《The Lolicoknight》Chapter 18
Degritone immediately enters Flash Space and looks at his mana regen of 4983.25. "3600 would be 1 per second, Famine costs 55, so I effectively have one cast per Flash Space entrance. It does a little over 2600. Call it 25 and I need to do, what, 15k? So, 150 div 25... 6. 6 times 55 is... 30, 330. So... You know, I probably could have broken the node now that I think about the synergy between FS and Famine." He shrugs.
"Anyway, it'll take about 6 entrances per gobbo..." He puts his wrists on his belly, keeping his palms off, but facing it, and starts poking his belly to a random beat. "I could easily take them out in fractions of a second absolute time, but if I do that, no one else would get XP and they'd not grow in levels enough to matter during the fight in a few days. I should have asked how level experience is shared, if at all."
"Though," the dungeon will probably help with that. I'll let the council handle that. Flash kicks him out of Flash Space automatically. He recasts Omen of Death to update it with his current thoughts and reenters Flash Space before willing himself into the woods south of the house and begins searching for the goblins. It doesn't take him long and he searches for his dad, finding him on the other side of the creek, sneaking back to the house, currently looking back toward the goblins.
He waits out Flash Space's timer a few feet in the direction dad's walking, squatting down. Once he's out, he waits for his dad to look at him before speaking up, quietly saying, "Go to the house quickly. My clone will tell you the rest of the plan."
While continuing toward the house, his dad quietly asks, "Where did you come from?"
Degritone waves his hand in front of his face before pointing him toward the house. "Later," maybe. Probably from Kelk. As he thinks that, his dad passes him and nods. "Go ahead and run back. If they shoot at you, I'll block it entirely."
His dad looks at Degritone and looks at his face for a second. After determining that he's serious, he nods, stands, and runs back to the house. He's out of the woods within 5 seconds and to the wall in another 10, without issue. "Now, let's do some better scouting. It'll be gray, but," he enters Flash Space and wills himself beside the goblins.
Assessing the goblins, he sees the two furthest in the back have bows and quivers full of arrows. One of the leading goblins has a shield and mace with the other having a sword and a dagger. Between them, the dot in the center of the 5 side of a die, is one with no visible weapons. "Tank, Melee DPS, two ranged DPS, and either a healer or a caster. No focuses?" He waves a hind in front of his face. "Later."
He wills himself closer to the middle one, and grabs it to circle it a couple times to make sure he sees no weapons or potentially identifying shapes of clothing, like bone pauldrons or something, that could identify this as an important figure, who could either be an elite and/or diplomatically reasoned with. No identifying shapes, and without color, it's impossible to get face paint, if any, and the lack of ability to move them means no searching their clothes for weapons or identification of any sort.
Convinced he can't do more without coming out of Flash Space, he returns to behind the wall at the house and waits out the timer. His clone is currently explaining the plan: To have everyone damage every goblin at least once before Degritone kills them all to attempt to share experience, with Degritone using his body to block any attacks that would hit anyone. It and his dad then go around and get groups together to share guns for those who do not have ranged attacks.
Once they're done with that, Degritone himself speaks up, "One defensive one, one melee damage dealer, two ranged damage dealers, and either a spell caster or healer. Ideally, we'd take out the magic user first, then the melee damage dealer, then ranged, then defense, but they'll probably stick defense on the caster and/or ranged to keep them from taking damage. If you can, get an attack in on the ones far away first."
After seeing acknowledgment go around the gathered, he and his clone walk around the wall and stand near it, away from any murder holes, to allow everyone line of sight on the goblins and to show himself immediately to the enemies to hopefully draw aggro. A few seconds later, the goblins emerge from the woods. After seeing Degritone and the obviously man-made structure, the goblins begin to charge the 60 feet from the treeline to the house wall.
The tank, magic user, and archers all stop about 40 feet away and a transparent, golden dome appears around them as the first shots from the wall begin raining. Sounds of ricocheting can be heard before a few spurts of blood come from the melee DPS. "Get the melee one first! We'll deal with whatever the dome is later!" Degriclone shouts over the wall.
Degritone himself Flashes toward the very, very fast melee one, leaning toward him so that his head impacts Degritone's Shoulder and the impact doesn't send him sprawling, causing the goblin to fall over, before using Soul Grasp to raise the melee goblin into the air. A few arrows are sent his way and he feels like someone takes a sledgehammer to his mind. Panicking, he checks his health, but finds it only decreased by a little over 150 after both arrows and whatever magic.
