《I am a genius so I don't need a strong cheat to survive》Chapter 4: The beginning of a trip is important. Don't start with the wrong foot
Oh, the time. Is already time for my morning training. I was too focused with my first magic tool that I almost skipped this important training. I neglected honing my body a lot once I moved to Japan, but now is a matter of life and death so I shouldn't forget about it.
Before starting my training, I should name my creation.
This magic tool looks so nice. Is a rod that shoots fire or ice... Flaming Ice Rod!
Let's name it after the field test is successfully done. Horrible naming sense must flow thick in my veins.
I stood up from my bed, leaving my almost finished magic tool on it and left my room while clothing myself with my training outfit.
As soon as I left my room, I found a suspicious guy on the hallway.
Air Ball!
I fired magic on instict and it landed beautifully on that suspicious guy's face.
"Buh! What!?" The suspicious guy screamed in pain while rubbing his face hidden behind white cloth.
"I know that I told you to stop peeping on Falay, but that doesn't mean that you need to peep on me!" I yelled angrily.
"Wait, I just woke up so I am a little confused," said the suspicious blonde man with a completely bandaged face in panic.
"Don't play the fool. For what reason were you waiting in front of my room with your presence completely concealed you damn pervert?" I asked threateningly.
"I fail to understand your train of thoughts, but about my presence, I have the habit of hiding it when sleeping," said the criminal still in panic.
"Why in the world were you sleeping in front of my room then?" I interrogated him without removing my threatening aura.
"I, I was waitng for you to train to, to, togehter," answered the criminal stuttering.
"Huh? Don't be stupid. You are stronger than me, there is no reason for us to train together," I answered in a condescending tone.
"That's a blatant lie. In the previous battle you were playing with me, making me think that I was leading you when in reality I was dancing in the palm of your hand," Hugo said even more bitterly than me.
So that's how he saw the battle. Well, I would have felt the same if I were in his place.
"Haa, you are understimating yourself too much. You really were leading me in that battle. The only reason why I was able to defend and counterattack was thanks to my reflexes" I said in a tired voice.
"Stop lying. There is no way for a human to move that fast," Hugo said with an incredulous expression.
"Stop calling me a liar, I am being honest with you. My reflexes and reaction time are a bit abnormal, that's why I can do inhuman movement. This is a secret by the way," I explained with an irritated expression.
Hearing what I said, Hugo looked at me even more incredulously.
Ahh, irritating.
"Let's play rock paper sicssors," I irritatedly said.
"Why so suddenly?" Hugo asked confused.
"Just do it! Will do it ten times in a row. If you manage to win at least one time then I will do anything you want," I angrily said and prepared my hand to play.
"Eh!? Anything!? Glup," Hugo yelled a little flusetered.
Brrr, I felt something disgusting right now.
I glared strongly at Hugo and he started to prepare to play in a hurry.
Hugo's fist is completely closed, but his hand is showing sings of opening.
I threw scissors and Hugo did the same, a tie.
On the next one, Hugo's hand didn't show any sign of opening.
I threw paper, and he threw rock. I won.
The next one was my victory again by using paper and the next one I won by using scissors. At this point, Hugo started to show a surprised expression.
On the tenth match, Hugo's hand showed signs of opening, but he didn't opened his hand, throwing a rock with a barely closed fist.
I used paper and won. I changed my hand from scissors to paper at the last moment.
The end result was seven wins and three ties.
"Do you believe me now?" I asked with a fed up expression.
"Is that your soul skill?" Hugo asked surprised.
"Of course not. How is that related to poison identifying? This is an ability I was born with," I answered with a dumbed expression.
Did he already forgot the hint I gave him last month?
"Gah! That's right. When are you going to reveal your soul skill?" Hugo asked apologetically.
"When you stop using your head as a decoration," I coldly answered him.
"Uhh," Hugo let out a defeated tone.
"Anyways, this talent of mine is a secret. Including you and me, only nine people knows about this," I said in a serious tone.
"Got it," Hugo said seriously as well while nodding his head.
Well, I already gave up in keeping this a secret the moment I revealed it to Hugo. I am sure that he will carelessly reveal it without realizing what he did.
"You should alrady understand why I can't train you. My fighting skills relies mostly on my inhuman reaction time. If it weren't for that, I couldn't accurately pinpoint vital points nor defend in extravagant ways in the middle of an intense fight. My martial skills are just better than average, while your skills are at a master's level," I explained in a teacher like voice.
Hearing me, Hugo showed a complicated expression.
"Haa, you still haven't gave up in getting stronger right?" I asked with a gentle tone this time.
"You aren't going to let me do that dangerous strengthening method if I am not stronger," Hugo answered looking straight at my face.
Since he is taller than me, it looks as if he is staring down at me which is uncomfortable.
"You are alrady plenty strong. There is no need to get even stronger," I answered with a pissed off expression.
"How can I be stronger when you defeated me so easily yesterday," Hugo said bitterly.
Wow, he is really bothered by it. As expected of a battle maniac.
"It's the difference in experience. I bet that you haven't had many real battles," I gently explained.
"I was fighting amost everyday in my temple, even against the teachers," Hugo said a little pissed off.
"Those are sparrings, have you ever held a gun?" I asked seriously, removing my gentle tone.
"Gun?" Hugo asked back a little surprised.
"My first time handling a gun in a real battle was when I was six. That's the amount of experience I have," I said keeping my serious tone.
Hugo stared hard at my face, without knowing what to say.
It seems that he got the point.
"Haha, It would have been embarrassing if I were to lost against an inexperienced brat like you," I said with a relaxed tone this time.
"Uhh, sorry," Hugo muttered with a complicated expression.
"Relax, there is no need to apologize. Ah but this last bit of personal information is also a secret okay?" I said with my natural smile.
Then I started to walk again.
For today's training, let's see... I want to try flying. Maybe I can do it with a chain of Air Blasts... but there is something more important now.
"Why are you following me?" I asked with an annoyed voice.
I thought that the discussion finished, why is he following me?
"I thought that it would be nice to accompany you in your training. To be honest, I am a little curious in your training method," Hugo said with an awkward smile.
"You are going to be a bother, I already told you that we can't train together. Just return back to your bed, I will wake you when the breakfast is ready," I harshly said.
"Come on, don't be so cold. I am only going to train near you, not together," Hugo casually said.
This is what happens for being nice to him for once.
"Ah, talking about sleeping, don't you think that you should sleep more? You not only sleep later than me, you wake up this early in the morning. This isn't healthy," Hugo kept yapping and yapping.
I just ignored him and kept walking, increasing my pace.
"Hey, don't ignore me! Hey Wys, wait!" Hugo yapped and yapped following behind me.
Ahh, annoying!
I started to run, but Hugo also run after me, calling me again and again until we reached the entrance of the forest.
Ahh, whatever. I'll just ignore his existence and start training.
It was a horrible idea.
"Uhh, sorry," Hugo apologized for the umpteenth time.
"Shut up and eat!" I angrily yelled, but I made sure to eat my cheesecake with the appropiate manners.
This idiot not only followed me until the forest, but when I was doing my flying experiment, his Mana Freeze interfered with my mana, making me to almost crash to the ground when I was at a height of four meters. I wouldn't be able to face anyone in the afterlife if I were to have a ridiculous death like that.
"Hokuto is seriously regretting about what he did," gently said Falay.
"Fuh, fufu. Hey Hokuto, I knew that I said that I will help you, but I can't do anything when you mess up as badly as this," Master said while containing her laughter.
"Don't laugh Milady, this is serious," Falay said with a scolding tone.
"Master, what do you mean with help?" I asked in an accusing tone.
"Don't look at me with those scary eyes. I just agreed to help Hokuto to convince you in letting him get stronger with my method," Master casually confessed.
"You!" I angrily yelled.
"Relax! Relax! I didn't teach him the method. I am not going to do it until I get your approval. I swear," Master quickly said with a carefree expression.
"Then give up. I will never agree with letting a kid to pointlessly kill himself," I coldly said.
"Don't call it pointless. I want to get stronger to save those guys," Hugo said a little angry.
"How could you know if it is pointless or not when you are just a brat," I said derisively.
"Is a little funny when you call brat to another person," Master said with an amused face.
"I may look like this, but I am already twenty one. Ah that's right. I should be a brat for you," I said with a ridiculing expression.
"What are you implying?" Master asked with a scary smile.
"I am not implying anything. I am just saying that a man on his early twenties must be a brat for someone at your age Master," I said with a refreshing smile.
"And where is that man? I believe that Hokuto is still in his teens," Master said with an annoying smirk.
I'll beat the hell out of her tomorrow.
I didn't revelaed my thoughts and just smiled at her.
