《I am a genius so I don't need a strong cheat to survive》Chapter 4: Sometime, I envy idiots who can live without worrying too much. But only sometime, I am glad that I was born as a genius
The other side of the wall of the training field wasn't directly connected to the streets of the city, instead there was a groove with some small trees and rose bushes, maybe this is part of the palace garden.
We are going to be chased as soon as they realize that we aren't in the castle or they find a half naked maid and butler unconscious, so it's better to descend the hill as quickly as possible.
I am confident in my speed since; my leg strength, stamina and running technique are excelent and coupled with my light body I can run really fast, but annoyingly, Hugo was faster than me.
I bet that it is this maid uniform's fault. The long dress is hindering my movements a little, but I don't want to rip it off like in the movies since I am planning to sell it. The fabric feels really smooth to the skin which means that this could be fairly expensive.
It's not that I don't have any money. The owner of this uniform had a few coins inside her pocket, I didn't check the underwear for ethical reasons. One thing is stealing and another is harrassing an innocent bystander.
Returning to the topic, I have a few coins with me, but I don't know the worth of them. I only know that they are used as currency and that the alloy is composed of copper, aluminium and a metal which name I don't know since it doesn't exist on Earth, but besides that, I don't know anything more. Sadly, appraisal is not an omniscient skill.
After running for a while, we saw a small white brick wall that reached up until my knees. It was so small that I couldn't see it from the hole at the palace, it seems that the wall signifies the end of the garden and since the wall is this low, this garden must be open to the public.
Luckily, nobody was at the other side of the wall so we just jumped over it and finally reached a place that seemed like a residensial area. I didn't wanted to waste any time standing still like an idiot thinking that we were already safe, so I didn't stop running after jumping over the wall.
Just in case I sharpened my senses as much as I could, but I couldn't feel many presences near us so it is safe to assume that nobody here saw us coming from the palace. I don't know if this lack of people is due to this country's cultutre not having nightime enjoyment or simply because tonight is very cold and chilly, but this is something good for us so there is nothing to complain here.
When i realized how cold is tonight, I was glad from the bottom of my heart that I got ahold of some warm clothes. I would have frozen to death if I had keep using that stupid costume.
While I was looking for people presences, I also observed the buildings around us. I noticed that they were similar to those rich houses of the renaissance era. Some were like mansions and other like small palaces, I guess that the sector near the palace is either the rich or the noble area.
After observing the buildings, I observed this city structure.
It seems that the rich area begins from the start of the hill until the garden's wall. The flat part of the city has small houses made of rock and other buildings that aren't probably to be used as housing and, surrounding the city, there is a huge wall made of the same material as the ones at the training field.
How can we pass over those annoying walls?
I was furiouly thinking about a solution, but I don't know if it is possible with the amount of tools that we have at hand right now.
After running silently for around fifteen minutes, Hugo suddenly started to talk.
"Those houses sure are pretty, it must have cost a fortune to build a house like that," he said impressed by the houses.
"I guess so," I answered with a tone of voice that conveyed my utter disinterest of what he said.
I was already used to seeing huge mansions like those, since I have lived for more than ten years at Carla's place, so I wasn't impressed at all. In fact, the Zaichik main house is as amazing as the palace we have just escaped from.
"Hinata-san, did I perhaps did something to make me hate me? " said Hugo with a terse voice.
"What made you think that?" I said without any expression, since I was completely concentranted thinking about what to do next.
Isn't this guy worried at all about our current situation?
"No-nothing, just that... since a while ago, you have been a little mean at me," Hugo said a little hesitatingly.
Ahh, it was about that, certainly, if I compare the me acting in that disgustingly cute way and the me now acting normally, it does seem that I am meaner.
"This is my real personality, the one I showed at the palace was a fake. What, you preferred when I was acting that disgustingly? Man, you sure are a big pervert," I said while looking at him as if he were trash.
Hugo got such a shock from the amount of disgust I showed him with my eyes when I said that he was a pervert, that he almost stopped running.
Ohh, that's a funny face he made just now, this is amusing, very, very fun. This is the first time that I found his expression not disgusting. I want to see more of that, but I should probably hold myself since it would be bad if he really ended up without being able to run due to shock. Let's make him suffer once we are safe and sound, this will be payback for scaring me back there at the palace and his attempt to do it again at the garden after we escaped.
"So this is your real personality... I feel scammed," muttered Hugo after he recovered from his shock a little.
"You aren't the only feeling like that, I never thought that you were this much of an idiot," I said while recalling how I was suspecting back at the palace that he was actually smart and had a hidden agenda by lying like me.
"It's rude to call someone you barely know an idiot!" Hugo angrily said in response to my words.
Ohh, he is able to snap like that, interesting.
"It is not rude if it is to someone like you Hugo," I responded with a voice that seemed to say it was common sense.
"What do you mean by that!?" Hugo responded with a face that seemed to be about to cry.
It seems that by being insulted by someone he thought was a cute little girl does a lot of damage to his heart, this is excedingly amusing, but I should seriusly stop now. I got so inmersed in this stupid banter that I completely forgot to keep thinking for a strategy that we could do.
Once I remembered that I was supposed to think of our next course of action, I discovered something.
"Hugo, we are already at the bottom of the hill, we just need to run a little more until we reach the wall that surrounds the city," I said really surprised.
Without me realizing, we have already left the rich area and now we are at 5[km] from the wall,with our running speed, it would take us more or less twenty minutes if we keep avoiding people.
I wasted a lot of time time because I was having fun messing around with Hugo.
"She is ignoring me now..." muttered Hugo with a face that seems to have given up on something.
Hmm, it seems that I went too far. It would be bad if whatever strategy I thought up was ruined because he messed up by being depressed or something.
"Hugo, sorry for messing with you, I was a little stressed because of this situation," I apologized with a sincere voice.
I shouldn't say that the main reason was because his reaction was fun.
"Ah, no, hmm, it's okay. It's normal to be stressed by this. I should also apologize for snapping at you before." answered Hugo to my apologies.
I definetly can't say that him snapping was so funny that I didn't felt offended at all.
"Ah!" suddenly exclaimed Hugo with a face that seems to have remembered somthing important.
"Hinata-san, I just remembered something. Can you... can you... cough. Can you let me... borrow that ring that the magician girl gave us... please?" asked Hugo with a hesitating voice.
Magician girl? If he is talking about rings, then it must be the communication ring that Tiriena gave us, but she is a princess, not a magician. Wait a moment, don't tell me that.
"Don't tell me that you can't use your ring," I said doubting a little my own words.
"That's right, maybe it is because I dropped it when I first received it, but I can't seem to be able to use this ring," said Hugo with a sad face while showing me his ring.
