《The Games That Bind Us》Chapter 26 - 2 VS 1
I am now waiting to see what Conner has done, last time he knocked me out I was on Kate's bed when I woke up, Kate who have very revealing clothes for sleeping was not to happy. well she was probably very happy however embarrassed all the same. this time there are two of them. nice try, this time Kate was wearing her normal clothes and Eron is wearing the clothes I made, and Eron is already used to sleeping with me, so no problem there. so what would he be planing?
I feel my consciousness pulling me awake, It feels like it is something I could replicate. but I cant understand it fully yet, maybe when my stats are higher? oh well, I wake up and sure enough I am on the bed, however Kate and Eron are not here? ha, your plan was thwarted, they woke up before me. I get up and expand my senses out and see that 2 people are in the Kitchen, my sensory skills need improvement if that is the best I can do. I have a lot of points to spend, both my level and Eron's level is 370 from training for a year. I could spend some stat points however I am saving them from when I have to use them. not using them makes it easier to train stat points as the lower the stat points are the easier they level up. I notice that I am still wearing my weighted training gear, the main reason I asked the Headmaster for a different room, because they weigh a few tons a piece. I forgot what they are at, I just keep using Mana to increase there weight every time they get to light. this trains all my physical stats, even vitality as it hurts your body to train to much and I am training 24/7.
I walk out of the room and see Eron and Kate in some kind of cooking match. they have already filled half of the huge table, are we having a party? what are they even doing? wait why not just ask. "Good morning, what are you doinf so early though?" I asked using Mana eye to check and sure enough it was 5 o'clock, maybe they woke up early because I made them sleep so early?
"We are cooking Master" "Cooking breakfast" they said in unison. even though they said it at the same time I heard both of them clearly, is this my Third Eye skill?
"ok... do you need any help?" I asked and they shook their heads. I decided to let them go at it and go to the library. However I felt two hands grab my shoulders, to my right was Kate and to my left was Eron, they dragged me over and sat me down... they realise I dont need to eat right? it is more a luxury that helps refill my Stamina as well as increase its level. maybe this is what I need to push it to 100, Stamina never budged after I entered the Ice Cave however I did not eat. maybe this will help? I sit down and accept I am not going anywhere soon. they finished cooking and there was a huge table full of food. the two girls then sat down either side of me and looked at me waiting for me to try it. I look at the food and pick up a bowl and start eating, it was a simple breakfast. eggs, Beans, Toast, Bacon and what looked to be dragon meat. "This is good" I said aloud and Eron Jumped for Joy, Kate just grabbed a different bowl and put it in front of me. this meal was waffles pancakes with golden syrup. this one appealed more to a sweet tooth. and as soon as I ate it.
[Stamina has reached 100, a new skill has been added]
[Stamina Conversion: You can now convert Stamina into Health or Mana, 2 stamina points can make 1 health point or 1 Mana point]
With this I jumped for joy, this would be great, Kate looked happy for some reason and Eron looked sad like she lost something... oh well. I sat down and looked at the blue box, I then closed it and looked at Kate and Eron. "you are eating as well right?" I said and they then both looked at each other before eating. I then got up, they looked at me. "I will be in the Library if you need me" I said before exiting the room and then using Blink Step to go to the Library.
[Blink Step has Evolved into Advanced Blink Step: You passively move faster. you can now move 10 Meters for 100 Mana. Advanced Blink Step costs less with Skill Level and Intelligence]
when in the Library I start reading some books I have not had the chance to read yet, one of them is a Fiction book about a planet called Earth, supposedly this planet has no Mana and it explains how they survive without it, I just have to say it is impossible, how would you deal with a dragon without any Mana? it is just a children's story however I do get +1 intelligence from that book alone, so I keep reading.
Eron's Point Of View.
when I woke up I was lying on master, like normal, however Kate was also doing the same, when she woke up she noticed I was awake to, however I just continued to rest against Master, he is much more relaxing to sit on then before, he is warm and makes me feel nice. Kate then separates me from master by dragging me out the room.
