《Army of the Fallen》A Kingdoms trials


It is the year 1458, there is peace in the Kingdom of Florent, as well as most of the other human kingdoms in the nation of Turim. After having driven back most of the monsters from their main territory in Turim and having stopped their meaningless power struggles, and racial wars; the royalty of Florent began an era of prosperity and peace throughout they're lands. Monster subjugation had become the task of either a small part of the military of the kingdom, or by the Adventurer's Guild.

150 years into the creation of this organization and it had become a powerful entity among Human, Elven, Dwarven, and Beast'en lands, it served as a beacon of strength towards the civilized races of the land where one could become famous and even militarily powerful due to it's clan system, where a group could be registered and grow in numbers to perform raids on dificult monster lairs or the subjugation of an especially powerful monster near the vicinity. Adventurers who became especially powerful entity's due to their lone power and self were determined as Heroic material and granted honor amongst their peers, this was due to them having become exceptional warriors or wielders of magic by pushing themselves beyond humanly possible, in turn this people became super-humans compared to others who would try and measure up against them and fail to do so.

However the current setting of the story takes place in the palace of the capital city of Florent, Dunwick, we're a meeting is being held by the current king of the Country, Alfonse Refi'ere, and his trusted advisors all of whom are working towards the betterment of the country.


Throne room:

"All in attendance of the royal meeting kneel towards your King, and ruler, Alfonse Vi Romero Alester De Refie'ere the I."

(Kings Aide)

"Hail towards the king. "

(Captain of the Guard)

All who were currently present in the room began kneeling as a figure that was encrusted in gold, jewels, extremely expensive fur and silk, entered. This was obviously the current king, Alfonse, he was a man who had reached the age of 45 and had inherited the throne upon his father's death at the age of 25. Ruling for the following 20 years had given him the pressence and authority of a true king, one whom just like his father had managed to maintain the 200 year long peace of the country since all wars had stopped. He held a small beard that covered half of his cheeks, his hairline had yet to receive even a single strain of gray hair despite the stress he received from his job as his long blond mane flowed down his head and neck, his physique was adequate enough despite not being seen due to his excessive attire, and his blue eyes held a powerful gaze filled with strength, charisma and authority. This man could truly be called the exemplary example of a human king. So as the king entered through the back of the throne room he sat on his throne and said.


"Everyone present now rise."(Alfonse)


"Now then, we are here to discuss the current status of the Adventurer's Guild, local affairs, the economic state of the country, and the recent rumours of monster attacks that have been occuring throughout Crater Valley the location were our last monster subjugation platoon was sent over 3 weeks ago. The first matter will be attended to in an orderly fashion by manner of importance. "(Alfonse)

" Very well then my liege, we'll follow the previous meetings patterns and start with the economic budget. May the royal treasurer, Richard Vi Duncan Alester Moret, speak."(Aide)

"An honor your grace, thank you Normand, now attending the matter of the budget, due to the recent gold laundering which the house of Doret was found guilty of, the territory known as Burgess suffered a minor budget drawback, however the state of affairs has been mostly resolved thanks to the joint efforts of houses Drummond and Turnip. We are now in the Green Zone for any major event that is to be held or the installment of an major department or building. That is all your grace."(Richard)

"Very well, if that is all then we'll proceed to the next order of business. The matter concerning the status of the Adventurers Guild by Count Derrick Vi Morris Wolf Trista . "(Normand)

"Hold it for a minute, your grace I'd like to debate the fact that we've already discussed this matter before and it just leads to an baseless debate."(Noble)

" Hold for now Viscount Dorian. Speak Count Derrick."(Alfonse)

"Thank you very much your grace. Dorian. Well now as I've addressed this matter before it'll be simple. The Guild has currently grown immensely since it's inception in 1308, it has become one of the largest military organizations not owned by a country and because of that there is reason to fear it indeed, despite it's claim of it being a non political faction is it not true that certain individuals from this supposed neutral faction have married into noble families. This point here proves, that they are stealthily gaining political might by gaining favor through the captivation of the hearts of the populace, and also by marrying into our own families. That is my current case your grace, one which is brought upon by the shady dealings of this guild and it's future plans concerning our country, since it is the originator of this guild."(Derrick)

At this moment the king begins rubbing his forehead in a rather tired manner and says.