Looking at the ring, I can't see any problem with it. It has the same function as mine, the one that lets you transmit and receive the meaning of the word that a person wants to transmit. In other words, is not broken.
"Are you joking Hugo?" I asked just in case.
I don't think that he has a reason to lie at this moment, since I know that he is not smart enought to think of a cunning strategy to deceive me at this point.
"Eh? That ring is not a magical ring?" asked Hugo with a surprised face.
"I kinda felt that this ring had some kind of magic to let me understand this country's language and making others to understand me, but was I wrong? Don't tell me that all of you guys knew how to talk this language," said Hugo a little confused.
"Wait, if you couldn't understand anything that you were hearing, how did you manage to follow up the events until now?" I asked still thinking that he may be joking.
"Even thought I didn't understood anything, I thought that as long as I follow you guys who seemed to understand everything will be okay," Hugo explained with a proud face, as if he was boasting about something really incredible.
He was just following us?
This is completely... not ridiculous.
I had planned to ask him why he was so silent back at the palace. I kinda guessed that he was trying to hide as much personal information as he could do like me, but after talking with him for a while, I understood that he doesn't have the brain to plan something like that, so I was curious about his motive for being almost completely silent.
But thinking it from another perspective, more than being silent for most of the time, he only talked a few times.
The times that he talked where.
When everyone were introuducing ourselves in English. Hugo introduced himself in a super broken English. When everyone were introuducing themselves to armor guy at the training field. Hugo introduced himself in a weird way by just screaming his name. When he was talking in Japanese with me. The only times when he said more than one sentence.
The connection between those three points is that Hugo will be able to easily understand what we were saying, without using the ring.
This could also explain why he thought that the Tiriena was a magician and not a princess, since she looked more a magician than a princess with that robe.
But this opens a new mystery.
"Hey Hugo, if you felt that the ring was the tool to be able to communicate with the people of this world, why didn't you try to tell this to anyone?" I asked sending him a serious glance.
If a normal person received an esencial object that is defective, he would try to inform it to others. The fact that he didn't do it is a little suspicious.
"I planned to do that! Seriously! But... but... I still wasn't sure that the ring was the tool to let me understand this language, I thought that maybe all you guys understood that language, but after seeing that strange crystal ball shining magically I got conviced that the ring was the magic tool to do that, but after I made that crystal ball to stop shining, I started to feel killing intent so I got scared. I thought that it will be a bad idea to reveal that I also broke the ring, so I just kept silent. But I think that they discovered it when I didn't greet that armoured knight with the ring, since after that, the killing intent increased again, I am not lying, please believe." explained Hugo with some panic.
"Are you an idiot! You could at least have told that to one of us!" I said almost yellling, making Hugo flinch a little.
The reason why he hid the fact that he couldn't use the ring and incidentally that strange greeting he did to armour guy. But for the reason be something this stupid. Now I feel like a fool for having suspected once that he was someone smart hiding his identity like me.
Calm down Eun-Ha, this wasn't something completely idiotic. He had a reason to believe what he believed. He didn't know that the crystal ball was a mana sensor, so he must have thought that he broke it when he touched it, since it was the only time that it didn't shone.
"Sorry for snapping Hugo, I was just surprised that the explanation of something that was bothering me was something incredibly stupid," I apologized with a tired face.
"No, it's okay. Now that I think about it, I should have at least told you about this, I was just so scared that I couldn't think clearly," Hugo said with some regretful voice.
It's true that fear made people do stupid things, but in his sitiutaion, wasn't that stupid, since even though we were summoned at the same time, we were all people who have met for the first time, so it's obvious that he coudn't openly told us about something that he thought was putting his life in danger.
But, there is another thing that is bothering me now.
"Hugo, take my ring (Hugo, take my ring)," I muttered in a super soft voice while using the ring to transmit my words to Hguo.
"Hmm? I didn't hear you, could you talk louder Hinata-san?" answered Hugo to my question, it seems that he really can't receive the ring's transmition.
However, this is weird, when someone sends a transmission with the ring, the one receiving the message doesn't need a receiver, so as I expected the problem is Hugo, but I need to do another test just in case.
"I said that you could take my ring, ah but I want your ring in return," I said while taking his ring from his hand while offereing him mine.
"Thank you very much! I really wanted to feel the feeling of using magic at least once!" Hugo said happily while taking my ring.
Wait, he wanted to use the ring for something as stupid as that? No, it's not that stupid, any person would want to use magic in a magic world at least once.
After we exchanged our rings I began the next part of my experiment.
"Stupid Hugo, can you hear me you idiot?(Stupid Hugo, can you hear me you idiot?)," I muttered again in a super soft voice while using the ring.
As expected, it seems that the transmission works, since I can feel an insignificant amount of mana leaking from my body.
"Hinata-san, I can't hear you if you speak so softly. Ah by the way, does the ring only works when you talk with someone from this world?" asked Hugo casually without any sign to have heard what I said.
And as expected again, Hugo can't receive the transmission.
End of the experiment, it seems that Hugo can receive nor send his words through the ring.
"Hugo, I don't know how to tell this to you, but it wasn't the ring's fault, the ring isn't broken at all. It is you who is the problem," I said to him while looking at him with pity.
Once he saw my pitying face, he got a little confused, but after processing what I said, his face got a little desperate.
"How, how do you know that I am the problem? Explain!" asked Hugo trying to not believe my earlier words."
"That's because I can perfectly use your ring, and I was able to use my ring before, but you weren't able to hear what I said in both ocassions. That only means that this is your fault, don't worry Hugo, you weren't able to use magic since the start, because you don't have any mana, err the energy to make magic, I am not lying to you, that was the result of the test we did with that crystal ball at the palace. The amount of light that the crystal gives is the amount of mana one has and since you couldn't make it shine even a little, then that means that you don't have any mana," I slowly explained it to him while keeping my pitying face.
Hugo got silent for a moment and after processing the information I just gave him, he started to laugh dryly while muttering, something that I couldn't hear.
I know that the ring uses a little amount of mana to send a transmission, so his complete lack of mana may be the cause for him being unable to send any transmission, however receiving the transmission is another story.
One doesn't use mana to receive a transmission. I know that from both my appraisal and my own experience using it for a few hours.
This is surely another mystery of Hugo, but right now I want to attack another mystery of him.
Whether or not he really doesn't have any soul skill.
Our talk about the ring lasted for around ten minutes. In that conversation that made feel stupider for some reason, I realized something important.
Hugo didn't understood anything that he was told in this country's language, that also includes the explanation about soul skills.
Now that I remember, he didn't seem to have understood armor guy's explanations, which means, he shouldn't know the way to find and release his own soul skill. That time when I asked him what his soul skill was when we just learned how to find for it, he must have closed his eyes to think about what a soul skill was, not looking for it.
