《Re: Dystopia (Completed)》Chapter 7. 2nd Member.
Elves, they are beings of natural Nature power. They worship the gods of Nature and Life. The Elves are rarely seen but they are hunted by Aristocrats from the Human and other races. They are naturally very beautiful so that is the reason they are hunted. The Elven Queen is said to be the most beautiful Elf and so the most beautiful woman on Dystopia. One of the few known locations of the Elves is called Ey'Thn'Thr. In the limited knowledge about Elven language we can tell that the translation is: Ether Thenthen Threan. We do not know what it means because of the limited knowledge about Elves.
- Scholar's Book, page 915.
I wake up from my sleep... Well... From my sleep where I was not asleep. I can rarely sleep... And that is only when I am one hundred percent sure nobody is going to sneak up on me. I was just keeping a watchful eye on our surroundings...
I look around our room and then pat Fyra on the head who is sleeping next to me.
Mithneel: "Fyra, It's time to wake up. We have things to do."
Fyra: "Just a couple more... Minutes..."
She falls back to sleep.
Mithneel: "Fyra... Wake up!"
Fyra: "Huh!? What?"
Mithneel: "Oh, you woke up finally. Well... We have to do things so get dressed."
Fyra: "Aww... I wanted to sleep more..."
Mithneel: "Then go to sleep earlier... Well, get dressed now!"
She gets up and gets dressed. I was already dressed because I am not comfrotable sleeping in a city with no clothing on.
I decide we are going to the Guild earlier than usual. I want to do some D-class quests to rank up again.
We head there as soon as possible. Well... I let Fyra eat breakfast first though.
When we reach the building Ren is already there with a man clad in... Ah... Well... Black armor what covers everything but his upper face. He is holding an helmet in his right arm and his left arm is on a sword on his waist.
Ren: "That is the person I was talking about, Darling."
Black-armored Man: "So that is the person who is stronger than you, my darling ren?"
I notice that Ren is... Annoyed by the presence of that man. Hmm... Shouldn't they be in love?
Black-Armored Man: "Boy! I am Yani! I am an S-class black knight! I wanted to see what kind of man could beat my darling, Ren! I am Ren's fiancee aswell!"
Ren whispers to herself: "Only because of my family customs... Damn magical contract what they forced on me as a kid..."
I smirk a little at that. She doesn't like him? But Yani clearly looks like he loves Ren a lot.
Mithneel: "Well mister Yani. If you want to fight me I suggest you surrender before you hurt yourself. I am not just a kid."
Yani: "Hahah! A kid thinks he is better than me! I am one of the seven Kingdom Knights! You cannot beat me! You shall become my slave before you can even touch me!"
Mithneel: "Slave? You mean..."
I teleport infront of him.
Mithneel: "Your death?"
Yani: "Let us duel first, Kid. Then I'll show you how powerful I am! Hahaha!"
Attendant: "Yani, don't use your skill alright! You will destroy his soul!"
Yani: "No promises."
Yani smirks and grins like he wants to kill me. Hahah! He thinks he can kill me? I'll show him... Well... It seems my objective for today was thrown out the window immediatly though... I wanted to stay low not rise up even more...
We head outside and I follow Yani to a huge flat area in the city. An arena-like place. Hmm... This is exactly like... I'm getting a weird feeling like i've done this before... A fight against an arrogant opponent...
Yani: "You ready, kid? I'll beat you down to the ground so you won't approach my darling, Ren ever again!"
Mithneel: "But if I beat you, Ren is mine right? Or do I get nothing out of this?"
Yani: "If you win then keep her!"
Mithneel: "Keep her? Like a slave? I hate people who think of weaker people as slaves... I kill them..."
That last part I said to myself and very silently.
Ren: "Is everybody ready?"
I nod and so does Yani.
Ren: "Then Begin!"
I walk toward him with no worries.
Yani: "Kid, you are now going to die."
He chants a spell for one minute while I was slowly walking towards him. When he unleashes the spell I feel some tingling inside of me but soon a dark cloud appears and immediatly dissapears near me.
Mithneel: "What was that?"
Yani: "What the hell!? My special Ability didn't work?!"
