《Re: Dystopia (Completed)》Chapter 10. Tournament and Academy.


The Jarkan Games are games between Emperors, Kings and Lords. The Jarkan Games are just basically a random game chosen by the two chosen leaders and they compete in them. The Jarkan Games can range from a simple rock paper scissors to using magic projections to 'play god' and see who has the better world at the end. There is usually a referee who cannot be bribed by any side and is completely neutral. The referee is chosen by The Seven Sceptres. The Jarkan Games are always taken seriously because you can bet your position as a King, Emperor or Aristocrat and lose them if you lose the Jarkan Game you are in. You cannot bet your Kingdoms or Empires territory though unless a Knight of the Continent allows it and a Sceptre allows it too. The only case where a Kingdom was bet was in the First Jarkan Game. No other records about betting territory exist.

--- War Book, page 951


I am in the ring with Utir. The bell rings and I just sit down. I want to see how powerful this guy is... And maybe have some fun...

Utir: "What are you doing? Conceding defeat before me already?"

Mithneel: "No. Hit me with your best attack. If I don't pass out then I will kill you."

He starts prepearing a spell what seems really weak to me but judging by the audience it is a strong one.

Utir: "Don't blame me for your death."

He throws a ball of blue fire at me but it dissipates the moment it comes into contact with my Mana Shield. I bring out my scythe and get up.

Mithneel: "Was that all?"

I jump up into the air and throw my scythe even more up into the air. I use a wind platform and look down as my scythe falls down ontop of him, cutting him in half entirely.

Mithneel: "I said that I would kill you."

I go down and pick up my scythe.

Announcer: "Winner is Mithneel Evergreen!"

I put my scythe away and walk out as the crowd is still in shock of what they saw. When I enter I see a familiar sight going to the ring. Artimael. Where the hell did this guy go off to!? I'll ask him when we battle at the Finale.

I fight atleast fifty fights before I reach the Finale with Artimael. I am currently waiting for the Announcer to come up and that he does.

Announcer: "Artimael Greysoul! Mithneel Evergreen! Your battle Finale!"

I get up and so does Artimael. I go up to him.

Mithneel: "Why did you leave Fyra and Ren alone Artimael?"

Artimael: "Well... Some things happened. I heard about a great battle what was supposed to happen but both sides got wiped out by an unknown force and then a dragon was supposed to awaken and go off and destroy a city but it never came. I wanted to fight in those battles myself..."


Mithneel: "Hahah... I might've been the cause of both of them. I talked to a dragon and wiped out two armies with mine."

Artimael: "Well... Atleast you came back..."

Mithneel: "Let us have a good fight, friend."

Artimael: "Indeed. Let us have a good fight."

We high five as I go to the right side and he goes to the left.

Announcer: "The battle of Artimael Greysoul and Mithneel Evergreen... Starts now!"

The bell rings and we charge at eachother. Our punches connect as a shockwave goes through the entire city and a crack appears on the floor of the arena we are on. We keep throwing punches at each other but the punches connect to eachother and not to our bodies. Shockwave after shockwave appears and the cracks start getting bigger and more noticable. I decide to throw a kick and he did not see it and got kicked into the ground but he gets up and punches me in the stomach in the same second he fell.

Mithneel: "We can't go all out huh?"

Artimael: "No we can't... We'll probably destroy a city or two while fighting."

I throw another punch from the left as a feint. He notices and blocks from the right as my left fist hits thin air but my hidden right fist hits his block.

I try to kick him again but I fail as he kicks me from the side when I miss. I hit him in the stomach with my fist the same moment he kicks me in the waist.

Artimael: "Shall we use some magic?"

I nod and jump back to my starting position and he does the same. Ten fireballs appear in an arch above me and to my sides. Artimael casts a big fireball what is ten of mine put together. I put my fireballs into one and two fireballs with atleast one meter in diameter appear above us both.

I send mine at him as he sends his at me. The moment the fireballs explode I jump at him and he jumps at me. Our punches connect again in the middle of the arena and the fire is blown away in a strong gust of wind. I throw a punch from my left hand and he does the same. We keep throwing punches against each other but they get blocked or hit air. I notice that Artimael has left a spot unguarded and strike at it. He does not block it but takes the blow to his abdomen as he gets sent off the arena.

Announcer: "Winner.... Mithneel!"

I walk towards Artimael and he gets up and walks towards me.

Mithneel: "You gave me that win didn't you? There is no way you would suddenly leave such a gap unguarded when it was guarded before."

