《Magicat》Chapter 1: The Tale Begins
Part 1:
It is a peaceful day in the middle of a certain forest. In this forest there is a colony of cats living together. Suddenly there is a large explosion that blows away most of the cats, killing them indiscriminately. There are two young men walking through with vicious smiles on their faces as if relishing the destruction.
Man 1: “Hahaha, brother you were right! this is the perfect place to practice our magic hahaha.”
Man 2: “Right? The feelin of burning and crushing these dirty things feels great! hahaha!”
Off to the side, there is a striped gray tabby cat that is watching as his home is destroyed.
Cat: [sigh. I suppose that this is as long as I can stay here. I suppose I should leave here now. I don’t feel much attachment to this place either.]
He walks away from the burning ruins of his past home.
Cat: [I wonder where I should go… I have nowhere to go now. Perhaps I should go to the rumored city that many of cats past have left to go to.] He contemplates his possible paths.
Cat: [Yep, yep let’s do that then.]
Cat: [I never thought that such misfortune would happen even in my new life… That damned truck driver that ran me over while I was walking to the supermarket to buy some food last time and now my new home has been burnt.]
As he walks, he happens upon a small house with a garden and a picket fence outside. There is a woman watering the plants with a floating watering can. She has long, light blue silk like hair falling down her back almost to her waist, and has a face that would be considered quite beautiful by human standards.
Cat: [Maybe I should try asking for some food from this woman?] “Meoow meow meow!”
Woman: “Hm? what is it little cat?”
Cat: “Meow meow.”
Woman: “Perhaps you are hungry? Do you want some food? I only have some fish that I caught though.”
Cat: “Meow *nod nod*”
Woman: “haha. It seems like you can understand me? It’s probably just me though. Come on in little cat.”
The woman turns around and opens the door, welcoming the cat into the house and the cat follows. The house is neat and tidy inside and seems to consist of a kitchen a living room and a single bedroom.
Woman: “Now then what might be wrong I wonder. The only reason that there would be a cat here would be if it was adventure season where the cat colony to the north sends cats out to let them see a bit of the world, but it isn’t that time of year yet and you are certainly too young to undergo the adventure.”
Cat: “Meow meow meo mea meow” “Well, the colony is gone now ya know.”
Woman: “Hm. Well it’s not as if I can understand cat speak. Hmm.” *Claps hands together* “Ohh why don’t I just keep you? How do you like that idea?
Cat: “Meow Mee Meow ya.” “Not like I have anywhere else to go… fine.” *nod nod*
Woman: “Great! you can sleep in this apple basket then. Have a pillow too.”
The woman places an apple basket with a pillow inside of it in a corner.
Cat: “Meow mew” “I’ll just sleep here then. Good night.”
The cat yawns widely turns a few times then falls asleep on the pillow as the woman watches over him.
Part 2:
Cat: “Mrrw?” “Hm? this feels good, I wonder what it is?” The cat wakes up to find that something is making him feel very, very good. “Purr, Purr.” “Ohhh yes. That is very nice. Right there. Mmmm.” The cat finally opens his eyes to find the woman laughing creepily while touching him as her fingers make strange movements. [There is some kind of suspicious aura… I should back away…] *scooch. scooch.”
Woman: “Oh? you woke up now?” The aura quickly disappears as she flashes an angelic smile. “Did you sleep well?”
Cat: [Was I just imagining things?] “Meow mew mea.” “Yes, I slept well”
Woman: “Hm, Hm. Seems like you slept well.” The woman nods a few times. “Do you want to eat?”
Cat: “Yes! Yes! I want! I want!” “Mea, Mea, Meo, Meo!” The cat had not eaten since his escape after all and despite the offer from the Woman the day before, they had forgotten about the issue completely. Well, the cat was also too tired after seeing the place he lived in burn to the ground.
Woman: “Good, you seem quite energetic so here ya go.” The Woman sets down a plate with a fish on it.
Cat: [It looks like one of those cartoon fish…] The cat shrugs and proceeds to eat the fish. Only leaving the fish bone.
Woman: “Good it seems like you have an appetite.” The woman smiles as she watches the cat down the fish. “Now then, what should I call you? Do you have a name?”
Cat: “Mea, Meow.” “We as cats do not receive names we tell each other apart by scent.” The cat shakes his head from side to side.
Woman: “Hmmm. I guess we can call you Yen then. Seeing as you don’t seem to have anything else to go by. Do you like it?” The woman looks at Yen inquisitively.
Yen: “Meow meow.” “That sounds good” [I wonder what she is called.]
Laia: “You can call me Laia then! I am a local mage for the village near to us.” The woman makes a twirl fluttering her one piece dress while introducing herself.
Yen: [That was… quite interesting…] *nod nod*
Laia: “Good good. Now then… Let. Me. Pet. You. Mehehehehehehe.” Laia starts to emit a strange aura again and approaches Yen step by step and then she pounces onto Yen.
