《Magicat》Chapter 8: The Roommate
Author's Note: I have changed some at the end and it is important(somewhat) for the story as it does not have anything to do with the original one. Enjoy.
Part 1
Yen’s group exits the building with the keys to their new home.
Yen: “Where do we go to get to our place?”
Laia: “Hmmm well I’m thinking of giving Ai the experience of dorm life so I got a room for her in the dorms. I don’t know what you and Mist want to do though.”
Mist: “I’ll go with Yen.”
Yen: “I’ll follow Ai to keep an eye on her. We can go to your place to eat every once in a while.”
Laia: “That sounds good. Let’s go to your dorm room then.”
Ai stands up after a bout of staring at flower blossoms when she hears that they are leaving.
The group walks along the tree lined path leading to a three story building in a clearing.
Yen: [The school certainly blends with nature. Is this that pervert’s ideas? no waaay.]
The group enters the building into what appears to be a reception area. There is an old woman standing behind the counter.
Old Woman: “Welcome. Are you the new arrivals?”
Laia: “Yes my daughter is joining the classes tomorrow so I am here to see her to the room. Is it okay to leave my familiar with her to keep watch on her?”
Old Woman: “Yes that is just fine so long as you clean up after it.”
Laia: “Okay. Thank you. She will be in room 214 it seems.”
Old Woman: “On the second floor at the end of the hall.”
Laia: “Thank you.”
Yen: [What a nice old lady.]
The group moves to the room and looks inside after opening the door. A tan skinned girl with a light red short hair cut looks at the open door with interest.
???: “Oh? Are you my new room mate?”
Laia: “Yes Ailith will be your roommate from now on. Go on Ai, greet her.”
Laia gives a nudge to Ai’s shoulder and Ai walks forward and introduces herself.
Ai: “I am Ailith. You can call me Ai for short.”
Ai extends her hand and the room mate shakes it.
???: “I am called Frederica. Pleased to meet you.”
Ai: “Okay Frederica! This is Yen and this is Mist and she is my mom.”
Ai picks up Yen and puts Mist on his head to introduce them.
Yen: [This is somewhat uncomfortable…]
Yen squirms around in Ai’s hands.
Laia: “Well, it seems like you have a good roommate so I will be leaving now. You will see me tomorrow.”
Ai: “Okay. See you tomorrow mom.”
Yen nods to Laia and Laia walks out of the door.
Once Laia leaves, Frederica motions to Ai.
Frederica: “Feel free to make yourself comfortable on that side of the room. This is your new home after all.
The room is arranged with two beds on opposite walls and two desks at the heads of the beds
Ai: “Hmhmhm let’s put this sword here and this sword here~”
Ai retrieves a multitude of weapons from her luggage and arranges them along the wall of her side of the room..
Yen: [I thought I told you to hold back on the weapons…]
Yen looks on in disbelief and jumps onto the bed.
Yen: [Ah I’ll just sleep…] “I’m going to sleep now Ai.”
Ai: “Hm? Okay.”
Frederica: “Can you talk to your mother’s familiar?”
Ai: “Yep! He’s pretty nice! He’s also really smart!”
Mist: “I’m going out then cya.”
Yen vaguely listens to Ai’s and Frederica’s conversation as he drifts off to sleep.
–dinner time–
Yen wakes up and stretches as he yawns. He rubs his face and looks at Ai and Frederica.
Yen: “Having fun Ai?” [I guess Mist is still out she’s probably flying around having fun.]
Ai: “Hm? Oh you’re up! We were about to go down to the cafeteria for dinner. Can Yen come with us Fredy?”
Yen: [They are using nicknames now huh.]
Frederica: “It should be fine. Just make sure he doesn’t jump onto the table.”
Ai: “Okay. Hear that Yen?”
Yen: “Yep. Let’s go, I’m getting hungry.”
Yen, Ai, and Frederica leave the room and go downstairs to the large cafeteria about the size of ¾ of a basketball field. They get in line. Yen sits on Ai’s shoulder. Frederica points at a counter with some aged aunties standing behind it.
Frederica: “That is where we get food. You walk up to the counter and ask for a dish and they will give it to you.”
One of the cafeteria ladies sees them looking over at the counter and waves them over.
Cafeteria Lady: “Welcome young’uns. Today we have Risotto for a main course with fried fish on the side. There is also a slice of cheesecake for dessert.”
Ai: “Ohh!”
Cafeteria Lady: “Eheheheh here ya go young’un. Do you want something for yer familiar there?”
Ai: “Yup! Can we have another cooked fish for him?”
Cafeteria Lady: “Sure thing!”
