《Divine Elementalist》Chapter 14: Relaxing
Well. Another day.
Another chapter.
Enjoy this one!
Chapter 14: Relaxing
After the fight with the three girls, they disappeared with Damion and I went to go read in the library because I didn’t feel like going to class. I read about some useless information regarding different monsters and their abilities. I also read about the forest of a thousand trials.
The forest of a thousand trials has existed as long as this planet. No one knows who created it, but it is used by various schools for testing their students. The first ten trials are puzzles that change depending on the size of the group. No information on the trials was inside the book.
After reading, it was dark, so I went to bed.
At this school there is a rest day every three days.
I wake up and sigh as I remember that I no longer have a prosthetic. I wonder if I could get Damion to help me find one that can be used in fights. I guess I can go ask him right now. I hope Dr. Frizen isn’t there.
I get out of my bed. Thankfully no one was in my room this morning. I have a quick shower and get dressed.
I grab the door handle and take a deep breath. Another day at the Verandus beginner academy.
I open the door. I suddenly feel my internal energy circulate faster than normal. I smile.
A-rank of the first realm. Just one more step to go. I am excited to use spatial energy.
I know that this step will be easier because advancing to the next realm is easier than getting to the next rank. It is a matter of skill rather than gathering internal energy and strengthening the body. I hope that it goes smoothly from here on out.
I was hoping those girls would try when they were fighting me.
They tried to go easy on me but lost almost instantly. Sayaka was the only one that used a technique. It was slightly depressing. I bet Damion feels the same way because he was clearly testing my fighting ability.
I sigh yet again while walking towards Damion’s office. How was he even able to become the principal?
Whatever. I think he owes me quite a bit now though.
I helped his only son. I kind of helped his wife with her theory. I wonder what type of prosthetics I can get.
I arrive at the office and knock on the door.
Damion calls from inside the room, “Please come in.”
Damion was facing the wall in his office chair. He turns around as I enter the room. I smile, “Hey Damion. I need a new prosthetic. Could I possibly order a good one that can be used in battle through you?”
He nods, “Well, I was just waiting for you to ask. I already have one for you. I prepared it as soon as I found out that you just had a standard prosthetic.”
I hit my face with my hand, “Tell me these things sooner!”
He shrugs his shoulders, “It doesn’t really matter, does it? Anyways. Here it is.” Damion grabs something from underneath his desk.
He tosses me the prosthetic. It weighs about as much as a normal arm. It looks like a large chunk of metal. It has joints where there should be joints and looks like A normal arm, except made of metal. I look at it for a little while. As I place it on my arm I correctly place the straps.
Damion laughs, “It looks too natural for you. That aside, this one is different in that it is controlled by the circulation of internal energy rather than sensors. It will not actually use up any internal energy, but if you are out of internal energy, you will have no way to control the arm. It should have the strength to last you until at least the fifth realm.”
I nod, “Well, thank you for this. It seems like it could be better than my other arm after some practice. I was thinking this talk would take longer… I don’t really know what I’m going to do next.”
Damion starts writing on some papers on his desk, “Well. You brought your laptop, right? Why not surf the internet. Learn some things that aren’t taught in school. Oh, you’ll need this.” He opens a drawer on his desk and throws me a small USB. “Install the file on this on your desktop and run it. You will then get access at the gold card level.”
I grab the USB out of the air, “Thanks. I guess I’ll go now. I’ll see you whenever you are done with your next scheme.” I wave behind me as I leave the room.
Damion is such a nice person. Well I have a suspicion someone higher up is pulling all the strings behind the scenes. That doesn’t really matter to me right now though.
There is still this nagging feeling I have that keeps telling me that I am forgetting something incredibly important.
This is annoying. I need to figure out what this feeling is as soon as possible.
My stomach growls. I will do it immediately after I eat.
I turn towards the cafeteria. While I’m walking I see a lot of zombie like students. Why are they so tired?
A random student walks up to me and pats my shoulder, “Good job man. You defeated students that we could only wish to defeat.”
I tilt my head, “I don’t understand. If you are talking about the fight yesterday, I only won against the second realm girls because they were going easy on me. Their real fighting strength is most likely a lot higher.”
