《Who Mourns the Dead?》Chapter 5


‘God I’m tired.’ Marco thought to himself as each step he took sent pain shooting up his legs, ‘Gods, I suppose.’ Marco chuckled to himself. It was all so surreal and yet it was happening. He had to accept it, there wasn’t another option. Even though the idea of returning to the dungeon terrified him Marco pushed himself to accept it. ‘I’ll ask SteelBreaker if there’s anyway to get out. If not I’ll do my best not to die.’ Marco decided before comforting himself, ‘At least I’ll have superpowers like I’ve always dreamed of.’

Marco stopped as he walked by a grove of trees, checked if anyone was around, then ducked between the low branches as he made his was towards the center of the collection of trees. It was getting late, almost 9 according to Marco’s watch, so he probably wouldn’t be found practicing magic in the trees of his university's campus. ‘It’s not like they have a rule against it.’ Marco thought with a smile.

After walking as deep as he could into the trees Marco picked out a sturdy looking tree before raising his hand, open palmed, at the tree. ‘Here goes nothing.’ Marco thought to himself as he whispered, “Shadow Shuriken!”

The cold energy trickled through his body towards his hand before condensing into a ball of shadows at the end of his hand. Taking a closer look Marco could confirm that it did not look anything like a shuriken, while also noting that the ball of shadows seemed to be slowly spinning counterclockwise. ‘Hmm. Weird.’ Marco thought to himself before 'letting' it shoot towards the tree.

A dull thud reverberated in Marco's ears as the shadows hit the tree. Through the dissipating shadows Marco could clearly see a gash in the tree, as if a blade had been thrown into the tree. Marco made to walk towards the tree for a closer examination but abruptly stopped after something flew from behind him and smashed into pieces on the ground in front of him.


‘A… beer bottle?’ Marco thought in confusion before turning around to gaze at the culprit. Marco’s breath caught in his throat as he realized what was about to happen, “Chad” he said so quietly that it was barely audible.

“I told you!” Chad yelled, “I was going to see you tonight! Hahahaha. You’re paler than usual, what’s wrong? Scared of something? Or maybe… someone?” Marco winced and said, “Chad, you’re drunk, let me help you get back to-”

“FUCK THAT!” Chad interrupted, “I don’t need you to help me. I’ll tell you what I need.” Chad cracked his knuckles, a mad grin spreading across his face, “I need to relieve some pent up anger. Y’know I miss our boxing matches. I really do.” Without thinking Marco turned to run before feeling the weight of Chad's enormous frame tackle him from behind.

Marco went down with a thud, 'Not again!' he screamed in his head. Strangely, though, instead of pouncing on Marco like he used to Chad just stood over him. “Why don’t you ever fight back Marco? Hmmm?” Chad taunted, “I’ll tell you why you little fucker. It’s because you’re a pussy. How dare you treat me like that today. I’ll make you remember how to treat me!” Chad raved as he began to violently kick Marco. After enduring several kicks a damage value floated up in Marco's blurring vision:

-1 HP

Tiring of kicking Marco’s feeble figure Chad spat on Marco and screamed, “Get up you motherfucker!” With rage burning in his eyes Marco struggled to stand up. “What the fuck are you looking at?!” Chad asked as he threw a punch at Marco’s face. The fist connected, sending Marco back a few steps, 'Not again.' Marco told himself as he forcefully planted his feet on the ground.

Without a word Marco swung back, landing a clean uppercut on Chad’s brutish face. “Huh?” Chad grunted dumbly, “What?” Chad’s face contorted in confusion as his drunken mind attempted to work out what had just happened. “Did you just… hit me?” Chad asked as if it was unthinkable.


“Yes.” Marco said as fury burned beneath his skin, “Yea that’s right. I fucking hit you. You big dumb asshole. I’m not just gonna take your beatings anymore, cause you’re the motherfucker!” Chad’s face broke into a savage expression in response as uncontrollable laughter bubbled from his mouth, “That’s more like it! I’m gonna enjoy beating the shit out of you again!”

Chad drunkenly rushed Marco as he got up. On his way up Marco picked up a rock before whispering, “Shadow Shuriken!” as he assumed a low position. Chad descended, throwing right hook at Marco with practiced motions. Marco, having anticipated this, ducked under Chad’s hulking arm before propelling himself towards Chad’s chest. The magic left Marco’s hand, shooting the rock forward to land solidly on Chad’s stomach.

-5 HP

Marco smiled in relief at having not accidently killed Chad with magic he didn't fully understand. Beneath him, on the ground, Chad lay gasping for breath. Marco smiled- this felt good. Marco grabbed Chad by his hair and raised his head so that they made eye contact, “Listen here you stupid fuck,” Marco said, “next time you think you want to start a fight with me you remember how you feel right now.” Marco dropped Chad’s head back on the ground and walked away, enjoying the groaning that he heard behind him.

Marco began to calm down from the fight, surprised that he couldn’t stop smiling at the feeling of victory that filled him. ‘So this is what it’s like to be powerful?’ Marco asked himself as he examined his empty palm, ‘This is what Chad felt when he beat me?’ Lowering his hand Marco gazed at the darkened sky above him and couldn’t stop himself from thinking ‘I like this.’

This wasn’t the feeling he got when he defeated the skeleton. This was different. He hadn’t survived a fight, no- he’d completely and utterly decimated his opponent. 'I've never felt anything like this before.' Marco thought to himself, 'This is different from games. Different from good grades. Different from anything I've ever felt.' and as sadistic pleasure beat in Marco's heart he decided that what he was feeling was the feeling of power.

It was in that moment, spurred by the dark pleasure Marco was experiencing that he changed his mind about the dungeon, ‘With risk comes reward. After beating one weak monster I’m powerful enough to whip Chad with ease. What would I be like if I keep going?’ Lost in his mind Marco’s legs automatically led him back to his dorm.

Entering the dorm Marco walked to his door, stopping himself before he fit the key in the lock. ‘What am I going to say to Oscar if he’s here?’ Marco asked himself as he thought back to his scalding rant earlier today. ‘I’ve probably killed whatever was left of our relationship.’ Marco whispered in his head. 'Whatever the case,' Marco assessed, 'I don’t have anywhere else to sleep.'

Marco tensely turned the handle before walking into the dark room. In the darkness rays of moonlight pierced through the window to reveal the sleeping figure of Oscar. Marco gave a hushed sigh of relief, silently making his way to his bed. Marco realized as he lay down just how much his legs from the running, how much his stomach ached from the kicks, and how familiar his face felt from the hit he’d taken.

Yet, unlike every other time he had come home from an encounter with Chad, Marco felt sure of himself. Cementing that feeling in his mind Marco thought, ‘I’m not a loser. No,’ Marco continued, ‘Now I’m on top; this is what it feels like to be on top.’ And as Marco felt himself drifting off to sleep he gave himself an order, ‘This is how it’s going to be from now on.’

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