The cafeteria lady smiles and plops another fish onto Ai’s tray.
Ai: “Thank you!”
Cafeteria Lady: “Anytime.”
Ai and Frederica walk over to two empty seats at a table and put their trays down and settle themselves down.
Ai: “Let’s dig in!”
Yen: “Yup!” [The food looks good. As expected of a famous school huh.]
The group digs into their meals. The Risotto is creamy and there are shrimp and peas in the Risotto. There are even herbs garnishing the top, adding the finishing touches.
The fish has a golden brown crust and when broken open, is white and tender.
Then, the final part. The cake. There are two dark brown layers separated by light brown icing. When bitten into, the cake is moist and not too sweet.
The group finishes their meal and look satisfied.
At this moment Mist rushes in through an open window.
Mist: “Yen! There are two wierdos fighting in an arena. Do you want to go watch?”
Part 3
Mist’s statement rouses the satisfied group from their stupor.
Ai: “Oh! Oh! Yen let’s go see!”
Yen: “Sure.” [This should be a good experience for her and we can see actual fighting.]
Mist: “Then let’s go.”
Mist flies out the door and Yen and Ai quickly follow. Frederica leisurely follows after them with a smile on her face.
The group arrives at an arena about the size of a soccer field just circular rather than rectangular. There are two guys standing in the arena: one has dull green hair and the other has pale blue hair they are both about the same age as Ai maybe older.
Yen: “Hm. It hasn’t started yet huh.”
Mist: “Just in time huh?”
Yen: [More like were they just throwing insults at each other for the last 5 minutes it took for us to get here?]
Frederica: “These two are both nobles. They are from families that are against each other. It seems that their fathers have been fighting over this one store in the town recently.”
Yen: [I thought so… how petty. Well I guess we should just watch and see.]
The group settles down and gets ready for some action. However, it seemed that the two competitors had different ideas.
Ai: “It’s still not startingggg?”
Yen: “It seems that they are still throwing insults at each other? Do you want me to cast some magic to listen in?”
Ai: “That could be good.”
Yen starts preparing his magic by gathering some of the mana in the air.
Frederica: “What is Yen doing?”
Ai: “He’s casting some magic to help us hear what they are saying.”
Frederica: “Hm? Okay.”
Yen finishes gathering the necessary mana and casts his spell.
Yen: “Wind Whisper.”
The wind mana creates a thin string that extends from the group to just above the two “fighters.” Suddenly the voices of the two can be heard.
Green boy: “Be prepared Wishy Washy for today shall be your end!”
Blue boy: “Hah it will be you who shall meet his end Kelp Head! You won’t be able to even touch me!”
Green boy: “AHAHAHA I will show you how much stronger than you I am Wet Pants! It will be you who will not be able to touch me!”
Blue boy: “Only my mother can call me Wet Pants how dare you! En garde!”
Yen: [Ridiculous people…] “It seems like it is starting now Ai.”
Ai: “Yay!”
After the long wait the two boys take out their respective weapons. The green boy takes out a simple sword and the blue boy takes out a wand with an expensive looking blue stone embedded in it.
Green boy: “Haaaah!!!”
The green boy rushes towards the blue boy who stands there preparing his magic.
Blue boy: “I call upon the elements of water to lend me strength and allow me to down my foes with my awesome might!”
The boy says some extremely embarrassing lines and creates two arrows of water and throws them towards the swiftly approaching green boy.
The arrows arc to the sides and attempt to pincer the green boy but the green boy spins around crazily and somehow or other destroys the arrows.
Yen: [This all seems very ridiculous. That boy already looks like he’s out of mana and the other one is almost passed out from dizziness.]
Frederica: “They are both ammatuer idiot nobles huh.”
Frederica articulates the rude thoughts that Yen was having concisely and with greater strength.
Blue boy: “Hah hah hah you have forced me to do this Kelp Head! I will use my ultimate weapon on you!”
The blue boy is out of breath and does not notice that the green boy is almost completely incapacitated from dizziness so he prepares his new spell.
Blue boy: “Elements of water grant me power to grind my enemies into a paste under my shoe! Alabalabadoobafoofaloobagabajoo!”
Yen: [As always ridiculous…]
No sooner than Yen had that thought did he see a monstrously large spear of water materialize above the blue haired kid. The blue haired kid faints from mana exhaustion.
The spear begins to twirl and flies at the green haired boy with amazing speed. The boy looks as if he is about to die however, by a stroke of luck he trips over a pebble in his muddle headed state and the spear passes right over his head, nicking a few kelp like strands of hair from atop his head.
The boy was lucky. However, the audience behind him was now in extreme danger.
Yen: “Ahh that looks dangerous.”