"Eron, we need to talk. both you and I love John right?" Kate asks, I nod as it is a simple thing, Master spared my life when he as a Dragon Slayer is naturally supposed to hate us dragons. he was kind and he makes me feel good when I kiss him. Kate then looks at me strangely. "We are going to fight it out and decide who gets to stay with him" Kate said and I simple hit her once and send her flying, Master mad me strong. Kate got up but gestured for me to stop. "Not like that. that is fighting ability yes, but not how a lover fights. we will see who can do the better job as a lover" Kate said. I then nodded and we started cooking, when Master woke up we made him eat, I lost that fight. even with my cooking ability, Master jumped for joy because of Kate's meal so she won that one. we then started cleaning when Master left. I won that battle as I got a Cleaning skill from it. I don't know how they work very well, I will ask Master after I win.
after some time the score was 5 wins 5 losses without any clear victor. we sat down and tried to think of a way to decide this.
"There has to be a way to decide a winner Kate said" I am still confused as for Dragons having multiple people to reproduce with was a good thing. so I said it.
"Why don't we both just be with Master? that way everyone is happy" I told Kate who looked at me strangely before thinking about something.
"Sure, how about this, I will accept your offer if John is stronger then both of us, however if John looses we continue deciding the way we are" Kate said and I nodded. we then went to master and dragged him to the Arena. He was confused until he saw us standing at one end of the arena and him the other.
"I am not sure why you want to fight however I wont go easy on you" Master said to us, I was happy, I will be able to give Master a good fight if Kate is with me, I wonder if Master will win, oh well. we will see.
John's Point Of View
So I have to fight them? oh well, Eron is not an issue, she is still a dragon so I have the clear advantage. Kate however can control Ice. that is not good for me. I wont questing why they want to fight me as I am sure they have there reasons. but this is a good chance to test myself.
"Before we start, Eron, you have 1140 stat points to allocate, where would you like them? or would you rather store them for later?" I asked and Eron gave it some thought, Kate looked shocked before giving me a look of wanting her own stat points.
"what are my stats at the moment?" Eron asked and I checked.
"Strength 137, Vitality 120, Dexterity 123, Intelligence 30, Wisdom 32" I said while checking. she got some skills from reaching 100 in the physical area's
[Iron Claw: using a claw to attack deals 5% more damage, percentage increases based on Strength and skill level]
[Tough Skin: take 5% less damage from an attack, percentage increases with Vitality and skill level]
[Hand Eye Coordination: You are now able to use hands as well as a human could]
"then put it all in Vitality" Eron said. Oh please no, that would make this fight last to long, wait I have a new dragon slayer aura, never mind then.
"Your Vitality will become 1360, is that ok with you?" I asked and she nodded, sure enough I put it all in vitality and her health was not HUGE. 1 point in vitality was 1000 points of health, she does not have my auto regeneration though.
[your pets Vitality has reached 1000, a new move has been added]
[Ignore damage: anything that would do 5 points of physical damage or less is ignored]
Oh yea, Vitality also adds defence however how would that work for a dragon? oh well, It does not affect me. she had 1,360,000 HP now so it may take some time to end this fight.
[Aura: Dragon Slayer]
Wont go all out from the start, she is still slow so I will use that. Kate's stats are. ha, did she even train? she has a few new skills but the stats have changed very little, her level is higher however it is still half my own. the cold part is something that scares me though.
[Cold Phoenix]
[Level 162]
[Kate White]
"Shall we begin?" I asked ad they both nodded, I got ready as we then began a count down "3...2...1...Go" I said and on go I stood still, Kate charged at me but Eron knew what I was doing, she jumped back. Kate reached me and I used Blink Step to get behind her, she then started attacking me however it was hopeless, I could keep using Blink Step all day, she was never going to hit me however I lost track of Eron, I used Mana Eye Projection and saw her behind me. I then Blink Stepped to one side to see Eron use Dragon Claw on Kate, well... use a dragons claw... not the move... whatever, she clawed Kate landed on the ground in pain with only minor injury, she put up a shield just in time, I taught Eron basic healing magic for just in case, she started healing Kate looking worried and sorry. I used Dragon Claw on her and did next to nothing only 10,000 damage was done. her defence is to high I would run our of Mana at this rate. I then decided to use Divine Dragon Claw and it was super effective, it does a fixed amount of damage if it makes contact, it cant do damage over distance like Dragon Claw however if I hit, 1 Mana becomes a guaranteed 5 points of damage. my Intelligence was now 297. 1 intelligence stat adds 1000 to my Mana pool. 297,000 Mana and times that by 5 for Divine Dragon Claw. that is a total of 1,485,000 damage that ignores defence it also Ignores the Dragon Slayer Aura that weakens dragons however silver lining, it is Divine after all, however it is physical damage. so it cant hurt ghosts, unless it is a Dragon Ghost I suppose.
