《Infinity》Chapter 18


“Well, we knew it was coming.” I said.

“But not like this. I didn’t think they had this many soldiers available. How could they field a force this size this quickly?” Wrang returned. Large crescent-shaped jets sped towards the tower, with a large army on the horizon. At first glance I would guess about 500 of those moon jets.

“Get to the turrets people, we got company!” I yelled out. We had set up powerful railguns on the sides of the tower, that could hopefully take out lots of their jets. Our Oort fighters began to take off, but we didn’t have nearly enough. We had about 150 of them, and as aerial races, the Juncathari could probably outmatch two of ours at a time. However, once again, we had a trick up our sleeves. We had set up a system of infantry launchers to propel us at insane speeds towards something. We had most of our air mages ready to go in these tubes and act as anti-fighter personnel. I got in one of the tubes, (as I was an air mage myself) and launched. I let myself ride the momentum for a bit, before decelerating myself, levitating. I began to charge up my lightnin, throwing it out of my hands, along with several other mages. Our barrage hit their strange yellow craft unexpected, with at least four taken out. Mine penetrated their flimsy shields, used more for aerodynamics than protection, and cut its power momentarily, with it being destroyed by an energy blast that followed up my lightning. The fighters flew past us however, with me turning around to hit them again. Then, the rail guns began to sing. The powerful rounds making a whoosh sound, before slamming into the fighters. They made a huge blue explosion, or the round just slapped a wing straight off, sending it careening into the ground, as they were still quite far away from the tower. If they hit that is. We fired accurately, but many still missed. I fired shot after shot of lightning, smashing a few into the shadow realm. Before any of them had fired a single shot, we’d taken a considerable chunk out of their numbers. RAIL GUNS YEAH!


They began to fan out, their moon-shaped forms, beginning to turn and twist to dodge shots, which was ineffective, since all the turrets had to do was point and fire. The rounds traveled too fast, so if they fired at exactly where you were, you were dead. Then our Oort Fighters began to take off, Most firing their anti-aircraft torpedos immediately. They soared through the air, with most connecting and removing the swift aircraft from the sky. They however, had also gotten into range. The battle was swift, yet brutal. The fighters on their side were finished off and two-thirds of our fighters were down.

Then the infantry hit. I went hand to hand, dodging beams, knocking them out of the sky, yada yada. The Oorts began to run through them with the chainguns, tearing apart the Juncathari. But more kept coming. I got sloppy, was slashed a few times, even stabbed once. They began to take out our Oort fighters. If not, the fighters ran out of ammo and had to refill. It was sickening, they were just throwing bodies at us, hoping that it would take us out. The turrets took out many of them but it wasn’t enough. THey were washing over our forces like a tidal wave, and soon they would hit.

“Throw out as many of your powerful spells as possible, give everyone else time to set up!” I yelled to my fellow air mages. I let a whirlwind of wind off myself, blowing many Juncathari out of the sky, stunning many, but more importantly, stopping those behind them because of bodies, and them behind them and so forth, but I just kept doing it until I couldn’t anymore, but by then, things had gone to shit. By then, they had reached the tower.

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