Master smiled back at me, but her eyes weren't smilng at all.
"Stop fighting! Why is it that you two only get along when you are making fun of Hokuto?" Falay scolded us.
"We are not fighting. We are just discussing something important," Master said gently.
"I didn't saw anything more than a childish fight though," Falay said with a reprimanding voice.
"Hahaha. Well, I may have derailed a little," Master said with a small laugh and then she said:
"Wys, you are against Hokuto doing a life risking strengthening method because you worry about him right?" Master asked with her usual enjoying grin.
"Who is worrying about him? It's just that it will be irresponsible to let a kid to kill himself," I curtly answered.
"There is no need to be shy," Master said while laughing a little.
"I am not. I just trying to be a responsible adult. Letting a kid die for stupid reasons is way too irresponaible," I irritatedly answered.
"A sheltered person would never become a proper adult," Rechia said in her casual tone.
"Stopping an ignorant child to a probable death is not sheltering, is having common sense," I said even more irritated than before.
"An ignorant child. Fufu, you are right. This brat is indeed an ignorant child," Rechia said giggling a little.
"I got it!" Hugo suddenly yelled.
"Uwa!?" Falay let out a cute surprised voice.
"Ah sorry," Hugo quickly apologized and then he faced me.
"Wys, I am not longer a little kid," Hugo seriously said.
"What are you saying so suddenly?" I asked confused.
"I get that you want to protect me because I am a kid in your eyes, so I am going to be a respectable adult now," Hugo said beaming with confidence.
"Are you an idiot? That's why I treat you like a kid," I said while massaging my temples.
"You treat me like a kid because I am lacking experience in life, am I wrong?" Hugo asked without losing an inch of his confidence.
"So what? Are you trying to say that you do have a lot of life experience so I should let you do whatever you want to do now?" I asked with a tired voice.
"Not now, but in the future. I am going to travel the world," Hugo said with a full smile.
"Huh?" A confused sound leaked from my mouth.
What is this guy saying? How does world travel connects with the conversation now.
"I understand that I am still an immature kid, that's why I am going to go to all kind of places and learn all kind of stuff. I still wish to get more power right now, but that's being too greedy. I am going to steadily get stronger while I mature until you recognize me as an adult," Hugo said with unwavering determination.
"This world is in the middle of a huge war. Not only your life will be in constant danger if you wander around by yourself, you are going to learn a lot of ugly things in the way," I coldly said.
"You are not going to convince me with that and there is nothing that you can do to prevent me from traveling," Hugo said with a resolute smile.
"If you are going to waste your time in something as stupid as that, you may as well honestly train yourself to get stronger," I said mockingly this time.
"That won't do. I feel that it will take forever for me to get the strength I wish if I train normally," Hugo said with a clear expression.
I don't get him. He is contradicting himself. He wants a quick way to get stronger and for that he is planning to do a long trip and to make things even worse, he is not joking. He is seriously thinking in going on a long journey. And all that is just to have a chance in saving some guys he barely knows.
"I don't get you. Tell me, just what drives you so much in wanting to save some mere strangers?" I asked looking straight at his eyes with an overwhelming gaze, a gaze as strong as the one that damn Gedio used when he first met us.
Hugo didn't look away from my gaze and stared straight into my eyes with strong and unwavering eyes.
"I wish to be someone who can save everyone who are in front of me. My dream is to be someone whom everybody can rely on. Does following one's dream need a reason?" Hugo said with unshakable conviction.
Huh? Just... just for that. His face doesn't look that he is joking at all.
"Are you an idiot? Let alone a few decades, it could even take you your entire life to get strong enough to reach the point where you can save the other guys. In fact, there are more chances of being impossible. It may even be pointless! Are you okay with dying a pointless death!?" I said without realizing when I started to yell.
I don't know why I am getting so angry. Just, just, just, hearing this idiot sprouting such childish nonsense pisses me off so much!
Was I too light yesterday? Should I beat the crap out of him this time to make him understand?
"Then I won't die. I'll live following my dreams but I won't die. I will put my life on the line for my dreams, but I won't let myself die. I won't live a pointless life nor die I pointless death. It's a promise," Hugo said relaxed with a calm smile, but his words had a mysterious weight that didn't let me refute that idiotic promise.
I could do nothing besides look at him completely dumbfounded.
"Hahahaha. How are you going to respond to that Wys? This kid seems serious," Rechia said incredibily amused.
There is nothing funny to laugh at! I feel that this course of conversation was planned beforehand by her.
"Haa," I sighed.
"You win. Go and travel around the world as much as you like, but made sure to keep your promise of not dying since I am not going out of my way to save you this time," I said with a defeated voice.
Hearing my approval, Hugo's whole body relaxed and his face shined as much as the usual angelical Falay.
"Really!? Thank you very much!" Hugo happily shouted in joy.
Seriously, what is wrong with this brat. How can he be so determined after he was suddenly thrust in a foreign world far away from his home, after being chased by guys trying to take his life, after knowing how weak he is in this stupid world. Where does all his determination comes from. He is truly an idiot, but a strong idiot.
If... if I also had that kind of strength back then.
Forget it, I was just a six years old brat. Is useless to dwell in the past and the end result was good anyways, I ended up meeting Carla after all.
"There is no need to thank me. I didn't had any right in stopping you in the first place. But at least wait eight days before your trip so we can depart together," I said a little annoyed.
Hugo brightened from my words and happily said "Are you going to accompany me in my travels?".
"Of course not. I am not changing my plans in settling in Xat. I am just saying that I will accompany you until we reach Xat, that's all," I answered a little disgusted.
That kind of face doesn't suit an unremarkable boy like him at all. Also, I am planning on restraining him in Xat f I feel that he is not ready to live alone in this world, even if I have to break his legs.
"How nice. I also wish to go on a journey. I wish to go to all those places that were in those books," Falay said with a dreaming face.
That's a cute face. It instantaneously healed me from the stress that welled up me in this conversation.
"Then why don't you join Hugo's travel? I am sure that a monster with hero syndrome like him can easily protect you in dangerous times like this," I jokingly said.
For some reason I am seriously starting to believe that this idiot can really become a real hero or something like that, how stupid of me.
"Haha. Come on, don't call Hokuto a monster. But if we end up traveling together I guess that I would be in charge or the meals and healing right? Hehe, it sounds fun," Falay lightly said.
Her tone was light. Yes, it was indeed light.
However, Falay's eyes told me that she was seriously thinking that possibility.
I came to realize that I should be more careful with my words.
"♪Larara♪, ♪lalara♪," I was joyfully humming a song that I heard back in Rusia while placing the breakfast on the table.
Today's breakfast is fruit tart with extra sugar. Yummy.
"Morning," Rechia sleepily muttered while walking to her seat.
"Good morning. Shouldn't you wash your face first before coming here?" Hugo asked a little worried.
"Good morning Milady. How rare to see you wake up by yourself so early," Falay said with her usual angelical face.
"Good morning Rechia. Hugo is right. Go and wash your face, the food is not going to run away," I said without interrupting the song I was humming.
"So you were the one who was singing," Rechia said with a relaxed face.
But after a moment, her face showed a hint of confusion.
"Wait... Shouldn't you call me Master?" Rechia asked confused.
"Don't be silly. The contract ended yesterday," I anwered with an increasing good mood while waving my right hand.
Ahhh, it feels so nice to stop treating this annoying woman as my master.
"Since you are freeloading, you still need to keep calling me Master," said Rechia in a bossy tone.
"The deal was that I can live here for free as long as I still do the chores, nobody said anything about me being a maid," I nonchalantly answered.
I am so happy right now that I can't get mad, no matter how much annoying stuffs Rechia spouts.
"You are no fun," Rechia said disappointed.
"If you really want someone calling you Master, then use Hugo. He is literally freeloading," I advised her and then I sat down.
"I don't want to be called that by someone with a face as plain as that guy. It will be disgusting," Rechia said lazily while slowly starting to eat.
"About that, my face! Can I finally remove this bandages?" Hugo asked a little excited.
It seems that he really wishes to free his face, but...
"You can't. Nobody wants to see your face so keep hiding it," I quickly answered him.
"How can you two insult Hokuto so casually?" Falay asked a little angry.
"Forget it, I am already used to it. Just your feelings are enough," Hugo said with a resigned mood.
"Oh, that's right. Those bandages are unnecessary now. Last night I wrapped your face due to the force of habit, but your face was already completely restored three days ago," Rechia said without a shred of guilt.
"Hey!" Hugo shouted and quickly tore off the bandages.
Behind those bandages, what appeared was that completely unremarkable face that I completely forgot.
