《Familiar》Wait.. going to the woods with a strange man..?


Chapter 12: Wait.. going to the woods with a strange man..?

Tollem looked at Jordan, finding his timid appearance to be a bit funny. This little one just found their tribe and Tollem knew that things are about to get interesting. With a new member, every schedule anyone has will fall apart. Being in this place for such a long time without doing anything fun is taking its toll on him. And so, the fun can truly begin…

Jordan just sat there, staring at the wings of the manbird, trying to find a way to make this staring contest a little less awkward. “So.. uh… what do you want?” Asked Jordan, thinking that this is the best that he could come up with. “Well, I was gonna get some wood to make you a proper bed, wasn’t really expecting you. Wanna come with?” Tollem replied with a smirk. It seems like he’s always smirking which Jordan found a little unsettling. “Yeah… sure..” Answered Jordan, having nothing else to do.

Tollem got up before he went towards a normal-looking cabin. It was the size of a small apartment. Tollem went behind it with Jordan following and got into a little wooden shack. It seemed that it escaped Jordans noticed when he first looked at the clearing. Jordan went inside and found a lot of tools. sturdy-looking wooden tools. Axes, hammers and all kinds of tools that Jordan really didn’t know the names of. He was never that interested in these kinds of things.

Tollem took a sharp wooden saw and a little kiddy axe before leading Jordan outside and to the direction of the woods. While they were walking, Tollem initiated a conversation. “So… what do you think about staying here? we did kinda decide it for you.” Tollem started. “Its not like I have much of… uh.... choice.” Answered Jordan truthfully. Jordan didn’t have anywhere else to go to. This is his home for the time being, and he accepts it. It could have been much worse. “Well, don’t you worry. Morgana will take good care of you, I’m sure she will. So, do you have a name? I’m Tollem by the way.” Said Tollem without even looking at Jordan. They were getting near the woods and Jordan began to get worried. This is where every pedophile scene starts. Jordan sucked in some air to relax, he doesn’t believe this chill guy can be a pedo… he hoped at least.


“It’s… Jordan…” Said Jordan while looking at the ground beneath his feet. It is a lot easier to talk when you don’t look at the person, in Jordan’s opinion. These last two days were too crazy and happened too quickly. It seems like his timid self got back out right now. Tollem noticed the hesitation in Jordan’s voice and looked down at the little guy. He looked embarrassed for some reason. He mentally sighed before continuing going forward.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, both of them reached to the relative start of the treeline. Tollem stopped and looked a Jordan for a bit before giving him the kiddy axe. Jordan accepted it with a silent thank you.

Tollem looked around and found a nice little young tree that Jordan could probably cut. "Ok Jordan, go to that tree over there and cut it from the base. Gonna be a little hard but don't worry. If you need any help then just call alright? I'm gonna be over there." Tollem finished with pointing at another bigger tree in the distance. Jordan nodded his head before going towards the little tree that Tollem pointed out.

While going there Jordan suddenly thought about the status screen that he saw. Then he noticed that the screen remained in his head this whole time, he was just unaware of it.

Name: Jordan Tollman

Species: Wolf spirit

Level: Null

physical attributes -

Strength: average

Stamina: average

Endurance: average

Mental attributes -

Intelligence: Slightly above average

Wisdom: Excellent

Units of mana: 14

Jordan scanned it before noticing the fourteen in the units of mana tab. It seemed like he gained 4 mana somehow. He still wasn't sure why.

At the time it took him to look it over, Jordan reached the tree. Looking down at his little axe, Jordan's tail dropped. He never liked much physical activity. Jordan mentally sighed before he got to work.


Cutting down the trunk of the little tree was hard. The only good thing that actually helped Jordan was the fact that the little axe was really sharp and sturdy. It was wooden. Shaking his head, Jordan gave up. He would have to find out at a later time.

After an hour the tree finally fell. Jordans ears perked up and his tail waved behind him. He finished! He wasn't tired physically, but mentally? Oh boy was he tired. He never done something like that in his entire life, so at least he got to try out something new. Not like he's going to actually be doing this in the future… he hoped he won't.

Looking behind him, Jordan found Tollem a few tens of meters away looking at him with a smirk. A literal tree on his shoulder. Jordans smile dropped.

This world is so unfair.

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