Could we have avoided this whole mess if he had told me from the beginning that he couldn't understand anything that we were told in this language? I should stop this train of thought, it's stupid to think about ifs since we can't change the past anyways.
I need to think about what to do in the present.
Should I teach him how to search for his soul skill now, or should I wait until we are safe.
It should take between one to five minutes to find what his soul skill is, but we won't be able to move during that time and every second is precious now. Also, if his soul skill end up being something as flashy as the one Linda had, our pursuers would find us right away, but I am not worrying too much about that, since I have a good idea about what his soul skill is.
If I am gussing correctly what his soul skill is, then it shouldn't be flashy, but there is still the risk that I am wrong.
... Okay I have decided.
"Hugo, let's stop for a moment," I said after I reached a conclusion.
"Are you tired Hinata-san? Don't worry, I can carry you. That way you would be able to rest without us stopping," answered Hugo while slowing his speed little by little. It is bad to suddenly stop running after all.
It's normal for him to think that I am already tired, since we have been running at a marathon speed for almost forty minute. But that's not a problem to me, since I have both, the technique and stamina to actually run a marathon.
In fact, I am impressed by the that Hugo had not only managed to keep this pace while talking, but that he still has enough strength to have the confidence to keep running while carrying me. I know that I am light, but he should guess that I weight around 45[kg]. If he thinks that he can keep running at this pace, even after carrying me, he should have a fair good amount of stamina and physical strength.
"I am not tired and even if I were, I wouldn't let you carry me even if it costs me my life," I answered with my normal smiling face, while also slowing down my speed.
It would be disgusting if I am piggybacked by a smelling, sweaty guy. That's obvious.
"Aren't you getting meaner and meaner towards me?" said Hugo with a face that looked as if he had been punched in his guts.
"Just treat it as a symbol of my trust to you," I answered after I have finally stopped moving.
Hugo also stopped to move at the same time.
"Then why are we stopping now Hinata-san?" asked Hugo, who quickly recovered the damage caused by my remark.
Tch, he is getting used, how boring. Crap, I shouldn't distract myself.
"There is just something I need to check out, there is no time so just follow my instructions" I said, while trying to ignore my impulses to messing with Hugo.
"Ha?" Hugo let out a stupid sounding voice
"First off, point your hands to the sky and then close my eyes," I instructed with a serious tone to make him understand that this is not a joke.
Hugo, looked confused, but regardless of that, he followed my orders, closing his eyes and raising his arms like a certain character from a fighting series.
The part about him pointing his hands to the sky was purely a safety measure, it would be bad if his soul skill resulted to be something similar to Linda's.
"What now Hinata-san?" asked Hugo a little embarrassedly.
I am surprised that even though he feels embarrassed, he is so obediently listening to me.
"Now look deep inside yourself and search, search until you find something that seems engraved inside your mind, inside your soul." I instructed again.
Hugo looked confused at first, but after a moment, his face looked as calm as the water of a lake. Looking at him like this, I understand that he is really a skilled martial arts practioner or something similar.
While Hugo was searching for his soul skill, I did my best to feel the presences near us. In this area, there are a few more pedestrians than in the rich area. If someone approaches to the point that we could be seen, I am going to stop this experiment and start running again.
"Hinata-san! I feel something weird," exclaimed Hugo half a minute later with a surprised voice.
"Good, it seems that you did had a soul skill," I said a little relieved, since he managed to reach until this point before anybody found us.
"A... a soul skill? Is that magic? Can I use magic!?" asked Hugo excitedly
From armor guy's explanation, soul skills and magic are a little different, but I decided to not correct his mistake now, since from an earthilng point of view they are the same and I still don't understand the logic behind it anyways.
"I understand that you are excited by that, but don't look focus. Try to release your soul skill with your will, it may be complicated at first, but after doing it once you will remember that feeling and be able to release it easily in the future," I explained to him, while remembering armor guy's instruction.
In my case, the soul skill is always in a released state, so I don't know any other way to explain it to him besides repeating what armor guy said, but if my guess is correct, this last instruction will be useless.
"Hmm, Hinata-san. I don't really understand why, but I feel that it is already released. What should I do? Did I do something wrong?" asked Hugo a little worried.
As expected, he is the same as me.
"Don't worry about it, that just means that your soul skill is already in a released state," I said using a casual voice to make him understand that I finished my test.
"Then, does that mean that I can use finally use magic? I don't feel any different," said Hugo confused by what I said.
"It depends, do you understand what your skill is supposed to do?" I asked, being curious myself as well.
Once Hugo heared my words, he started to deeply concentrate.
Sarah and I already inmediately understood what our soul skills were since we already used it, while macho had a feeling about what his skills was supposed to do before trying it out. I think that the rest also had a feeling about what his soul skills were before using it, since Linda wouldn't have aimed her hands at the wall, Blair didn't try to try her new physical abilities and Chirs wouldn't have healed his ruined face.
Then, it's probable that Hugo can also understand what his soul skill is supossed to do, but I have my own theory about what it is.
"Hmm, I had the feeling that if I use this, I can stop something, but I don't know what," answered Hugo and then he opened his eyes.
Stoping, huh. That's what he feels?
"Hugo, this is just my theory, but I think that your soul skill has the ability to stop mana," I said, with the most serious face I could muster.
"Stopping mana?" asked Hugo who didn't seem to have understood my words very well.
Well, it's normal to not understand it, since mana is the way I understand the term of magical energy, not the original word.
"In other words, your soul skill stops the energy to make magic," I explained it with another words, with a serious face again.
"The... energy to... make... magic?" Hugo slowly repeated my words.
"Maybe the reason of why you can't use magic is... fufu... due to your soul skill," I said, while almost letting out a laught, but I controlled it again with a serious face.
That's right, the reason why I am making a serious face is to avoid laughing at this situation.
I know that this is a dire situation, but this is seriously funny. This guy really wanted to use magic at least once, but ironically, his special hero skill that he got once is the thing that blocks him for doing that.
"I can't use magic... because of my soul skill?" Hugo repeated my words again with a face that is getting slowly and slowly inexpressive.
"That's right, I mean that's the only explanation I can think of. That ring, if it is just restricted to hearing, it should work even if you don't have mana as long as the one talking to you is sending his own mana unconsciously or consciously. Ah, now that I think about it, the lack of reaction from that mana sensor is maybe not because you didn't had any mana, but because your own skill is stopping it."
When Hugo heared my last sentence, he slowly closed his eyes and seemed to being seriously concentrating on something.
But after a minute, Hugo opened his eyes and said "Hinata-san, do you know how to turn off this stupid skill?" with a face that seemed to be on the verge of tears.
"Maybe... fufufu... you won't... haha... be able to... kuh... use magic...forever," I barely managed to say while containing my laughter.