"Does my face look okay?" Hugo asked a little embarrassed.
"After eating, let's go to the Association to get our adventurer's identification," I said and resumed to eat.
Hmm, delicious. I'll never get bored of sweets.
"Don't ignore me!" Hugo shouted again.
"How do you expect me to react when a guy asks me something like that!" I retorted back.
"Don't worry, there is not a single scar remaining. Your face looks good and a little handsome," Falay gently comforted Hugo.
Hearing her, Hugo blused a little.
"Co... come on, you are exaggerating. Besides, if we were to compare faces, mine is incomparable to yours," Hugo said while scratching his cheek.
"Hue?" Falay let out a cute sound as sweet as this cake.
Are they flirting?
"Wys, burn that bastard's face," Rechia said with a serious tone.
I ignored her and kept eating.
Rechia started to verbally abuse Hugo while Falay was defending him as usual.
When I finished my sixth tart I suddenly remembered something important.
"Hey guys, I need to confess something," I casually said.
"What? Your love for maid uniforms?" Rechia answered with a bright face.
"As if. Since my role as a maid ended, I am planning to start using my real name from now on," I said without getting annoyed by Rechia's stupid commentary.
"Ohh, and you are saying that we should stop calling you Wys from now on?" Rechia asked monotonously.
"Is that so? I am already used to calling you Wys so it will be a little hard," Falay said without showing too much worry.
Why that reaction? Isn't revealing my true name something deserving more attention?
"Wow! I am finally going to learn your true name!" Hugo said excited.
"Okay, I am revealing it! My real name is Song Eun-Ha! Song is the family name!" I cheerfully announced. I wasn't happy because of Hugo's reaction, I am just a cheerful person.
"Eh? That name... you aren't Japanese?" Hugo asked confused.
"Nope. I am Russian," I answered.
"Wait! That name is definitely not Russian!" Hugo quickly retorted back.
"That's because my name is Korean," I answered again.
"Then why did you just told me that you are Russian!?" Hugo retorted again.
"Because I changed my nationality to Russian, I lived almost my entire life there after all," I answered to his retort again.
"Lived in Rusia?" Hugo muttered with a thoughtful expression.
"Erm... I don't understand what are you two talking about, but I should start to call you Song or Eun-Ha?" Falay asked hesitatingly.
"Call me Eun-Ha. I am not used to being called by my family name," I said gently.
"Then Eun-Ha, why do you feel the need to reveal your true name now after hiding it for so long?" Rechia asked a little curiously.
"That's because I didn't wanted to be called by my real name when I was acting as a girl. Now that I am going to get a proper identification certificade, I want to use my real name for it," I said.
"Now that I think about it, how should Hokuto register himself?" Falay asked with some worry.
"That's right, the people at the castle already know his name. Well, he already has an alias so there is no need to worry," Rechia answered without any worry in contrast to Falay.
"So is it going to be Hugo after all. I don't think that he really likes that name though," Falay said with a pitiful smile.
"What is so wrong about that? At least Hugo is not a girly name," I said bitterly.
"From how you said it, is Eun-Ha a girly name?" Rechia asked with a mean tone.
"Nope, is not girly," I quickly answered with my poker face.
"Hey, Hokuto. Is Eun-Ha a manly name?" Rechia asked with a devilish expression.
"There is no meaning in asking him. He barely knows a thing about his own country so he shouldn't know anything about foreign ones," I said in a rush.
It will be bad if he knows something about it and tells Rechia. Eun-Ha, is not a girly name. Is a girl's name...
I don't know what the heck my parents were thinking when they named their son like that. I don't have any intentions of changing the name that my parents gave me, but seriously they should have received some advice in naming their kid.
"Hey, Hokuto are you listening?" Rechia asked a little annoyed for being ignored.
"Oh sorry. I was lost in my thoughts," Hugo apologized a little panicked.
"You have been silent for a while now, is something worrying you?" Falay asked with honest care.
"Well, is about Song-san name," Hugo said in a low voice.
"Song-san?" said Faly and tilted her head
"That's me. Hugo's country has a strange custom where they call a person by their surname followed by an honorific," I gently explained and then I changed to an annoyed tone and said "Hugo, I think I already said that I am not used to be called by my family name."
"Song, I mean, Eu... Eun-Ha-san," Hugo said a little shyly.
Brrr, disgusting.
"The next time you call me with that embarrassed face I am going to break face," I said threateningly.
"Understood Eun-Ha-san!" Hugo said a little scared.
"Also drop the honorifics. Is a bother and it sounds weird with non Japanese names," I said annoyed.
"Understood Eun-Ha!" Hugo answered blushing a little, but not as disgustingly as before.
"Hey, about my question. Eun-Ha is not a manly name right?" Rechia asked again with a devilish tone.
Hugo was about to open his mouth, but I sent him a murderous stare as a warning.
"I don't know much about names outside native country," Hugo asked sweating a little.
"Then why were you so concerned about Eun-Ha's name to the point you ignored me?" Rechia asked a little curiously.
"Ah yeah. Is because there is a world famous guy with the same name, age, origin and nationality as Eun-Ha; so I was wondering if he is the same guy," Hugo answered casually.
"I didn't expect that someone as young as you knew about me. I should have expected it from a battle maniac," I said a little surprised.
"Wait, are you really that Eun-Ha? The young researcher who is considered one of the new genious of the new age? The one who submitted a thesis that could change the world at the young age of fifteen?" Hugo asked really excited.
"Oh... yeah that's probably me. But I didn't expected that you knew about me because of that," I said a little taken aback.
"Well, my sister is in love with geniuses and she is something like a fan of yours. She talks a lot about your achievements so I ended up knowing some triva about you," Hugo said with a proud expression for some reason that I fail to understand.
So that's why a battle maniac like him knows about my academic background. Well, the case of the miracle boy happened when he was probably two or three years old so, even though he is a battle maniac, he shouldn't know about it. Maybe Chris or Blair knows about that incident.
"So Wys is someone famous in your world?" Falay asked curiously.
"Song Eun-Ha is someone recognized by the entire world. He thought of some theories to create a near unlimited source of energy and drew the blueprints of a device that could make his theories reality. He received many certificades that acknowledges his mastery in numerous field of research in just three years when a normal person requires more than four years to get just one of them. Song Eun-Ha was called not the jack of all trades, but the master of every trades," Hugo said in a quick succession, dizzying Falay.
"Shut up! You are annoying! Are you sure that is your sister the real fan?!" I yelled irritated.
"Are you feeling embarrassed Wys? How cute," Rechia said with her teasing tone.
"I am not. Besides I already told you to call me Eun-Ha. Wys no longer exist," I said even more irritated.
"Well... from whay I understood, Wys, I mean, Eun-Ha is someone who is so smart that is praised by everyone in your former world?" Falay said with a confused tone.
"Not only that, he is someone who is about to change the world with his new ideas," Hugo said excited.
"Nope, is not about, I already changed it. I made it more dangerous than it was before," I said with my irritation growing even bigger.
"Eh?" Falay muttered.
"My theories ended up being used to build weapons that can easily destroy an entire nation," I said while biting my hair to suppress my irritation that is about to explode.
"Weapons?" muttered Hugo this time, as confused as Falay.
"My little project was deemed unprofitable, got butchered in many pieces and strong countries used its remains to make bombs strong enough that a hundred of them can easily sink a continent," I explained in a super happy tone as if I was narrating a children's story, even though I was burning deep inside with anger.
"Ahh... so in summary, you lost a political battle," Rechia said with pitying voice.
"I was too young and thought that I could do everything by myself. I underestimated politics way too much," I said a little more calmer than before after biting my hair long enough.
That's right. I tried to do everything by myself and the end result was that the Zaychik family almost turned into a dangerous terrorist group. Politics are scary. I learned my lesson in the hard way and that's why I relied on Carla on my new project and when everything was going well, politics from another world screwed me up again.
Should I drop a nuke to those kidnappers?
"Hmm... sorry. It seems that I brought some bad topic," Hugo apologized sincerely.
"Then let's change the topic, rather is already late. We need to go to the Association," I said with a relaxed face which is definitely not a forced one.
"Ah, about that. I wish to register together with you two," Falay said a little shyly.
What is this girl saying?
"Falay, why do you wish to get a job as brutish as an adventurer?" Rechia asked full of concern.
"Mmm... is because I want to have a job where I can travel around the world," Falay said slowly and nervously.
"Huh?" Rechia and I muttered at the same time.
Falay coughed once and then she looked straight at Rechia.
"Milady! I know that is sudden, but I am planning to travel around the world!" Falay strongly stated with a serious face.
I see. She wishes to be an adventurer so she can have a job while travelling around the world. How smart... as if!
