《The Games That Bind Us》Chapter 15 - Action Replay part 1
"ake up.... WAKE UP!!!" I open my eyes to see Kate shouting at me to wake up, I am in our main room on a sofa and Kate looks slightly angry. Of course I am still playing dead with my eyes shut however I have Mana Eyes looking around the room. they are so useful, however I can have them out for to long. but after what little practice I have already had they are less of a drain on my Mana so having a few out is easy now. at the moment it looks like there is no reason for Kate to be angry as it is 3 o'clock and I have not done anything wrong.
"If you don't wake up in the next 5 seconds I will burn you into dust" Kate said with a bit of a smile on her face. She knows that I have no choice but to open my eyes and admit I was awake and make her angry or get burned into dust... I am still weighing my options...
"5,4,3,2,1, TIME IS UP!!!" Kate said all of it in less then a second, THAT IS JUST NOT FAIR. from this I get up opening my eye to show I am awake as well.
"Ok Ok I am awake, what do you need it is to early for this, you need your sleep and I can't be bothered to take this 24/7 so seriously what is it you want?"I said in a aggravated tone before it hit me..... AAAND fuck.... I had to be brutally honest didn't I?
"grr..." She looked angry because I said it aloud. "Fine If you can't be bothered with your own partner then I will just keep the news to my self" Kate said before storming out with a tear in her eye. I regret that one. maybe I was to cruel this early in the morning, it could have been important.
I then stand up with little hope of getting back to sleep walk out the room and decide to go to the library. little did I know what would happen today. after reading in the library for a while I up my intelligence by 2 and then hear a strange noise coming from one of the higher floors, sounded like a car that is on its last legs trying to start. maybe the Conner is changing his batteries... interesting thought.
"Maybe the Headmaster is changing his Batteries" I said hoping to get a stat point from bad jokes.
[Charm +1]
Yay. It is slightly funny as I doubt any android that powerful just changes batteries at a local shop. But I Ignore it and decide to keep reading, I don't get any more stat boosts before lessons start. Heading into class I see a few people missing, Kate, Ruby and 2 others called Victoria and Isaac. it is strange as Victoria has a level of 93 is and Isaac can cast some powerful illusions even I struggle to see through. however those two have never missed class once, Ruby however stopped coming after the first day so nothing suspicious there. I wonder if it has anything to do with what Kate wanted to say this morning or that strange noise in the library. hmm... whatever the case. it does not concern me or they would have told me something. I put my head down and work as today is mostly writing tasks to test what we know, so no problems for me.
After class is over I go to have lunch in the Cafeteria... I am walking behind Kieran who nobody is paying any attention to with 00391 Behind me... 00391 is beautiful for a cyborg however has lasers and heat, night and X ray vision however she keeps normal vision on to respect people's privacy. her partner is with Ruby
Kieran walks over to the door to the cafeteria and opens it, as soon as he does whatever he can see in the cafeteria put a shocked and angry look on his face, I then dash over to him to see what he is like that for as normally he is calm all the time, I see something I wish I could forget. Ruby is in the centre of the cafeteria and has her head separated from her body with blood everywhere the cut as sharp leaving no cut no her hair however. she also has a stab mark on her back, I dash over and cast the healing magic I learnt however it was far to late. I then look to the rest of the room and see another body on one of the round tables with 6 chairs around it. It had long brown hair soaked in red, no eyes, hole in the chest where the heart should be, it was Victoria. she had her arm missing and I could not see where it was. until I looked behind her to see her partner Isaac. Isaac has Victoria's severed arm shoved through his chest like a spear and the lower half of him is just meat paste. Oh god no... I look around and... I cant see Kate...
"KATE!!!" I shout at the top of my voice, the room shakes a bit and something of a rain drop hits my head, I look up in horror it see Kate, impaled by 8 metal spikes with lifeless eyes, her clothes are dyed red and torn to show no heart in her chest... Kieran drags 00391 out the room as is not a sight she should see. I then cant take it, I send Mana Eyes throughout the entire building burning through half my Mana right there.