At that moment, Hugo's face looked as bad as if his dog died.
Once I saw that face, I started to run again to the outer walls while laughing as quietly as possible to avoid being heard by unrelated people.
Hugo followed after me as silent as a statue.
Ten minutes after that hilarious incident, we were already at the wall.
It didn't had much security in the place we were, since it wasn't near the gate, but that doesn't matter since this wall is so smooth and tall that it will be diffiucult to climb and even if I try to do it, I will be seen climbing this white wall in my dark maid clothes. It is the same for Hugo who is wearing a dark butler uniform.
I know that it is dangerous, but let's check out the gate, maybe the guards are lazing around like typical security guards on movies.
While deciding our next course of actions, I made my way to the gate, avoiding being found by other people. Hugo just silently followed after me.
Man, for how long is he gonna be depressed that he can't use magic? I am actually counting on this idiot as an important fighting picee so I can't let him be unable to fight properly because of shock.
But... the irony that Hugo can't use magic because of his own skill it's super funny. I understand that we are at a dire situation, but this is too hilarious, damn I am about to laugh again.
"Fuuu," I exhaled to regain my cool again.
I need to stop fooling around and concentrate on what we need to do.
First, let's analyze our current situation if we were to fight.
Our enemy has an overwhelming advantage in both numbers and weapons which includes magic. I don't know how powerful magic is nor do I know how to use magic. My soul skill is almost useless in combat. I don't know if I can Hugo's soul skill is useful in combat, actually I don't know if it stops magic or mana. I guess that it is mana, since the crystal ball didn't had any reaction with him. If Hugo's skill is to stop mana, then I don't know if it can stop magic, which is the phenomena that appears when one manipulates mana.
Conclusion: This is bad, we definitely need to avoid fighting.
When I reached the conclusion that fighting is going to be stupid we approached enough to see the gates and I found something that surprised me a lot.
The gate was a gatehouse as big as a big house. It had two tall towers and in the middle of them it had a large corridor that leads to the outside.
There are ten fully armoured guys stanidng guard near the corridor wielding a huge halberd, a lot less than what I expected, but probably there are a few tens more inside the gatehouse. Their armours and weapons don't have that strange metal that enhances defense, but a simple steel that only has iron and carbon.
But the thing that surprised me the most wasn't the lack of soldiers, it was that the corridor wasn't closed, in other words the gate was opened.
Is it some kind of trap? Why they didn't close the gate? From what I can see, there is a portcullis at the both extremes of the corridor, but they aren't closed. Just why?
"Hinata-san, the guards there doesn't seem that they are awake," said Hugo who was not longer gloomy, but that didn't matter to me at all.
"Huh? Are you saying that they are sleeping while standing up?" I asked with an incredulous voice
"Yes, that sounds impossible, maybe I was wrong. It's just that their breathing seems as if they were sleeping, but maybe that's a strange technique they are using to lower our guards," said Hugo in a serious tone.
You thinking that a weird technique like faking to be asleep with a full face helmet is a viable technique is more stupid.
Hugo seemed to try to say something, but I just closed my eyes to focus on thinking
The two main choices right now are hiding at least until morning or running away right now
If we decide to hide until morning:
I can gather more information from looking the daily life of the people here. We can hide in back alleys relying on our sensing skills. I can steal some food or make Hugo do it since he can hide his presence better than me. As time passes, the chances of us being found or the amount of guards increasing goes up. A chance as good as this one won't come again. Even if I remove my make up, remove my red contacts, change my hairstyle and dress as a man again, our pursuers will identify me easily anyways, since my face is asian while the faces of the people I have met so far from this country are between middle Europe to eastern Europe and I can't even talk this country language. It's even worse for Hugo who don't have a disguise.
If run decide to run away right now:
If we make a ruckus here, reinforcement is going to arrive from inside the gatehouse, so if we end up fighting, we will need to finish it fast. The guards outside aren't using magic armours that enhances their body, so they are probably at least as strong as a normally trained human, the amount of guards will increase if we keep waiting. I can defeat normal humans even if they wear heavy armour, but humans in this world has magic so there is a big chance that they are stronger than normal humans. I don't know how magic can be used in a fight, but from last time experience I know that it can be from long distance and takes some time to use it. Hugo ability can either stop magic or mana, if it's the former I can use him as a shield, if it's the latter, it's better to not risk it. We don't have food, but I can probably gather edible grass or fruits outside the city thanks to my appraisal. We don't have water. bit there is probably a source of fresh water near since civilization should start near a river, at least that was the norm on Earth's case.
For now, let's just consult with Hugo if he can defeat those guys.
"Hey Hugo, do you have a method to defeat guys using heavy armours?" I asked while running a few fighting simulations in my mind to defeat those soldiers in the case that they can't use magic.
"... I guess I could," answered Hugo while seriously observing his oponents.
"By the way, don't even try to stop magic attacks with your body, I am not sure how your skill works yet. For example, if magic can throw pebbles as fast as a gun, if your skill can only stop the mana that started the magic, the pebbles are going to hurt you anyways," I explained without stopping to move.
"If what you said is correct, then doesn't that means that my soul skill is pretty much useless?" asked Hugo a little dejected
"I said that I am still not sure how your skill works, so don't think too deeply about it," I answered.
Hugo wasn't cheered up at all with my last sentence, but regardless of that, he didn't stop his focus on the soldiers.
Wait a minute, I just realized something weird, but that can't be right?
Just to confirm my suspicions, I faced Hugo and asked "Do you feel as if we are being pursued?"
"Now that you mention it, I don't feel something like that. If there are people looking for us, they are either searching for us silently or not doing it at all," answered Hugo very puzzled by his own words.
It's not only me, but Hugo too. There aren't any pursuers.
This is very strange. It should have been around one hour since we escaped, if we count the time since we disappeared from the bathing area, then it should be even more, they should have noticed our escape and sent pursuers at least fourty minutes ago if we were lucky. Since we haven't been running in a straight line due to us avoiding people, the pursuers should have already be near us, but for some reason we can't sense anything like that.
Not only that. I know that this world has ways of communicating from long distance, like those strange bells that I saw before so there shouldn't only send pursuers from the castle, but also from the gatehouse, but they didn't do that either, in fact they didn't even closed the gates and assigned so few guards to them.
"Hinata-san, this is really strange. Why aren't they pursuing us?" asked Hugo who was getting more and more confused by this bizarre situation.
"Honestly I don't know. I don't think that the kidnappers are stupid to not realize that they need to send pursuers to the ones escaped unless we are that insignificant for them," I answered not convinced by my own words.
This is vexing. Are they dumb enough to still not realize what happened or they truly don't care about us? I don't think it is the latter since Hugo said that he felt that they seriously wanted to kill him, or maybe his killing intent was really mistaken and he was just being paranoid?