"Wait. That's too dangerous. I know that your magic is storng, but your speed at deploying magic is not fast enough for you to be safe in a fight," I explained in the calmest tone I could muster.
"Yeah, that's right. Listen to Wys. She has seen your magic in action so her evaluation is correct," Rechia quickly advised.
I wanted to remember Rechia that my name is Eun-ha, but before I could do it, Falay dropped a huge bombshell.
"I think that it will be okay if I am together with Hokuto," Falay said with a completely innocent face.
... together with who?
I and Rechia glared at a frozen Hugo at the same time.
"I knew that you two are getting along too well, but what the hell did you do to her!" Rechia yelled filled with hatred.
"Wait, what kind of mistaken conclusion are you jumping this time?" Hugo answered a little fearfully.
"Don't play dumb. Why a young girl like Falay is wishing to go in a long journey with a young man like you," I said accusingly.
Hearing what I said, Falay's face turned completely red.
"Wait! I only suggested being with Hokuto because you said that I could be safe with him!" Falay quickly explained herself.
Ah, that stuff that I said yesterday. It was just a joke though.
Suddenly, Rechia started to send murderous glances towards me. That's not my fault!
"Falay. Even if you are together with Hugo, this won't be less dangerous," I quickly explained to her.
"If you wish to travel around the world, then just wait until the wolrd is a safer place," Rechia said with a calm tone.
"But who knows when it will be safe? This may be my only chance on traveling. Please," Falay begged with some tears on her eyes.
"Ugh," Rechia faltered upon receiving Falay's strategic attack.
"Besides what Eun-Ha said is incorrect. Being with Hokuto will make the journey safer. He will be the vanguard while I support him from behind with magic. As Eun-Ha said, my magic abilities are strong so I just need a vanguard to protect me while I prepare my attacks," Falay earnestly said.
Falay said something more or less reasonable. In fact, since Hugo lacks long distance attacks, then being with a mage like Falay will make his survival rate higher. But, is still dangerous.
I quickly send a threatening glare towards Hugo and after he received my stare, he nodded his head resolutely.
"I am happy that Falay wish to go with me. Having a traveling companion will make my journey more fun, her magical abilities will be a huge combat asset and since I can't cook she will be a lifesaver in that aspect too," Hugo said with a firm attitude and then he sent me a look that says 'Did I do it right?'
This idiot! He totally misunderstood my message!
"Hokuto," Falay said with a relieved and happy expression.
"Falay. Is this just a whim or something that you wish to do?" asked Rechia who turned serious before I realized.
Hm? What is this? I thought that Rechia will start throwing a tantrum to make her stop.
"Milady, those books that are in your collection are wonderful. It describes so many things that I am ashamed that I never bothered to read them until Eun-Ha came and started teaching me. But books are just books, I wish to see with my own eyes the beauty of the city of lakes Buhyu, the might of the nation of Dwarves Deshrien, the magnificent trees of the Forest of Souls, the emerald waters of the Mana Eating Archipielago and much more. This wish of mine had born just a few weeks ago, but I don't believe that is just a whim," Falay said with a serene smile on her face.
"I see," Rechia muttered with a small smile on her lips. An expression that I never saw on her until now.
Is she happy?
"Hey Rechia, no matter what this is too sudden. Shouldn't you stop her?" I said with sincere worry.
"A caged bird will never learn how to fly properly," said Rechia with a gentle tone.
"Then, Milady. That means..." Falay was happily saying, but she got interrupted by a hand gesture that Rechia did.
"Don't be so fast. I won't let you go if you don't show me that you can at least flap your wings," Rechia said playfully.
Only her words were playful though.
The Adventurer Association, or Association as is commonly called. One can become a member by paying a fee of 3000 Wion and completing any kind of request in the lapse of one month.
The benefits of joining the Association is to receive information through their network. That network is something similar to internet, truly outrageous and technologically advanced. I need to find a way to analyze it.
Once the payment is done, the new member needs to fill their abilities and skills in their Personal Record and when they finish, they receive an Adventurer Card which can work as an identification credential. If the new member fails to complete a job in the lapse of one month, their Adventurer Card expires. Due to the current times where a constant influx of refugees and orphans appear, the background of the person is not inquired thoroughly. As long as one is not a recognized criminal, anyone can join the Association if one pays the membership fee.
The Association job is providing an information network filled with tons of jobs which are named as Quests. The Association receives five percent of the reward when one of the Quests are successfully completed but in the case that the Quest fails, the ones who failed it together with the Association needs to pay a compensation fee. Well, the amount of the compensation depends on the reason of failure and there are even times where the clients needs to pay back, but usually the ones who accepted the Quests are the ones who pay most of the compensation.
Because nobody wishes to fail a Quest, adventurers accept suitable jobs or make a team which are called Party. The Association provides an information network for lonely adventurers to make Party between each other, the network is called List. To enter the List, one needs to accept displaying their Personal Record in public, making lone adventurers who wish to join a Party to fill their Personal Record as best as they can.
Name: Eun-Ha.
Combat position: Mage.
Age: 21.
Skills: Elemental level magic.
That's what my Personal Record looks like. I thought of mentioning that I have total mastery of every kind of magic at Elemental level except Life element ,which is too difficult to replicate it with my mana shaping skills, but I thought that magic at the elemental level is too weak on the eyes of adventurers so I decided to not make it more detailed. The only magic at the elemental level which is recognized are Life Element magic which is the one that is used for healing magic.
"Eun-Ha, your Personal Record doesn't say anything," Hugo remarked stiffly.
"Who cares. Is not as if I wiill enter enter the List," I said nonchalantly.
"But this is too empty," Falay said stiffly too.
"Look, if I were to put all my skills and abilities, my Personal Record would look fake. I can do pretty much everything, from dancing to building castles and it will take too much time to prove that all my skills are real," I explained casually while handing my Personal Record to the association staff.
By the way, this is how Falay and Hugo's Personal Record looks like:
Name: Hugo
Combat position: Martial Artist.
Age: 17
Skills: Mastery of all kind of weapon wielding skills. Barehanded martial skills. Basic Mathematics.
Achievemnt: Lifting 140[kg]
Name: Falay.
Combat position: Mage.
Age: 16
Skills: Life element magic at elemental level. All type of magic except life element at intermedite level. Basic Mathematics. Cooking. Medicinal herb handling. Medical skills.
Achievement: Mana level at rank 13.
"Are you sure that this is everything that you wish to put on? Is a nice idea to at least write some achievements that you are proud of" said the associatoin staff a with a cramped smile after seeing my Personal Record.
"Is okay. I can update it anytime I wish and I don't plan to enter the List yet," I said with my polite smile.
"But, a association staff may be able to recommend you a Quest after reading your Personal Record," said the association staff blushing a little.
"Don't worry about it. I am only going to take the Quests that I know I am capable of, like that Hyua Grass or that Werl Herbs gathering Quests," I said politely.
"I... I see. Good luck. The Adventurer Cards will be ready in half an hour so pleas think about what Quests you will be taking in the meanwhile" said the association staff a little stiffly.
"Thank you very much," I thanked with my bussiness voice and returned to the group.
"While the cards are being made, let's buy some equipment," said Rechia.
Rechia was already registered at the Association. I was quite surprised when I found out about it, especially since she considers an adventurer as a brutish job.
For equipment, Rechia said that she was going to buy for everyone this time, but I decided to pay for my own stuffs. No matter how annoying she is, is a fact that she helped me a lot and I don't want to be more indebted to her.
Since this town is completely rural, the only equipments are some old weapons and armors sold at the shop of this Association branch.
Falay bought a magic staff, which is basically a wooden rod with a red magic crystal on the tip which helps in avoiding your mana to disperse once is released to cast magic.
For me, let's see...
"Aren't you going to buy a magic staff too?" Rechia asked perplexed.
"Nope. Is too expensive," I answered.
A magic staff is around 50.000 Wions. I guess that the magic crystal is too expensive.
"That's why I said that I will pay for your equipments," Rechia said amused.
"Even if I had more moeny I won't buy it since a staff is useless for a genius like me," I said smugly.
"Well, you have a point there. Your mana control is many times better than mages with high quality staffs. Then what about a bow? You can fire arrows mixed with your magic," Rechia advised while pointing at a big wooden bow.
"Hey, should I go with a dagger or a short sword?" I asked Hugo.
"Hmm, what about a long knife? You are really dexterous so why don't you go with two daggers as your main weapon and a short sword?" Hugo said while scracthing his chin while pondering.
"Hey, why are you ignoring me?" Rechia said annoyed.
"Be honest. You don't know anything about weapons right?" I said contemptuosly.
