《The Games That Bind Us》Chapter 18 - Action Replay Final
Kate's Point Of View
I walked into the room to see John asleep on the sofa. He looked like he was sleeping soundly until I walked over to him, then he started to look like he just started having a nightmare. However I had some good news.
"John, I have something to tell you..." He did not even move... he must have been really tired from the Dark Room.
"John... wake up" I said this and almost instantly he woke up.
"I am awake, Kate I believe you have some news for me, correct?" John said in a clam voice. I was shocked, he should have been asleep when farther asked me to take John on a date to the.... when father said I could use the VR room...
"how did you know?" I asked almost on instinct hoping he did not hear the conversation that my father put me through
(3 hours Earlier)
"Kate, I will be heading off on a quest and wont be back for 3 days, be sure to do all you want to John in that time" Conner said while winking under his mask Kate's face went Red and she proceeded to melt most objects in the room.
"careful some of those cost more then your wedding ceremony will" Conner said with a grin as he evaded fire bolts and magma balls.
"shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!!" Kate said while going more red in the face "Why do you keep going on about it!!!" Kate said with a pouting face while looking off to one side.
"hey you said you.. stop trying to kill me so we can talk" he said while still avoiding the fire... "Come on, you said back in onset that you wan" He could not finish before the room exploded
"Shut UP!!!"
(3 hours later)
"It is 3 in the morning and you are asking me to wake up, maybe that?" John said with a cocky smile, damn he got me... oh well. he normally does not act like this
"well you are acting all high and mighty in the morning. anyway yes...." I would have continued but John must have read my mind or something...
"The headmaster is out and you want me to go to the super cool VR gaming room" he said. HOW? the first part I understood however this is straight up cheating...
"How?" I asked with great reason, unlike his brothers partner I wont tolerate super sensory abilities until we get to know each other better
"I came from the future and I am here to warn you that the power is out over there so don't bother going. I on the other hand need to go to the library, you catch up on sleep" John said while walking out the room... HOW? time travel is supposed to be impossible. and he would use it just to say the power was out? and I was hoping to ask him if he remembers me from before the academy
"Wha? ok then" I said with a smile, "The power is out?" I said trying to think how that would work the Mana generator is supposed to...
"its ok, I will be right back" John said while looking slightly sad wait a minuet. the Academy works runs of the Mana given off by the students. it CANT run out unless there is less then 5 people in the academy. there is more then 5 teachers who can provide power! the door shut and only then it hit me. I got up and went to the door, but it vanished from the wall... he sealed me inside... I will be stuck here for 3 days... Father is in idiot. of course john would not remember. forget remembering he is scared of me because my bloodlust slips out every so often and my fire activates by its self some times.
"John you idiot.." I said while sitting down where the door used to be...
(Onset: 7 years ago)
"Daddy, where are we going now?" I asked while looking at my father. we were in the fields of a small rural town. I don't know the name.
"I need ot be off as someone at the Academy is making trouble. You will wait here in this town, I will be back as soon as possible" Daddy said before vanishing. I looked up and it was getting late, the sun would be setting soon. I was not tired enough to go into the town so I went into the forest near by. I looked a lot different then I do now and had my hair tied up into a pony tail. unlike now where it just hangs down, the colour was also blond back then. when I released most of my power it changed to a brown colour, maybe that is why John did not remember me. but I would meet him unexpected.
as I walked through the forest I got los... I decided to take the long way out because the forest was nice and relaxing, however as I walked further and further I did not worry about getting out
"Daddy where are you, I am lost and want to go home" I said while not crying at all. and defiantly did not start running around like an idiot. however I ran into a wolf that looked hungry, however I could beat this thing with ease. it charged at me and I cast a basic fire bolt. I smiled but got a bit to confident. the wolf jumped over the fire bolt and then jumped at me, I shut my eyes and fell backwards however.
"Are you ok?" someone asked me. I opened my eyes to see someone who looked around my age. he had a smile however I was not. he had stopped the wolf from having me for lunch me by putting his left arm in the way. he now had a wolf eating his arm off. he only smile as he pushed the wolf off. missing half an arm.
"That hurt. I will have to ask my brother to send me another potion." he said while looking at his arm with a smile, he then looked back to me and saw my expression. "Don't worry, I am the invincible John Richardson, I will never fall to a scratch like this, I laugh in the face of pain. ha ha ha" he said while smiling
"why did you do that." I said with a few tears in my eyes. he looked at me like I asked the most stupid and pointless question in the world. excuse me for wondering why someone would throw their arm in the way of a wolf and his meal.