Argh, I don't understand what is happening anymore, if this is a trap, then it is a really stupid one, since they can find us easily by just closing the gate and systematically look for us to destroy any hiding spot we could have. I seriously can't understand what is happening right now.
I was getting very irritated by this strange incident, but I am sure of one thing, this is a golden chance that won't appear again.
"Hugo, we are running straight to the exit, but before that help me gathering some stuffs," I said to Hugo while making the simulation of my plan on my head again and again.
"Understood Hinata-san, leave it to me, I will find whatever you need to find," answered Hugo full of confidence.
I was still very confused about this whole situation, but I decided that it is better to act right now.
First thing first, I need to find something as big as the width of a human but very hard in case those portcullis suddenly shut down... Oh how stupid of me, there is something perfect for that right in front of me.
"You know what, forget what I said. I just found what we need, now I just need to trust in your strength Hugo," I said while making a few calculations about material resistance.
And thus, I began my plan to escape from the city while I was still confused by this strange but lucky situation.
In a spacious room enough to hold twenty people, there was a long table in the middle and surrounding it, there were ten people seated discussing something with serious faces.
The ten members assembled were prominent figures of the Human Kingdom of Talkia.
The most important ones between those were:
Carrel Frahl, head wizard of the Royal Mage Corps, the select group of the most talented magicians in the army, mages with the talent to become a wizard like Carrel Frahl.
Tiwor Klin, commander of the elite Magic Knight Squad and also the general of the Royal Army, the main force of the kingdom's army. This man is one of the only humans who managed to get a soul skill.
Kithan Nerrier, the prime minister of the Human Kingdom of Talkia, the one who has almost as much authority as the King.
Gedio Crass Talkia, the king of the Human Kingdom of Talkia, the one who holds the most authority in the kingdom.
The other six were the six dukes of the Human Kingdom of Talkia, the ones who administrate the six major cities besides the royal capital Talkia. The dukes of the cities Rikia, Sekia, Cheykia, Wukia, Olkia and Geskia.
The discussion they were holding was about the hero summoning they had done today.
It was great news that most heroes had a big mana amount and powerful soul skills, but they couldn't rejoice because of a certain someone.
"Are you sure that the boy who looks like someone from the Shigley Empire is really a devil?" asked duke Cheykia
"That's right. There is only two beings that can be summoned from another world. A hero and a devil. That one boy was devoid of mana like the devils in past records and lacked a soul skill, a trait that summoned heroes should have. That only leaves one answer." answered Kithan, without showing any ting of emotion in his voice.
"Isn't that girl with ominous red eyes also suspicious? She not only lacked a soul skill, but the report said that she also looked like someone from Shigley Empire, the same as the boy." asked duke Rikia
"It is still too early to decide that, her mana amount, even though lower than the other heroes, it was still at the level of a magician. That isn't an amount that one get without talent and training, unless if said person is a hero," Carrel explained calmly.
The one who asked wasn't totally conformed with the explanation received, but didn't say anymore since he is not an expert on this field.
"Even if that boy is not a hero, is it necessary to kill him?" asked the duke Cheykia.
"We aren't getting rid of him for not being a hero, but for being a devil. We should also get rid of that girl before it's too late," said duke Wukia
"I said that even if she doesn't have a soul skill now, she could develop it later since her mana is worthy of a hero unlike the boy" said Tiwor.
"Hmph, how is that amount of mana that is common between mages an amount that is worthy of a hero? We should just kill her tonight with that devil before they grow and become troublesome to get rid of them," said Rikia
"We already decided that Hokuto Tanaka is going to be killed tonight while Kuroko Hinata is going to be on observation, it will be too much of a loss if we lose her and she was actually a hero whose soul skill has yet to awaken," said Gedio in his usual imposing tone.
After hearing their king's decision, no one in this room dared to advocate to kill the girl, however, there was one person who tried to defy the king's decision, but not for the girl.
"Your Majesty, can't we also put Hokuto Tanaka on observation? There is also the chance that the boy is a hero whose soul skill has yet to awaken," implored duke Cheykia
"You are too soft for being a ruler. As a king, I decided to kill Hokuto Tanaka when he first showed hints of being a demon. You as a ruler should also have the determination to eliminate anything that endangers your city," said the Gedio as if it were a lesson.
"Yes, Your Majesty," answered duke Cheykia, hiding his regretful face.
"Now, that the matter of how to treat the two who are suspicious, let's discuss about what we are going to do with the confirmed heroes," said Kithan, but before anybody could give a sugestion, someone knocked the door.
"Is this urgent enough to interrupt this meeting that His Majesty prepared?" asked Kithan with a voice colder than his usual voice towards the door.
Everyone besides the Gedio gulped their own saliva due to the fear transmitted through Kithan's voice.
"Yes, I deem this urgent enough. Your Majesty, this is about demons inside the castle!" shouted the soldier who knocked the door form outside.
The faces of all the people present in the meeting went stiff.
"Understand, you may enter!" ordered Gedio, whose imposing tone didn't changed even under this situation.
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" said the person who knocked the door and then he entered following his king's instructions.
Once inside the room the soldier kneeled and immediately started to inform the king forgetting to greet him first.
"Your Majesty, there is a report of demons being seen inside the castle, Your Majesty should find shelter soon," reported the soldier with a formal tone.
"Inside the castle, not outside the city walls?" asked Kithan looking directly onto the soldier's eyes.
"Correct, the witness were the knights guarding the hole at the training field and a maid. We don't know the identity of the demon since it escaped. The victims until now are one of the butlers and two maids. The maid who was one of the witnesses disappeared while running away, it is thought that she is probably dead. The other maid and the butler were unconscious stripped of their clothes," answered the soldier without changing his voice at all.
Everyone except Gedio and Kithan got surprised by the soldier's words.
"Something else to report?" asked Gedio without showing any sign of being affected by what the soldier said.
"Nothing else," answered the soldier stiffly.
"Return to your post and find the name of the victims," ordered Gedio.
"Understood Your Majesty!" answered the soldier then he stood up, saluted and left.
After the soldier left, the room was filled with unease, but that lasted for only a moment.
"Tiwor, quickly locate the heroes and shelter them, also prepare two squads, one to search any demon or missing hero in the castle and the other to search in the city and also make sure to send an order to close the entrance of the city," instructed Gedio with a strong and collected voice.
"Understood Your Majesty!" answered Tiwor without any sign of doubt in his eyes and voice.
"Your Majesty, I will get the names of every butler and maid working tonight and inform them to lord Tiwor," said Kithan who was as calm as a lake.
"Thank you Kithan. Tiwor, put into strict surveillance whoever doesn't match the information that Kithan gives you. You can kill them if they resists," said Gedio and then he faced Carrel to try to give him an order too.