The pressure on his mind doesn't let up, but he continues to keep the goblin suspended, taking a total of 4 shots before he hears, "That's everyone," from his dad. He slams the goblin into the ground and casts Omen of Famine on it before entering Flash Space. Waiting out the timer, he notices that the pressure on his mind hasn't been lessened. He tries moving around, to see if it's location-based, and it isn't.
"Great," he says, rubbing his forehead, eyes squinted. "6 minutes of migraine just to kill this one guy, let alone the rest." He wills himself into a laying position, floating in the middle of space. A few seconds before he leaves, he rights himself and checks the air for any projectiles headed at the wall and finds none.
Once exiting, he casts Omen of Famine again before once more entering Flash Space. This repeats 6 times, and he realizes the goblin is still alive. Rolling his eyes, he continues the cycles even longer, requiring 10 total casts to kill it. "Melee tankier than ranged." He nods. He takes another two arrows and the pressure dissipates.
Looking toward the dome, he sees that it starts inches in front of the tank goblin's shield. The magic goblin appears to be about to cast another spell, and the two archers are about to fire at him once more. He uses Flash to go inside the dome, but finds himself on the outside of it, as if someone had thrown wet bread at a basket ball.
The two archers flinch before rapidly reaiming and taking their shots. Before the arrows fully leave the bows, Degritone enters Flash Space and pushes himself off the dome. He wills himself inside it, but, once again, is just bread on a basketball. "How is it considered solid, even in Flash Space?" he asks the air, flailing his limbs. "Anti-teleportation on the defensive ability, I get, but Flash Space is supposed to be a copy of absolute reality, not relative reality!
"At the very least, movement while inside Flash Space shouldn't be limited, and if we were being faithful to the source material, the only way to stop a Flash would to be to detect the fluctuations in space-time created at the target location exactly three Planck times before I make the decision to use Flash without manually entering Flash Space and negate those, but," he flails around even more.
"This," he exclaims, flailing his arms at the dome, "is just wrrrrooooong. The fact that anything but attempting to will yourself into a solid object can cause teleportation inside Flash Space to fail shows that whoever gave this to the system originally didn't have a full understanding of what goes on when you Flash."
"Maybe it's considered an upgrade at-" Flash Space kicks him out and he reenters as quickly as he can, the arrows outside the dome now, "like ten thousand agility and when everyone has a spatial detection ability specifically to counter Flash users, but this cannot go uncorrected," he says and angrily looks at the arrows poking out of the dome. "At least not for my version of the skill."
"Surely, others have already thought about this and created 'Absolute Flash,' or whatever. The fact that it hasn't already given me a skill modification for it either means that I need something more for it to latch onto, it isn't possible for the system to do what I want, which would be a completely idiotic answer, or the system is actively attempting some form of balancing by preventing it.
"Considering Flash exists at all I can probably rule out the- well, no, I can't really, because there's no reason for skill experience to not be gained in Flash Space, either, unless something was trying to balance things somehow, given some arbitrary..." he snaps a few times, "criteria," he says, pointing up. "So, I can assume there's some balancing force, which doesn't work very well, that is somehow governing skill numbers and effects. I'm sure scholars have already thought of this, especially any that know of Flash, or other similarly broken skills."
He wills himself in front of the arrows just before he's ejected. They impact his armor and keep going as if nothing were there, piercing his heart and left lung. He gasps from the pain and is shocked long enough for the mage to get his spell off, a blue flame slowly floating toward Degritone, and another round of arrows to impact him, one breaking his sternum and the other piercing just above his belly button.
He regains his senses just in time to see Degriclone Flash to block 6 arrows that were fired at the wall in the same shots as the most recent two arrows. He enters Flash Space a split second before the fire touches him and starts Rapid Cell Division and Rejuvenate, holding his hand over the armor where the arrows dug through, but avoiding touching the arrows themselves. After a few seconds, he's able to breathe like normal, and after a total of 27 seconds, the arrows are sent slowly flying out into Flash Space and he's fully healed.
