《Elven Garden》Wounds After The Battle! Ch: 5



This is a work of fiction. Names, monsters, skills, places, etcetera, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by FrozenArrow. All rights reserved.


A week flew by after the fight among Iryl and Luke took place against the wolf pack.. After the fierce battle the six elves were lucky enough not to meet other enemies in their journey towards the training camp...

As soon as they were nearing at the camp, they saw the elves that were premature residents of it welcoming them with surprised looks. The first reason for that was because there were a lot of elves going there this year.. As the normal was about 2 - 3 elves per year. This time it was double the amount.. The second reason was because of Luke's and Iryl's presence among the team.. The third and last one which made them even more shocked and some of them even worried was because Iryl was unconscious and was currently being carried by Ken on his back... As they finally arrived at the camp's entrance Lilith with a face filled with tears said while she was gasping for air..

" Please.. (sob).. Sa..ve.. Iryl.. (sob).. "

The elves at the camp tried to calm down the teary faced Lilith as they took the unconscious Iryl from Ken's back and headed inside the camp to tend to him.. They placed him in leaf bed inside a wooden hut that the elves had made. After a short amount of time a female elf rushed inside the hut and headed with fast steps towards the patient. She was wearing a green dress with leaf patterns all over it, she had green eyes that what they whould make one think was that they had a flower pattern with four petals in the changing deepness of green. As for her hair she had long blonde hair that were braid like. Overall, what one could see is that she was a kind person emitting a kind motherly aura around her.

As she went closer to where Iryl was, an elf that was already there and helped bring him in said as soon as he saw her.

" Oh! Mirana you are here! Quickly! Come take a look at him it looks quite bad..? "

Mirana saw Iryl's body that had it's veins almost ready to burst. Then she turned her gaze towards Iryl who was making a face showing that he was in deep pain while on top of that being unconscious.. She slightly opened her mouth and wishpered..

" That's qruel... Just what brought him to this state.. "

" Can you do something to help him ? "

Asked worriedly the other elf that made the previous question..

" I 'll try my best.. "

Answered Mirana and moved her hands over Iryl's chest as she casted a spell.

" Ohh! Spirits that reside in the nature. Grant this servant of yours your power! "

A green soothing light appeared in her hand and covered Iryl's body. The blood veins that covered Iryl's body slowly began to turn smaller revealing his pale white skin.. Iryl then regained his calm breathing and relaxed a little.. While on the other hand Mirana sighed..

" Sigh.. Looks like it worked.. "

But, that wasn't the end of it.. Before, she could even finish her sentence, the veins on Iryl's body began to pop out again and returned back to the way they were before.. Iryl once again in pain kept struggling against it..


" Why..? Why isn't it healed..? It should have eased the burden on his body.. "

Little did Mirana know that the backlash from the skill Iryl used shouldn't be taken lightly..

Three more days have passed since their arrival at the campsite and Mirana kept healing Iryl's body with only a little bit of rest.. Big black bags could be seen bellow her eyes, as for the other elves who tried to convince her to rest for a little... She refused to let a patient in pain for her to rest...

Finally after three whole days of continuous healing, Iryl's body went back to normal and the veins stopped showing up.. She could finally listen to him breath normally with no more pains and spasms. Now Mirana knowing her efforts weren't in vain, she fainted on the spot cause she hasn't slept in three days. On top of that she continually kept casting her healing spell that exhausted her even further..

Back to the present now.. As mentioned before, seven days have passed since Iryl and his five friends arrived at the camp. Somewhere in the camp in a simply made wooden hut Iryl was resting on a bed made out of leafs, a sun ray passed through a small hole in the roof and fell softly in Iryl's eyes. Annoyed Iryl from the sun light falling in his eyes he slowly moved his almost trembling right hand to cover them. At the same time as he covered them with his hand he felt something woven touch his skin close to his eyes. Without losing time he opened his eyes and took a look at his hand. What he saw was his hand covered with bandages all over up to his shoulder. He then tried to stand up but as he tried to move he felt a staggering pain all over his body along with the woven feeling his hand gave off.. Iryl then realised that all his body was covered in bandages and not only his hand... As he understood that he couldn't move from the pain and was only able to look upwards he asked himself in a low voice a question..

" Where.. Am I..? "

Even though he asked, noone answered him.. All he heard though was a small moan as something moved around his chest area... After a little time a figure began to appear in Iryl's view and the pain in his chest area eased a little. What unfolded in Iryl's view was Mirana who slowly opened her eyes and gave out a big yawn.. She then turned her gaze towards Iryl only to meet his clear blue eyes. She blinked twice and rubbed her eyes as if she didn't believe what she saw.. Then Iryl made a smile and said.

" He..llo..?! "

Mirana then turned her gaze towards his chest and back to him.. Understanding what had occurred she blushed red and began to panic.. Mirana then in panic mode stood up and with fast steps she tried to go outside while saying..

" Eh!. Ah..! Sorry!! "

But as she said that she tripped over something and fell on he butt.. Iryl only stared at her clumsiness and thought to himself..

' What a clumsy girl! '

Mirana once again blushed even redder this time and stood up. After sweeping the dust off of her clothes like the wind she went outside of the wooden hut.. Several minites later a commotion could be heard outside of the small hut.. And then a loud voice came along with the person running into the hut..


" Iryl !!! "

The loud voice was none other than Dan's who rushed quickly next to him and began bombarding him with questions..

" How are you ?? Are you in pain anywhere ?? Do you need more bandages ?? "

' I already feel like a mummy... '

Ken went behind Dan and rubbed his fists on his head while saying..

" Can't you see that you bother him idiot... "

" Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! "

Iry was smiling wryly as he saw Ken (bully) Dan while taking him away from him.. He then turned his gaze towards the other people who made their entrance into the hut and came close to him. Lilith who came in right after Aprilia asked him.

