《Wonder Baby》Chapter 8: A Foe Appears!


Chapter 8

James and Tom left the crib through the now usual hole facing the back wall of the room. This time James had them leave right after dawn even if that meant giving them an increased risk of being caught by his mother. James wore everything from last time and even the milk bottle on the rocks even though he did not need it with his increased constitution but he has grown fond of the drink.

Tom’s “armor” actually looked more like armor then James due to now having the [Leatherworking] skill. Bringing the leather scrape pieces together somehow better than before, it was like his hands were being guided by an unknown force. The leather James used was not of an amazing quality like what his mother used for the final product. She used a lesser quality to plan out how she wanted to make it then use what she decided on my material given. So the leather that was left was mostly full of holes, lines, and cross stiches but even in that state was useful versus rats.

The armor that he made was different from the ones he wore, Tom’s arms received no extra protection. This was so he would have no trouble swinging a toy block around and in exchange the leather armor protecting his chest was nearly twice as thick as the one James wore.

Seems you have done this before Tom commented as they two of them used James blankie to unlock the door.

This is only the second time I have done this but once done once it is much easier to do the next time James said in a matter of fact way

Making their way down the stairs James saw the place where he fought the two rats and it slightly surprised him how in only a short time there was no trace in what had happened. What surprised James the most was how he started to see the floor as a part of his home and more like a battleground. It actually made him uncomfortable and making him no wanting to eat or drink anything.

James you said you wanted us to set up over there? Tom said pointing at the L shaped kitchen counter top. On it was a variety of things related to cook along with plates, above the counter was light brown wooden shelves. A sort of fridge and ice cooler stood opposite of the counter top.

That’s right, now help me pull that chair next to it

James and Tom waddled over to the chair that lined the table where their mothers sat at and each pulled a back leg of the nearest chair. Even if both were doing it the amount of effort it was taking was less than expected.


Just letting you know Tom the idea I had to use blankie to get each other up is pretty genius

James had Tom throw the other side of blankie over the sitting part of the chair and into his hands. Next Tom started to pull blankie from his side while James held on until he was on top of the chair. Next the process was repeated but this time James pull and even having a harder time was able to do it, now both were on the chair and climbed to the counter top.

Hold on Tom, your stamina and strength know no bounds but mine do so let’s rest for a moment

Waving down Tom to sit next to him over the edge of the counter top that just sat there without saying but looking at the backdoor to the shop. For now it was a quiet night, there was even a soft breeze coming through the slightly opened window above the sink. James had to figure out how the rats were going to get in if there was going to be any more advantage to have versus them.

Wait the window, was it always opened? Tom get up its them! James panicked as his eyes went wide at about what was about to happen.

Sure enough Rats started to come in one after another, James had no time to count how many were coming since one already nearly upon them. Tom was the first one up and it was quite the sight when he swung his relatively large Toy block weapon into the rat. With a snap large enough to be heard from where James was behind Tom coming from the side of the rat his weapon hit it was flung off the counter top and landed with a solid sound below.

Glad you’re on my side… Anyway I need to get to the other side of the counter top to signal for some help. Even with the two of us there may be to many James spoke as he finally got himself up while trying to count the number of rats again.

Yes, my mom will put me in time out when she gets back if I get hurt a lot Tom said with a tone that seemed to imply he was more worried about that in the group of rats coming at them.

Kill the little humans!

They will fall to us this night

James and Tom both heard the “voices” of the rats get louder as the two groups get closer together. Tom seemed unsettled when he heard the rats actually speaking instead of just being mindless creatures.

Tom it’s okay, they may speak but they are still bad things that want to hurt us and we can’t let them do whatever they have planned for us James spoke in a reassuring voice putting a hand on Tom’s shoulder.


Your right, thank you for the help Tom seemed reassured after James spoke to him and seemed poised once again to fight.

It is you! Foe of the Brown Hair Rat Clan who has slain our clansmen and your new help. For what you have done there can be only death!

James and Tom looked above to the opened window to see a rat that was larger than any of the others. Its fur thicker and muscles larger than the other rats while giving off a slightly commanding presence.

Tonight is not the night, come Tom we have to run straight through them to the fridge hurry

One after another rats started to come at them, Tom was in the front swinging that every so often caused a rat to fall off. James stayed in the back to guard if any of them managed to dodge the first attack. When he thought about what this all looked like it nearly caused him to laugh.

Two babies in fake armor fighting rats with an even larger seemly steroid rat watching from the window. Out top of all of this out battle is taking place where food is prepared for dinner!

One of the rats got a little ahead of itself causing a one of the plates that was stacked next to the sink to slip right under them. This caused them to fall on the plate as it fell into the sink.

[2 Damage]

James head was slammed onto the bottom of the sink causing his vision to both blur and double. There was just a ringing in his ear that blocked out all other sounds. In a moment James was up and his vision cleared, he saw Tom fighting three different rats with two bodies already around him.

James you’re up finally, I was calling to you but you did not answer. Anyway I can lift you up out of here but I can’t leave so it’s up to you! Causing Tom to turn around and offered James his toy block to hold on to

Confused but accepting James held on but become instantly scared as Tom began to smile.

[Power Attack]

With a great heave James was thrown up into the air and back onto the counter top but not without a price for such a fast trip using [Power Attack]

[2 Damage]

Great effort caused him to get up with speed and tried to block out the sounds of battle coming from the sink. James rushed over to the liquor bottle that yet to be put away. He pulled out two things hiding away in his diaper that he had collected over the last few days in case for the time such as this. What came out was a match and a piece of fish.

I saw people do this many times when I could afford to go out to eat

Lighting the match on the ground and stopping the two rats who were chasing him from approaching closer he dropped his other shank and dipped the piece of fish into it. James held the liquor soaked piece of fish in the direction of the window rat then dropped in onto the ground along with the lit match.

A burst of flame came up but more importantly so did a huge wave of smell that all the rats were able to smell.

Now my trap card is activated

There was no long wait to see what that did because within seconds a rush of paws were heard as they slammed onto the floor in their rush to get here. Then just in a moment there was a flash of something when the sound got loudest before it almost completely went away. The rats were nervous and their fears were realized as Mr. Muses jumped up upon the counter top and started biting into the closest rat instantly killing it.

The beast of death returns, we must retreat till another night the window rat commanded with some fear in its voice, causing the rats that were still alive to flee.

As Mr. Muses ate the cooked fish James rushed over to where Tom and found him slumped over. Dropping down he inspected him and to his relief found out he had a single health point left.

I really like your cat Tom managed to say while completely out of energy and hurt

So do I James agreed while Helping him up and slowing out of the sink where five rat bodies were laying.

It would take time but James felt he would be able to clean the place up in time after resting and everything else was settled but first his long awaited moment. Putting down Tom and walking past Mr. Muses James sat down next to the glass with liquor in it that he used to light the fish on fire. Every so slowly as to enjoy the taste once again he drank until there was only ice cubes left inside.

Worth it

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