《Trials of the Seven - Dawn of a new age》That Bastard Named Kevin - Micheal


The girls were passing me off, as soon as the streets had cleared enough to get away from the city, they started talking about Kevin.

Kevin is so great that he could save the world right now if he wanted to.

I turned around to tell them where they could find their god named Kevin when I saw the bat like creature digging it’s claws into two of the girls shoulders.

I ran forward towards them. My hand just missed the taller ones ankle.

I turned, where was Mia?

Two of the girls were pulling her inside while covering her head. I said a silent prayer and looked up towards the girls in the air.

Another two creatures started to attack them. Red droplets started to fall from the aerial combat above us.

A finger fell and landed on my shoulder.

I ran for inside.

I couldn’t spot a trash bin anywhere.

The plant in the corner would do.

I hurled.

Their was a few girls that could watch what was going on outside.

I couldn’t.

More Kevin talk came up.

I wanted to strangle the girls my self.

I am sorry that I am not Kevin.

“Do you want to find him?” A male voice was in the room with us.

We all had turned to see where the deep voice came from.

In the centre of the room stood a man with glowing red eyes and pale skin. His white hair flowed down past his stomach and his eyes were locked onto the girl named Karen.

“Did you not hear me girl?” The man stood up, he was shorter then Mia. Nobody looked down on him tho.

"Yes," Karen broke our silence with barely an auditable whisper. "If it is possible then yes."

"Good child, Then I shall make it so." The boy snapped his fingers and Karen vanished from site. "Now you little one, do you want to play a game while we wait?'

"I am a good colourer." Mia was moving about collecting her colouring books and crayons.

"Oh how fun, I have never coloured before!" He was truly excited over the fact.

He and Mia went over to the table and started talking while colouring, the rest of us looked over there barely able to move.

We slowly came together while watching the two of them.


They were talking about Mia's boyfriend the shadow man.

We stood there looking at the strange sight as the boy felt strange, he didn't belong to this world at all.

"You are correct you know," The boy glanced up at me. "I am not from this world but me and my sister were born of this world."

"What are you?" My voice came out asking what was on my Mine.

"Well, my grandfather was the God who created mankind." He put his hand to his lips like he was thinking. "I think your people called him Odin."

"So you are a God?"

"One of the last of them yes, our race has died out except for my sister and me."

"How old are you?" Words came out of my mouth, I couldn't help but ask them.

"As of last night roughly three thousand years old, my sister is much older at almost a billion years now. Just don't tell her you know how old she is." He smirked like it was some big secret that everyone but his sister knew.

"What is your name?" Again words that I had no intention of speaking.

"You know, I was never given a name as my mother died while giving birth to me. But many of you just call me God but the things written about me are all wrong."

"Then your sister?"

"Oh she has many names but her most common one is death. I sent the other girl to go watch something with my sister."

"Grass is green." Mia was pointing at a portion of the drawing that they were working on.

"Oh, I thought it would look pretty in blue tho."

"It does but grass is green."

"Ah a child's innocence, you better keep her safe or else."

"Why are you here?"

"For some reason everyone started placing faith in the one person my sister is so happy to follow around and this one person never once cared for others in the world. I made him smart and he chose to deny me. I took away his family and he made a new one. I hate this one person."


"Yes that one! He gives me a headache just looking at him. If sister would of let me he would of been sent to the nether world already."


"But why?"

"Grandfather left me with instructions, I tested them out roughly two thousand years ago on some random kid when I came into my powers, he abused it and people started to call him my son."

My mind started to run through the bits of the bible that I remembered. This didn't make any sense at all.

"Jesus Christ?

"That was his name, yes." He put down the crayons and looked over at me. "That book is full of lies!"

I couldn't believe it. God was colouring with my sister. God was sitting right before me.

"Ah, it seems sister is sending her back to you already. Mia, we will have to colour again someday."

"Only friends colour with Mia."

"Ha, then we shall be friends."

Then I blinked, he was gone and Karen was standing by the window again.

"Kevin is in the stadium, he is going to fight almost a thousand goblins at once."

Karen looked scared as she found Evelyn in the room.

"What is it?" Evelyn moved towards Karen.

"I was sitting there with a girl, she told me that I shouldn't look into the future."

"When did you do that?" Jenny was just as confused as the rest of us.

"I think the day we burried the girl."

"The night you slept at Kevin's place?"

More Kevin talk, I was agreeing with God, this is too much.

"Yeah, in the I think it was a vision I was standing on a grassy field with Kevin and you and four other people who I never met." Her eyes looked away from us all. "Everyone died and it was all my fault."

"How can everyone dying be one person's fault?"

I didn't want to listen any longer. I moved outside and started to move things into my inventory.


"We have to find him." Karen had followed me outside, her face was strict with tears.

"Why?" Why Kevin why must we do everything for the guy. I looked at her couldn't help it she was making me angry just thinking about it.

"He is in danger, he needs us." I couldn't fathom the reasons why I felt so near to this guy.

"But you still haven't answered my question, why?" I turned to look at her I held her on her shoulders I looked right into her eyes.

"You left what I was telling others about my vision. I can't help it I know he is the one that is going to save us all." Tears rolled down her cheeks, I was weak to girls like this.

"So how do we find him." I let go of her and get to you the task of cleaning up the roof.

"We go to where the goblins have gathered." I was stunned.. I couldn't understand the risk that we have to take to save one person.

"Are you kidding, you not see how many things came from the rift last night?" I paced over towards the edge to look around.

"I was given a map." I froze in place, maps were not always trusted in the games I played, they were vague and never lead you to the exact point. "It has a time limit on it where it will show us where the dark creatures are."

I slowly turned to her. It was our way out of this hell hole, if I could use this to get Mia out of this town I would say anything to get my hands on it.

"How long?"

"Three days, she said any shorter and you would kill me for it." She backed away from me. I could see the fear in her eyes. I wanted that map badly.

"Fine how long will it take us to reach him?" I strapped my sword to my waist and got ready to go, trust would be the easiest way to get the map.

She pulled out her phone and checked it. "Eight hours, with the path laid out right now." I looked at the map, it was an ever-changing GPS like map with a blue line that was moving.

"Ok," I reached for it. It would be faster for me to go alone. "Watch-"

"We are going too."

There was four other people that came outside, Mia would be left here with a few of the other girls.

I closed my eyes and gave up.

I gave a slight nod then turned and climbed down from the roof.

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