But before Gedio could open his mouth, a man in dark robes, robes that is the sign of being a magician of the Royal Magician Corps, entered the room.
"Excuse me Your Majesty, there is an emergency," said the man in dark robes after he knelt down.
"Is it about the demons inside the castle?" asked Gedio with some tint of annoyance.
"It's not inside the castle, but outside. A horde of monsteres is attacking the nearby villages," said the robed man with some desperation in his voice.
"A horde of monsters!?" yelled duke Sekia with fear mixed in his voice.
"Control yourself in front of His Majesty," scolded Kithan, making duke Sekia to close his mouth and not mutter a single sound.
"How large is the horde?" asked Gedio calmly.
"Around five hundred, we believe that it is guided by some tamer, since the flow of their movements looks unnatural," answered the robed man who looked more composed after hearing Gedio's voice.
"I understand, if there is nothing else to report, return to your post," instructed Gedio.
"Yes, Your Majesty!" answered the robed man
But just after the robed man finished his words, Tiwor approached him like lightning and thrust his sword.
The attack was so fast that for the untrained eye it would look as if it were a flash of light, but the robed man wasn't wounded. In response of Tiwor sudden attack, the robed man jumped a few meters backwards, avoiding the thrust.
Everyone was surprised by this sudden turn of event that seemed to not make any sense.
A moment later, Carrel stepped in front of Gedio as if to protect him while pointing his extendend right hand towards the robed man, with a look that seemed to understand the situation.
"This is a demon, Your Majesty," said Carrel with a tense voice.
At Carrel's words, the dukes' faces started to go pale, however, in contrast to them, Gedio and Kithan looked confused as if the demon's appearance was something unexpected.
"Everyone stand back, we will take care of this fiend," said Tiwor while making a stance with his sword.
In response to Tiwor's sword stance and Carrel's hand pointing at him, the robed man inmediately ran to escape from his opponents.
At the moment where the robed man moved, Tiword leapt at him to slash him diagonally and Carrel fired two rock stakes from his right hand, one at the right of the robed man and the other at his left side to eliminate his escape route.
To avoid the rock stakes the robed man stopped running and used his left arm to block Tiwor's sword while he pointed his right hand towards Gedio.
Gedio jumped to his side and at that moment a bright red fire ball passed through the space he was at before.
"Your Majesty!" yelled everyone beside Gedio and the robed man.
At the moment where everyone got distracted by the attack towards Gedio, the robed man clapped his hands.
At first, some dukes were confused by that sudden clap, but an instant later, one by one started to fell to the ground.
Kithan took a small knife from his pocket and stabbed it in his thights managing to stay awake, while Carrel, Tiwor and Gedio resisted the sudden impulse to fall asleep making their mana to circulate quickly inside their bodies.
"Are you okay Your Majesty?" Tiwor asked with a face that didn't seem to show that he was in pain from the stab on his leg.
"It's okay, I am not that rusty yet, more importantly, who are you bastard?" interrogated Gedio while he brandished his greatsword.
The robed man didn't utter a single word and just stood in the same place while taking a look to his sides
"Your Majesty, this demon was probably hidden in the capital for a long time and decided to appear now that the Royal Mage Corps survaillance got weaker due to the summoning magic," said Carrel without losing his sight on the robed man.
"His objective must be Your Majesty's life or the heroes," said Tiwor who leapt again to attack the robed man.
The robed man parried Tiwor's sword with his arm again and then a fierce fight started.
Tiwor slashed at the robed man from his side, the robed man stopped that slash with his leg and kicked to Tiwor's head. The robed man duck and punched towards Tiwor's shin, but as to protect Tiwor, Carrel made a pillar of water to appear below the robed man.
The robed man couldn't avoid Carrel's magic and ended in the air due to the impact. Tiwor didn't lose that chance and slashed at him in a digonal downwards slash.
The robed man used his two arms this time to block Tiwor's attack and using the force of the impact he retreated while still being in midair to the wall behind him.
When the robed man was close to the wall, he used his feet to step on the wall and propelled himself towards Carrel.
Gedio grabbed Carrel's collar and pulled him to his body and thanks to that Carrel barely managed to avoid the robed man attack.
"Thank you, Your Majesty," said Carrel and then he shot three rock stakes towards the robed man.
The robed man used his both arms to parry the rock stakes.
"Don't let your guard down Lord Carrel, this demon is very strong, at least as strong as me," advised Tiwor while running towards the robed man.
"Even if he is as strong as you Tiwor , he is alone. This fool won't stand a chance against us who are numerically superior," said Gedio while slashing horizontally at the same time towards the robed man.
The robed man jumped backward avoiding his slash while shooting two bright red fire stakes.
Carrel made a water pillar horizontally to put down the flames.
"Your Majesty, This demon is fighting mostly defensively, I think that his real aim is to keep us busy," said Kithan with a cold calculatin eyes.
"You are quite smart old man," said the robed man with a mischievous voice.
Kithan ignored his remark and kept talking to Gedio.
"I think that his objective is to stall us so his companions can kill the heroes," said Kithan while bandaging his stabbed leg with his own coat.
"I also think that. Carrel send an emergency signal." instructed Gedio without stopping to look at the robed man.
"I can't Your Majesty, the wind element in the room and corridor is nonexistent for some reason." answered Carrel with a apologizing voice.
Hearing Carrel's answer, Kithan took a synchro bell from his pocked. That synchro bell is an emergency signal that can alert the whole castle that there is a huge danger inside.
When Kithan was about to ring the bell, the robed man fired a flame tornado towards him, Carrel stopped the fire tornado with water magic, but behind that flame tornado, the robed man appeared and when he was near Kithan, touched the bell and that bell melted.
"That was dangerous, I almost failed my job. Now what will you do arrogant humans?" said the robed man with a smile.
"Hah, cough, cough, hagh, haah, hah," Blair was coughing while moaning in pain. Her arms were was blue from all the bruises it had, and blood was dripping form the cuts she has from all over her body without anything covering the pitiful state her body was right now.
"Blair!" yelled Chris in a panicked voice while pointing his hands towards Blair.
"Not yet!" ordered Blair curtly, making a boxing fighting stance with her body covered in wounds.
"╱╲╳¯– —≡჻░⊥﹃╳¯–│ ┃ ┄ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈﹄ ┌┐," said a robed person while looking at Blair with a voice that seemed to be surprised.
Right now, Linda and Juán were on the floor of a bathhouse unconscious, Sarah was next them furiously shaking Linda to wake her up, Chris was in front of them as if to protect them while a heavily wounded Blair was facing against a person shrouded in a dark black robe. All of them naked except the robed person.
The whole place, be it the floor, walls or ceilings was full of small craters with only a few centimeters of deep while the wall that divides the male and female side of the bathhouse was almost entirely gone.