Mithneel: "My turn right?"
Yani: "Not yet!"
He starts throwing spell after spell at me but I block them with my mana shield what is automatically put around me.
Mithneel: "Is it my turn right?"
Yani: "No!"
Mithneel: "Ah, screw you."
I bring out my scythe. I use my create venom/poison ability to coat the blade with toxic. He looks at the blade and becomes afraid of me.
Yani: "Tyolr... And even... Rhen...?"
I teleport infront of him and tap his forehead with my scythe putting some of the toxic in it. I made sure to make it non-lethal as I don't want to kill an S-class yet. Too much trouble. He falls to the floor completely paralyzed by the small touch from the tip of the scythe. I unsummon the scythe with the toxic and walk away.
Attendant: "Winner... Mithneel!"
Ren is whispering to herself: "No! Now I have to get married to a kid! Why!? Why!!!"
I go up to Ren.
Mithneel: "Sorry that you have to marry a kid. But you do not need to marry me. I can destroy your entire family house if I wanted to."
I walk away leaving her in confusion. I go to Fyra who is waiting for me patiently and grab her hand while I walk away. Fyra... I might like Fyra... I don't know... I've been with Fyra for a bit now... She is so innocent, unlike me... If I keep her around me I might protect her but also... Corrupt her... Maybe Ren can take care of her?
All requirements have been met!Showing Two Hidden Blessings and one new one!Blessing of Quinn, God of ControlBlessing of Oma, Goddess of PurityBlessing of Era, Goddess of Begginings
What? What requirements... Quinn, Oma and Era have blessed me too... Quinn... That name... It feels familiar... Like I should be with him right now and not here... Weird... Oma, thank you! And Era... I'll probably be really grateful to you later!
Well for now... I'm just pulling Fyra with me and I am heading back to the Guild with the Attendant behind me. I decide to let go of Fyra and then grab her in a princess carry. I don't want her to get injured now do I?
Attendant: "Oh... Mithneel!"
Mithneel: "Yeah?"
Attendant: "I never told you my name."
Mithneel: "Oh yeah, you didn't."
Attendant: "I am Irina Jawkerwell. Well... You know where I work. I also have a quest for you. The Headmaster personally sent this one to you."
Irina brings out a letter and I stop and put Fyra down. Fyra is blushing right now for some reason. I take the letter and open it.
I read it.
Letter: "Dear Mithneel. I have sent you this quest personally. Subjugate an entire Dungeon what is nearby the city you are in. The Dungeon is quite large and we cannot send our S-classes to handle it because they have some bigger things to handle and Yani is missing. Rewards are instant rank-up to S-class and ontop of that fifty gold. I hope you decide to take care of it. - The headmaster of the Adventurer Guild."
Mithneel: "An entire dungeon? You mean... I have to destroy an entire dungeon?"
I remember that I am part dungeon so that means killing my own kind... Well atleast i'll let them be free from this world. This world is too corrupt right now. I'll... Purify it for more of my kind to live in. I wonder if there are elves and demons in this world? While I was reading the letter and thinking Ren caught up to us with a paralyzed Yani.
Ren: "Mithneel... What did you mean?"
Mithneel: "I meant what I said. I am not your simple kid so I can do anything. My ultimate goal is something what involves the entire world and everything on it. The gods are on my side."
Ren: "You mean... You can free me? My family is treating me the same as a slave because I am not like the others... They thought they can keep me under control but I ran away... But you can free me and stop their hunt for me?"
Mithneel: "Indeed. But what do you mean by freeing you?"
Ren: "A magical contract was forced on me. I must marry the strongest man I find otherwise it kills me."
I walk up to her.
Mithneel: "Then you don't need to worry about any other man except me."
I grab her hand and kiss it making her blush. I go to Fyra and kiss her on the forehead too because she seemed mad at my sudden approach to Ren. Well... I wanted to give Ren more hope. They both blush and I grab their hands and pull them forward into the light. We were in a tunnel before we exited right now. I suddenly bump into a familiar human. Artimael. When I turn around and see him I get mad. Well he did abandon me in a good place but he abandoned me!
