《Army of the Fallen》Onwards


The location is 4 miles outside of the capital city of Dunwick. Following the prince's declaration the festivities then continued until 1 o'clock the time during everyone's departure, after his speech the nobles had been sent into disarray mostly because half no longer knew who to support for the throne safely, and the other because they saw this as the perfect opportunity to crush the crown who was now left with two underaged heirs, although the king could rule until his golden years it wouldn't be without the opposition of the nobility. Therefore one such noble began his plans to try and pressure the crown, first he forced his aide to track the prince's exit of the city.

"Make sure you follow them without being noticed, we need to make them think they aren't being followed and be sure they are at least a mile outside of the city to be able to execute the plan."(Treacherous noble)

"Yes my lord."(aide)

"After that I want you to hire someone from the mercenaries guild subbuilding to assault within a miles worth of the city atleast. They need to be taken alive although not necessarily intact you get me."(T. Noble)

"Yes my lord."(aide)

"Good, now remember if you are caught not a word or your family will also suffer. That's all, you may leave now."(T. Noble)

As the aide executed his orders he couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor prince's situation. The poor soul was simply one of adventurous spirit yet due to his birthright he was targeted in hopes of furthering the political machinations of a power hungry noble. He truly was born without luck, but it was either him or his family and he owed no allegiance to anyone other than his current lord, as such he would execute the orders without remorse if necessary.

"Remember the mission must be carried out in the utmost secrecy so you must be sure of your success in both fields."(aide)

Across the table where he held a seat another dark figure was present. She stabbed a knife on the table and then spoke.

"Oi, oi, remember where you are son, this is the assassin's guild. All former members were known to be C-class and above therefore excellence is but a given so don't go on belittling us. It'll only be a babe from royalty so I doubt he can do much harm especially against me so why don't ya stop thinking of us as some low class street thugs if ya know what's good fer ya health, k."(Femme Fatale)

"It was not my intention to, but my master was very specific on the task given so it needs to be executed perfectly."(Aide)

"Don't worry your sorry ass we"ll get it done swiftly and to your words perfectly."(Femme)



"Haa we did it boy, what'd I tell ya we're out of here and were going out an adventure bring out the beer romance, tears and happiness, tragedies and heroics, wooohooo!"(Trevonor)

"Yes indeed we are, were out with just you me and a little tag along I wasn't expecting."(Droy)

"Is your majesty referring to me perhaps. "(Lillith)

" No, no, of course not babe he's just joking right Droyie. Right."(Trevonor)

"I meant no ill will, m'lady it's just I was not informed of thy acompaniment."(Droy)

"What? So I brought along someone just trust me on this she'll be a great asset. Believe me on this Droy."(Trevonor)

"I understand you already know not to think with the wrong head, and yet you still decided to bring along a lady of a Noble household which could cause major problems for the house and royalty as well as the lady in question, considering that it will not be a safe journey."(Droy)


"Prince if I may, I am no simple lady and as my scoundrel has stated I will be an asset to you in many ways such as being able to produce 2nd tier magic for enchanting and charms. So I could say I am very qualified to join on this adventure."(Lillith)

"Wait why'd you call me a scoundrel I thought I was your Knight."(Trevonor)

"Trev at best you'd be a grunt. A sneaky one at that."(Droy)

"I could accept that as well. "(Lillith)

" Really, well you know what, for nobility and royalty you guys sure have aligned yourselves with the lowest of the low."(Trevonor)

"Hey we'll be adventurers so we gotta get dirty some time. In that note then I welcome you to the party we were in need of a mage so this will be perfect especially since you're able to perform strong magic. And because of that please stop being so formal with me, I am no longer a prince just a simple adventurer, as such you can call me Droy."(Droy)

"Finally, god I hate formalities that's why I wanted to go away mostly, I'm done dealing with formal stuff it'll be going straight to the easy country bumpkin life of an adventurer now. So if I can call you Droy, then you can call me Lillith."(Lillith)

"See were all good friends now yay...