Blair didn't even try to answer those words that she couldn't understand and leapt at the robed person with the intention to punch. That jump made a huge explosive sound, but the floor didn't gave up and instead just a small crater that lacks it's bottom part appeared.
Blair's punch was filled with an incredible amount of strength behind and all of that was directed to that robed person's face.
"Urgh," groaned Blair spitting blood from her mouth.
The robed person didn't move, no in fact, that person didn't need to move. Just after Blair moved a few centimeter, she was suddenly hit in her chin by something invisible from bellow.
Blair stopped moving because of the pain and the robed person took that chance and pointed its right hand towards her while muttering something. At that moment, many new wounds appeared in Blair's entire body.
"Ahhh!" moaned Blair in pain while her body was getting constantly cut by invisible blades.
"Blair!" yelled Sarah with a face full of tears looking at Blair slowly dying, but just an instant later, her wounds started to quickly disappear until her body was completely healed.
"Thanks, hah, hah, I almost died there. Haah haah haah, how many, hah, times can you do it?" asked Blair with a determined face, but her voice and rough breathing clearly transmitted that she was still in pain and exhausted.
"I can heal that amount of wounds just four more times," said Chris with an apologetic voice.
"That's, hah, hah, enough," said Blair slowly while making a threatening face towards the robed person.
"Just stop and come here Blair! You are going to die at this rate!" frantically yelled Sarah.
"I can't. She will destroy the barrier again if I don't hold her off and Juán can't create another one since he is still unconscious," said Blair after her breathing calmed down.
Sarah tried to say something, but before she could finish her sentence, Blair leaped towards the robed person again making a loud explosive sound with her jump.
This whole mess started fourty minutes after Blair entered the bath. Blair was complaining with Sarah about the fact that Eun-Ha, Kuroko in their case, didn't joined them to the baths.
The boys and Linda discovered that one of the wall was the one that separated the men and women side and it was thin enough for the boys to be able to chat with the girls and after that, all of them started to chat about many things. About this strange situation, about how good this bath was, but the thing that took more of their time was the topic about Hokuto's and Kuroko's relationship. Not only they were supossed to be from the same country, the both of them didn't had any soul skill and the two of them strongly rejected to have a bath and disappeared somewhere.
At that point, they were about to suspect again that they were a shady pair and a gloomy mood was about to be formed, but Sarah's comentary about the two of them to be actually a couple completely destroyed the gloomy mood and the topic changed in ways that would make Eun-Ha to want to kill himself.
They didn't planned to stay in the baths for so long, but because it was their first time enjoying this kind of bath and the topic was more interesting that they expected, they ended up staying inside for a long time.
At some moment of their chat, Blair saw a strange person in suspicious robes inside the bathhouse and Blair felt that something was off about that person, quickly held Sarah and Linda and jumped to the side, outside of the water. At that moment the water of the place they were in just a moment before splashed everywhere as if it had been hit by an invisible hammer.
Sarah and Linda were confused by that sudden turn of events, but Blair inmediately responded by jumping at that mysterious person in order to punch it.
That person moved a few meters to the left in just an instant, making Blair to miss her attack and punching the wall, but for some reason the monstrous strength of Blair was unable to destroy it and only left a crater without the bottom part.
After Sarah saw those two movements, she entred in a panic state due to fear, but Linda's reaction was different and she just decided to fire her soul skill right next to the intruder as a warning shot, without considering that her attack could probably pierce all the way to the outside of the castle destroying or killing anything on the way.
But, suprisingly, Linda's attack only managed to destroy the wall that divided the male and female side of the bath and make a huge dent on the wall of the boy's side.
The boys were surprised by the sudden explosion that they heard and the wall disappearing, but that surprise was nothing compared to the shock that the robed person felt.
The robed person muttered something in a language different from Talkian and then proceded to point at Linda and from the hand of the robed person, a strong compressed air was fired, but Linda wasn't damaged at all.
Juán made a barrier to protect Linda just in time and after that, Blair quickly jumped next to Chris and Juán, grabbed their arms and then jumped next to Linda, where the barrier was located.
While Blair was doing that, the robed person kept firing compressed air to the barrier until Blair managed to hide inside it while bringing Chris and Juán.
The hero group started to shout outside for help while the robed person started to mutter a long sentence and after a minute, the robed person shot a huge mass of compressed air which finally destroyed the barrier.
Juán alerted the others about the barrier breaking and after hearing that, Blair leapt at the robed person to punch it, but the robed person reaction was fast and quickly jumped a few meters to the side, evading Blair's attack again which ended up hitting another wall.
This time too, Blair's jump and her punch didn't destroy the floor nor the wall, making the heroes to understand that the robed person had a similar ability to Juán and that the help wouldn't come due to that ability, but she expected that to happen, so she quickly rotated on the spot using the wall where her punch landed to help her do that and leapt at the robed person again and this time she managed to hit it, but only the arms of her opponent, since the robed person made a defense posture.
Blair expected her opponent's arms to break, but she felt as if she punched through a soft cushion before reaching her opponent arms and the robed person, even though was blown away a few meters back, wasn't injured at all. Blair regretted to have held back because she was worried that her opponent would die if she hit it with her full strength.
Linda decided that it would be stupid to hold herself anymore and tried to fire another round of her soul skill, this time directly to the robed person and in case that her objective evaded it, she would destroy the wall to make an escape route, however a sudden dizzines assaulted her and she fell deeply asleep without being able to launch her attack. Juán also felt that sudden drowsiness, but before falling unconscious like Linda, he managed to make another barrier to protect the ones near him.
Chris thought that those two were attacked by something, so he tried to heal them but it wasn't effective. It seems that they weren't injured, lacking energy or sick, but they were simply sleeping, so his healing abilities didn't work on them.
After that, Chirs and Blair made a battle plan.
The strategy was waking up Linda so she can shoot her soul skill to defeat the enemy or at least to make a possible escape route from this place while Blair held their opponent off.
Blair raised the amount of strength that her soul skill gave her and then a bloody fight began, but the only one who was damaged in that fight was Blair. She didn't managed to launch a single attack of her again while she was constantly smashed or cut by compressed air by the opponent instead.
At first, Chris tried to heal Blair everytime she hurt herself, but Blair said that he would tire out if he wastes his healing on small scratches so they decided to only heal her whenever she received a mortal wound.
And twenty minutes passed after that.
Blair succesfully manged to avoid the robed person to attack the barrier again since it was too busy dealing with a strengthened Blair, but in turn, she got seriously injured more than fifteen times, three of those times a part of her torso was completely destroyed and four times she lost at least on of her limbs.