The audience in that area was madly scrambling away from the area of impact but they would have been too slow. By the way. Yen and co. were also in the area.
Frederica: “We should get away let’s go!”
Ai: “Hm that looks interesting can I hit it Yen?”
Yen: “Please don’t. I’ll deal with it.”
Yen stands from his position in Ai’s very warm and comfortable lap and prepares his magic with a twinkle in his eye.
Part 4
Yen quickly gathers mana and forms his spell.
Yen: [Hmm what would be good? Ah! I know!]
Yen looks at the water spear and casts his spell. A huge amount of mana is used.
Yen: “Hole.”
With just a simple word(meow) from Yen, the air in front of the spear distorts and a shadowy hole appears. The spear is sucked into the hole and disappears soundlessly.
Yen turns to Ai and sits back on her lap.
Yen: “I’m done now. Let’s go back.”
Ai: “Okay. Why couldn’t I just smash it apart though?”
Ai picks Yen up and lodges a complaint with him.
Yen: “I haven’t done much recently.”
Ai: “Hmm okay.”
Ai puffs her cheeks out and is somewhat placated with Yen’s answer.
Only once they finish talking does Yen realize that everyone else is frozen in shock.
Yen: “Ai can you unfreeze Frederica?”
Ai: “Okay. Frederica? Fredericaaa?”
Ai waves her hand in front of Frederca’s face and calls out to her. Frederica wakes from her stupor with a flinch.
Frederica: “W-w-what was that!?!”
Ai: “Hm? Yen just used a spell?”
Frederica: “What was that absurd spell?! It made the magic attack just disappear!?”
Ai: “Well Yen is just super cool like that!”
Yen looks on from Ai’s embrace with a satisfied expression.
Frederica: “It’s absurd for a familiar to do that much! Much less a cat! They are supposed to help with making magic and other things they don’t usually attack with overwhelming attack power like that!”
Frederica flails around yelling about the absurdity of Yen.
Mist: “Yen is just like that you know. He practiced magic for a few years before coming here.”
Mist supplements some reasoning to go with the absurdity of Yen.
-an hour later back at the dorm-
Frederica has calmed down after her outburst at the arena.
Frederica: “Ahem… I showed an unsightly side of myself back there…”
Frederica looks awkwardly at the others and apologizes.
Ai: “It’s fine it just shows that you know how cool Yen is!”
Yen: [She is well mannered at least.]
Frederica: “Thank you. There may be some problems though with you showing off Yen like that though…”
Ai: “Like what?”
Frederica: “Someone may act violently and try to take Yen from you.”
Ai: “It’s fine isn’t it? I can just smash them and Yen is strong enough to protect himself too?”
Frederica: “But there may be even more powerful people than you that attack too. You should still be careful.”
Yen: “Ai, she is giving you good advice.”
Ai: “Okaaay.”
Ai replies to the advice unenthusiastically.
Yen: [How did you become like this? Was it Laia’s influence?] “sigh”
Mist: “You okay?”
Yen: “Yeah. Sure. Yup.”
Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
Old Woman: “Ailith. There is a package for you. It seems to be your school materials.”
Ai: “Okay!”
Ai leaps up enthusiastically and opens the door with a *whoosh*. The old woman is standing there with a relatively large package about the size of one Yen (1.5-2.5feet long). She hands it to Ai.
Old Woman: “Have fun with school. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
Ai: “Yup! I will.”
Ai closes the door after the Old Woman leaves and places the package on the floor.
Frederica: “Oh. Your books arrived already huh? Let’s see what your mother signed you up for.”
Frederica takes out a pen knife and slits open the package delicately.
Yen: [Hope Laia didn’t sign her up for something bad…]
Yen and co. gather round the box and look at the school supplies Ai has received.
Mist: “Hmm ‘History of the World’, seems okay…”
Yen: “This is… ‘Magic 101’? okay.”
Ai: “Ohh! ‘Swords Mastery: The Path of Strength’.”
Yen: “She actually signed you up for normal subjects!”
Yen breaks down sobbing with joy. (Disclaimer: Cats can’t cry from emotion.)
Frederica looks at the strangely “crying” cat and picks up another book.
Frederica: “Hm? ‘History of Cats: The Life of the Best Familiars’ This is one of the stranger classes…”
Mist: “Seems like you were too happy too fast Yen.”
Yen now cries for another reason.
Author's Note: Sorry all of the ones that liked the stabby Ai... It doesn't correspond with the new Chapter 9 I planned out so I changed it. Also sorry for the semi-long pause in updates. School has started for me and my club takes up a large amount of my time so I couldn't find time to write.
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