I Decided to leave Eron with 5 HP with my Divine Dragon claw, she was Knocked out instantly, I then used Blink Step to move her to one side, I then delay the continuation of the fight to get my Mana back up. my Wisdom was at 284. with 3 points of Mana per 1 stat point. I had 852 Mana per second to waste however I pleased for now I was delaying as much as possible.
"Are you sure you want to continue, Eron had a much higher Vitality then you do. I don't know why you wanted this fight however you cant win. your level and stats are much lower then my own. if we went toe to toe, you would come short for blows" I said in a serious tone, she then powered up her Ice aura and charged, she knows my weakness. however.
"Plasma Cloak" I said while using Advanced Heat Cloak, I was surrounded in boiling hot Plasma. it was only aesthetic though, I only allocated 500 Mana per second while still regaining Mana. the only thing that mattered was that it looked intimidating to an ice mage. "as I said, however If you want to continue" I paused for a moment while raising my hand and adding 100 more Mana per second to my Advanced Fire Cloak making it flash with Plasma. "I will happily take you up on your offer. if you wish to stop now I will happily level you up to a point you can win, for now you cant" I said simply, I procrastinated enough and she now had no chance of wining. or so I thought.
"really, we shall see. ICE FUNERAL" Kate shouted while freezing the room solid, my Plasma was countered and now I was frozen, I used Magma to melt the Ice while then using Fire Cloak and burning the entire room to melt the Ice and blind Kate from my position, I then used Blink Step to get behind her and used a Dragon Leg spin kick. she was not there, she had used my own fire against me and used a Fire Illusion magic. I used Dragon Eye and tracked down her location, I smiled while using Blink Step to get behind her and simply punched her with an all out punch right into the gut. she lost a lot of health and fell back clutching her stomach, the rooms fire died down and she fell unconscious. they may have been a threat if they could work together and if I did not use most my Mana taking down Eron.
"Pheonix Reborn" Kate said and she turned to ash, only to reform with full health and Mana. she then shot a barrage of Ice Bolts into me. I was pinned against the wall with all my internal organs with multiple icicles sticking out of them, thank god I am a gamer, the Damage was huge though, I though she would not do much as my Vitality was 299. oh well, I let my guard down and that is what I got for it. with 299,000 Health I was ok, she only did 10,000 Damage per Ice Bolt, however one of them was a critical hit and did 11,000 damage, she hit me 28 times, I melted the Ice with Fire cloak and got down, the holes in me healed slowly however I should not be moving after that. being a gamer is useful. Kate only looked at me in horror as I now look good as new. it hurt like hell and my precious HP could not take to many of those barrages however she was horrified that someone who lost half his brain and organs in general was able to just stand up like it was nothing. it is what a gamer does. fighting at full strength until they die, that is how they fight.
"Nice Job Kate, that one actually hurt, but be careful where you aim that thing, one almost made me never have kids" I said which made her go red before shooting more Ice Bolts at me, to late, my Dexterity was now at 299.
[Dexterity has reached 300, a new skill has been added]
[Dodging Mastery: Dodging increases speed by 50%, percentage can be increased with skill level and Dexterity]
I lie to you not, It is at 300. I avoid the Ice Bolts like they were not even there. Kate looks shocked however it is only natural, her stats match her level, they are in the 100-150 zone. except for Intelligence and Wisdom, they are still not matching her actual ability with Mana. maybe it is because she is a strong idiot? and I have it split between general intelligence and Mana while she just has it in Mana? whatever. I will investigate later her abnormality.
