《I am a genius so I don't need a strong cheat to survive》Epilogue: The ones left behind


Inside a big room which is on par with high class hotel lounge rooms, five people are seated around an elegant table in comfortable looking sofas drinking tea. At a single glance this scene would look as a peaceful tea party, but the faces the people present had was clearly saying that the assumption was wrong. Their faces were either serious, scared or sad, not smiling at all creating a heavy atmosphere.

The people in question were five of the seven heroes summoned yesterday.

"Can't you cheer up already? You are making this drink tasteless" said Linda with a pissed off face to a depressed looking Sarah.

Even though her face showed that she was getting angry, her worried voice showed clearly what she was truly feeling.

"Sorry..." softly muttered Sarah without raising her face while taking small sips of her green drink.

"It has been only one day, so don't lose your hope," said Juán in an attempt to cheer Sarah up, but his voice didn't denote confidence at all.

"It has already been a day!" Sarah yelled while suddenly standing up. Her sudden movement made her cup to fall down spilling the content inside of it.

Everyone looked at Sarah in reaction to her words, but nobody tried to say anything back to her.

"Next time it could be us! No, it is going to be me! I still can't use my soul skill effectively like you guys so the next one is probably me! If that Kuroko was abducted, then in the next attack I don't have a chance at all!" hysterically yelled Sarah with some tears on her eyes.

It has already passed a whole day after they heard that the other two heroes, Kuroko and Hokuto were kidnapped by the demons.

Last night, they confronted an assassin that came to take their lives. They somehow managed to defeat their foe, but before they could bask in the joy of their survival, they were informed by Tiwor, the knight that teach them about their soul skill, that Hinata Kuroko and Tanaka Hokuto were abducted by the demons.

The reason they heard was because the demons have some way to steal soul skills and since the two of them still didn't have them, they were an easy and safe prey to get.

Those new were incredibly shocking for the group, since they never thought that something like this would happen, especially to Kuroko. They didn't knew much about Hokuto since they barely interacted with him due to the language barrier, but Kuroko was different. In the short time they knew her, they already felt that she was someone very reliable in contrast to her small build, staying calm in this weird situation and talking with that fearsome king without any fear made them think that she was someone unshakable.

And thus, hearing the reports about what happened to her made them think once more, but more carefully about their current situation.

"I... I... hic, I," in the middle of her outburst, Sarah started to sob while trembling a little.

"Calm down Sarah," said Chris in a calmly and smiled for the first time in a few hours.

Looking at Chris, Sarah calmed down a little and after seeing that Sarah was properly listening to him, Chris resumed his talk.


"Sarah, your soul skill is probably going to be something strong, strong enough for you to be protect yourself. You just need to learn how to use it okay?" Chris said in a reassuring tone without losing his smile.

"But.. even if you are right... in the meantime, I... I am... I am useless. I couldn't even help you guys last night" said Sarah little by little.

"That's no problem. They said that the demons only managed to infiltrate since the city defenses were weakened due to our summoning and that their defenses will be restored in a few days more," Chris said in a comforting tone.

"How can you be sure that they won't attack us before I learn how to defend myself?" Sarah said about to cry again.

Hearing Sarah's insecurities, Blair stood up and hugged Sarah.

"Sarah, while you learn how to use your soul skill, I am going to make sure to protect you okay?" said Blair with a motherly voice.

Sarah got surprised by Blair actions, but a few seconds after the hug, her anxious feeling started to dim and she closed her eyes while enjoying the soft feeling that Blair's hug gave.

"Don't forget about my soul skill, I am the one supposed to protect you guys," said Juán with a voice more confident than before since he realized that his earlier words made everyone feel more insecure.

"Hah, says the one who fell unconscious at the start of the battle," said Linda contemptuously.

Juán glared at Linda and pointed his fingers to her.

"Weren't you the same as me!? In fact, I was way more useful than you since my barrier protected us even after I was unconscious!" said Juán in a loud voice angrily.

Linda looked straight at Juán's eyes with a ogre like face.

"And who was the one that made it possible for you to join the battle?" said Linda in a challenging tone.

"You almost killed me and Chris with that!" responded Juán angrily.

"Umm..." Sarah wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

"Guys, calm down, the two of you were equally useless," said Blair with a mocking face while releasing her hold of Sarah.



Linda and Juán said at the same time with the same shocked expression.

"Fufu," laughed Sarah watching at the two of them.

Sarah's innocent smile and laugh calmed Juán and Linda down and the atmosphere turned peaceful as if the earlier tension was a lie.

"Haaun," yawned Sarah while rubbing her eyes with her right hand.

"Ah, it's already that late, you guys go to sleep now," said Chris while stretching his arms.

"Ergh, we have to sleep on the same room again?" said Linda in a disgusted voice.

"That's obvious, we need to avoid to separate as much as possible," explained Chris with a troubled face.

