I decided to put in one point into agility, stamina and wisdom. I needed speed, stamina and more mana to escape from here.

Name: Rane Coult

Title: Snake Slayer

Level: 7

HP: 24/24 MP: 26/26

Strength: 10 Agility: 11 +1

Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 11.5

Intelligence: 6+1 Luck: 3

Wisdom: 7

Skills: [Throw ☆]

[Blink ☆☆☆☆]

I left the pond in search of the exit point and searched through the forest. I surprisingly didn’t meet any monsters along the way, only a few small animals like rabbits and squirrels. I tried killing one of them by throwing my spear but they were too small and quick and got away.

I traveled through the forest for over an hour before I heard crashing waves of water and I found a small waterfall. Next to the waterfall was a chest and I went inside the water and headed towards it. That was a big mistake.

By the time I was waist deep in the pool and pretty close to the waterfall it was too late. An anaconda was lying in wait for me and it struck when I was least expecting it. It wrapped around me and constricted me before I knew what was happening.

Let me tell you this, getting wrapped around by a 10-meter-long snake is not fun. It crushes your body and you suffocate and you try to breathe but you can’t. I had no idea what just happened but I instinctively used blink as far as I can and I found myself in a cave.

*Gasp, gasp, huff, huff*

I hungrily gasped for air and breathed in and out quickly. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw that my HP went down to 12/24. Half of my health went down in a few seconds while that snake was crushing me.

This was the closest to death that I’ve ever come and I was terrified. Terrified of dying. I didn’t know what would happen.

Soon, I regained my senses and looked around. It turned out the cave that I was in was behind the waterfall. It looks like the snake just became confused that its next meal suddenly disappeared and stayed in the pool. I’m just hoping it doesn’t coming looking for me in here.

I looked around the small cave and saw another chest. This time I was more cautious and threw some rocks around the area of the chest, but seeing that there was nothing I got closer and opened it.

There were two things inside of the chest: a note and a large white egg with brown stripes the size of half a basketball.

I took a look at the note.

“Surprise! I thought you would die for sure this time! But you proved me wrong!

It started to get boring during the second floor so I prepared this trap just for you! But who knew you would survive!

Anyway, don’t forget about your promise when you leave.

If you move the chest over there will be a magic circle underneath it. If you stand on top of it you will be transported it out of here.

It was really fun meeting you! Hope to see you again!”

-Dungeon Master

I ain’t ever coming back to this shitty place again.

I grabbed the egg and crumpled up the note and threw it away. I moved the chest and saw the magic circle underneath and stood on top of it.

Suddenly a blinding light shone from underneath me and I passed out.

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