'Serious face' Something is wrong."(Trevonor)

At Trevonors words the party stopped their horses. The wind was blowing through the field of the road they were walking through. Absolute silence surrounded them, Droy noticed what Trevonor was trying to point out at, and began getting into position in case something happened.

"Well, guess we aren't far enough just yet."(Droy)


"Hahahahahaha, no you're not boys and plus one. Hahaha, truly did you seriously think no one would come for you my young prince."(Femme)

"I assumed not but never did I expect for it to be so late."(Droy)

"Droy don't be so lackluster in front of her she's not a street thug, can't you see she's obviously an assassin that specializes in surprise attacks, poison and ambushes the fact that she's showing herself in front of us with no back up and without attempting any of her specialties means she's confident enough on her physical strength and combat prowess. She is clearly a dangerous opponent."(Trevonor)

"Oh no you've found me out oh what will I do now. Ha, listen up boy at this point im too close for you guys to run, considering that I used to be a B-class adventurer and currently am one of the highest ranking member in the assassin's guild so if I were you guys I'd just come with me without a struggle pretty please."(Femme)

"I'm sorry ma'am but as a former Royalty, and a man aspiring for greater Heights than any other person in this world, I cannot back away from someone who is threatening my freedom

'Gets of the horse' Therefore raise your weapon and fight me."(Droy)

"Oi, Droy what the hell are you doing. Fuck, damnit, Droy im not letting you do this alone. "(Trevonor)

"I, I don't know what's going on here but I'll cast some magic on you guys so be careful."(Lillith)

" Oooh so you're not going to make it easy on me, good it wouldn't do to have a mission as simple as this, it'd be to easy."(Femme)

"[Oh they that protect and serve me receive my empowerment, my Blessing of Protection, and my speed, I cast unto they my all so that they may serve better.]"(Lillith)


"Woah, three buffs at once that's not half bad babe. 'wink'"(Trev)

At that moment the Femme appeared in front of Trevonor in almost less than a second and attempted to strike at him with her knifes only to be blocked by an incorporeal shield that was shattered into pieces.


"Tsch, really I thought you only had enchantment and charm spells did you lie to me girl."(Femme)

"Guys be very careful she just destroyed my shield in one hit she's extremely strong."(Lillith)


A swing came at the deadly assassin just so it could fail in capturing her nimble form, she side stepped the blade while clashing her own with the young royal's destroying any form which he held.


"Hahaha did you really think you could handle me with such an unsoiled blade. Let me give you a lesson brat."(Femme)

('Stealth art hidden agenda')

Out of nowhere came a short sword impaling the back of the Femme making her cough out blood.

"What?! How?"(Femme)

"When you grow up in the streets you tend to learn a thing or two from it's masters it a good thing to learn i tell ya.'smirk'"(Trev)

"I know."(Femme)

Trevonor heard the low whisper as he went pale and his stomach was impaled.



"How did she get there?"(Lillith)

"Let me tell you something cub just cause you were born somewhere rough doesn't mean anything experience is what truly does wonders, it's what makes a person grow, you aren't there yet but you've got some skill atleast."

With his hand still on his blade he tried grabbing the body of the femme that was still impaled only for it to dissappear in a dust of shadows. He looked at his sword as his grip became weak and he falls to the ground.

"You know boy the contract only says I have to bring the prince not you but rest assured I'll be treating you and your girl very nicely. Just the thought of it excites me, kyaaah."(Femme)

Making weird movement's while she hugs herself al the way to her hips with her hands.


"That's far enough. Send the immediate response team I've been training towards the place im heading the mages will know how to locate me."(Mirelia)

The Commander of the current monster Subjugation squad had said full of confidence as she opened the doors to her balcony and made a huge jump that shook the entire palace.

Down over at the kings hearing hall the current king of the human kingdom sighed filled with sorrow.