" How do you feel ? "

" Well.. So-So I guess.. "

She then made a sad expresion on her face and looked down.. Before Iryl could reassure the sad Lilith Aprilia couldn't hold it in any longer and asked..

" But.. That was amazing! How did you beat that dire wolf ?? "

A sparkle could be seen in her eyes as she stared at Iryl.. The other people in the room which consisted of Mirana and two other elves whom he wasn't familiar with waited for his answer with their eyes and ears wide open... Iryl then sighed and said.

" Didn't Luke tell you what happened ? "

Aprilia then turned her gaze towards the corner of the room where Luke was sitting on a chair.. When Iryl saw Luke he could only think of one thing...

' Since when was he there ?? Just how little of a presence does he have..? It can be quite scary.. '

Aprilia then turned her gaze back to him and said.

" Well.. That guy ever since we found the two of you has given only one answer about what happened there.. "


Two minites after the fight with the dire wolf was over Luke held the trembling Iryl who had been having spasms in his hands and didn't know what to do.. That's when the others arrived at the scene. After seeing the corpses of the wolves and smelling the thick smell of blood in the air Dan was about to puke while Ken just spout out one thing..

" Just.. What happened here..? "

In the middle of it all what they saw was Luke holding Iryl in his hands while trembling.. Tears could be seen in his eyes and blood all over his body..

" Luke! What happened ? "

Luke then turned around and saw Ken and the others rushing over to where they were.. He then said with a trembling voice while crying..

" Iryl.. Iryl was... "

As soon as they got close enough to them they took Iryl away from Luke's hands and tried to calm him down. They applied some first aid on him enough for his wounds to heal with time.. Their biggest problem though was Iryl.. As they didn't know what to do about his condition or how to heal him Ken said.

" We must go to the camp.. As soon as possible! "

The others agreed and helped Luke to stand up.. As for Ken he took Iryl on his back and asked Luke who seemed to be in a calmer state now than before..

" Just what happened over here ? "

The trembling Luke then answered..

" We just.. "

" Just ? "

Said Aprilia. And then Luke continued..

" We just.. just killed the enemy in front of us.. "


Aprilia then said.

" This guy.. No matter how many times we asked about what happened he just said that you killed the enemy in front of you.. "

' So.. So he didn't reveal what he saw.. Well! That's good to know... '

Aprilia with no more patience she once again asked with glittering eyes...

" So ? What happened ? "

Iryl took a deep breath and gave his answer..

" Nothing much.. We just killed the enemy in front of us! "

He then smiled slightly and silence filled the room... After that small silence Lilith was holding Aprilia back who had veins popping on her forehead..

" C-C-Calm down.. Aprilia.. He.. He is a p-p-patient! "

" One punch! Just let me give him one good punch! "

Iryl just kept smiling and after a while he turned his gaze towards Luke who was just staring at him from his chair..

' This person.. Even though he is a little weird.. I can really put my trust in him. '

SFX: Ghmm!

One of the elves that was sitting close to Iryl cleared his throat and said.

" You must be Iryl. I have heard quite a lot about you.. My name is Arvin! This is Narxus and Mirana. "

Iryl then spoke in response.

" Nice to meet you I am Iryl. "

Then his gaze went towards Mirana who was sitting further from the other two as if she was trying to hid herself.. When he recognized her he said.

" Aren't you..? The clumsy young lady from this morning ? "

With her face slowly becoming red Mirana said back to him..

" I-I-I'm not clumsy!! "

With the other two elves breaking into a laughter at the conversation and Iryl having a small smile form in his face, Arvin said while trying to calm down from his laughter..

" Man.. That was something! But Iryl did you know that this clumsy young lady has been healing you for three days non-stop in order for you to stay alive..? "

' Well.. I wouldn't have died but, it would take around a month probably to heal.. That's impressive I must say! '

That thought passed through his mind and then he said with a sincere face towards her.

" Thank you very much! And I am sorry for the trouble I caused.. "

Then Mirana gave shyly her answer.

" No.. Don't worry about it..! "

' She really reminds me of Lilith for some reason.. '

Silence broke in the room once again and after a while Arvin took the initiative to speak as he stood up.

SFX: Ghmm!

" I don't know the reason why you don't wish to tell us what exactly happened in that night but I hope you will be able to explain properly in the near future. After all we are comrades aren't we ? "

Iryl made a kind of complicated expresion as he nodded.

" Uhm.. "

Then a smile appeared on Arvin's face as he said.

" Now then everyone! Iryl needs to rest for his injuries to recover! Back to our tasks! "

What Iryl could think from presence of the new individuals that came along in the hut was that they must have been important elves in the training camp and Arvin gave off a feeling of leadership as well.. The others then one by one made their leave leaving only Luke and Iryl in the hut.

After a short while Luke stood from the chair he was sitting and headed towards the exit. Iryl then hurriedly spoke to him before he could leave.

" Luke about that day.. "

Luke then stopped him midway and said before making his exit.

" You... You are not from this world are you ? "

Iryl froze at his words while all he could do was stare at Luke's back as he left the hut...

END of chapter 5


Author's Notes: Hello everyone! First of all I would like to thank you all for reading so far! Secondly if you people have anything that you dislike or find hard to understand even grammar mistakes please let me know so that I can fix it in the future ^.^ . Hmm.. Did I forget something ? Well whatever! See you guys this Sunday hope you enjoyed this chapter! ( Even though it didn't have much going in.. )

PS: I remembered what I forgot.. I was thinking deeply of how the rating system worked.. (before I burned my brain) As I am new to the site I didn't search too much so if someone is kind enough please let me know if you know something by leaving a comment bellow. Anyway see you!

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