Mithneel: "Artimael! What the hell! You came to me after six years!?"
Artimael: "Huh? Mithneel!? What are you doing here!?"
Mithneel: "I had to run from the aristocrats. I killed a couple of them. But what are you doing here!?"
Artimael: "Well... I was just... Exploring....."
I hit him in the face and send him flying. He didn't expect that so he was hit easily but when I look at him he only has a huge bruise mark but no fractures. Good... Well I haven't used my full power yet. I only used a quarter of my power on Artimael.
Artimael: "Ow... That hurt..."
Mithneel: "Well you deserved that. And thanks for giving me into Ulrics hands. He and Tyr helped me grow up pretty well."
Artimael: "Well... Ulric was the only person I know... By the way Mithneel... Can I come with you to the dungeon? I saw the letter from a far."
Mithneel: "Sure, why not?"
Me and Artimael talk for a while to catch up and Fyra and Ren gossip between each other to determine my sudden actions. Irina is talking with Fyra and Ren too about me. She wants to know more about me huh? Well... Nobody really knows who I am and where I am from. They only know I am powerful but not how powerful I really am. I wonder what my second element is.. It is still in question marks... I bring up my board at the Guild. Irina is sitting with us in a table and we grabbed something to eat.
Familiar Summon has leveled up!World Controller Table has unlocked 45 more slots!Familiar Summon Lvl 2 unlockedCurrent Main Familiar strengthened!The familiars of the Main Familiar strengthened!
What? I only took it out... I close the blue paper and look at my table. Indeed... There are now 90 slots what are usable. 10 more knights but 35 different kinds of Summons... Hmm? A huge tower-like thing? An elepant with something on it's back? Ah.. I'll test them out later. I look towards Fyra, Ren and Irina who are still talking to each other while speaking. My eyes make contact with Rens and she blushes again. Is a kiss on a hand that... Effective? It shouldn't be right? It's just a way of pledging things and I pledged in my own way to save her from her family... Women are weird... I keep chatting with Artimael while showing him my Familiar. I keep it out for a while until I start hearing a voice in my head... I can't understand what it is saying but... I know it is there... What is it? I ssomeone trying to invade my brain? No... My magic shield would block it... It is already inside my magic field but inside my magic field is only me and the... Board... It can't be... The board can't speak right? Wait... Aren't Familiars usually living beings...? Could it be this one is... A living board? I look at the board and Artimael asks me what is wrong. I answer him nothing is wrong but keep looking at the board. I also notice that there are things around us what aren't on the slot but I can still see them. I pick one of them up and put them near me. A small wooden sword appears right next to me and I put it back to its spot. I guess I also have new... Powers... Ah... I'll just put the board away... Too much thinking.
Mithneel: "Oh! We should get to the dungeon right? Have you guys finished eating?"
Fyra: "Well I have but you haven't taken a single bite..."
Mithneel: "Well... I haven't eaten for six years..."
Ren: "Six.. Years?! Not six hours!? Six... Years?! How have you survived!"
Mithneel: "I've never... Felt hungry... I also don't seem to starve."
Irina: "Well... That is irregular... The most a person can go without eating is a year and that is because they are consuming mana from the outside world... And those who can go without eating for a year are usually Chosen ones... Don't tell me..."
Mithneel: "I won't show you my status."
Artimael: "Come on... Show me it atleast. I want to know how well... Ulric has raised you."
Mithneel: "Only you Artimael."
He nods and I open up my status and only show it to him. He inspects it all and then opens his own.
Artimael: "Yup... You are more powerful than I..."
I close my status as I see Ren trying to see it aswell.
Artimael: "And to have that many... And a brand new one aswell! None of us have heard of Quinn. We hear of every god in the world but not of Quinn..."
Mithneel: "Fyra, I guess i'll show my status to you at our room."
Fyra: "Really!? Thanks!"
Mithneel: "Irina, Ren. You will have to wait until I can trust you enough. Artimael seems like a guy I can trust. Fyra won't betray me. But about you two... Not so sure."
I get up and signal the others to get up too. Once they get up Irina goes to her counter and we leave. It's time for a dungeon clear.
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