I walk slowly towards her while avoiding any and all Ice Bolts, she starts freezing the ground however my Dexterity handles movement in general, so moving on Ice does not do much, maybe I could develop something like Ice skating to increase movement speed on ice? oh well, I melt some of the Ice and leave the floor with a layer of water 20 cm Deep the Arena was 10 cm of the ground roughly so the room had a lot of water in it. "Last chance to give up" I said with a serious tone, she started firing faster, her Mana was getting Low however she was drawing some of the Mana out of nowhere, maybe some people can use it more efficiently with determination, and gamers are stuck with fixed limits? I then used the water on the ground as cover as I turned it into steam blocking her view and then punched her, ending the fight.
[Quest Complete]
that was what I was after. the quest I got a while back to beat Kate and win with a punch. the fight was harder back then. but I am stronger now.
[Rewards: Closer Intimacy with Kate, Greater Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Water Magic and Dragon Palm was added]
[Greater Fire Magic: Fire Magic is much more efficient with its Mana consumption]
[Ice Magic: allows you use Ice Magic, power depends on how much Mana is allocated]
[Water Magic: allows you use Water Magic, power depends on how much Mana is allocated]
[Dragon Palm: Deals 10,000 Damage, must be a direct hit. Cannot Kill a target, if the Target reached 1 HP the rest of the power flows out the other side of them, Damage is increased with Strength Stat, Intelligence Stat, wisdom Stat, and skill level. charge time is 10 seconds, costs 10,000 MP and 10,000 HP, cost cannot be reduced, only increased]
well... it lets me fight without killing? damn that move is costly. I will have to train that a lot to try and make it more worth it. for now, what do I do with these two idiots? they fought me out of nowhere, Eron knew she could not beat me and Kate should not underestimate me. I guess I will ask them. I use Healing Magic and wake them up.
"wow. I did not realise you were so strong Master, this means Kate and I will be yours together" Eron said happily and Kate hearing this went red after storming out. what did I miss? I need more sensory skills as being left in the dark hurts.
"Eron, what do you mean?" I asked trying to get information. she was happy to respond.
"If you lost you kept only one of us and if you won you keep both of us, it was our Idea. and you won, now everyone is happy" Eron said with a smile, she then dashed out of the room. and I was left wondering how I missed all that? oh well, they were stronger then I thought, now that I am back I should send a party invite to Kate.
[Kate Joined the party]
And there we go. I wonder what to do now, I was busy in the library however I continued reading with Mana Eye. I will tell them nothing about that one however the new Magic is accepted, I will Grind that starting now. I gathered Ice around my feat to help me move faster and started making water and evaporating it with Fire Magic. it was simple like that. and with that I walked to the library the old fashioned way.
after that I trained my new magic to see what it could do. Ice Magic when used correctly can be used to ice skate however I did not practice that much, I am faster while walking. actually, my walking speed is as fast as my Jogging speed thanks to Waking Mastery. it did not evolve at level 99 like normal, it looks like mastery skills continue past that. it is at level 783, its affect changed however.
[Walking Mastery: for every level to the skill you walking speed increases by 1 mile an hour.]
783 miles an hour anyone? however with my Dexterity on top of that is almost more easy to walk places then it is to run, I can still walk slowly however I can also walk very fast. however I don't use it to much because it is very disorientating, it is not natural to walk and then slow down to Jog somewhere. however just by walking the skill level rises. that is like a free skill, however I cant fight very well while walking. so I wont use it for fighting.
After training for a bit I go to the Cafeteria to see Kate and Eron staring at each other with looks that had rivalry in them. yet sitting with only one seat in between them. I guessed what it was for and decided to avoid that land mine by using Blink Step and cooking at the Kitchen in our room. I made Dragon meat stew however it did not taster as nice as when Eron made it. her skill had been progressing well. however I just continued to eat, I could eat anything really as long as it wasn't poison, that did damage so I decided to avoid it. maybe if I can develop an immunity to it however I don't have any poisons that had no chance of killing me however did enough to build a good resistance to it. Maybe Conner has some?
with that shelved for another time I exit the Academy altogether and walk to a near by dwarven city, it was only a 5 minuet walk... for me at least. it was called Nerfalder and it was north of the Academy. I passed some other towns and cities while in Hidden at the same time as walking so I was undetected however I was after a dwarven city. because I had a bunch of Dragon Scales and nowhere to sell them, and dwarven cities have a higher value on materials then they do gold, or even there own life when it came to dragon scales. you see Dragons could only really be hurt by Dragon Slayers, and there were not many of us around. so dragon scales were worth a lot. I arrived at the city and slowed down to a normal walking speed, I then removed Hidden and scared some near by people who saw me but I had the Academy Robes on not my Divine Dragon Slayer gear so they just accepted it and ignored it, I could probably fly in on a golden phoenix breathing arcs of fire and they would think it normal while I wear these robes. that was the type of history the Academy had.