[Aura: Bloodlust stage 1]
I don't change because of the Bloodlust as I easily have the exact same frame of mind as it would force me to have anyway. I then see 8 people walking away from the building that are not supposed to be here. One of them turns and looks right at my Mana eye before all of them vanish from sight, to late, I flash step to them and am so low on Mana I can hardly stand, however I have a ability that does not use Mana but attacks, I open my left eye and all 8 of them fall to the ground in pain, however I did not expect them to be both level 380-390 and be able to last long enough for one of them to throw something into my eyes that stops me from seeing them. Before I can cast any other ability I see a message.
[You Are Dead]
I failed, I could not protect my partner, I could not protect my friends... I could not even avenge them.
And I get a free pass, Can I not give it to someone else, Kate deserves it more them me. Why did she have to die.
"ake up" Did I just hear something?
"WAKE UP!!!" IT IS, KATE!!! I get up instantly as fast as my Dexterity would allow me to and sure enough I scare the hell out of Kate who was not suspecting anything. She falls onto her rear with a shocked expression.
"calm down sleepy head. You Looked like you were having a bad dream" Kate said with a light giggle and getting up. She was alive... Maybe it was just a bad dream, I may have gotten the ability to dream through that update to my Gamer power. Bad dream is an understatement. I wonder If Kate woke me up because she noticed I was having a bad dream.
"Anyway I have some big news, My father is going to be out doing a quest for the next 3 days and that means lessons will be a bit more relaxed" Kate said with a smile like she was still holding some information, I get a slight feeling of Deja Vu from this but whatever "however he said that I could do whatever I want so I invited Ruby, Victoria and her partner over to the Advanced Computer Simulation room, it is a few floors above the library. I was wondering would you like to join us?" Kate said with a nervous red face, I looked at her with a smile.
"Of course, when does it start?" I asked wondering about the time so I could meet them there.
"In 20 minuets however it is in another building" Kate said implying we should get going soon. what she said next caught me by surprise. "Would you like to go there together?" Kate added with her face now red ear to ear. normally I would not be given a choice and I would be grinding my Vitality all the way there as she drags me by my head. What brought this kind mood on? she almost seams like a normal human female.... that cant be right can it?
"Sure I will walk with you" I replied after some time, Maybe that dream was trying to tell me to be more nice to Kate while I can. However I can be to careful. I feel Like I am missing something VERY important however I cant place my finger on it.
Kate walks with me out the room and after a few steps grabs my hand while looking away... at nothing??? strange, I wonder If her father is behind this? but when she acts like this she looks almost.... Cute? we walk like this in silence for a while, we reach the room after some time but before we enter I get a shiver sent up my spine, someone is right behind us with a sinister smile on their face, I can feel what is about to happen.
"look at the happy couple here. did Kate finally make the move? or was it a new ability of John?" Ruby said from behind with a look on her face that was the same one the Conner normally shows. Kate and I look at each other and I see Kate's face look like it is about to explode with embarrassment, I then understand how this may look to someone passing by... My face must be red as well however my mind is surprisingly focused, you would expect to be unable to think of anything but no I can still think clearly. Kate separates her hand from mine as I hurry to do the same only to further the amusement for Ruby who is almost laughing.
"HAHAAAAHAAA" Scratch that she is on the floor laughing so hard I am starting to feel more annoyed then embarrassed however Kate is starting to steam from the ears... Must be her fire ability...
"So why is Ruby on the floor dying?" is it something to do with Kate looking like a Strawberry of is it one of Johns Abilities?" Victoria said in a very British accent speaking fully queens English, I was reminded of Ruby actually on the floor dying from that bad dream, damn that was vivid.... anyway Victoria is wearing the most stereo typical British Dress for the rich and has a slightly amused expression on her face with long brown hair... I for some reason picture see the image of Victoria from the dream I had with her dead in a horrible way. Her eyes are... she had the left eye blue and the right green... that is an interesting combination...Heterochromia is not something you see every day.
