《The Games That Bind Us》Chapter 24 - Crafting
Eron began work on cooking, her fire was to cold to burn the flesh of a Dragon so she used the Lava pools and I got to work getting the ingredients, I cam back with nothing in my hands and Eron looked disappointed until I pulled around a hundred Dragon Skins all bigger then I was out of my inventory, I can fit them in because of them being leather I just fold them up and put them in after ripping out all the scales. I put the scales in individually as they are worth a fortune to dwarves for their blacksmithing.
Eron began cooking the Dragon meat, I feel like a mean pet owner, I am making her cook potentially her brothers and sisters and in general her race, not that she did not already eat her own race, that is the only food source here and she is 19, you have to understand that she survived only by eating them. or maybe...
"Eron, are there any other type of foods around here except for basic dragons?" I asked, she nodded. and thus I am an idiot
"Ancient Dragons" she replied with a smile. ok maybe I am not an idiot but what is she doing attacking one of those? maybe with a group of basic dragons? then whatever left on the ground from the fight is food?
"Nice to know, also Eron. what are you transforming into?" I asked and to this she did not reply, maybe she did not hear me? I walk over to her and ask again, "Eron, what are you transforming in...to...?" before I could fully ask she exploded into a smoke cloud and what remained was.... a human.... a naked... human girl...
I walked over to the nearest Basic Dragon and made some clothes for her to wear. she had to make do with the same style as I have, except she needed gaps in the back for her wings and tail. not sure how this form helps fighting however that is one beautiful form, blond hair, dragon eyes, cute human face, excellent figure... damn it stop it me, I am supposed to be after Kate... that reminds me, if Kate hears I spent my time in a Desert alone with a woman who cooked meals for me she will kill me. maybe Eron's baby dragon resting form will make Kate calm down?
"Master, these clothes are itchy" Eron said while trying to take them off. damn it don't take them off, I may have Gamers mind to resist most mental attacks however I am still a teenage boy, how do you expect me to keep calm for 11 months like this? I rush over and put her clothes back on, she still refused the put the hood up as it pushed against her ears that were twice as long as an elf's ears and were made of scales. so I made holes in the hood around her both her ears so they went through, she found this to be ok.
"Master, the stew is ready" Eron said as she brought around a stewing pot made of cleaned rock, she made spoons and 2 bowls out of cleaned rock to as it did not melt. however when she poured the stew into the bowls it looked flawless, almost to good so I looked at her skills.
[Cooking advanced: whatever you cook is made perfectly and depending on your skill depends on what stat boosts it gives along with taste]
that will come in handy and oh my god. Eron put some of it on her spoon and is holding it at me. she looks like her face is going red and... Kate really is going to kill me isn't she... I accept her offer and eat the stew from her spoon...
Kate's Point Of View
"and that is all for today, Homework will be handed in by tomorrow" Sir Andrew said with a smile after completing his lecture on dragon slayers and there weakness against Ice and strength against fire.
interesting, maybe that will come in handy and.... why do I suddenly feel like killing someone right now? maybe father did something but this is worse...
John's Point Of View
I finished my meal and then said I had to do something quick and ran to the nearest heard of Dragons. flock of dragons? pride of dragons? what would that be called? I will ask Verod when I get back however now I have a lot more materials to make clothes out of and practice making them. I have to say that situation got awkward. and something tells me I will go through that for the full 11 months before I get back to the academy. not that it is bad or anything, it just makes my heart beat a little faster, it definitely is a change from Kate who tries to kill me. maybe I am part masochist for even deciding to be with her? who know, however now I have 2 women tugging at my heart. do I hear 3? not at the moment, that you for that.
[Charm 100, a new skill has been added]
[Harem King: You will now be able to attract multiple girls at the same time with the full force of your charm stat. affect gets stronger with skill level and charm stat]
oh that is just not fair. and for some reason I feel like I should get back to Eron to see if this is affecting her. it couldn't right? I arrive back at the camp to find Eron on the ground. I Blink Step over to her to see if she is ok, she is breathing heavily, he face is read and she is grabbing the back of my head and pulling it towards her.... and there you have it, in that one moment she kissed me. her lips feel softer then Kate's did. she then lets go. "Master, I feel like I am in heat, would you reproduce with me?" Eron said while attempting to undress. damn it, this is way to much for a teenage boy to handle.
I quickly put her clothes on and melt them together so they cant be taken off. looks like Plasma can melt dragon skin enough to melt it together, however it is the most draining fire magic I have. however Eron just kisses me on the cheek and whispers into my ear "I love you master" and that was it, I found the closes Ancient Dragon and Killed it just to fight the Undead version, 5 minuets later I return with a bunch of Ancient Dragon bones and very much calmed down. my level increased to 213. still not allocating any stat points until I need to. the thing was easy to kill as it moved so slow.
"Welcome back master" Eron said with a smile before walking off to continue he cooking practice. I just sat down on a rock and began making dragon skin clothes and after some time.