Rechia's expression turned a little angry after hearing me, but Hugo quickly faced her and started to explain her why I can't use a bow.
"For someone with Eun-Ha's build, it will be hard to fire an arrow at a speed suitable for combat. What he needs are weapons light enough for him to wield without burdening him too much," Hugo explained calmly.
"So basically, Eun-Ha is weaker than an Elven girl and that's why he can't use a bow," Rechia said contemptuosly.
"Should I prove you wrong?" I said with a smile that is totally not forced nor artificial.
Slowly gathering mana, constructing a magic formation of the air system...
"Don't start fighting again," Falay said with a tired voice.
"Come on, I am not that childish," I said lightly while dispersing the mana I gathered.
As if I would be provoked that easily hahaha.
At the end, I bought a pair or long daggers which was 40.000 Wions. Falay's equipment was just the magic staff while Hugo's choice was a steel long pole, a chainmail and a set of leather armor which consisted of a cuirass, an arm guard and a shin guard.
Looking at Rechia with her usual white robes, Falay with her grey dress, me with a casual set of clothes of a white long sleeved shirt and brown pants, the only one who looked like an adventurer was Hugo.
After buying our equipment, we returned to the Association receptionist and received our Adventurer Cards. The card is a white metal plate as big as a credit card that has my name on the center.
"Rechia, why your card is black?" I asked curiously.
While my, Falay and Hugo's Adventurer Cards are white, the one Rechia has is black.
"That's because she is considered a VIP member. If the color is blue it means that you are recognized as the leader of a guild and if the color is gold it means that you are a high ranked staff," politely answered the Association staff member.
"My card got updated after I found a cure of a strange disease," Rechia softly whispered so nobody besides us could hear her.
I alrady knew that besides her healing magic she also had medical knowledge, but I didn't expected that she was able to create a medicine for a strange disease.
"Are you actually smart?" I asked doubtfully.
"You are being beyond rude. Nobody can supprass me in medical knowledge," Rechia said truly offended.
"Are you guys ready?" I said seriously, ignoring Rechia's remark.
"This will be a breeze," Hugo said with a huge confident grin.
"Don't be overconfident," Falay said smiling nervously.
"If you are scared then is okay to give up," Rechia said gently towards Falay.
"Thank you for your concern Milady but it's okay," Falay said a little more relaxed.
"Shall we go?" Hugo asked excited like a kid.
"Yes, I will be in your care. Milady, Eun-Ha see you later," Falay said with her usual smile and left the building.
After they left, Rechia exhaled a sigh.
"Isn't this test too difficutl?" I asked concerned.
"If you are that worried, then you should have gone with them," Rechia said with a concerned face too.
"It won't be much of a test if I go with them," I said in response.
"You sure are confident in yourself," Rechia said laughing a little.
This test is one to prove that Falay is ready to go in a journey. Their objective is to deal with the suddden increase of goblin around the area, the time limit is until the day I and Hugo depart. By the way, I have yet to tell this to anyone, but if they were to fail this test I am going to force Hugo to stay with me in Xat.
This job is usually handled by the military, but they are so busy with the war that only the monsters at the outskirts of the capital are being dealt with while the monsters of this frontier village is neglected, even though is near the capital. The Quest of dealing monsters is always available in this Association branch, but since hardly any adventurers passes by this village, this problem is handled by one of the staff of this branch.
Actually the one who always takes care of the monsters was worried about Hugo and Falay since the amount of monsters were higher than usual, so he is following them in secret. Such a nice person.
Well, is supposed to be in secret but Hugo should notice him right away. Anyways, having someone as nice and reliable as that staff member following them lessen my worries a lot.
"To be honest, I wanted to be with you alone," I said casually.
"Sorry, I am not into little girls," Rechia immediately said in a joking tone.
"Who is a little girl!?" I retorted in a flash.
"Anyways! I just wanted to have an honest private chat with you," I said a little pissed off.
"Hmm, I see. Shall we return home then?" Rechia said with an amused expression.
"No. Let's talk while we do this gathering Quest," I answered lightly.
Then I headed towards the staff member who handed us the Adventurer Cards to accept the Werl Herb gathering Quest.
Werl Herb, a medicinal herb that looks like clovers. The books says that it is a herb that is used to heal wounds, but looking at the herb directly with my own eyes I know that it's real effect is to improve blood circulation and mana generation. This is a good medicinal herb, but it's major weakness is that it is difficult to cultivate it outside of it's enviroment since it needs tons of nutrients and a steady flow of mana which attracts monsters.
To gather Werl Herb, we entered deep in the forest together with Rechia while enjoying some casual chat about pastries, how adorable is Falay, what will be our dinner and what she is going to do after Falay is gone.
By the way, the answer for what she is going to do when Falay leaves is really obvious to the point that I felt stupid for asking her.
"Oh, I feel a lot of goblins around here," I mentioned while sitting down on a patch with lots of Werl Herbs.
"This amount is a little worrisome, there is a chance that some Goblin Leaders gathered in this forest," said Rechia while sitting in front of me.
"From what I read, some Goblin Leaders aren't going to be that dangerous to Hugo and I doubt that a King Goblin can appear so near the capital," I said casually and started collecting the herbs.
Goblins are some kid sized green humanoid monsters as smart as apes, they are violent and likes to rape and eat a lot of different animals including humans. A Goblin Leader is the leader of a small group of goblins, usually a group of ten but sometimes they gather as large as thirty. From time to time Goblin Leaders act together making the goblins a little dangerous.
A King Goblin is a goblin as smart as a person, but many times stronger and they lead hundreds of goblins. If left alone, the King Goblin's strength and intelligence grows a lot and they can lead an army of thousands of goblins become a danger to even strong nations like Talkia. The norm is killing a King Goblin as soon as spotted, which even veteran Adventurers specialized in combat has troubles with it while is certain doom for newbie Adventurers.
"Wys, we are alredy deep enough so shall we start that important conversation?" Rechia asked with her amused grin.
"Is not Wys, but Eun-Ha. And I was thinking of starting now since there isn't any human presence nearby," I answered annoyed.
"What kind of secrets are you going to reveal now?" Rechia asked expectantly.
"I was more worried about you," I answered.
"Me? What, are you planning to ask me strange things again?" Rechia asked disappointed.
"Nope. Just confirmation of the conclusions I got," I said with a confident grin.
"And you trust me enough that you think that I won't lie to you?" Rechia asked amused this time.
Is she a pre-adolescent girl? This woman's emotion changes like a roller coaster.
"Even though you enjoy hiding things, I believe that you won't lie to me," I answered with my natural smile.
"Nobody would lie to you if you show that face," Rechia said while covering her mouth.
Did I just made a funny face?
"Well, the first thing I want to confirm is if it's common for people with more than one soul skill to exist," I asked while facing away from her.
Oh, this herb is not a Werl Herb, but this is more useful. It has antibiotic properties.
"Don't tell me that you possess multiple soul skills," Rechia asked a little surprised.
"I am talking about Hugo. His endurance and regeneration rate are not normal. You should understand the latter better than me, being the one in charge of his treatment," I answered as casually as talking about the weather.
"If you are suspecting the same as me then our theory should probably be correct, but there is nothing we can confirm without asking Hokuto," said Rechia disappointed. Did she really expected me to have two soul skills?
There were many times where the injuries Hugo sustained didn't match with the damage he received. That time when that big fireball exploded on us, his body was too healthy, even considering the barrier I put to protect us. Then when we were fighting against that green haired Demon, I am sure that he breathed while he was surrounded by flames but his internal organs were okay. After that fight we were blown to the river by a powerful explosion, but while I was near death he was conscious enough to beg for help. Hugo's soul skill will make it difficult to receive the same magical treatment that I got, but even then he recovered faster than what Rechia expected. Finally, in the fight we had the other day, I hit his face with my elbow with enough power to knock out any human, but he was able to keep fighting which made my suspicions grow even more.
"To answer your question. It is uncommon for a person to have even one soul skill, let alone two. I know just one person who has multiple soul skills but that girl is an exception between exceptions." Rechia said as if she were talking about an old friend.
"From how you are saying it, that person has more than two right?" I asked a little curiously.
"She has at least five," Rechia dryly answered my question.
Five! Besides mine, all the soul skills that the summoned heroes had were ridiculously powerful and she is saying that person have at least five of them.
"Is that normal?" I asked a little scared.
"Of course not. A soul skill is a miracle engraved on one's soul. It should be impossible for a mortal to obtain one without direct interference from gods. The only human in this whole nation to have officially obtained a soul skill without a god's help was Tiwor Klin, the general of the Royal Army who can be considered a monster even without his soul skill. That girl who has at least five soul skills, is an outrageous existence," Rechia said angry for some reason.
