《The Almighty Boulder》World Intro.


How many worlds are there? Heh the answer is simple, there are as many worlds as there are flies out there, really anyone can create his/her/it's own world, well not anyone but anyone clever enough to figure out how easy it is.

The most important thing to create your own world is to simply be strong enough, because no matter where you go strength is everything really.

Now to the tricky part, I know I'm skipping those details but as weak as you guys are creating your own little world is far away in the future, well the tricky part is the planes, now those are not as easy to come by but there are quite a few out there, I've been through quite a lot of them and trust me I've met some strong people, well what you need to know anyway is that within every plane there is a core and there are worlds, countless of them, and all those silly little beings called gods are just leeching off the creators, creators being those who first created the plane and take the core as their own world, easy right?

Well for those of you wanting to know more about planes and worlds I can give you guys one advice, become strong enough *tries to wink but fails miserably*

*Laughter all around*

These puny little brats, well winking was never my forté so no matter taking it out on them but I really hope there is someone who becomes strong here things are becoming rather dull, wait maybe I could help with that *grins*, yes I can defenitely imagine it.

Anyways I'm the Creator, so who can come order me around in my own little core *Guhihihihihi*, well time to abuse my autority, and send these brats to become stronger and hopefully god will answer my prayers....


What am I even talking about, how can a god answer my prayers, well anyways let's focus and get these brats somewhere challenging enough so that they have to fight together to survive, ahhhh I really wanna drink some tea, as soon as I'm done here let's go mess around in some world to take my stress out, I really wanna go sees those Venhamian beauties *drools*, well let's go.

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