"Because I did not want to see such a cute girl get torn apart by a hungry wolf" He said while smiling. I blushed and went slightly timid. I had never been called cute before by anyone except my father.
"idiot. you could have used a stick or something" I said while looking at him with a big smile and a few tears still faling down my face.
"wha? OH I COULD HAVE, damn it, brother is going to kill me for this, how could I have been this stupid" He continued on like that for a bit and I could only sit there and laugh. he thought more about me then he did his hand.
after a while he calmed down and turned to me. "well whatever, is there any reason you walked into the most dangerous part of the forest which has around 100 signs telling you to turn back from?" John said with a curious smile. how was I supposed to know this was the most dangerous part of the forest? besides not looking at the trees enough to see any kind of sign...
"..erm.. I am the Great And Powerful Mage Of The Lands, nothing can stop me" I said while looking off into the distance with a smile of acknowledging that my father must NEVER know I said that.
"Cool" John said while looking at me with stars in his eyes. "Well then great and powerful mage of the lands who cant even beat a hungry wolf. nice to meet you." John said with a smile almost as he meant every word he said. he went red for a moment, I walked into that one.
"sh.. shut up" I said while looking away a bit embarrassed. John then started walking away. "Where are you going?" I said while looking at him slightly angry. "please don't leave" I said in a mumble that he did not here. however he turned around and smiled.
"Well I am going to leave to forest now. I am sure you as a great mage will be able to get out however if for some reason you leaving the forest is also your new found idea maybe you would coincidentally be going the same way I am, not being last just leaving the same way" John said with a smile, some how knowing that he now forced me to follow him and I could either remain here only to get attacked my more wolfs or follow him while under the pretext of just leaving the forest the same way, fore a kid he is clever.
I caught up to him and we walked out of the forest, we made it back to Onset and he then turned to me, "Well I have to go, Maybe I could see you around some time?" John said to me with a smile.
"sure, I would like that" I said while looking back to him. before father came back I wanted to say something or do something with him that I could be satisfied with however... he then dashed over to me and... stole my first kiss.
"Now we will definitely meet again. my dad always said if you kiss a girl you want to be with for the rest of your life then you will meet again some day no mater what, bye now" John said before dashing off into the distance. I was now red in the face and unable to move, if daddy knew about that he would never let it go.
"and I thought I would never let the thing in the forest go, At least you made some memories" Daddy said while appearing out of nowhere.
"wha? but?....." I could not say anything, I was now so red that words stopped wording... or something like that.
"don't worry, I would have stepped in if things went bad. don't worry, that kid wont be phased by just loosing an arm. I am sure the Great And Powerful Mage Of The Lands would not worry about him" daddy said with the biggest grin in the world.
sure enough he never let it go.
(3 Fists Academy: 3 years later)
"Hey Kate, do you remember that guy in Onset you kissed?" my father said out of nowhere as I was having a drink in the library. I then chocked on my drink after he said that and my face went red as I checked to confirm NOBODY was here.
"what about it?" I asked as his grin grew like he was plotting something.
"well it looks like he has a powerful ability so he will be coming to this academy. I will make sure of it. he has yet to develop it however you will meet again" Father said with a grin announcing it to everyone and anyone. the library was empty so I was only slightly more embarrassed. but wait he will be joining the academy, I wonder will he remember me? I look different because of my powers awakening so he may not remember me. who am I kidding he kissed me, he has to... right?
(Onset: 3 years later)
John's Point Of View
"John, your brother will be going to an Academy soon for training his power. anything you want to say before he leaves?" my father said to me.
"Hell no, tell him to leave and come back once he is the ruler of the world" I said while looking at Michael who was looking happy but now was hanging his head in a comical manner, did he think I was joking?
"Well, see ya bro" Michael said before vanishing, he has to teach me how to do that. that reminds me, I feel like I am forgetting something
"hey dad, am I forgetting something?" I said to him and he turned to me.
"Hmm... your first birthday?" I shook my head "Your mother?" i shook my head, my mother is dead because of a illness I could never forget her. she was to kind. "That girl called The Great And Powerful Mage Of The Lands who you kissed?" my father asked. I blushed and want to go back and kick the me then, that or give him a high five, maybe both?