"I know, I know," said Linda annoyed.

"Please," said Sarah while looking at Linda.

"Didn't I already say that I know!" yelled Linda to Sarah.

After the incident last night, Chris proposed that everyone should sleep in the same room in case an emergency like the one they just faced occurs again. The reason why the boys and girls have to share the same room at sleeping was because the power balance between men and women was unbalanced. While Juán and Chris could protect and save lives, they didn't had the firepower to deal with an enemy, while the girls had the power to fight, but not to defend themselves.


Hearing Chris reasons, nobody disagreed with his proposal and they asked to be given a big room for them to live. The place they got was a room that had more rooms inside, which included the lounge they were currently staying at, a bathroom with a large tub enough to fit three adults, a small kitchen with many utensils that included a tea set, a bedroom with several beds inside and a storage room which they designated as their closet and their changing room in the situation that the bathroom was occupied

"What about you Chris? Are you not going to sleep yet?" asked Juán while heading to the room where their beds are located.

"He can't since we are going to have an adult conversation here," said Blair in a mature voice.

Hearing what Blair said, Sarah and Juán started to look at Chris and Blair alternatively while their faces started to get slightly red.

"You two, lets go to sleep NOW," said Linda to the frozen Sarah and Juán, accentuating the now.

Juán and Sarah raised their thumbs towards Chris and Blair saying "Good luck!" at the same time and ran to the bedroom.

"Haa," Linda sighed and walked towards the bedroom.

Before Linda took her third step, Blair appeared behind her at a high speed and murmured "Thanks,"

"Tch, what are you talking about?" Linda grumbled without looking back and entered the bedroom after Juán and Sarah.

"What a shy girl," murmured Blair while looking at Linda's back.

"She is so shy that she even took that strange way to liven up that gloomy air we had before," Chris sais while suppressing his laughter.

After the bedroom's door was closed, Blair and Chris sat opposite to each other.

Blair poured tea for Chris and for herself and started to talk in a low voice.

"Are you excited?" asked Blair in joking voice.

"Hahaha, of course," answered Chris in a low voice.

Blair also laughed a little and took a sip of her cup.

"Then, should we start our adult conversation now?" Blair asked in a seductive manner.

"Of course, from where should we start?" asked Chris smiling while drinking his tea too.

"What do you think if we start from how much can we believe the report they gave us about the incident last night," Blair asked seriously, removing the earlier teasing tone she had before.

Following Blair's change of mood, Chris also turned serious and said, "Probably everything besides the failed assassination attempt towards us,"

And then the two of them began a long conversation that lasted the entire night.


"Did a new clue finally appear?" asked Gedio towards Kithan in a casual tone of voice.

"Yes. Some pieces of the uniforms used by the butlers and maids here were found bloodstained near the river and some were also found on the bottom of the river," Kithan said tiredly.

"Are you implying that they may have drown in the river?" Gedio asked while he poured wine onto two cups.

"I hope that they have drowned, but those clues aren't enough. Haaa, just who was the one who thought it was a good idea to shoot a high class magic towards two individuals." Kithan said releasing a clear killing intent.

"Calm down my friend, or that's what I would like to say, but I am also getting irritated by this," Gedio said with a dry smile.

"Just who was the one who thought that it was a good idea to shoot a high class magic towards two individuals," Kithan complained releasing a clear killing intent.

Right now, Gedio and Kithan are talking in the king personal room while sharing a bottle of wine.

Usually, Gedio takes a dominating appearance in public while Kithan acts like a cold and silencious strategist, making everyone who looks at them to feel that they cannot be opposed. But since they are alone, they don't have to put up their little act and can converse as the old friends they are without worrying about their public image.

"So the worst part is that we don't know if they are alive or not, since not a single corpse or a remain of one was found," Gedio said after he drank a mouthful from his cup.

"That's right. I am going to make sure to double the search for those two, but I hope that the most probable outcome is the right answer," Kithan said even more annoyed than before.


"Milady, the cute one seems to be having a lot of pain!" yelled a young girl dressed in a long grey dress.

"Fufufu, is that so? Those two are surely lucky to be nursed by you Falay," said a mature women dressed in white robes.

"I think that they are lucky because they were found by someone like you milady," said the young girl while laughing a little.

"That wasn't luck, but the wheel of fate Falay. Those two weren't meant to die yet," said the mature woman while placing her left hand on the forehead of a small human with pearl like skin and night like hair who is releasing moans of pain in an unconscious state while laying down on a bed that is clearly too big for someone as small as him.

The left hand of the mature woman released a green light and the pained face of that beautiful youth started to recede while at the same time his eyelids started to tremble.

"He is about to wake up milady!" the young girl said excited.

"In just a single day? As expected of one chosen by the gods. I bet that this will turn into some interesting events." the mature lady said cheerfully with a huge grin appearing on her face.

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