Artimael: "Hahah! You noticed huh? I tried to make it subtle. The win would help you more than me. I only wanted to fight stronger people here but they all were weak. Even the one known as the strongest was weak... I also gave the win to you because it would've lasted too long because we are equal in terms of power and I don't want to cause too much damage to the arena..."


I laugh and he does too. One of the Emperors gets up.

Emperor: "Mithneel Evergreen! You have won the tournament! What prize do you want?"

I turn to the Emperors and Kings. Some are big fat pigs and others are muscly warriors. Emperors are mostly warriors by what I see. I also notice one or two mage-like kings...

Mithneel: "I want to go to the most prestigious Academy possible with two other people with funding!"

Emperor: "That is within our limits. Name the other two people coming with you!"

Mithneel: "Fyra Firestone and Ren whose family name I still don't know."

Emperor: "Can the Ren who the winner is talking about please stand up?"

Ren stands up and the Emperor sees it.

Emperor: "Oh! Ren Farnight! This is acceptable. These two are from Aristocratic families. But you Mithneel Evergreen... I've never heard of you before. Can you come up here please?"

I nod and jump up into the air and use a platform of air to throw myself in the midst of all the Kings and Emperors on a very important people area only. The audience looks at me and tries to come and listen it but some guards with blue uniforms block them. A mage-like king approaches me and tries to sneakily use a status-showing stone on me but I grab the stone in a millisecond.

Mithneel: "I'd like it if you wouldn't use these things on me. I always end up getting in trouble because of these. Now... Any questions?"

The emperor who spoke before comes up to me.

Emperor: "Are you a commoner or something else?"

Mithneel: "I am not a slave, a commoner or an Aristocrat or a Royal if you are asking that. No such thing applies to me. If anything... I should be atleast five levels above Emperor... What would that make me?"

Emperor: "Five ranking levels... That would put you as a... Demi-god?"

Mithneel: "Hmm... I am a demi-god yes... I'm four things by race. An abomination."

Emperor: "Hmm? Four different races?"

Mithneel: "Any more questions, Emperors and Kings?"

One of the Kings: "Are you working for somebody?"

Mithneel: "No, I am not. And I won't work for anybody. If anything... I'll forge my own kingdom before I join somebody elses."

Another king: "How do you know about the Firestone and the Farnight families? How did you get two princesses from those families?"

Mithneel: "The firestone family I have partially destroyed already... The Farnight family... Won't last for long."

A mage-like king: "Why are you answering these questions?"

Mithneel: "Because even if you tried, you cannot do anything against me. Also... It might make things more interesting. Any more questions? I want to go to the academy already..."

Emperor: "Alright, Mithneel. We will get a carriage ready for you."

I jump out and notice Artimael is gone and so is the crowd who was here before. Only Fyra and Ren are waiting for me at the Arena. The Kings and Emperors are bickering amongst themselves and talking about me. I won't tell them I am the Legendary World Controller they all are waiting for probably. They wouldn't leave me alone then. But if they know I am a demi-god they might think of me as a person with one blessing from a Higher God. Right now they should all be wondering what god blessed me. They probably will settle on a god of war or god of death based on my scythe I used in multiple battles to finish it quickly. They also might take up a god of magic or something like that because of my... Mana barrier... I didn't want to use my mana barrier against Artimael because it probably wouldn't hold against him. He is as strong as me and probably will be forever. He is going to be my Best Friend and my Worst Rival huh? Well that will end up fine because we can't kill eachother.

Well... Now for the trip to the academy! I go outside with Fyra and Ren and see a carriage already prepeared. These kings and emperors sure do work fast when they are dealing with strong people... Wait! I forgot to tell the Kings and Emperors! I jump back and see them leaving but I stop the Kings and Emperors.

Mithneel: "Kings, Emperors, Lords! Please do not tell anybody except the headmaster of the academy I am going to about my power! I want it to be a surprise!"

Emperor: "Ah, Mithneel. Well... Your approval into the academy is actually being prepeared. The person who is going to bring it is going to get there only one day earlier than you because he is going to use the fastest horse we have. And we will keep your powers a secret in the Academy. I was just about to go and write the letter to the Halvarath Academy so I can keep all the details about you a secret and make it a complete surprise! I won't even tell the Headmaster because I love surprises!"

Mithneel: "Thank you, Emperor. As for the other Kings and Emperors here. Please do not tell anybody of my powers. Now... Bye."

I jump back out and infront of my carriage. Fyra and Ren are already inside and waiting for me. I go in too and we start riding towards the Academy.

This is going to be a long ride isn't it...

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