"yea I think that was it. why did I not ask her name? I was an idiot to think kissing her would be enough to meet again" I said while looking out the window, only to see another window, this one was blue and glowing.
[Welcome John The Gamer To The Bata Version Of The Gaming Ability]
[The Gaming Ability Is A Unique Ability Only Used By You]
[Have Fun]
This will be interesting, I wonder how I use this then...
(3 Fists Academy: 1 year later)
Kate's Point Of View
I was sitting I my class as for my first official lesson, father said he would be dropping off a present but he did not tell me what it is, However the sight of him throwing someone into the classroom gave everyone a shock. Turns out he was John, and he did not remember me. he did not even pay me any attention, when we were paired up I thought he would remember but nope, he did not recognise my name, maybe I forgot to tell him, I am not sure if I want to go back and Kick me or high five me, damn it. he did not remember me. I accidentally shot him some bloodlust and he was scared of me, bad first impressions, I decided I would ask my father for help but when I got there he would not do anything. John then vanished along with a big dragon, he always finds away to avoid me when I have something to say doesn't he.
(5 minuets later)
So John came back after having trouble with a baby dragon, He was sleeping while falling to his death however I caught him and took him to the hospital room, after that He told me about gaming with a new ability, convenient how games work so you get the right ability when you need it. I then played games with John he did not have a chance of beating me, until. he cheated, I may have over reacted slightly... a tiny bit... after that there was the arena event where John fought me, I held back not wanting to hurt him, tried to force him to exit the arena, he just stood there and of burnt, I was terrified, I had just killed the only person I fell in love wi... NO NO NO NO!!! I just killed someone who stole my first kiss... I was only trying to get him back for that... yea... that's it.... but after that he just fought like it was nothing, he had this aura about him of a strong fighter, he was not scary however I had to look at him as a strong fighter. I was about to compliment him and maybe try to let slip a few hints to get through his thick head, however he just activated an ability he head no idea what did, bloodlust aura, And I thought father was scary when he was angry, this was something else...
after a while of fighting he changed again, Bloodlust aura stage 2. he was no longer anything close to himself. I could not even see him as John any more. he was a walking talking ball of pure rage. and he tried to kill me, he used his hand like a spear and impaled me. it hurt, not the fact that I was stabbed but it hurt because he was the one to do it. after a while he was back to his normal self however father told me to leave him for a while. he had to make sure John was not dangerous any more and would do all he could to keep him calm.
and now I am trapped in a room all by my self because I could not just tell him the words I Love You... wow I think I just made my self red in the face by just thinking the words... this will be harder then I thought, first things first, I need to get John to remember me / not hate me. then I need to confess... how do you make guys like you? make chocolate on valentines day? not burn him to death? not hut him all the time? and I don't have long to do it either. before she comes back. I will have to tell him about the other me... you see. I have split personalities, one part of me controls fire and powers up and against red hair and red eyes, however without medicine every so often I change, my hair turns blue and I control Ice and water. and I change to become... scary... I can not control my emotions so I act on instinct. and being in love with John I may... do something I will regret...
"Kate are you there? Hello have you gotten lost inside of your head? HELLO!" Kieran said to me from behind with a worried expression
"w.. what is it?" I asked him. wait how did he get here the room should be sealed.
"The headmaster opened the door. he has taken John to the time out room" Kieran said with a reassuring smile on his face. WHAT DID I MISS?
"WHAT DID I MISS?" I said aloud with confusion, the time out room should not be punishment for only breaking a door. and shouldn't he have been gone for 3 days... I should have known he would have only said that to spy on me and John while pretending he was away.
"John broke the door to save you, he had a re spawn error which should have made tome skip and not rewind meaning he used this glitch to try and save you. you would have died however after dying multiple times and watching you die multiple times he built up some rage, after that I was called in, not sure why nobody asked me sooner, I gave John some alone time with the person behind your deaths and he lost it. his aura went to the most corrupted point I have ever seen in my life and that is saying something, after all that I took care of John and now here we are." Kieran said with a smile.
"...w...what?..." I could not believe it.
"I said John broke the door to.." I interrupted him saying " I HEARD YOU... just... struggling to believe it" I said while looking down, he went through all of that. for me? I am not sure whether to feel happy or horrified, happy he did it for me, horrified to think what horrors are now terrorising into his head.
