《Thank you, Mr. Robot》Chapter 5: System information


As soon as Alfred said those words a screen appeared before his eyes.

Welcome to System Information, please choose one of the following options:

-System: Tutorial;

-System: Status;

-System: Quest Log;



´Looks just like the thing I saw before my arrival to Artisia's realm. So that must have been a system message as well. I wonder why two of the options are redacted.´ He thought to himself before saying: ˝System: Tutorial˝, suddenly new words appeared on the screen.

Thank you for selecting the system tutorial. This tutorial features the explanations of the status and quest screens as well as terms related to them. Any unexplained system features can be examined by saying System: Explain [ INSERT TERM HERE].


The status screen allows the user to identify their current capabilities. On the screen you will find your name, age, race, health points, mana capacity, level, class, skills, titles as well as your attribute scores. Since the likelihood of the user knowing the terms name and age is high, it will not we explained.

1.1 Health points and mana capacity

Health points are a numerical representation of the users abitly to sustain damage. These health points are increased by certain skills, titles and attribute scores. These points can also be recovered through natural regeneration as well as the use of spells and medical skills. Mana capacity determines the amound of spells you can cast. Mana regenerates automatically through time or with special potions. Similarly to health points mana capacity can be increased by certain skills, titles and attribute scores.

1.2 Race

The term refers to the species of the user. Each race has unique passive skills, classes as well as increases to certain attribute scores. Once the user reaches the maximum level of 100, they will unlock the option of evolution. This will change their race to a superior kind, the choices for evolution are determined by current/previous classes, skills and titles.


1.3 Level

Level is the accumulation of experience points that are aquired by slaying monsters. Note: There is no experience gain from slaying sentient entities. Skills also have levels which increase with repeated use.

1.4 Class

When the user has aquired certain skills or titles it is possible to gain a class by visiting a Class Priest. Classes boost certain attributes as well as increase the learning speed of appropriate skills. Classes can also be upgraded when the user gains enough levels in the required skills. Note: Generous donation may be needed.

Upgraded classes boost your capabilities even further than non upgraded classes.

1.5 Skills and titles

Certain capabilities are refered to as skills, these can be manufacturing, fighting, magical skills and so on. The method of learning and leveling up a skill is through the repeat of certain actions, it is easier to do this with the help of someone that has already aquired that skill before. Similar to classes, skills also evolve after reaching a certain level, though that level is different for each individual skill.

Titles on the other hand are aquired by doing some non-ordinary deed or through the recognition of a third party. These titles sometimes increase attributes scores or allow learning previously unlearnable skills.

1.6. Attribute scores

These are used to numerically measure a users capabilities in a certain field.These attributes are:

-Strength, higher strength means increased physical power;

-Constitution directly increases health points as well as stamina ;

-Dexterity increases your reflexes as well as your agility;

-Inteligence increases your maximum mana capacity as well as the speed of learning skills;

-Wisdom boosts your natural mana regeneration and makes you more perceptive of your surroundings;

-Charisma determines your persuasiveness as well as your abitly of knowing others intent.

2. Quest log

The quest log allows you to see past and current quests and their time limit, quest giver, description as well possible rewards. Quests can be given by a user to another user by signing a contract and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the specific mission.


Hopefully this tutorial has provided you with enough understanding of the system. If you have any complaints or suggestions about the system or the tutorial, please tell these to a Class priest.

´Hm, this system seems more complex than I first expected. Though no mention of those two redacted options. I guess I should try out that Explain function, System: Explain [Redacted] ˙Alfred thought to himself hoping this would shine a light on these weird options. Sadly he only got a very unhelpful message.

[Redacted] is [Redacted], because of [Redacted].

˝I guess I will have to find some other way of finding out about this. Well I guess I will try the status function then.˝ Alfred muttered to himself.

˝System: Sta.˝

˝Alfred, this is bad, this is really bad!˝ Liz rudely interrupted him.

Alfred saw a panicked Liz pointing at their supplies. So he walked over and said: ˝What is it something wrong with our supplies or is there something else?˝

˝Just look in the bag, you will see˝ She said with a frown on her face.

Alfred carefully opened the supply bag, inside seem to be packs of dried meat and what seemed to be some sort of bread wrapped in leaves.

˝There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this Liz, I mean it looks like long lasting meals were given to us. Is that a really bad thing.˝ Alfred asked slightly confused as to why Liz was so distraught.

˝Haha, nothing wrong you say, haha. This is elven bread and jerky, this is totaly bland stuff. Why do we have to eat this shit till we get to a town? And even worse, there is not even a single sweet thing in the pack.˝ Liz said while flailing her arms around.

Alfred now understanding the situation decided to just check on the other equipment while saying: ˝Liz you seem to have forgotten something.˝ He pointed at his face. ˝I don't require sustiance, so this is all your food, not ours. And besides since we will be following the river we are bound to find some edible aquatic life.˝

This didn't cheer Liz up, she was now looking at Alfred like he was some pitiful creature. She came close and put a hand on his shoulder while was trying to put backpack on and said: ˝So you have never experienced wonderful world of sweets and pastries. Oh, what a cruel world you must have lived in. Don't worry I'm sure we will be able to get that fixed in the future. Also, the whole part about fishing, nah, too much work.˝

˝Uh, that seems fine to me. If I suddnely gain the ability to eat, I will try this food that you crave so much. And leave the fishing and cooking to me, cooking is one the things I was designed for anyway.˝ Alfred said while picking up a spear that was given to them. ˝Also can you carry the backpack with the food, while I carry the camping gear?

˝Yeah, yeah. Even if I dislike that tasteless meat and bread it's better than starving. And can you give me one of those daggers, I would like to have something for self-defence in case of emergency.˝ Liz said while pointing at a simple steel dagger.

˝Here you go. Before we go I would like to check my status, if I may. Sorry for the inconvenience.˝ Alfred said while giving her the dagger.

Liz then sat down, put the dagger in her holster and started eating a piece of jerky. ˝No problem, we are companions now, so don't apologize for these kinds of things. Ugh, it really needs some sauce.˝ She said between bites.

˝System: Status˝ Alfred said brimming with anticipation.

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