

Chapter 9: Food!

Once Jordan was upstair, Morgana led him through a thin hallway. The hallway continued through the whole length of the floor. There were many doors leading to rooms unknown to Jordan. Morgana continued walking while holding Jordan’s hand. She stopped in front of one of the doors and opened it. She went inside with Jordan on her tail.

Jordan looked around and saw that the room seems normal, unlike the first floor. It was small but there weren’t any vines or plants everywhere. There was a ‘bed’ in the corner. It looked like a pile of leaves. There was also a small table with a chair on the left side and a ‘window’ looking outside.

“You will stay here. Because you passed out for most of the day, I didn’t have either breakfast or lunch. Eating for you will be a problem in your current state. Just sleep.” Morgana said while looking down at Jordan. “Ok..” Replied Jordan. Morgana looked at him for another second before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Jordan looked around before trying to sigh once more. He was weirded out by the fact that he couldn’t sigh. He dismissed it and looked at the room. It looked normal. After a few more seconds of staring absentmindedly, he went towards the ‘bed’. He slightly bent down before touching it with his clawed finger. It seemed soft enough. Jordan lied down on it and stared at the ceiling.

Everything that happened to him was strange and unusual, at least from his perspective. Those people in the tribe are obviously not human. He is also not human anymore. He needs to accept it. Not only that, he literally drank a potion. This is some magical fantasy shit. He also doesn’t understand how they know when it is breakfast or dinner. It is still as bright outside as it was when he got there. Also, there is neither a sun nor moon. How can they tell the time?


He thought about going to sleep. But he wasn’t tired, at least physically. but still, after such a crazy day(?) he needed his sleep. He closed his eyes expecting to just lie there but he somehow fell asleep right away.


Jordan woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. All the events of yesterday were really tiring and he is glad that he managed to get some sleep. His mind was a lot more focused and he could think more clearly.

He got up from the ‘bed’ and looked around. The room looked the same as the day before. Jordan walked to the door and opened it. He went into the hallway and to the direction of the stairs.

After coming to the stairs and going down, Jordan was greeted with Morgana who was sitting at one of the tables on the first floor. He walked in her direction and suddenly stopped. There was a smell coming from the table in front of her. Jordan instinctively sniffed and opened his mouth. Whatever it is, it smelled delicious. Morgana’s ears perked up and she turned to look at Jordan. She was greeted with an open-mouthed child, tail wagging behind him. “Come here.” She said. Jordan was still a bit apprehensive. Yesterday he wasn’t in his right state of mind. But after he got some rest and thought about the events that transpired, he couldn’t help but cringe. He was so stupid. Where did the excellent wisdom go to?

But he knew that she could kill him whenever she wanted. He was a hostage. Even if he managed to escape they will probably track him down. And if they didn’t want to do that then he was going to run around aimlessly in the darkness. After thinking of all the pros and cons of escaping and staying here, he decided that staying is the safest option.


So he went to Morgana wearily. Morgana saw this and couldn’t help but sigh mentally. She thought that she made a good enough impression that he wouldn’t be afraid of her. It looks like she was wrong. Five seconds later Jordan got to Morgana. “I’m going to need you to eat slowly unless you want to metaphorically blow up.” Morgana said blatantly. Seeing her serious expression Jordan couldn’t help but shiver. She was either an excellent actor or she was absolutely serious. He decided that nodding is the best option in this kind of situation.

Morgana took a little piece of meat from her wooden plate and gave it to Jordan. Jordan took it with his hand and sniffed it. Yep, it still smelled like heaven. Looking at Morgana, Jordan wanted to know if he could eat it. “Eat it.” Morgana said after seeing his expression. Nodding, Jordan took it into his mouth and chewed. It tasted like the best beef he ever had. He savored the flavour of the little piece of meat before swallowing.

It tasted like good memories.

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