The student laughs, “No man, you took it too literally. You got them all to like you dude. You can have what most men dream of, a harem!”
I hit my face with my hand, “I seriously don’t want that. I just want a normal relationship with my wife from the other world once I find her. First I need to apologize, then I need to repay her for everything that she did for me.”
The student frowns, “Dude. That sounds depressing.”
I shrug my shoulders, “Most people cry or rethink their life when they hear about my story. I’m hungry, so I’m going to get going. Also, start telling people that I do not want a harem. A harem is the worst thing a man can do. A man must stay faithful to one woman and one woman alone. That is my personal belief.”
The student shrugs as he walks towards the training fields. I continue to walk towards the cafeteria.
I make it to my seat in the cafeteria. Alice should come to sit down here soon.
Almost as if on que, “Hello Ryu. Pleasure to meet you again.” Alice sits down across from me like normal.
I sigh, “You seem content just sitting and talking to me while I am eating, what’s up with that?”
She frowns, “I just wanted to be friends with you. Speaking of which, I saw your fight with Kelly, Claire and Sayaka. It was amazing how you beat all of them without exerting much energy. In fact, I think you only used it to throw Claire further.”
I nod, “Yeah, they didn’t even try. I’m sure you noticed. The only person who even kind of tried was Sayaka, and even then, she could have easily escaped my hold on her if she tried to stab at my leg, but because she didn’t want to hurt me, I abused the fact.”
She laughs, “You sure are ruthless.”
I shake my head, “No. I am quick thinking. Anyways. They were too easy. I can’t use weapons too well and on top of that, I can’t use any of my techniques until I get to the second realm. So I am at a disadvantage no matter who I fight right now. If I falter even slightly, a serious injury is bound to occur. So I am just not allowed to be careless until I get to the eighth realm at least. Even then, I was still killed when I was at the ninth realm. There are some scary things out there in this world.”
Alice nods, “Yeah. So Mr. Supreme emperor, what is your plans for today?”
I make a complicated expression, “Hmm, I need to remember something I forgot and then I am going to-“I finally realize what she just said, “What did you just call me?”
She smiles, “Don’t play dumb. I have enough facts now. Stories from Claire and various other things. I can safely say that you were the supreme emperor.”
I smile, “So what if I am?”
She stands up and bows, “I was your head battle maid sir. Pleasure to meet with you once again.”
I reveal a shocked expression, “Really? This seems a little too convenient for so many people that I knew from the other world to be here.”
She laughs quietly, “I’m guessing you don’t know, but this is one of the few schools across the entire universe. The odds of meeting more people you knew are greater than you think sir.”
I smile, “So that makes sense.” My expression changes, “I have a couple quick questions for you.”
She nods, “Ask away sir.”
I take a deep breath, “What happened to my body in the other world after I died there?”
She frowns, “We had to clean you up first because there was a lot of dirt and blood all over your body. There was the crystal around your neck that was buried with you. It disappeared so we had to go on without it. Your wife was quite upset about that. After all is said and done, pretty much the entire capital city paid their respects to you. The ceremony lasted a total of seven days and seven nights.”
I nod, “Then the next question. What happened to my wife after all this?”
She lightly bows, “She left on a journey, but I was killed in a raid on the castle a week after she left so I do not know the outcome.”
I nod slowly. So it seems that I have to wait until I find her myself. I hope I find her quickly.
I stand up. I remember what I have been forgetting about. I look towards Alice, “Well, I have things I need to go do. I will talk to you later. Have a good day.”
She nods as I leave the cafeteria.
I quickly sprint back to my room. I receive various thumbs up from male students and some angry glares from female students. Come on people! Who believes in rumors nowadays!?
I sigh as I make it to my room. I quickly search around my room. Where is it!?
I need to find it now!
I rummage around my room. The desk drawers, the bathroom. Nothing is left unsearched.
I lie down onto the bed. Where is it!?
I sigh. Could those godly beings really have a sense of humor and never actually gave me the crystal back?
I look in the last place I can. I lift up the bed completely.
There it is!