I walked around for a bit and got confused, I could not find a blacksmith and I did everything I could think of to find one, and if someone says there is not a blacksmith in a dwarven city I will murder every single... "Excuse me, do you know where I could find a blacksmith?" I asked one of the dwarves and they pointed to a town map... that is helpful, I then read it and sure enough you have to go to the Adventurers Guild if you want a blacksmith as it was located under the guild. I then walked into the guild to see a dwarf at the reception desk with a huge war hammer on the dwarf's back that was the length of a short sword however the on the dwarf it looked huge. the 1 foot warrior was looking at me, then looked at my robes, then went pale.
"Wha is an academy mage such as yourself doing here?" the dwarf said confused, I looked at his name tag.
[Guild Master]
[Level 90,001]
[Vivor The Crusher]
A guild master? I should be polite, "Hello there, I am John, where's the blacksmith?" I simply asked and he looked at me surprised.
"you don't want a quest from the guild?" Vivor asked. I had searched the entire town with 100 Mana eye Projection and sorted through the data and came up empty and ran around for what looked to be forever in Hidden searching each building for it, and you think I want a QUEST?
"Blacksmith, now!" I said firmly and he shivered for a second.
"I am the Guild Master and the blacksmith here, what do you need" He said with a shiver in his voice, is my presence really that big? my Fighting Spirit is 87 from full on fights with Verod. maybe that has something to do with it. my will power is also 10. but I don't see what that does yet.
"I am a Dragon Slayer and I seek knowledge on how much this is worth" I said while pulling out 1 Basic Dragon scale, 1 Ancient Dragon scale, and 1 Divine Dragon scale. I only got Greater Fire gems from the Fire Dragons so I will ask a Mage for that. and the Guild Master went from Pale to loosing HP from fear, did I miss something in the History of the Dragon Slayers? are we evil or something? or is it because to kill a dragon it takes either 100 Greater Mages or 1 Dragon Slayer. so we are seen as strong?
"the Basic scale is worth 100 silver, the what I think is an Ancient Scale is worth 100 gold coins. the Divine Dragon scale could buy this entire town, it is worth 1 Rare Gold Coin" he said with a glow in his eyes. the Divine Dragon scale I will hold onto, I put it in my inventory. the currency works like this, 100 copper made 1 silver, 3 copper was like the worth of one piece of cheep bread, 50 silver was enough to but a small house to live in. 100,000, silver was worth 1 rare silver, 1 rare silver was enough to get by for a year. 100,000,000 rare silver was worth 1 gold. 1 gold was enough to buy a small castle 100,000,000,000 Gold was worth 1 Rare Gold coin. as he said, a rare gold coin could by a city the size of this one.
"I have 100,000,000 Basic Dragon Scales I am willing to sell, and 100,000 Ancient Dragon Scales I am willing to sell, do you know anyone who will buy it?" I said as the noise in the guild stopped, every dwarf beast human elf and miscellaneous stopped talking the moment I said that and stared at me.
"you have to be kidding me" The Guild master said in a business tone, I looked at him seriously while equipping Dragon Slayer Aura, the Guild master pointed to a sign that said 'This Is A No Aura Zone' and I powered down, with the proof he needed he took me to the Guild Treasurer. it was a robot without a name or level but the title Treasurer was above the robots head. he then turned to me, "Can you store all the money?" I nodded putting an inventory screen where the coins were going to drop. 100,000 rare silver coins dropped and vanished into my inventory. then 100,000,000 gold coins dropped into my inventory. I walked away a happy man as I left the dragon scales with an even happier Guild Master. he spent most of the Guilds saved up money however he said come back any time, he could not afford the Divine Dragon scale however with what I did for the Guild the place would see many powerful adventurers. so I was always welcome.