"Your worry is indeed noted count, however unless you provide prove for the matter of this supposed shady dealings. One cannot look at their heroic actions, adventurous nature, and the fact that our daughter's and sons fall in love with the very people who have become military assets in our country as well as the heroes which have saved our country countless times again, and again as shady. So as your king and one who has grown very tired of this matter as a whole I must remind you that they are forced to take a neutral stance in all manners related to the politics of a country due to the laws of all 4 civilized nations, and that should they break that law it will begin the expulsion of the Guild from this country and prosecution is permitted for all who ally themselves with the guild. So don't ever bring up the subject again unless you wish to have a pardon from the next meetings or actual prove. Understood Count. "(Alfonse)


" I understand my liege. 'Dammit another failure yet again, and this time with a warning, controlling the adventurers will be harder than expected'. "(Derrick)

" Now then, Normand, please continue to the next issue. "(Alfonse)

" Y-yes, your grace. Now the next order of business shall be given to Captain of the Guard, Mirelia Vi Rosen Alester De Refie'ere,concerning the recent rumours of monster attacks in the last monster subjugation spot, please speak."(Normand)

"Yes, Normand thank you very much. My king and brother always a pleasure to see you. I will be adressing the matter concerning those attacks then."(Mirelia)

Currently taking the stage of discussion was, Mirelia Vi Rosen Alester De Refie'ere, former princess of the kingdom now Captain of the Guard and sister to the current king. She had renounced her political ties to her family in order to fulfill her dream of becoming an adventurer. This became a reality which turned everyones expectations of her downhill until word of her exploits came back. Mirelia Culler of Pests, Goblin Vain, Sword Princess, Heroic One, Superwoman, Slayer of Wyverns, and Conqueror of Grisweld. All this titles represented her adventures and accomplished feats, something which earned her the pride of a hero in one, due to her many great exploits. However her time would soon come when the duty she had foregone as a princess would haunt her once again; guilt eating away at her she left all things related to adventuring behind, and came back to the palace to serve as a protector of the kingdom holding the highest of all military positions while not having been given any political power, she still held quite a wide influence. Due to all of this, her radiant figure now stood before her king and brother as well as all the other nobles, her golden blonde hair flowing down her shining white mithril armor which served not only to show her strength as the strongest military asset but also reflected the beauty which shone despite being covered with armor, her deep sea blue eyes would make anyone tremble in fear of the mighty goddess of war that stood before them. And after introducing herself regarding the matter, she began her speech.

"Now as you all know the matter regarding the attempted monster invasion from the race of Hop-goblin variants that left quite a number on the kingdoms supposed highly regarded monster subjugation platoon, there were many casualties from our side but we managed to suppress them in the end despite the cost. As such we left only a small squadron of soldiers, about 30 to be exact, to protect the area while awaiting reinforcements from the kingdom, which arrived in about 2 days following their despatchment. However when the reinforments arrived they'd noticed that not only was the squadron not at they're respected posts, but that a couple of them had been found guts out, no heads, missing limbs or could only be identified by the armor which had they're code on. Now all of the bodies recovered were brought back to be investigated by the mortuary and the conclusive evidence reported that it was either a human attack which probably focused on the taking of ritualistic materials due to the missing components, leftover armor, and weapons, but because this were still trained soldiers I doubt any random cult or cannibals could have done this, as such it could have been humanoid monsters with an appetite for humans. That is all there is to report for now, however there is the personal matter of the inneficiency regarding the monster platoon which I would like to take command of reform and strengthen my king."(Mirelia)

"Hmmm, yes this is quite troubling indeed. The fact that the kingdoms specialized monster platoon be reduced in number so easily concerns me much; it'll make the populace doubt the power of the kingdom being able to produce effective units against monsters and could lead to them depending more on the Guild instead of the us, therefore I hereby grant you authority over the monster slayer platoon, however because I wish for there to be no problems with the pact I must also temporarily remove you from command of another of your other platoons. So that it not seem like you are gaining to much military might."(Alfonse)

"Understandable little brother, hihi, then I'll be grabbing my new unit tomorrow and commencing they're training, however I suggest that in the meantime you give out a request towards the guild so that they can properly investigate and erradicate this new threat while I form proper warriors so as to not have anymore casualties from our side. "(Mirelia)

" Then my Aide shall issue it before morning then. Now next order of business. "(Alfonse)

Dicussing all of the final matters, the meeting went on as planned with a couple of individuals bitter due to Mirelias manner of speech towards the king, but they could do nothing as she could easily subdue anyone who would try and show her, her place if she wanted to and to make matters worse she was sister to the king. Normand the kings aide went on to issue the request on behalf of the king and Mirelia assumed command of her new platoon on the following morning without knowing of the encroaching darkness that was yet to come.

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