《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 12: Reunion


Clive and Jane both walked out of the cave and as soon as the villagers saw them come out they cheered. There friends Clive and Jane were alive. It was a sense of great relief for all the villagers. Clive and Jane both waved towards the villagers and gave all of them there thanks for saving them from the cave. While Clive was thanking the villagers, someone rushed straight towards him with speed unimaginable for a regular person. If Clive had his regular strength back this tackle would have never been able to knock him down but even if he had his regular strength he wouldn’t resist this person because it was his wife Claire.


Having finally seen Clive safe and sound Claire had rushed straight towards Clive. Now lying on the ground in his embrace she let out all of her emotions. She let all the anger, anxiety, and love rush out as words towards Clive.

“I’m sorry for making you worry Claire.”

Clive brought his hands up to Claire face and wiped away her tears. As he wiped away her tears he held her face and brought it closer and gave a her a kiss. They stayed in this position for a while without caring about all the villagers who saw them. Jane and all the villagers could only stare in shock at them as they embraced and kiss one another.


“Oh, sorry Kan. I have to apologize to you to. Come over here.”

Kan was strapped onto Claire’s back so Clive had to take him out. When Kan was finally out of the straps, Clive brought his head down and gave him all the kisses on his forehead and cheeks. As the three family lied there, everyone one else could only watch in joy at their happy reunion.


Jane stood not to far away and watched their reunion with both joy and sadness. She was happy that Clive, Jane, and Kan could meet each other again but also sad that she would never experience that type of familial love ever again. She reminisce in the memories when her family was still alive and how they had once showered her in love.

The three of them lied on the ground until they started recollecting their emotions. Claire was done crying and was ready to come out of Clive’s embrace. Figuring what his wife was doing, Clive did not hold her down in his embrace. Not forgetting about Jane, she stood up with her arms wide open, ready to accept Jane in her arms.

The moment Claire readied her arms to embrace her, tears flowed down Jane’s face. Doing the same thing Claire had done, Jane rushed towards Claire embrace. Now it was Claire and Jane on the ground while Clive had stood up with Kan in his arms.


“It’s ok Jane. You’ve been through a rough night. Cry your heart out. It’ll be all fi...-mmghh-”

Unexpectedly Jane had also kissed Claire. When Clive and Claire had kissed each other it was expected because they were husband and wife but now that Jane had kissed Claire, everyone was left in even more shock. And the way Jane was kissing Claire was actually more intense then when Clive and Claire was kissing. Jane was forcefully and skillfully using her tongue to attack and entwine Claire’s tongue.

“Don’t look Kan. You are still to young for this.”

Clive slowly put his right hand over Kan’s eyes so he wouldn’t see this sensuous scene happening. The kiss between Claire and Jane had still not ended yet. Claire’s face was blushed red and every time she tried to escape from the kiss, Jane would hold her down and attack her mouth even further. Eventually Jane stopped and lifted her mouth away from claire.


“I’m sorry Claire. All of my feelings just gushed out and I couldn’t control myself...and I may have been a little bit jealous of Clive.”

“Eh. Ah. Oh. Uh. It...it...it’s ok.”

Completely beet red from Jane’s attack, Claire was unable to clearly recognize what had just happened and could not answer Jane coherently. Both Jane and Claire slowly stood up and met each others eyes. Jane intently stared at Claire while Claire could no longer look at Jane’s face without thinking about what had just happened. Claire looked towards the ground and briskly walked towards Clive.

“How was it. Better than mine.”

“Eh. Ah. Oh. SHUT UP!”

Out of embarrassment Claire swiftly kicked Clive’s leg to get him to shut up about what just happened.

“Kan this is the most embarrassed I have ever seen mommy been in years.”


“When you grow older and fall in love. Ask Aunty Jane on her techniques.”

“What are you teaching him you idiot.”

“Ah, nothing.”

Clive had tried talking to Kan in a quiet voice but unfortunately Claire had heard him trying to teaching Kan some things. Out of anger Claire begin to kick Clive in the leg even more.

“Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Darling please forgive me. That actually hurts a lot.”

“*Cough *Cough. Now that we have saved Clive and Jane. Let’s prepare to go back home.”

The mayor coughed and got everyone's attention from the unexpected scene that had just happened. Everyone's attention was now finely on the mayor. In Claire's mind she was grateful for the mayor finally getting the attention off of her.


“Since it is still night time, and I know that all of you are tired, we will take our time going back home. Those who had just finished mining please stay in the middle of the group and those that have sufficiently rested up, create a circle around them to protect them from the dangers of the forest. Since it is dark be extra careful in where you go, always stay with another person so you do not get lost. Allright men and women let’s go home.”


As the sun slowly rose above the ocean everything was calm. It was peaceful and quiet except for the cheers and cries coming from the village of Clear View. The vibrant sunlight shone on the village which reflected the mood of every single villager. The intruders were gone and Clive and Jane were alive. On that brand new day, the village celebrated the entire day until it was once again nighttime. The village of Clear View had once again overcome a crisis.

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