I use Mana Eyes to go and check if there is anything special about her heart the I found was taken but somehow... she blushed red and her left eye then glowed green and my Mana eye was shattered.
"Pervert..." Victoria said in a quite mumble only then did I realise that I was sending my Mana eye straight to her chest to see her heart, she must have misunderstood. I did not have time to explain as her right eye glowed blue and she looked at me eye to eye. before she went pale in the skin.
"So what were your intentions, tell me or just open both eyes." She said most likely not realising that she asked me the impossible or for me to kill her... white lie?
"I was not trying to.." Before I could finish She called me a pervert in a quite mumble before Kate whacked me on the head with a angry look on her face... maybe I should have seen this coming?
"So what is going on?" Isaac said as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. he looks like a bookworm however don't let that fool you as it is an illusion. Illusion magic is cool. I want it... it most likely costs a lot of Mana, for me at least.
"Nothing, we were about to get started" Kate said in a calm tone that felt like a dagger in the back... wait what?
[-4985 HP, status effect: Poison -100 HP/s]
"JOHN!!!" Kate shouted as I fell to the ground with little chance of getting back up again. I turned to see someone with a dagger. he was strange as I could not see a name tag and he was all blurry. almost like those 8 from that dream... OH GOD NO!!!
"RUN" I shouted as I opened my eye activating Mana Eye Death Laser's active skill instantly reducing that guy to dust. however it was in vain.
[-100 HP]
[You Are Dead]
NO!!! It can't end like this... am I forgetting something important? this is just like that dream... wait, what if , but that cant be right, time travel is impossible.
"ake up" I think I just heard something... WAIT A SECOND.
"WAKE UP!!!" I hear Kate say, I get up from my seat to see she is ok... Kate falls onto her rear from shock of me suddenly getting up. I look around and everything is just like last time... wait does that mean?
"Calm down sleepy head, you looked like you were having a bad dream" Kate said.... this is sounding familiar... stop me if I am wrong but this is exactly how this morning went...
"Anyway I have some big news, My father is going to be out doing a quest for the next 3 days and that means lessons will be a bit more relaxed" Kate said with a smile Just like before, I get a Significant feeling of Deja Vu from this "however he said that I could do whatever I want so I invited Ruby, Victoria and her partner over to the Advanced Computer Simulation room, it is a few floors above the library. I was wondering would you like to join us?" Kate said with a nervous red face, I looked at her with a smile. a mirror image of this morning. this is to much.
"Sure, I would be happy to join you" I said with a smile on my face really trying to look convincing as I doubt I can be happy under the predicament we have ourselves in. with the Headmaster out we have a problem, I HAVE to contact my brother.
[Acting: the ability to act, the higher the level the more believable your act looks]
just for a bit of faking emotions... nice gamer ability... WAIT THAT'S RIGHT, I create a new party and invite my brother, he accepts instantly. cant believe I forgot about party chat.
[Michael: Is something wrong?]
[Me: YES!!! Kate, Victoria, Ruby and Isaac are all going to die and I don't think I can save them, there are 8 people maybe more after them, It looks like my new revive takes me back to the last time I slept, time travel!. However I can't see a way to save them without the headmaster, they are Level 380-390. No other information can be displayed because they are using some sort of illusion magic to hide them self]
[Michael: Where are you now?]
[I am with Kate about the exit my room, we are going to that super VR computer gaming room a few floors above the main library in the learning fist, go there however in stealth mode]
[Got it, Keep in touch and let me know one thing, how many times have we had this conversation?]
[we have not had it once, however I have had 2 previous attempts]
[Nice to know, lets not fail!]
"John... it will be starting in about 20 minuets. Would you like to go there together?" Kate asked slightly more red then last time. it made me smile however I was still focused. a few minor differences could mean a lot, this time I keep a Mana eye on the back of my head.
"Sure, lets go" I said with a calm smile, we then exit the room and after 3 steps she grabs me hand and starts looking off into space with steam already coming out of her head... is this her ability? or does she 'like' me?... ha. I can't believe I almost fell onto that land mine. there is no way she cold 'like' me... we hardly know each other... unless I have met her before the academy? I doubt that.