"Chris, change of strategy, just keep healing me constantly while I rush at that fucker. I promise you that I am going to blown off that fucker's head with my full power!" yelled Blair with an intense anger after lowering her posture and then she proceeded to run straight at her opponent.
The robed person just kept jumping from a side to another to avoid Blair's rush while firing at her a barrage of compressed air blows and slashes.
"That's reckless, you barely have any energy remainng right!? Also, even if I heal you, you are still going to feel pain! And finally, I don't think I can heal you if you head explodes or something! Just listen to Sarah and come back here! It's not certain that that person can destroy Juán's barrier again!" scremed Chris while healing Blair as ordered.
Blair's body was injured and healed in an instant later without end. Sarah was crying seeing that scene from hell and she started to shake Linda more desperately.
"Graaah!" roared Blair who was gritting her teeth to endure the pain and kept running straight to the robed person.
It seems that the robed person didn't expect this situation at all. Blair was suddenly a few times stronger and her wounds regenerated in just an instant, looking as if she became an inmortal monster all of a sudden and the robed person started to being unable to keep Blair's pace.
Blair's speed was incomprable from before, a right punch which was evaded by jumping to the side while shooting three compressed air cannon. Blair took that attack head on while leaping at her opponent like a mad bull and she threw a left hook.
The robed person made an air explosion to create distance between them, managing to avoid the left hook thanks to making itself fly away due to the shockwave of the explosion, but Blair wasn't blown off and she ran at the robed person and she made a right straight.
The robed person jumped way above Blair, and used the ceilling to land behind Blair and tried to attack her to the back of her head. Blair reacted by rotating and making a roundhouse kick, which seemed to be too rough compared to her punches, but neverthless it managed to stop the robed person's attack and after that the robed person attacks were lesser and lesser, since evading was more and more difficult.
Blair chased after her opponent launching a combination of different punches
Left hook, right hook, left straight, left hook, right upper, left straight, right straight, each time Blair impulsed herself or her punches landed on a wall, a huge shockwave was created. The robed person was jumping around all over the bathhouse afraid of getting hit by her. The robed person ocasionally would fire a powerful attack in contrast of the previous weak but fast barrages, but even then Blair's mad rush couldn't be stopped.
However, Blair didn't have it easy at all. Because of the long fight she had until now, her full power would only last one minute and the torture of receiving the pain of mortal wounds consecutively couldn't be described, making her almost pass out many times.
This was a huge gamble where she risked it all, if she stopped moving for a moment due to pain or Chris healing run out or if she receives an instant death wound this strategy would fail and everybody would probably die.
Because Blair knew how dangerous and risky it was she didn't tried to discuss it with Chris, since she was sure that he will opose that idea. She decided to just start with the strategy after giving a rough explanation, believing in Chris and doing her best to endure all the pain she was likely going to suffer and thanks to her perseverance her bet paid off.
She was able to sense an incoming attack to her head, which she evaded by twisting her body to the side, then she slid using the moisture of the floor approaching the robed man from the bottom left side and she finally managed to land a blow again, connecting a strong left hook.
The robed person defended in the same way as before, but this time she managed to damage her opponent. The robed person's sleeve was torn by the shockwave of Blair's punch, and the arm was bent in an impossible direction.
That punch made the robed person to it's equilibrium and Blair didn't missed that opening following it up with a right uppercut to her opponent and as Blair promised, the head was really blown up.
A little shower of blood mixed with some stuff that shouldn't be outside of a human's head fell on Blair, but she couldn't care about that at all since she fell unconscious at the same time her opponent died.
On the other hand, the faces of Chris and Sarah was a mix of relief, fear and disgust due to that conclusion.
Chris and Sarah shaked their heads to remove that gruesome picture out of their minds and headed to the changing room to bring clothes and towels for themselves and the ones who were still unconscious, but an invisible barrier in the changing room made them unable to move more than a few centimeters inside, making them unable to retrieve thier clothes.
Chris said that everyone are going to catch a cold at this rate, so he suggested to enter the hot water again until that barrier dissipates or Linda wakes up and made her destroy that barrier.
Sarah, nodded and she dragged Blair and Linda inside the water while Chris did that to Juán.
Now that the tension disappeared, Sarah and Chris started to feel a little embarrassed about the fact that they were naked, but even then, they decided to stay close in case that something happened again.
Thirty minutes after they dipped in the hot water again, Linda and Hugo finally woke up and before Chirs or Sarah could warn them, the two of them saw the bloody scene that Blair left behind and they almost vomited in the water.
This was the first battle out of the many one that the heroes of the world Wifrahl would face, an adventure that would be told in another story.
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The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time
When a wrong path is chosen, it isn't surprising to have a miserable ending.
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Core Worlds
A mysterious alien ship approaches earth. Its mission to Initialize and Seed the planet. But what does that mean. Invasion? Just visiting? Alien virus? 10 years later: The Alien invasion? Nope. Schools became Co-ed/Co-ET. Elves? good cheerleaders. Friendly port of call? Orks and Dwarves love Microbrew. Animals turning into large killing machines? We hunted it. No tag limits. Good barbeque too. The Alien virus? Oh. That. They gave us nannite Cores attached to our spine. No biggie. It made us stronger and faster though. Only if you are 18. Seriously. Follow Brian Hunter as he navigates through life as a young man, Discover new worlds, and maybe get an Elf girlfriend.
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Her Fragmented Mind
Nineteen year old Kristin O'Reilly, a first year university student, has had a tumultuous life so far. Living with her uncle, they have been striving to figure out all the issues she has been facing. When a new voice takes control it becomes apparent that there has been much more to her life than she ever knew. Will she be able to reconcile with these parts of herself, or will her life continue to spiral into chaos? *Cross Posted from Wattpad*
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The game is paramount, the game decides the fate of the worlds. Living a ruined city, in a forgotten and war-torn world that was never meant to partake in the game where familial name and strength means all, two candidates struggle to survive until an odd duo makes them an irrefutable offer. Unknown to them they are about to be thrust into an eternal game as terrifying forces clash around them and normalcy becomes but a lovely notion. Candidates and families will continue to fight for power while Lillian and Sledge just want to end the suffering and conflict as they try to navigate the chaos of the game and maybe gain some control over their lives. Of course, they will learn the game isn't nearly as simple as it sounds. And when it starts, more than just the world will be flipped on its head. Completely new to this, as such the best thing is feedback. Cover made for TCG by: Roge
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Age of Gods
Orcs, humans, elves, dwarves, mancers, dragonican, giants, titans, ogres, werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, elemental beings, fairies, goblins and etc.. All races live here dreaming to be one of the great gods. A world of dreams and a world full of adventures!Follow an ordinary boy, born in the weakest race in his journey and adventures and later on shake the whole world or should I say conquer the world of Asura.
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The Pain Called Love (Kaoru x Reader)
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