

Chapter 7: Status?

Jordan ate the food while feeling sick to his core. This food was so disgusting that he almost threw up with just a little bite. After a few more bites, Jordan looked at Morgana. He wanted to know if what he already ate was enough. “Sorry, but you need to eat it. If you don’t then you risk getting incapacitated for life or even possibly die.” She said after noticing his gaze. After that, she continued staring at him, as if there is nothing else in the world that needs her current attention. Jordan also noticed that she wasn’t breathing- or more accurately, she was breathing so shallowly that it was hard to notice.

taking a deep breath, Jordan once again looked at the ‘food’. He wanted nothing more than to run away. This ‘food’ was this bad. Jordan once again slightly bent down before continuing chowing the ‘food’ with his little teeth. Only after 20 minutes did he manage to finish eating this disgusting so-called meal. Jordan looked at Morgana, wanting to know if he really needed to drink the slimy-looking black liquid from the potion bottle. “Now drink.” She commended.

Jordan tried sighing but couldn’t for some reason. He mentally shrugged, again chalking it up to his new body. He took the bottle with his little mouth and picked it up, the liquid spilling forth into his mouth. It tasted like strawberries and because of that Jordan didn’t object, even if he was still hesitant because of the color. A few seconds passed before the black liquid was gone.

‘So... What is going to happen now? You… um… said that it is going to help me?’ Jordan barked. “Well, the effect of the Ura should take effect in a few moments. You should probably lie down since it is going to disorient you.” Morgana replied. Jordan thought about what she said before coming to the conclusion that he should have milked more information out of her beforehand. He should remember this with future interactions.


Jordan took the advice to heart and lied down, he didn’t want to fall and maybe bruise himself. He is a puppy and his skin is very vulnerable. A few minutes passed of idly imagining fighting dragons and the like in fantasy worlds before everything begun to blur. Taking a deep breath, Jordan closed his eyes. He didn’t know what was coming, but he was going to be prepared for it… he hoped.

A few seconds later he started feeling hot. It was like he was in a really hot desert. Then the hotness started disappearing as if being pulled somewhere, and coldness started to replace it. Suddenly, pain shot through Jordan’s body as his mind tried fighting it off. Everything was painful. He just wished it to stop.

Only minutes passed before the pain stopped and a new feeling emerged. This time, something blocked all his air passageways and he couldn’t breathe. The coldness became so unbearable that it numbed his entire body. He was suffocated and frozen, at least that was what it felt like for Jordan. He blacked out and only regained consciousness after everything passed.

There was a loud ‘ping’ before words appeared in his mind’s eye.

Name: Jordan Tollman

Species: Wolf spirit

Level: Null

physical attributes -

Strength: Below average

Stamina: Below average

Endurance: Below average

Mental attributes -

Intelligence: Slightly above average

Wisdom: Excellent

Units of mana: 133

Jordan ‘looked’ at it, and only one thought crossed his mind. What... the fuck? He had so many questions. He wanted to know what this was and how it got crammed into his mind. He wanted to know why it made an audible ‘ping’ sound when it opened. He wanted to know what the hell a wolf spirit is.

After a few more seconds of examining the status, at least that what Jordan guessed it is, he opened his eyes. The moment his eyes opened his mind came back to reality and he noticed that something was wrong. It was the same feeling he had when he first woke in the godforsaken darkness. His body felt different.


Again, he noticed that he could imagine how his body looks like from just feeling, and it was definitely humanoid which made Jordan really happy. Then he noticed that he had claws, sharp canine teeth, wolf ears atop his head and two tails. He thought that it looked familiar and only then he understood. He’s the same species as Morgana.

“Are you going to just keep lying on the floor? I know it may be a bit weird but you get used to it” He heard Morgana’s voice say from above. Embarrassed, he got up and looked at Morgana. Then he looked at Morgana. And his body… He was a child. That… was not what he expected. “Uhhhhh…” Jordan tried saying something, but because of the shock of this situation, he forgot what he wanted to say.

“Well, get up.” Morgana said before extending a helping hand. Still a bit in shock from the sudden change, Jordan took her hand and got up, the status(?) still in his mind.

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