I walked back to the 3 Fists Academy in Hidden and when I arrive it was Late, I walked into the room, sat on a big sofa and slept, Kate and Eron were not back however I let them know with party chat I was going to be sleeping on the sofa.
[Saving..... the game has been saved]
Chapter 27 - Sensory Skills
John tries to develop sensory skills and he may or may not discover something with his new powers of observation.
I hope you liked the chapter.
- In Serial250 Chapters
The Salamanders
Hadica was built around one of five Towers, an infinite structure filled with floors of monsters, magic, and treasures that the city plunders like clockwork. Most of the city, at least. Growing up in Westhill, Micah's family abstained from all of their Tower's bounties. He became an [Alchemist] at an age younger than most and just wanted to level in peace, but soon ran out of mundane ingredients to brew into potions. Ryan is a budding [Fighter] with the strange ability to mimic beasts, including monsters, but he doesn't understand it or even himself. After a Tower climb goes horribly wrong, their lives and the world around them begin to change as they try to figure out who they want to be. The Salamanders is a slow-paced story about characters growing up in and exploring a fantasy setting. It updates sporadically. Please mind the tags. Also, there is a Discord now! Click here.
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Even I Don't Want to See the World Burn Down: Rank SSS Demon
A very powerful demoness by the nickname Amethyst has been causing chaos and destruction for over 1000 years, except over the last couple hundred years, she's become rather bored and hasn't really done much out in the world. Until one day, encouraged by a friend, she heads out once again to wreak havoc on the world only to run across a half-elf half devil child. Not having been in the situation before, she decides to take the child and raise it herself. Diguising herself as a devil as well, Amethyst goes to a nearby human city with the child to raise it in a more "suitable" environment. Follow along Amethyst and her "adopted" child as they adapt to changing fantasy world with advancing technology, a diverse range of beings like elves and arachne, and the destructive power of monsters and other demons. And of course, they can't just be left to their own devices cause the world is set to turn into an intolerable hellscape if no one does anything about it. Not even Amethyst wants that to happen. *Author's note: this story is a work in progress meaning chapters may get deleted, editing will happen, and chapter releases will be irregular as I'm doing this just for fun. Plus this is my first time working on this sort of thing. So if you're ok with all of that, read along. Of course, comments and feedback are always welcome. Update 7 June 22: Life has been busy with family and work so this is a very slow updating story, for which I apologize (I like to read too).
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Cleaning Up Your Mess
In the year 2274, the name of the game in Felicity City is pleasure. Felicity’s entertainment megacorporations export entertainment of all kinds to the world, ranging from pop idols to video games. But as it turns out, creating entertainment, and generating profit, is a more unsavory business than it seems, requiring someone to clean up after the mess. In our story, we follow three dysfunctional janitors trying their best to survive everyday life at one of Felicity’s most powerful, corrupt, and oppressive corporations. __________________________________________________________ New releases every Tuesday(US timezone). Any kind of feedback is welcomed! Cover photo credits to: https://twitter.com/Kazissimo
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Unlikely Animals (short stories)
A collection of short stories by C. Wendt Each Chapter is a different story and will have its own introduction and content warnings. These stories are not necessarily connected. Most of these fictions will be fairly experimental and may possibly all include animals. I don't know yet. Real comments get +rep, "first" will be deleted. A Chipmunk (674 words; Contemporary, Comedy) The Man Who Lifts Steel (755 words; Sci-fi, Superhero) Red Eclipse (270 words; Sci-fi, Horror) Delivered Unto Giants (298 words; Sci-fi, Horror) The Boy & Rain (173 words; Contemporary, Satire) A Dog Named Peter (4140 words; Historical, Supernatural) Waiting for Inspiration – Act II (172 words; Contemporary, Comedy)
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"Look into my eyes"I whispered he adjusted his eyes to look into mine. "1 month ago, my mother was murdered. I came home to see her dead body lying dead on the floor. The man who killed her hasn't escaped yet. Imagine the rage I felt when I saw the man with the same 34 magnum that killed my mama in the waistband of his pants" I pressed his head harder against the table. "You tell me what I could do when I was filled with rage." Zeke a 16 year old boy comes home to find his mom murdered, after killing the man who murdered his mother hes sent to jail, how will his new life be when he is released and how will his city feel about the new murder running around town.
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Dil awara √
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