《Thank you, Mr. Robot》Chapter 14: Long road ahead


As their journey began they were constantly being asked questions by Jill.

˝What do you think the capital will look like? I wonder what we'll see on the way there?˝ She asked.

˝Um, probably like a big city, with big streets and lots of people. Probably mostly wildlife and maybe some lakes or something like that.˝ Said Liz with a hand on her head.

˝Sorry about her, she's been like that since we were little. I'm Rora, this overly exited girl's childhood friend and a hunter. Nice to meet you.˝ Rora said while putting a hand over Jill's mouth.

˝It's alright. I kind of understand not being able to travel a lot, so you do get pretty excited when you get the chance. I'm Liz and this here's Alfred, nice to meet you too.˝ Liz said as she shook hands with Rora.

˝So what's the deal with you two, how did you become our guards and all that?˝ Rora said looking at Alfred as he just stared at her blankly.

˝Well you probably know why you're going to the capital. So the information about the lack of grey wolves was given to your chief by me. We were traveling throught it and only encountered one lonely wolf. We wanted to go to the capital anyway, so chief WIlliam gave us this opportunity go get a ride.˝ Liz said slightly annoyed at having to explain the whole thing again.

˝That makes sense then. I hope since you're able to kill a grey wolf you're able to handle yourself. I'll also help with my bow in case something attacks us.˝ Rora said while holding up her hunting bow.

˝We can handle ourselves quite well, Alfred here is quite good at fighting. So how come you're on this caravan Rora?˝ Liz asked.

˝Oh, well I'm here in case more details about the forrest are needed at the guild. Also to keep Jill in check. And can you please tell Alfred to stop staring at me, it's kinda scary.˝ Rora said as Alfred turned his head away, confusing Rora a bit. Since golems usually only follow their master's orders.

˝Don't worry, Alfred's just a bit different compared to other golems, he's not going to hurt you. Also could you maybe teach me how to use the bow when we rest? Only if you'll have the time of course.˝ Liz said, hoping to get some ranged weapon training since daggers are not always usefull.


˝No problem, I was thinking about training anyway so I'll gladly help you out with learning archery.˝ Rora said as Jill managed to finally remove her hand from her mouth.

˝What kind of weapons do you use? Why is Alfred shinier compared to yesterday?˝ Jill asked again with excitement in her voice. This made Rora facepalm.

˝Well, I use daggers and Alfred wields a spear. Well he polished himself a bit during the night.˝ Liz said.

˝That's so cool. And the whole polishing thing makes sense.˝ Jill said while nodding her head.

˝So how long is the journey to the capital anyway?˝ Liz asked Paulus.

˝Hm? Usually it takes around 2-3 weeks. It depends if the weather is kind to us, or if it's an absolute bastard.˝ Paulus said while looking at the sky. They've been traveling for a few hours now so it's around midday.

˝Let's hope for the best then. So when and where are we planning on making camp?˝ Liz said mostly waiting to see if they're gonna eat something special.

˝Probably in a few hours, there's a nice stream further ahead so we could get water for the horses there.˝Paulus said as they continued on the road.

After a few hours they saw the stream, since the are around it was cleared this was cleary often used as a rest stop. Around the cleared area was what seemed to be a thicket of trees. They stopped the carriage and Paulus started designating roles.

˝I would like your golem Alfred to also go fill up some cauldrons with water and bring it over. Also Liz and Jill if you could mayhaps collect some firewood and start a fire, when you're done with that set up the two tents. And Rora, I would be prudent to inspect the are for any wildlife or people. I'll take care of the horses. Now chop chop. ˝ He clapped.

They all did they assigned duties. According to Rora the only things around were some horned snail tracks, but nothing else.

˝Horned snails are docile creatures anyway so we don't have to worry about those.˝ Rora said as she laid down her bow next to the carriage.

˝That's quite nice to hear. So who's going to cook. We have some vegetables and dried meat we could use for a stew. I would do it myself, but I'm a terrible cook.˝ Jill said as she brought the ingredients next to the campfire.


˝Alfred's very good at cooking if I may say so myself. So it would be no problem for him to do it.˝ Liz said proudly.

˝Affirmative, I will start cooking immediately.˝ Alfed said as he took the vegetables from Jill and started cutting and throwing them into the cauldron.

˝That's quite a convenient golem you got there Liz, it seems that Alfred is smarter than the average golem.˝ Paulus said as his monocle shined again.

˝Am, yeah he sure is, hehe. So about that archery training Rora? Can we do it until the food is ready?˝ Liz said trying to change the subject.

˝Uh yeah sure, let's try hitting that tree over there to start with. I'll also show you how to string the bow and repair the arrows.˝ Rora said confused at the sudden change in conversation.

So they continued their own things for two hours until the light started to dim a bit. Alfred continued cooking, Liz and Rora were training. Jill was interested in both things so she went from looking at Alfred cook to watching Liz try to shoot.

Paulus was feeded the horses and inspecting the carriage for any damage.

˝The food is ready.˝ Alfred said as he started filling some wooden cups with the stew.

˝Thanks for the food Alfred.˝ Liz said as she hurried to take a cup.

˝It undoubtedly looks and smells like a great meal, thank you Alfred.˝ Paulus said with a smile.

˝Yeah, thanks.˝ ˝Uu, yummy.˝ Said Rora and Jill respectively.

˝Great as always Alfred. So please give me some seconds.˝ Liz said as she gave Alfred her cup. He filled it up and then proceeded to fill up everyones cups, since they all wanted seconds.

˝Now that we've eaten let's go rest for the night. I will sleep in the carriage so you can take the two tents. I would also like Liz to make Alfred take watch, since he doesn't need to sleep. Goodnight everyone. We've got a long journey ahead of us so rest up.˝ Paulus said as he got into the carriage.

˝Night, night, we'll be taking the left tent so the right one is yours Liz.˝ ˝Goodnight.˝ Said Jill and Rora as they entered their tent.

So Liz and Alfred were left alone around the campfire. And Alfred asked.

˝How is your training doing?˝

˝Not so good, I don't think my body is built for archery, you know small and all that. I got the dagger skill really fast, and here I tried for two hours and nothing.˝ Liz shrugged.

˝We all have our capabilities and inabilities. I would like to also inform you about Artisia's guidance from last night's prayer. She told us to try to convert people interested in golems, so not just randomly.˝ Alfred said as he started cleaning the cauldron that's been picked clean.

˝Yeah that makes sense, we should be careful though. I think Paulus is doing something with his monocle, he seems to know about you being special. But I don't know how much he understands about you.˝ Liz said quietly.

˝I also thought that he seemed to know my true nature. So are you also going to go rest now?˝ Alfred asked.

˝Yap, well unless you'll be lonely here all by yourself.˝ Liz said grinning only to see a headshaking Alfred.

˝No need, you do require some rest. I will be fine by myself. Also it seems like we'll need to work hard to recruit new people for Artisia. I was also thinking about making a name for myself and through time changing the view on constructs. Though that will take considerable time.˝ Alfred said as he finished cleaning.

˝That's a good plan, I'll help in any way I can. But it does seem we have a long road ahead of us Alfred.˝ Liz said as she got up put a hand on Alfred's shoulder and said. ˝Goodnight, partner.˝

˝Goodnight to you too, partner.˝ Alfred said while looking at the two moons in the night sky. This did not seem strange to him, since his previous world had 5 moons.

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