-Chaos Ensues-
A half hour or so later a tired Yen is sitting in the lap of Laia getting pet in the middle of a battlefield that was once the innards of a magnificent, peaceful house.
Yen: “You… You are quite good at this” “Me.. Meaaa” Yen is enjoying the petting greatly while purring softly despite the strange aura that was encroaching on him a few moments ago.
Laia: “Ufufufu. You seem to be enjoying yourself under my practiced hands. I have pet thousands of cats in my journeys as an adventurer and have acquired countless amounts of experience in petting.” The woman’s hands seem almost ethereal as they massage Yen. He willingly gives his body to her soft, capable hands and proceeds to fall into a light sleep.
Part 3:
It is now the next morning. Yen wakes up while stretching with large movements. Arching his back then lowering it to the ground.
Yen: [Mmm that was quite nice. Hm? What is Laia doing?] “Myaa mya?” “whatcha doing?”
Laia: “Oh Yen you are up now. I’m going to go on some chores in the village I’ll be back soon okay? There is some fish on that plate over there if you are hungry.”
Yen: “Meowsh” “Okay I’ll wait for you”
Laia: “Bye Bye~~
Yen seems to have a pleasant look on his face as he turns around and ponders what he should do for the day.
Yen: [Hmm I wonder what I should do while she is gone. I have seen some of the writing and it seems that I can understand it strangely. Okay! I’m going to read random books!]
Yen looks around at the various bookshelves that are arranged neatly on one wall and one book catches his eyes.
Yen: [Oh? Is this a magic book? Introduction to Elementary Elements of Magic huh…. talk about repetition.]
Yen swiftly positioned a pillow below the bookshelf, jumped onto the shelf, lightly bit down on the spine of the book, and dragged it off of the bookshelf so that it fell on the pillow with a slight flop.
Yen: [Gotta respect books after all.]
Yen then leaps off of the bookshelf and opens the book with his mouth.
Yen: [Hmm so… ]
–Magic is an effect brought about by the usage of mana mixed with imagination. There are a large amount of elements but this book only goes over the basic ones. The basic elements are: fire, water, earth, wind, light, and dark.–
Yen: [So the elements are basic fantasy elements huh. What else is there in this book?]
–To see if you have magical capacity please breathe in and breathe out and repeat as you relax in a nature filled area. While you do so please attempt to sense the mana that flows in the environment. There are many ways to perceive mana. Some see it as strands floating in the air while some see it as flowing liquid. The look of the mana DOES NOT affect aptitude.–
Yen: [So in and out and in and out. Hmmm Hrrm Hrrgrgrgr Mugrgrrgr Myaaaa!]
Suddenly the air around him exploded into a large assortment of iridescent, floating, dandelion fluff, causing Yen to jump in surprise
Yen: “Me Myaaa!” [Holy crap that scared me!]
Then he heard the door open and saw Laia enter the house.
Laia: “I’m hooome Yen!”
She bursts in and immediately spots Yen.
Laia: “Muhuhuhu let me cuddle you!”
She jumps at Yen, picks him up, and begins to rub him against her face.
Yen: [It’s not like I don’t enjoy this… but it feels like my chastity is in danger even though its not… Oh! I know! Why don’t I try out some magic Hrm… Imagination and mana…] “Myaa!” “Water ball!”
Suddenly two light blue fluffs float into his body and a slightly darker blue energy flows out and forms a ball of water that drops down onto their heads and thoroughly douses them.
Laia: “Pwahhh did you just use magic?!”
Yen: “Pyeeh Pyeh Peh Myohohohoho Myaa mea.” “Hehehe yes look at me and revel at my greatness.”
Laia: “Oh my! Oh my! That is so great! Now we can take a bath together and I can cuddle you in the tub! Hehehehe”
Yen [Wait wait wait! that wasn’t the reaction I was looking for!] “Myooooooooo!”
Yen howls in despair as a smiling Laia carries him into the bathroom to his doom.
Part 4:
Laia walks out of the restroom with an extremely content expression on her face. So content in fact that it was as if she had donned a sparkling aura.
Laia: “Ahhh that was refreshing. Don’t you think so as well Yen?”
Laia looks behind her towards the door of the restroom where Yen slowly walks out. Contrary to Laia’s refreshed expression Yen looked as if he had aged a few cat years. He had bags under his eyes and had an aura of defeat shrouding him like a mantle.
Yen: [Never again. Never again. Never again.] “Me-Meaa…” “Ri-Righht… definitely… definitely…”
Laia: “Ufufufu. Here have some milk.”
Yen: “Meow.” “Thanks”
Yen takes a few licks of the milk then begins thoroughly enjoying life after surviving his grand ordeal of the bathtub.
Yen: [It seems that contrary to my old world this world’s cats did not evolve lactose intolerance. That is very nice.]
Yen licked at the plate of milk till there was not a single drop left inside of it. This was when Laia walked into the room with a silver necklace.