"It's barely been an hour and they already made their move I see."(Alfonse)

"You should have expected this already my king despite their great management skills most of the nobles of this kingdom are just power hungry snakes. I've been telling you this over and over again but you should abolish the nobility system already with the way things are the royalty could have full control of all regions with ease."(Normand)

"And risk war, and chaos all throughout the kingdom because of a civil war with the nobles, the citizens wouldn't ever be able to forgive me. So the abolition will have to wait."(Alfonse)

"But you are still thinking on it aren't you."(Normand)

The aide gives the king a sly grin.

"Hehe truly Normand you've been a great friend throughout the years your service has also been invaluable, but it's still not the time, now let me pray for my son's good health."(Alfonse)

"Nonsense I'll pray with you my liege."(Normand)


"Alright now where should I start toying with you lovely, I must say your body does make me sort of jealous, I can see why those peasants burned down your house. If id known of you back then I probably would have done the same."(Femme)

Being unable to move do to sheer terror, Lillith simply stayed put on the ground with small tears forming on her eyes as the Femme slid her sword through her dress trying to pick a spot to cut.


"Don't move Trev, Fuck. Is this all I can amount to. After training for over 15 years with the sword, is this the difference between a normal person and an actual adventurer."(Droy)

Droy layed defeated on the ground after she'd stabbed Trevonor in the back he'd sped over to try and slash her only to receive multiple cuts all throughout his body; he now remained in a conscious but bloodied state all though not even close to dying as the assassin had been careful enough so as not to cut one of the important parts of the body.

"Hahaha yes suffer, suffer that just delights me even more. I'll tell you why that is. Through an adventurers career they fight many monsters born with blessings or blessings that they've obtained throughout their lives those blessings. Humans can also be born with a blessing but as a species we are weak however all races are born with the power to grow and surpass their limits through the act of survival where in that which you kill makes you stronger. You have not sullied your blade enough to get to where I am chickling thus you are but a pebble compared to me so...


"Shut the fuck up you whore."(Mirelia)

"What the, who said that?"(Femme)

"Just a caring aunt ready to take out some trash."(Mirelia)

As the dust cleared out from the lauding zone the beautiful sight that was the former princess of the kingdom could be seen. The shining plates of Mirelia's armor could seen shining against the sun as her hair pressed against her back making it look like a majestic goddess of war had just descended upon the land. The femme fatale stared at her in fear as she was locked knees down into the ground. Mirelia simply looked at her as if she was nothing and proceeded towards her nephew making the assassin step back witheach of her paces "Don't you dare run away" said Mirelia to the assassin as she bent on one knee to her nephew and and looked at her.

The assassin lost feeling in her legs from fear as she saw the monster standing in front of her she knew she couldn't run away not from the likes of her, not from someone so close to the pinnacle of strength so she remained there as if her life depended on it.

"Good now then here you go Droy take a sip from this."(Mirelia)

She motioned for him to dronk from it while she held knowing fully well from his injuries that he couldn't move.

"Never mind me Commander, for my friend is in a more dire situation than I am."(Droy)

With all his remaining strength he pointed weakly at Trevonor being barely conscious being and Lilith holding him up staring at the assassin daggers into the assassin.

"Very well, but drink this one soon 'She said as she placed it on the ground next to him and took out another bottle'. Do you really think an adventurer would only ever have the one potion my dear nephew. And stop with that bad habit of automatic good speech upon a noble. I am your aunt, not your commander less now with the path you've chosen. And be proud at the statement which you've made here."(Mirelia)

He looked at her dumbstruck as if not knowing what it was she meant.

A.N. Hey there guys sorry for being gone so long just finished bootcamp and am back hopefully with a more frequent posting rate as I actually finished bootcamp about a month and a half ago hoo yah being a sailor. So im going to try and post more stuff, but keep in mind that it's hard to have a free schedule in the NAVY, so hi there again and its good to have a phone back ps next chapter will be everybodys favorite.

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