[Tailoring: you can now make clothes out of cloth, leather and other soft materials, skill with tailoring and boosts given by tailoring increase with skill level and Dexterity]
Dragon skin is not soft however. I have high Dexterity. I quickly made another dragon skin desert clothing set and it was awesome, I looked like a final Boss from a game. there was a boost of?
[+1000 Heat Resistance]
useless, absolutely useless. how am I supposed to use that? maybe Eron needs it as her heat resistance is not purfect like mine is. I make one for Eron and sure enough it is 1000 Heat resistance, I give it to her and she smiles and hugs me, then kisses me, I then push her off me with a red face. damn it, she keeps doing that, I wonder If I cant just ask her to let me fight the Divine Dragon now? "Hey Eron, where can I find a Divine Dragon?" I asked and she pointed to the sky, I looked but I could not see anything, I used Mana Eye and sent it up into the sky, and after some time I saw it, 190 Miles into the sky there was a dragon, and its level was.
[Lord Of The Sky]
[Level 200,000]
[Divine Dragon]
I don't think I can beat that just yet, screw it I cant reach it just yet let alone fight it. "Eron, is there any closer to the ground?" I asked and she shook her head. I walked over to a Basic Dragon and tore its wings off and used them to fly however the wings could only get me so high, I fell back down and Eron caught me, before she could kiss me however I used Blink Step to get the rest of the way to the ground, I decided to call it a day since it was getting late, I set up camp and fell asleep, Or I would have however Eron slept next to me, using my arm as a pillow and hugging me. I was to tired to move her, my stamina bar was empty and I fell asleep.
[Saving... your game has been saved]
I woke up and decided if I am going to fight that dragon I am going to need a way of reaching it or brining it to me. time to draw up a few idea's, I get Eron to the level where she can fly up there with ease and quickly to avoid the Divine Dragon, not possible as Divine Dragons are to fast for that. maybe if I could bring the dragon down, if I could paralyse it I could bring it down however I am not strong enough and no thunder cloud I know will be that high in the sky. hmm... this will be difficult, wait, what does it eat and does it ever need to come down to the ground on its own?
I follow it around for a bit and nope it just fly's around all day. showing now signs of coming down I give up on that Idea and start thinking of a way to get up there. "Master" I hear Eron call from behind. I turn around and she points over in a direction. "Baby Divine dragons are on the ground over there however there will be an angry mother waiting for you." Eron said to me expecting a reward, I pet her on the head and she accepts it happily with her tail wagging like a dog.
I dash over in the direction sure enough, there are a bunch of small Divine Dragons. all level 1000-2000. I then see mama Dragon. then decide I would rather give up.
[Light In The Darkness]
[Level 100,000,000]
[Queen Divine Dragon]
I walk over to the mother divine dragon, she looks at me, realises she could kill me instantly, and then ignores me.
"Queen Divine Dragon, I request I understand that there you think you could kill me instantly however I request a fight with you. I have been given the quest of killing all types of dragons in this Desert, do you accept my challenge?" I said, maybe she will show some lenience sine it is an official challenge and I am being honourable, hey worst that can happen is I respawn later.
"aah, another Dragon Slayer is being born, I wonder if this means Verod is doing well. young Dragon Slayer, killing me is impossible for you, however to the north there is one of us that was banished, that Divine Dragon has no wings and is injured, we banished that one because it was getting to strong for its own good, fight with that one and you should be able to win." The Divine Dragon said to me in a calm and patient voice, "And if you fail at even doing that feel free to kill one of the baby dragons. I care little for them as I have to many." The Divine Dragon said before going right back to ignoring me.
I looked at Eron and she looked confused back at me, but we shrugged it off and went to the north, sure enough.
[Hurt Divine Dragon]
[Level 3]
[Divine Dragon]
I just feel sorry for it, the poor dragon looks to me like killing it would be putting it out of its misery. however before I could Eron stopped me. "Master, this dragon is hurt, it would not be a fair fight at all, wasn't this supposed to be a test?" Eron said almost saying heal the dragon with a big glowing sign, so I use some healing magic however the wings did not grow back, the dragon got up and looked at me eye to eye.
"Thank you for healing me Dragon Slayer, if you still seek a fight I beg of you, fight the Queen Divine Dragon, she is evil" The dragon said to me, I gave a look that demanded an explanation and the Divine Dragon spoke. "Originally I was the Queen there, however she took over and started to destroy the other Dragons, I originally made a contract with Verod Dragonsbane to leave the Dragon Slayers alone so that they could protect the Desert from evil scum like that Divine Dragon. If you help me, I will grant your partner the blessing to become a Divine Dragon. do you accept?"
[Quest: Kill The Evil Queen Divine Dragon, help the old queen retake the throne with your power to slay dragons]
[Reward: Eron will become a Divine Dragon]
"I accept your offer Divine Dragon, lets go" I said while turning around, Eron looked happy, maybe I should think of a way to beat someone that much stronger? Blink Step under them and Dragon Claw? that wont kill it though. use Burst Mode and Dragon Claw? that may work, my stamina stat has been going up so Burst Mode will be stronger, and I will set it to 30 seconds so I can get a lot more power. yep that should do it, I just wont be able to move afterwards. 2 quests with 1 attack, Worth it.
