《Familiar》First step


Chapter 2: first step

Jordan woke up to feel incredible pain. The pain was so unbearable in fact, that his mind simply couldn't register it. He still knew he was in pain, but didn't feel it. Everything was simply blank. Jordan couldn't think, couldn't understand anything. After about two weeks which felt like nothing to Jordan, he finally managed to register his surroundings. The fact that the 'pain' vanished was the first thing that Jordan thought about.

Relieved, Jordan tried opening his eyes but couldn't. Something felt wrong. Then he noticed it. His body was different. He was lying on his side. The ground beneath him was cold and had a smooth texture. But, the thing that scared Jordan the most, was the fact that he felt that his body structure was different. He had four legs, like that of a dog, which he tried moving. They slightly moved up. Jordan also noticed that he had something attached to almost every part of his be body. He couldn't move it. Then, he understood, it was hair. No, not hair, fur.

Jordan started panicking. Everything that happened, from the three guys in the stall, to this current event is too much. Jordans mouth opened instinctively, and his long tongue went out through it. Jordan started taking deep gulps of the 'air' that was in this place. All of this was too much. Everything that happened, everything that will probably happen in the future should not be real. It is simply to much for his fragile psyche. He started shuddering, cold sweat pouring through his fur. He was having a panic attack.

Jordan continued thinking about everything, and the fact that there is a chance that nothing will be normal again. But then he understood, he was still alive. In an unknown place and another body, but still alive. And if he's alive, there is a chance he could come back to normality. Jordan steeled his resolve. He will come back, no matter what it takes.


His body stopped shuddering. His air intake slowing. His eyes slowly opening. Slowly using his center of gravity to get up on his legs. After a few seconds, he stood, albeit unsteadily. Eyes fully open, he looked around. What Jordan saw made him slightly afraid, he was looking into a wide expense of darkness. The ground looked like smooth stone and everything a few meters forward is obscured by darkness.

Looking down at his legs, Jordan noted that his fur is blue. The sea kind of blue. Taking a deep instinctive breath through his mouth, he noted that he had paws. Fur, four legs, paws, everything pointed at one conclusion. He was either a cat, fox, wolf or dog. Sniffing himself to get used to his scent, he noticed that he could understand his new anatomy. Be was definitely a puppy. A wolf pup. Not noticing anything else of interest, Jordan once again thought about how he got to that place, only to banish the thought out of his head as quickly as it came. He didn't want to get another panic attack.

Taking a deep breath, Jordan took his first step forward…. Only to fall down onto his snout. Looks like Jordan will have to get used to his new anatomy.

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