"May I ask what those five skills are?" I asked a little fearfully.
"Not at all, the ones I know are the ones she doesn't care hiding after all. She can concentrate the mana around her to harden her body. She can create a gas that can induce sleep. She can isolate a space making the connection to the outside impossible. She can create a copy of herself but with some modification like the race or gender. She can revive from the dead," Rechia answered with some grudge mixed in her voice.
Are you seroius!?
"Are you serious!?" I involuntarily yelled what I was thinking.
"Haah, yes I am serious. And she is a crazy woman that enjoys fighting against unusual opponents. If you ever meet her beg for your life since your mana control will definitely catch her eyes," Rechia warned me with a dead voice.
It feels as if she actually knows that monster.
"Are you perhaps good at fighting?" I asked timidly.
"It ashames me a little, but even a group of goblins has a good chance at killing me. But that damn idiot refused to believe me," Rechia answered with the same dead voice.
Yup, she definitely met a monster like that and from how she said it, it seems that I can't hide behind the excuse of me being weak, but it seems that I will survive if I beg for my life. I am more surprised with the knowledge that Rechia is weak, I guess that she wasn't lying when she said that she sucks at every magic besides healing-
"It was probably due to your healing abilities and your foresight skills," I said with some pity in my tone.
Hearing me, Rechia's expression brightened a little.
"Foresight? So that was what you truly wanted to ask me." said Rechia full of expectations.
"So you knew that I will ask you this," I said a little bothered by her expression.
"Yes I knew, but it wasn't because I foresaw it so I don't know what do you wish to ask me. In the first place do you have any evidence that I can see the future?" Rechia said while grinning in amusement.
"Nothing conclusive but if it were true it will explain how you just happened to build a huge house near the place where Hugo and I were going to appear. How you just happened to take a night stroll on the same day where Hugo and I were summoned and you just happened to find us by chance. How you just happened to have stocked a ton of soul sealers to be able to treat Hugo who has that annoying soul skill," I explained like a certain detective from a certain show that Carla watched.
"You won't believe that it was just a coincidence or the whims of fate?" Rechia said brimming with joy.
Just what is wrong with her. Why is she having so much fun.
"Foresight is a little too farfetched but is better than believing in some nonsense like fate," I answered.
"If I told you that those soul sealers are stuffs that I can easily make? Soul sealers can only be made by mages with a high proficiency in Life element magic like me, that's why they are so rare and expensive even though it can't be used against most people and the effect duration is so short," Rechia said with her annoying smug face.
Wait, I just heard some unexpected information. That means that she can potentially render any soul skill users useless. Ah, but the effect lasts less than two second so it will be useless for someone without fighting skills in the first place. Wait, don't be distracted.
"Don't try to play dumb, that will only answer one of your strange coincidences. Even if you somehow say that you finding us was a coincidence, you evading my attempt to make you fail by moving the chair away, always managing to give Hugo the food that I made to taste awful and avoiding other silly pranks like that so frequently is not a coincidence," I said determinedly.
"So it was that what confirmed your suspicions? Until now I was sure that it were just petty pranks but even those had their reasons," Rechia said amused.
"So you are finally admitting that you can see the future?" I asked triumphantly.
Those pranks were just some childish revenge attempts, but I won't say that. I still have my dignity after all."I wasn't trying to hide it from you in the first place. But you figured it out sooner than what I expected," answered Rechia amused.
So it was the truth! I was half bluffing right now, but if she isn't lying then she can really see the future!
"I don't know why you are so happy, but can you tell how far can you see with your foresight abilities?" I asked a little annoyed by her happy expression.
"Secret," Rechia said with her smug face.
Secret means that is something that I can figure by myself, but I don't want to waste my time on this.
"If you tell me then I will also tell you a secret of mine," I said with a smug face too.
Rechia expression changed to one of honest curiosity.
"And is that secret equivalent to mine?" Rechia asked with an enjoying grin.
"Is about my soul skill, something that not even Hugo knows about," I said without losing my smug face.
Rechia got really surprised after hearing me.
"So you really had two soul skills." Rechia said happily again.
Well, I actually only own one soul skill and one divine protection, but there is no need to tell her that now.
"If you promise me that you are going to explain me about your powers then I will also explain mine," I said while offering her my right hand.
She grabbed my hand with her own right hand and we did a manly handshake.
I decided to ignore the fact that she is a woman and I don't look like a man at all.
"I promise, but you have to tell me first about your ability," Rechia said expectantly.
"Of course I will. My soul skill is Appraisal," I said and then I proceeded to explain her all the details about it. About the fact that I instantly know the superficial information about anything that I see and if I concentrate I got more detailed information.
"I know that is not as flashy as the soul skill that heroes should have, but a promise is a promise," I said triumphantly.
To be honest, I didn't care about sharing this with Rechia since I know that she is not stupid enough to blabber another person's secrets without a good reason.
"Don't look down on your soul skill. It may not be useful for combat, but is a powerful skill in the end. Now that I think about it, your hair and skin regeneration are too weak for a soul skill," Rechia said amused.
Tch. It seems that she found out that my regeneration is not a soul skill.
"How common are divine protections?" I asked annoyed.
"At least, every lieutenant in Talkain army have one divine protection, but they are mostly unimpressive, like having resistance to cold or looking more charming. If your regeneration is a divine protection then it is one of the strong ones," Rechia answered while looking as if she is having fun.
She is right. My divine protection that heals my skin and hair and also stores mana on the latter is way more useful than looking charming. But seriously, divine protections are too lame and pathetic.
"Thanks for the freebie. Now start talking about your prediction powers," I said a little bit happier.
"Okay okay, is my turn to talk about my foresight abilities as what it was promised," said Rechia then she dramatically extended her arms and proudly started her explanations.
"I have a soul skill which I named Foresight and is the reason of why I can see the future as you suspected. When I use this ability, it shows me all the possible futures that my eyes can see. It's major weakness are that it shows me all those futures at the same time, making it impossible to see too far ahead or using it in the middle of a fight," ended Rechia her explanation with a dramatic bow.
It doesn't seem as if she is lying, but there is a huger contradiction in this. Well, I have never been too good at judging people so there is a chance that Rechia has been deceiving me all along.
"Hey, then how could you see where I and Hugo were going to end up if your ability shows all possible futures?" I asked confused.
"Ah, about that. Haha, you are as sharp as I expected," Rechia laughed a little and then answered. "There are some things that has such a high chance of happening that I can see them no matter how far in the future they are. One example is that in two months an Earthquake will cause a huge panic. Six years ago I saw one of those certain visions. Talkia summoned seven heroes on the ninth day of the eighth month and one of the heroes was found dead on the morning of the next day in this village," Rechia explained casually.
"Was that hero Hugo or me?" I asked.
"It was Hugo. It was a huge surprise seeing the two of you alive floating in the river," Rechia answered happily.
"So that's why I am intersting, right?" I asked with an understanding face.
"You are so quick on the uptake.The future became completely unpredictable the morning of the ninth day of the eight month, the day the heroes were summoned. Before that day, the future was still set in stone, I couldn't even see a living Hokuto. This is the first time that the future disappeared without me doing anything. Futhermore, I can't see your future at all, you are truly an intersting person," Rechia said with her happiness and enjoyment growing and growing.
The future didn't changed when I decided to rescue Hugo, but the morning we were summoned?
"Hey Rechia, do you know the names or appearance of the heroes that were summoned in the future you saw?" I asked a little hesitatingly.
"Of course I do," said Rechia with a huge grin and started to describe them together with their names.
Those heroes were Blair, Chris, Sarah, Linda, Juán, Hugo and Carla.
"There wasn't any Eun-Ha nor Kuroko and no one resembled you," Rechia said amused again.
So my action of protecting Carla was the key that changed the future. I don't know how to feel about this.
"Judging from your reaction, it was that girl named Carla your motivation?" Rechia said with a know all face.
I guess that I reacted too strongly when she mentioned Carla.
"Yeah..." I said then I explained her who are the current heroes and how I came here instead of Carla.
Rechia's face had a truly surprised expression and then "Hahahaha," she loudly laughed.
"What's so funny?" I asked a little pissed. I don't think that this kidnapping incident is funny at all.
Rechia wiped the tear that was flowing from her right eye due to laughter and she said, "No, is just that until now I thought that you were chosen by the gods or something, but you actually defied Wion. Just how much do you love that girl?" Rechia said while still laughing.
"I am lost here. Explain in more simple terms" I said confused.
"Sorry, sorry, I will explain this," answered Rechia and then she took a deep breath to calm herself.