Laia: “Hmmm let’s try this now.”
Laia gently places the necklace around Yen’s neck. The necklace automatically adjusted itself around his neck with a few clicking sounds followed by the chains receding into the center piece.
Yen: “Meaya?” “What is this? It is kind of pretty.”
Laia: “Now I can check what your status is. Isn’t that great?”
Yen: [Status? Like how healthy I am?]
Laia reaches over to the necklace and a few puffs of mana flow into the necklace. Despite her usage of mana though, the mana around them was completely undisturbed. After this procedure is completed the necklace started shining blue and the previously inserted mana flowed out and formed a blue screen in front of them.
Yen: [Wooow.] “Me Meo?” “What is this?”
Laia: “Oh you are wondering what I just did? I inserted some of my mana into the necklace and this prompts the magic inscribed on the necklace to form a status screen of the wearer. Most mages can block others from accessing it by forming a thin mana barrier around it. Now let’s see what your status is like.
Level: 1
Health Points: 100/100
Mana Points: 0/0
Strength: 10
Intelligence: 15
Endurance: 20
Mind: 10
Dexterity: 20
Language Interpretation- understands all languages and can speak all languages that the race’s vocal chords allow for.
Mana Perception- Can see mana
Mana Conversion- Can take mana from environment and convert it to a spell directly. Mana points are eternally 0. Also means that you have no specific element that you are better at you just need enough environmental mana to sustain your spells.
Magic- Can use imagination and mana to form spells
Laia’s Plushie- You have resigned yourself to being a hug toy for Laia- gives a permanent rise of 10 endurance points.
-Race Bonus-
+10 dexterity due to extremely flexible body
Dexterity, Intelligence, and Strength increases more easily
Laia: “Oho. You have quite some interesting stats there I can’t see your titles though. It is quite interesting that you have no internal mana though.”
Yen: […what is this… this title… It is a good thing that I hid it immediately when it came out.]
Yen heaves a deep sigh due to the unusual title that the gods have gifted upon him.
Laia: “Hm? why are you sighing? Well it’s no matter. I want to talk to you though… Hmmm Oh! why don’t you become my familiar? That way you can talk to me and I will understand it!”
Yen: [That seems to be one of my better choices. Being able to communicate with someone would be nice. Also I trust Laia a lot. Hmmm not like I would do anything else… fine lets do it]
Yen nods to Laia to signal that he was okay with becoming her familiar.
Laia: “Great! Now we just have to perform the contract. Let’s see… Voila!”
Laia places her hands on a sheet of paper and performs magic. Glowing blue words appear on the paper stating a that Yen would henceforth become Laia’s familiar.
Laia: “Okay! Now you just need to inject a bit of mana into it!”
Yen: “Mea.” “Okay.”
Yen gathers a few balls of mana from the surroundings and injects them into the paper after they passed through his body. The Contract shines gold and disappears into nothingness.
*ping ping*-You have gained the title Laia’s eternal plushie. Your dedication to Laia as her plushie has bestowed upon you a raise! You now get 15 permanent Endurance points as well as +5 to all other stats if you use this title as your visible title.
Yen: [f*ck]
Laia: “There! The deed is done!”
Yen: “Okay can you understand me now nya?”
Laia: “Yep yep. I hear you loud and clear now!”
Yen: “Hmm well take care of me from nyow on.”
Laia: “Mhm me too.”
Laia suddenly yawns.
Laia: “That exhausted my mana just now. I’m going to sleep to recover it.”
Laia quickly picks up Yen and drags him to the bed with her. She then falls asleep while hugging Yen to her face.
Yen: [Oh well I might as well sleep like this.]
*Ping ping*-Thanks to your dedication to Laia rising even higher, your title has been upgraded to include a +2 to endurance. You now gain a bonus of +17 to endurance and +5 to all other stats! Congratulations! You are now the Eternal Loving Plushie of Laia.
*Ping ping*- The title, Eternal Loving Plushie of Laia is now your permanent title there is no way to change this! Congratulations!
Yen: [F*uck]
Level: 1
Health Points: 100/100
Mana Points: 0/0
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 20
Endurance: 27
Mind: 15
Dexterity: 25
Language Interpretation- understands all languages and can speak all languages that the race’s vocal chords allow for.
Mana Perception- Can see mana
Mana Conversion- Can take mana from environment and convert it to a spell directly. Mana points are eternally 0. Also means that you have no specific element that you are better at you just need enough environmental mana to sustain your spells.
Magic- Can use imagination and mana to form spells
Eternal Loving Plushie of Laia- You have resigned yourself to being an ETERNAL hug toy for Laia through your dedication and love to her- gives a permanent rise of 17 endurance points. Gives +5 to all other stats if equipped.
-Race Bonus-
+10 dexterity due to extremely flexible body
Dexterity, Intelligence, and Strength increases more easily
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