"Dragon Slayer, do you have a plan, I do not see how someone of your strength can beat her" The Divine Dragon said in a curious tone. I nod and then point over at the Queen Divine Dragon in the distance, she has not noticed us, I walk over using Hidden so she did not notice my approach, I then use my plan and slice her apart. or that is what I thought before Verod appeared in front of me grabbed me and dragged me back to the injured Divine Dragon. I was confused however his serious face told me I was about to do something I really should not have.
"John, why are you attacking a Queen Divine Dragon?" Verod asked me in a serious tone. I pointed at the Injured Divine Dragon and she explained her self. Verod then looked at the Queen Divine Dragon and then back to me. "You do realise that is its resting form right?" Verod asked me and I went pale. that is the resting form? well I could kill it before it transforms however Verod was the one to walk over to the Queen Divine Dragon, I was about to stop him but for some reason he felt like he was about to fight seriously and I could not wait to see what he could do.
"Dragon Limiter Release" Verod said and his level changed. he jumped from level 390,036 to level 291,084,591. he was now stronger then the Queen Divine Dragon. I was amazed, he did not feel much different, however he drew his sword and grew out Dragon Wings. he then started to kill the Queen Divine Dragon. before the Queen Divine Dragon could transform it was already dead, just over there, and a bit there, and I am not even sure what part of the dragon that is from? he is strong, and yet he still thinks himself as one of the weaker fighters on the planet?
"Anyway John, just kill one of the Baby dragons and I will clean up this mess, I am sorry about stealing your kill however It is my job not yours." Verod said before walking off somewhere. I turn to the Injured Divine Dragon to see her title changed to Queen Divine Dragon. interesting, I would like to know how that works however I can be bothered. I look at Eron to see her title has changed.
[Divine Dragon]
[Level 148]
"Eron, Lets go, we have some Training to do, I said while slicing a baby Divine Dragon in half with Dragon Claw.
[Dragon Claw has reached level 99 and has evolved into Divine Dragon Claw]
[Divine Dragon Claw, deals as damage based on how much Mana you put into it, 5 damage points for 1 Mana Point, the ratio of Damage to Mana will change depending on Skill Level]
I tested and I can still use Dragon Claw however Divine Dragon Claw can be made weaker to deal with people without killing them, and can be made stronger by putting all my Mana behind it. interesting.
We both walked over to Verod's cave and before we could enter Verod kicked the Door into dust grabbed me by the head and dragged me inside. "you took your time getting here. oh well, You have Passed" Verod said while dragging me through a passage I did not see before.
[Quest Complete]
[Dragon Wings: these let you fly based on your Dexterity stat, how much you can carry while flying is Based on your Strength Stat. when not flying your wings can be used as independent shields that are able to shield from magic based in Intelligence and Wisdom. it is also able to shield from physical attacks based on Vitality. all things increase with skill level]
[Dragon Form: Turn into a Dragon for the biological benefits a dragon has such as its advanced Mana capacity and senses of a dragon and temporary Level and stat increase of 10 times what they are. Multiplier increases with Skill Level]
[Dragon Scales: Passively increases Defence by 50%]
[Dragon Slayer Aura Advanced: Weakens all Dragons by 80% of there strength, this only applies for you. all Dragon Slayer Abilities Cost Less Mana To Use and Less Health to use]
[Class: Dragon Slayer]
[Dragon Slayer Perks: you can now speak in the language of dragons, Class Quests can now be accepted, all Dragon Slayer Abilities Level Up faster]
Those Skill are awesome, I will have to try them later. for now I look at the passage we are in, the Passage took us further into the ground in a stair case going down into the ground like a bottomless pit, Eron was following behind us but was not fast enough to keep up, I would have put some of her building up points into Dexterity to help her keep up but I am saving them for later. when we reach the end all I though was that we had came back to the surface, however it was to dark for that. no, we were in an HUGE underground cave.
"Survive this alone and I will be satisfied, you will be down here for 11 months without any help, I will take care of your pet dragon." Verod said while kicking me into the huge Cave, you could fit 100 Divine Dragons in here, it was that big. there was a small forest down here with. WATER! it was an oasis. I jumped down onto a comfortable patch of grass and decided to sleep, maybe I can grind some skills down here? water magic? Healing magic? all of my magic!
in the distance I heard Eron's voice. "Let me in, I want to be with Master!" however Verod soon silenced her. and I just fell asleep, this cant be to hard. right?
Chapter 25 - Ice Cold Cave
The Cave Verod put John in gets cold, very cold, and John has little resistance against the cold, will he be able to survive the 11 months in a place this cold?
hope you liked the chapter, the next chapter will be released soon
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