"Oh yea, I was told to get you, he woke up and forgot everything after he went to sleep on the sofa after training in the Dark Room" Kieran said reassuringly. that bastard told me that LAST? oh well, time to go talk to John. maybe I can tell him now.
"Also, you do realise you said your entire history with John aloud right. I did not know he was so good with the chicks. he even caught your heart" Kieran said with a smile. I proceeded to burn him until he swore he would not tell John,
we then walked over to the time out room and as soon as we entered, "Hey John you realise Kate LovGRAAAAAAA" I did not let him finish before burning his balls into dust and dragging him out the room, I will deal with him later.
"huh? I thought I heard Kieran for a second?" John said while turning around, he was surrounded by kittens. this room is dangerous as you cant feel anything but happiness. I must be careful.
"strange, Kieran is in another building, it must be your imagination" I said while shutting the door behind me, I saw my father in the corner of the room with a kitten chewing on his mask. cute... I mean it serves him right.
"so why are you here Kate? I was told I went wild with rage but they would not tell me why." John said while looking at me, My father then gestured with his hands for me to tell him something. what do you want me to say? oh I know.
"My father said he would make you stay at the academy for an extra 3 years of harsh studying" I said with a smile. my father face palmed. what did I say?
"I thought he wanted me to stay for 5 extra years and train to become a teacher here? I turned down his offer though" he said while looking back at my father. WHAT DID I MISS?
*Cough* "oh, yea that is right what I meant to say was..." Before I could finish John burst out laughing.
"wow I cant believe you fell for that, Your father already told me a group of people came into the academy and used some sort of mind control, trying to make me so angry I would attack my friends however bloodlust aura came out and I stopped them. however the mental control had the effect or removing some memories around the events. Nice try on trying to get me worried though" John said with a smile that he made him look like he knew more then me, I could only put on a smile back, if I said anything else I may give to much away.
"So Kate, what I wanted to say was what did you want for your birthday coming up?" John said with a questioning smile. I almost forgot my own birthday. maybe I could ask him to accompany me around the academy's multiple pointless yet fun to visit rooms, they had a small amount of students yet a huge area so filled it will room after room of strange and pointless things... don't visit room 803 A of the fist that contains sleeping rooms and things to do with relaxation. that room contains a button that is only there to kill anyone who pushes it, I am told Kieran goes into that room a lot.
"She wants to go on a date with you and go back you your room and GRAAA" I did not let him finish before I planted my foot inside of his chest sending him through the floor. we are in the 2nd lowest basement 20 floors underground. it is used as storage or to keep people from causing to much damage if they went out of control. below this floor is enough acid to burn away ever the strongest person to atoms, if Kieran fell in there not even he could get out as he would not be able to pull himself together. my father did not fall all the way in and pulled himself out missing the acid by a hair.
"Shut up... anyway, John. what I would like would be for you to go out with me" And divines damn it I phrased that wrong, all of a sudden both my father and a group of people outside the door burst into tears of laughter. ".. I ur.. I did not mean it like that!" I said pointlessly as they were laughing to hard to hear me. John just smiled and walked to my side.
"it is ok, I know what you meant. we are partners and maybe also friends. so why not?" John said while walking out the room. I fell to the ground when he left. he truly is a thick headed idiot.
"Oh Kate I should probably tell you this now. it took a while to get you out of the room because of how badly John broke the door, it had been a 2 weeks. funnily enough John has been here the hole time just to make sure he did not get angry again. your birthday will be sooner then expected" my father said with a wry smile, I have never seen him like that before. maybe something went wrong with his plan for my birthday. also, that did not feel like two weeks. maybe John broke the door to much.
"Oh so you must be Kate" ??? I turn around to see a tall man, dark skin and glowing eyes red/orange, not like mine, it was like the eye was flowing energy and not just storing it, the eye was like that of a cat and had a slit down the middle he was wearing leather armour with nothing special about it and had a sword at his side, it was as a sword I had not seen before, to describe it would be simple, the blade was long yet thin, a powerful looking sword almost like a Katana. he gave off a similar aura to that of John when he used that strange aura against me. "My name is Verod and I am have some business to discuss with your father. could you give us a moment"
because of popular demand the story will be made more serious. I had to re write a few things however fear not I will still be releasing the chapters as fast as normal.
Chapter 19 - Goodbye
this shall be the start of the new arc, John learns the true power of a Dragon Slayer but at what cost?
also please feel free to comment what you think about the story, it is always helpful to comment.
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