Looking at where the arrows hit him, he sees no holes in his armor, and he rubs his armored knuckles upon his armor above his sternum, wincing from the phantom pains of having it broken. He stares at the arrows that are slowly floating away. "That would have been cool to do when fighting, rather than in the middle of the safest place to ever exist." He continues to unconsciously rub his armor. "Playing an invincible character can be fun, but only when you're constantly up in the enemy's face, rather than sitting back, invincible through safety, rather than raw DR or, preferably, regen."
He waits out the last 19 seconds of Flash Space a few few back from where he was, ready to cast Omen of Pestilence to catch whatever blue flame spell the mage just used as soon as he exits, and does just so, the green ghoul appearing on top of the blue flame, becoming coated in it, and becoming ashes that disappear before they hit the ground all in under half a second.
Before the archers can fire off their next shot, he tries using Omen of Famine on the mage. Rather than the mage appearing to take any damage, a loud cracking sound is heard, along with some cracks appearing on the dome. Degritone immediately enters Flash Space to inspect the dome there, finding it still perfectly smooth. He waits out his stay in Flash Space, then begins to cast another Omen of Famine.
Before his cast can finish, the tank grunts and the cracks begin to rapidly disappear. The archers' bows glow brightly as they release their newest volley at the same time Omen of Famine finishes casting, another loud crack dominating the soundscape of the area for a second. The two arrows impact Degritone's armor at his shoulders and chains appear and force him to his knees before he enters Flash Space once more.
To his surprise, the chains follow him into Flash Space, rather than turning the same, dull gray as everything else that stayed in reality. He tries to will himself anywhere else, but the chains keep him from moving. He flexes his 51 strength against the chains as he very angrily yells, "THIS IS NOT FLASH SPACE! THIS IS SOME CHEAP IMIT-AY-TION!" His voice cracks at the third syllable of "imitation."
"I will not be cheated out of having one of the few skills I've wanted for a long, long time because the system refuses to give me the true Flash and Flash Space. I didn't spend so long nurturing the ability in that RP just to have it gutted when it can finally become reality. I will have true Flash!" He gathers all the willpower he can to throw the image of true Flash at the system.
He brings the full weight of his mind down, telling the system that using will to teleport inside Flash Space cannot be stopped by anything but the destination being inside a solid object in objective reality. That Flash itself, while an automation of the process, can be sensed 3 plank times before he activates the skill through slight fluctuations in spacetime at his destination. That the only reason skill experience can't be gained inside Flash Space is because the system arbitrarily decided it.
He keeps attempting to will himself to move a few feet left, all while pounding his will at whatever the system uses to decide what is and isn't balanced and attempting to break out of the chains. Eventually, the world seems to flash briefly and he moves, the chains still on him. They once again drag him to his knees, but he tries again, and he once again finds himself where he was willing himself.
He checks the popup for Flash, but finds it no different. It seems that while he was able to get moving, he wasn't able to get skill experience to be able to be gained. He sucks a deep breath in and sharply exhales it through his nostrils. "It's not over, system," he says, willing himself inside the dome, finally finding himself actually inside it for once.
Suddenly, he finds himself back in reality. He pulls back his head in surprise, as he hadn't thought a full 61 seconds had passed yet, but he quickly uses Soul Grasp to throw the tank into the pond. The dome follows him and the archers are so surprised that they drop the arrows they were about to string. He uses Soul Grasp to raise up the mage and yells to the wall, "Get him now!"
The archers begin to knock new arrows when Degriclone appears and smashes the left one into the ground with Soul Grasp. He also attempts to smash the other one into the ground at the same time, but finds it impossible to have two Soul Grasps going at the same time, so quickly alternates between the two, instead. A few loud seconds later, his dad yells back, "Mage is done!"
"Get the two archers while I finish him off," Degritone says as he begins and finishes casting Omen of Famine. It once again becomes loud as the 17 people behind the wall begin taking turns shooting guns and whatever magic they have at the downed archers. It only takes four Omens of Famine to take out the mage, and during his second stay in Flash Space, the chains finally disappear.
Before Degritone can begin helping holding down the archers, he hears a loud clang come from the direction of the pond and watches as some of the magic that was flying toward the archers curves and flies at the emerging form of the tank before hitting his shield, dispersing seemingly harmlessly. He waves at his clone to go take care of it before going taking over the role of archersitter.
He watches as his clone Flashes over to the tank before throwing him further away with Soul Grasp. After it's half way across the pond, the visible projectiles stop curving toward him, and blood once again begins spurting from the goblins as they're peppered with magic and bullets alike.
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