"Talkia royal family's summoning magic consists on begging Wion to summon suitable Heroes. You interrupted Wion's calling and even managed to cross between worlds alive without Wion's protection, completely destroying the future. That girl named Carla is really blessed for being loved so much to the extent that such a powerful miracle was perfomed," Rechia explained calmly at first, but amused from the middle thorugh the end.
So Wion is a kidnapper who tried to bring Carla to this dangerous world. He is definitely dead. Also, if I really defied that bastard then my divine protection and soul skill were probably granted to me from another god. But more importantly, how the hell does Rechia knows so much about the Hero summoning ritual?
But first, there is something that I need to ask.
"What does love have anything to do with all this?" I asked curiously. Is the truth that Carla is precious to me and what I did was because I wished to protect her, but from how Rechia say it, it seems that love is actually important.
"I already told you that a soul skill is a miracle. My Foresight is a soul skill that lets me see the future, in other words is a miracle that can change certain fate. Changing a fate that my Foresight can't do requires a miracle as powerful as a soul skill and defying the action of a god, a being that can grant mircales, needs an even stronger miracle," Rechia explained as if she was saying the obvoius, clearly trying to mock me.
Miracle this and miracle that. Having gods interfering directly must have changed the perspective of what a miracle is in this world.
"And what does love have to do with miracles?" I asked a little irritated from the lack of an answer of my question.
I won't accept a crap like the power of love can save the world or something like that.
"I miracle is something that the gods bestow upon mortals. For a mere mortal to get ahold of a miracle it requires a great determination that will never give up, an incredible talent that can achieve anything that one pursues, an unparalleled amount of effort to make that talent bloom, a strong soul that can endure the power of a miracle and an overflowing love to call forth a miracle to the world. In other words, love is the crystallization of a miracle," Rechia said in a dramatic manner.
"Do you a have a fever?" I asked with joking concern.
"I am serious. In fact, the main component to make a miracle is love. Even if the talent and the effort is lacking a little, love can fill those gaps and create a miracle. Of course, if your soul is weak you will either lose that miracle before using it or your soul will be destroyed while using the miracle," Rechia said it so casually that it didn't sound serious at all.
Basically, love is one of the main ingredients to bake a miracle. Is so cheesy that looks like a joke. No is definitely a ridiculous joke.
Hm? Now that I think about it, Rechia said that her Foresight is a soul skill.
"How did you meet a god?" I asked curiously.
For some reason I am completely sure that she was a single child and her romantic life is depressing, so the only way for her to have obtained a soul skill was to either have met a god or have been summoned as a Hero.
"I feel that you are being rude to me, so I won't answer that question," Rechia lightly answered.
"So a secret," I muttered.
"It will be too boring if I give you too much hints," Rechia said mischievously.
Just what are her basis in deciding whether I can discover those secrets or not? What a pain.
"Rechia, is the reason of why you are okay with sending Falay in a dangerous jorney a secret too?" I asked lightly as a change of pace while tying a bundle of Werl Herbs. Those seems to be enough to complete the Quest.
"That's because that was the first time that she asked for something so seriously ever since I found her five years ago. Ah, but I planned to send her to Xat with you anyways. Xat is a good place for her growth after all," answered Rechia as lightly as how I asked her, while also tying a bundle of Werl Herbs.
Found her, not met her?
"I guess that you did not 'found' her by coincidence. Does that have something to do with your attempt of changing the future?" I asked cautiously since this could be something too persona.
Seeing that she intended to save Hugo from the start and how happy she was for my interference, Rechia seems to move with the intention of making the future unpredictable. Well, living while knowing the certain future must be boring as hell so I can understand that kind of motivation.
"I am glad you asked, I was thinking that it was time to tell you this," Rechia answered with a small smile and then she said "In sixteen years, no ten years if we are counting from now, a silver haired girl destroyed the whole continent. I was trying to see if changing the chronologically last vision would also affect the earlier visions too so I went on a little journey to search for that silver haired girl," in a really casual tone.
"Wait! That's not something that you can say that casually!" I unintentionally yelled.
What was that! That silver haired girl is definitely Falay!
"Getting too flustered is detrimental. Besides I am sure that it will turn out okay in the end," Rechia said while pointing at me.
"Aren't you putting too much faith on me?" I said taken aback a little.
"You are the guy who destroyed the future but If you don't want to receive my expectations, then does that means that you don't care about what could befall to Falay?" Rechia asked with a daring smile.
"Those and that are different matters. Of course that I care, she is my friend," I answered suppressing my impulse to yell.
"I knew I could count on you, Eun-Ha," said Rechia with a triumphant smile.
Tch. I feel so manipulated now. I bet that one of the reasons for making me a maid was to interact with Falay and get close with her. Well, usually one month is not enough to get so close to strangers so my friendly personality is the one at fault here, but I want to believe that the current me is better than the unsociable prick I was back on elementary school.
However, I didn't expect that damn Rechia was so good at understanding people, she even managed to get that I wasn't goint to suddenly betray them now.
"What would you have done if I have never opened myself to you?" I asked irritated.
"Nothing at all, I just thought that as long as you two are alive the future would be forever uncertain so I decided to help you. To be honest I didn't expected that you two were such nice guys and I never imagined that you would get fond of us so quickly," Rechia said with a surprsingly sincere smile, but that smile lasted only a moment and it immediately disappeared, replaced by a teasing smile while she said, "You should be careful or you are going to get scammed due to how soft you are," in a mocking voice.
"I don't know about an idiot like Hugo, but I only got to like you two because of how honestly you were taking care of us without asking for anything too unreasonable," I said looking away from her.
Rechia just laughed at me and then started to explain how she found Falay on our way back to the Association office.
I just listened quietly while trying to endure the irritating feeling of having been manipulated.
Falay was in the exact middle of this continent, sleeping in a coffin inside an underground ruin that was hidden with a few barriers. Rechia used her excesive amount of money to hire some people to protect her and dismantle that barrier since she is a weakling that can do nothing besides life element magic.
When she found Falay, she looked around ten years old and was sleeping peacefully until she touched her face. The coffin where Falay was sleeping was supplying her a huge amount of mana, but that flow stopped when Falay opened her eyes and she got immediately surrounded by a huge amount of elemental spirits. At that moment, her vision changed from an expresionless ten years old Falay destroying the continent to a teenager Falay destroying it with a sorrowful face.
At first, Falay had a surprising amount of mana for such a small child, a mana level of rank 12 and she was able to see the spirits from the beginning. but her mind was a complete blank state to point that she didn't even know how to walk, let alone talk. Surprisingly, it took her a month for her to learn Talkian and start running, but it took half a year for Falay to develop a personality. She started her mana training just six months ago and her mana level quickly advanced from rank 12 to rank 13, a growth many times better than an average mage.
And I know the rest, she met me and Hugo, I started to teach her about the world through Rechia's books and she developed a honest wish, the desire to travel around the world. No wonder why Rechia looked so honestly happy when she heard that wish, it was practically her first wish. Such a doting parent.
"I know that is too late to ask, but was it okay to tell me all that?" I asked a little concerned.
"Is okay, she will have told about how I found her if you had asked her now anyways," said Rechia casually and then she gasped as if she remembered somethin and said "Ah, I know that I shouldn't tell you but the part about her future is secret okay?" with a serious gaze.
"I know, I know. You are not even sure if that future is going to happen so you don't want to worry her needlessly," I gently said and then I changed to a more serious tone and asked "Aren't you afraid that I will attempt to kill Falay to avoid that possible future?"
"You are too soft for that. You are the kind person who risked his life to save a total stranger and also the soft person who quickly came to care for three strangers in just one month. You revealing your secrets to me is the biggest proof for that," Rechia said with a beautiful smile that almost captivated me.
"Is surprising that you can make a face like that with that wicked manipulative personality of yours," I said smiling.
"I never tried to manipulate you though. I already told you that you are the soft one who cares too much for random strangers," Rechia said relaxed.
Even if I am as soft as she believes, she is too trusty towards me. Is she hiding something else or I am that easy to read? How annoying, I thought that my acting rivaled Holywood stars but it seems that I need to practice more.
"Returning to the topic, you don't know why she is loved by the spirits?" I asked while hiding my irritation.
"Is either the effect of sleeping in that coffin for a long time or because she is somewhat involved with the gods," Rechia answered without too much conviction in her words.
"I get why you suspect the coffin, but where did the gods theory came from?" I asked curiously.
"Because the power she showed in my vision is not something that mortals can possess, so I was thinking that maybe her body was tuned by some god or something like that," answered Rechia without confidence.
So Falay is a complete mystery for Rechia too.
"Did you try to destroy that coffin?" I asked.