[Michael: I have taken care of someone following you, he looked strong however dies instantly to my bullet hell, I will gather them into my Gamer Zone and make quick work of them]
[Me: ty. that was a great help.]
[Michael: yea yea. you have fun on your date]
[Me: this is no date. I have seen Kate die already, I could not enjoy this even if I tired]
[Try to, you wont be going through another retry at this rate. so make it count]
ok why not, we are currently outside in-between the 2 buildings. the weather is nice. so why not. I think I will enjoy this a bit, might as well tease Kate a bit since she has already went this far. the hand she had grabbed onto is my right so with that hand I hold her hand with a light grip however enough to get the message across. Kate jumps slightly however still held on. I think I may actually be able to fall in love with Kate. To bad I am not a masochist, she already burns me and gets mad at me a lot, I don't see myself settling down with someone like that. maybe if she were... Nice? kind? polite?
"John" Kate said... THIS IS NEW, Mana eyes are now everywhere near by, I see my brother bring someone into his gamer zone then move on to watch us further however nobody else.
[Me: How many have you found]
[Michael: 3, however I sense the rest following Victoria and Ruby, Isaac is... IDK his illusions are to powerful, there are 30 of him walking around the school]
[Me: ok thanks for the update, let me know if you find anything else]
"Yes Kate?" I ask with a smile blushing slightly still unable to forget what sort of situation this is... Kate's eyes are looking right into me eye. almost as if it is looking into me soul. she looks as if she has something to say...
"..I... its nothing, I can say it some other time" Kate said while the Steam that was coming off of her is now smoke.
"ok" I said realising depending on how this goes I may not hear what she wanted to say
[Michael: Idiot]
Who is he calling an idiot? things still may go wrong and... Kate may die again...
"Are you ok? why are you crying?" Kate asked looking at me worried. I did not even realise it myself. of course I would cry, she is my partner...
[Michael: BEHIND YOU!!!]
wha? I turn around open my eye and activate me Mana Eye Death Laser. which does nothing... he is fully synthetic... just like the Headmaster. He moves in to attack Kate who Has still not realised what has happened. Kate turns to meat paste the second she is touched by him... I was in shock however I was left untouched. he just left.
"NO!!!" I shouted, covered in Kate's blood. a scary amount. I then get hit by a... Pixel?
"Don't fail next time" Michael said with a smile from behind me. I did not have much time to look as the next moment...
[You Are Dead]
no... damn it. there has to be a way... THERE HAS TO.
"...ake up"
"I am up" I said while opening my eye. lets try this AGAIN! without deaths this time... It hurts to much to watch...
"...ake up"
"I am awake" I said in a calm way opening my eye. "Kate I believe you would have some news for me, correct?" I said in a calm way with a smile.
"How did you know?" Kate asked surprised.
"It is 3 in the morning and you are asking me to wake up. maybe that?" I said with a cokey smile on my face while creating a party and inviting my brother into it.
[Me: Brother. this important, Kate, Isaac, Ruby and Victoria are in trouble, exactly 9 people are after us. I can not beat them and neither can you. we tried it before. also when I die time rewinds to my last save / sleep. please contact all the upper years and let them know to protect the targets.]
[Michael: ok then... hard to believe but since it is you... anything else?]
[Me: They are level 380-390 however one of them is a android like the headmaster and is stronger then the others, around level 1000 however is stealthy. your sensory skills cant catch him]
[Michael: ok, before I start. how many times have we had this conversation]
[Me: 834207 times]
Chapter 16 - Action Replay Part 2.
this is a 4 part set so get ready for the story to kick off from here. I took some notes and pointers from a few people so hopefully my writing skill increases. feel free to leave a comment on what you think so far as they help me make the story much better if I know what I am doing right and wrong. hope you like it as these next few chapters will look at the past and try to fix things.
And if anyone gets the Action Replay reference you may get some spoilers for the future chapters.
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