"I even destroyed the entire ruin alongside the coffin, but nothing changed," Rechia aswered while looking as if she is remembering some annoying past.
"I see, then why did you not try to kill Falay?" I asked with a casual voice.
I know that she won't harm Falay now, but she shouldn't had any reason to protect her when she just found her in her blank state.
"Because it would have been too boring," Rechia answered as casually as me.
"And I am the soft one," I answered while laughing a little.
Then our serious discussion ended and we changed our conversation to a more light one, about how Falay's personality changed little by little until she became the current her.
Falay's background is a total mystery. I am of course going to prioritize returning home, but I will also investigate about Falay's fate. The first friends I made in this world are a hero wannabe, a sly woman and a mysterious girl, such troublesome friends.
"We are back," said a pair covered in so much dirt that made me feel a little disgusted. In fact, I can smell some blood from them.
I immediately fired a pair of huge water ball at the two of them, making sure to clean the dirt surrounding their bodies.
"It's cold!" screamed the blond guy.
"Thank you," gently said the silver haired girl.
"Hey, you definitely used warm water on Falay! What is this difference in treatment!" Yelled the blond guy a little angrily.
"Go back, you reek of blood," I said disgusted while firing a Water Ball mixed with ice magic to make it colder at the blond guy while enveloping the silver haired girl with a warm wind made froma mix of Air and Fire element to dry her before the warm water I poured on her cools down.
"You will freeze me to death! Why are you wasting your mana so pointlessly! Did I do something bad to you!" Complained the blond guy half crying.
He will really catch a cold at this rate.
I fired a hot Air Blast at the blond guy.
"Gyaa! Do you have something against me!" Complained the blond guy again.
It was hot enough to just barely avoid burning him. Man, my mana control is superb.
The sun has just set and for some reason, both Hugo and Falay returned exhausted to the Association office covered in dirt and blood. It seems that Falay doesn't even have a speck of mana remaining on her considering that she didn't try to clean herself with her own magic.
"Eun-Ha is just annoyed because while he was sickly worried about you two who weren't returning, you returned with a huge smile on your face without a care in the world," said Rechia while laughing.
"Eh? Uh, I am sorry for making you worry," said Hugo embarrassed.
"She is lying," I said irritatedly while looking coldly at that idiot.
"Thank you for worrying about us," said Falay with a apologizing face.
"It's nothing, just be more mindful in the future" I replied with a gentle smile.
Hugo's face cramped as if he wanted to complain again, but before he could open his mouth, Rechia talked first.
"How was your first Quest?" Asked Rechia in a gentle tone towards Falay.
"Haha, more heavy than what I thought, but is still not completed," Falay said a little shyly.
"Hmm? So you still haven't gotten rid of all those goblins?" Asked Rechia with a teasing smile.
"Fufu. We defeated the King Goblin so we only need to submit the report and we will be done!" proudly answered Falay.
Rechia turned into a statue from the shock, but I wasn't in a better shape than her.
"Can you repeat that again?" I asked as calmly as I could while maintaing a calm smile.
"Hahaha, these kids are not lying! They really defeated a King Goblin. It was a young one but nonetheless it was incredible for a pair of newbies!" Loudly said the staff member who followed those two in secret with a hearty laugh.
From where did she appeared! I thought that she sucked at hiding but managed to sneak behind me so naturally. But more importantly.
"Do you consider yourself an adult? You should have made those two escape instead of fighting something so dangerous!" I yelled angrily.
"Uh, you are right missy, no matter how skilled they looked they are still newbies," apologetically said that dumb staff member, apparently understanding my anger.
"Don't be so harsh to her. I was the one who asked miss Yulia to let us fight," said Hugo apologetically too.
So Yulia is that idiot staff member's name.
"You weren't alone. Your job was to protect Falay," I coldly said to Hugo while threateningly glaring at him.
"Don't be so mad at Hok... Hugo. He told me to return by myself but I was the one who stubbornly rejected his order," Falay said losing her inital excitement.
"You should have forced Hugo to return with you. That King Goblin was near the capital so the soldiers should have taken care of it by themselves," I scolded Falay without the usual gentleness that I use when interacting with her.
These brats. No, I am also at fault for taking that Quest so lightly. I should have gone with them.
"Missy, they didn't had any other choice. The goblins were in the middle of sacrificing a young maiden to their king as a ceremony," said that stupid staff member with a sincere tone.
"At first, Hugo recommended to escape since reporting the appearance of a King Goblin should be enough to complete the Quest, but when we noticed that a girl was in danger we couldn't return without doing anything," Falay said without feeling guilty.
Hearing them, I closed my eyes for a moment and then looked at Hugo.once again.
"Hugo. You said that you wish to protect the ones in front of you and also promised me that you won't die right?" I asked without a single emotion on my face and voice.
"That's right," answered Hugo with a serious face.
"Which is more important, a stranger's life or Falay's life," I said without changing my expression.
"Falay," immediately answered Hugo.
"What is more important, your life or a stranger's life," I asked again in the same manner.
"My life," Hugo answered as quickly as before.
"So you understand what you did?" I asked a little more coldly than before.
"Yes I did," answered Hugo without faltering.
I looked at his eyes for a few seconds and then, "Haaaa," I exhaled tiredly and I said "I expect that you made an according strategy right?" relaxedly."Of course I did," Hugo answered with a confident smile. And then he related how they took down that King Goblin.
In summary, Hugo ramapged as a distraction while being protected by Falay's long range attack and that staff member rescued that girl. Apparently, Hugo and Falay dealt with the King Goblin by themselves while the staff member dealt with the other goblins after hiding that girl in a safe place. It was a fierce battle but they managed somehow.
The strategy wasn't elegant, but effective, although it only worked because that King Goblin was too young. If it was three month older there was a huge chance for Hugo dying. Well, even if it was effective, the end result was that Falay ran out of mana and Hugo was in no condition to protect Falay if they meet another strong foe so I can't commend them. Well, the strategy was made in the moment and it prioritized their safety over saving the girl showing that at least he understand what is more important.
"I would say that you failed your test since you were too reckless, but is not me the one to decide," I said to Falay while looking at Rechia.
Falay and Hugo were nervously looking at Rechia who was silent the whole time until now. That staff member looked extremely awkward since he didn't seem to understand anything.
"As Eun-Ha said, it was too reckless. Even Hugo said that you should run away, but you didn't heed that order," Rechia said in a strict tone which make Hugo and Falay to swallow their saliva. "But you managed to take down the King Goblin without any injury so I guess you passed the test," Rechia said in a gentle tone this time.
Falay looked incredibly relieved from hearing Rechia's decision.
"We did it!" Hugo yelled happily while grabbing Falay's right hand and raising them to the air.
I fired an Air Ball directly to Hugo's hand which made him release his hold on Falay.
"Wow, I can fire an Air Ball in less than a second now," I casually remarked.
Hugo's expression looked as if he was receiving unfair treatment for some reason, but Rechia's face looked like a demon now so he should thank me for what I did.
"I didn't said that you passed with full marks! I am going to accompany you in your travels," Rechia said incredibly angry, sending killing glares towards Hugo.
"Then thanks goodness that I didn't pass the test with full mark. I wouldn't be able to go on a journey leaving Milady behind," Falay said with a happy expression.
"Hahaha," I unintentionally laughed. Falay knew from the beginning that Rechia was going to accompany her anyways. I can't imagine Rechia being okay with Falay abandoning her, let alone watching how Falay goes on a journey alone with a guy. I feel too stupid for asking her what she is gong to do before.
After that, Hugo and Falay submitted their report which was backed by that staff member and we headed back home. Their reward for killing a King Goblin was 125.000 Wion. Almost half of my salary, which is obvious since it is a dangerous monster if left alone. By the way, my reward for the Werl Herbs was 1250 Wion, as expected of an easy Quest.
On our way back, I carried Falay with a mana barrier shaped like a disk because she was too exhausted. It didn't take a big toll on my mana since Falay is light.
For dinner, let's make something extravagant as celebration for thier, no our first job as an Adventurer. This dinner should also count as a farewell for this house since we should leave this place faster than planned since we grabbed a lot of attention after those two subjugated a King Goblin.
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Beneath the peaceful façade of the modern world, an undercurrent of shocking crimes roils in the underbelly of society. Follow Song Yang, the last Traditional Coroner of China, as he navigates through this underworld of violence and debauchery, and uses seemingly common everyday objects like an umbrella, squid ink, and magnets to hunt down serial killers, sexual predators, real-life vampires, necrophiles, and others who prey upon the innocents and hide behind the fog of supernatural mystery. There is no mystery too enigmatic for Song Yang to solve, and there is no depth too deep for him to venture into to uncover the truth!
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