I finally have it back! Even the chain is still attached from the other world! I immediately put it around my neck. The crystal itself is a long pillar type structure. I say long, but it is only an inch long and its diameter is only an eighth of an inch.
The crystal itself, is indestructible by any means I have available to me at the current time.
I put the power of the heaven and earth into the crystal. The names of my many techniques go through my memories just like in the other world. I take a long deep breath. This is a really nostalgic feeling.
I smile widely as I see a technique that will really help me once I get to the second realm. My rank rises too quickly in this world to be considered anything but an anomaly.
The technique is named [Hidden]. It allows me to conceal what rank I am at. Even those at the ninth realm will not be able to see my real rank when I use this technique. It uses an almost no internal energy to execute this technique, so I can keep it active continuously.
I smile as I go through my memories. This is going to be awesome now that I have this crystal again.
I take another deep breath as I sit up. I laid down at some point while going through my memories.
I lean to the drawer under my bed and grab my laptop out of it. I boot up my laptop. Man. I am glad I got the memories from this body. Figuring out how to use this thing using only knowledge from the other world would be utter torture.
The login screen appears. What was my password? Hmm. Wait! Really!?
I type it in. The laptop finishes booting up. No way… that’s a horrible password. When has ‘1234’ ever been a good password!?
I sigh as I place the USB Damion gave me into the USB port.
Words appear on the screen, ‘Welcome Ryu. We are glad to have you connecting to our services. You are a “Gold” card member. This means you have access to most sites and have a free range of downloads, and of course, access to the web that normal people would have. Thank you for choosing our services and have a nice day.’
I sigh as I launch my web browser. The first thing I do is go and clear my previous browser history. This body was not a very good person on the internet.
I look at the line flashing in the search bar.
I don’t know what I should search for first. I’m here, so I should search for relevant things.
‘What is the highest realm?’
‘Access level not high enough to search for this information. Please try a different search or use an account with proper access.’
I frown deeply. This means that something fishy is going on. Let’s try this then.
‘Is the ninth realm the highest realm?’
The screen displays an uncountable amount of results.
‘Theory by Dr. ------: is the ninth realm the end?
Theory by Dr. ------: is the ninth realm really the limit?
Theory by Dr. ------: the ninth realm is not the end!
Theory by Dr. ------: the voice that is in my head tells me this isn’t the end!’
I think I will question the last one’s sanity… but these aren’t what I want. I can’t just read theories my entire life! I need to search more directly.
‘The tenth realm exists!’ That should do the trick… or find me some crazies again.
Uh oh. I’m in trouble.
‘Hello there Mr. Ryu. We have noticed that you are searching for information that is beyond your access level. You seem to know more than the average gold card member. May I inquire why this is?’
I nervously type into the chat, ‘I’m sorry, I was just simply curious if this was a thing. I am a very determined person. I heard someone mention that the ninth realm didn’t feel like the end in my previous life. I just learned about this online method of searching not even an hour ago. I apologize for wasting your time.’
After a short wait there was a reply, ‘We are aware that you only connected a very short time ago. However, if you require greater access the UKC is responsible for the various card rankings. I myself am a member of the UKC. If you give us a piece of useful information, depending on its usefulness, we will reward you appropriately. We have almost no information on you and only some hints on your previous identity and feats. Such as, but not limited to, your title as supreme emperor.’
I frown, ‘Information travels quite quickly nowadays I see.’
Another message appears, ‘It sure does Mr. Ryu. We immediately promoted you to gold card based on your title and information regarding you is actually placed at one rank higher than that.’
I tilt my head as I type, ‘I can gather information on other people on here?’
A minute passes, ‘Yes. For example, I just searched information on one of your friends, ‘Claire’. She is currently at the C-rank of the second realm and prefers to use glove type weapons. She likes to go close combat and a recent addition is that she lost to you in a duel in under thirty seconds.’
I smile as I type, ‘That is kind of really creepy. So, where could I possibly sell information?’
Instant response, ‘Right now. I will show you my qualifications.’
A picture of a lot of code type messages appear on the screen.
Another message comes in, ‘Not like any of that will mean anything to you. I will send one of my people to you at a later date if you wish to sell information.’
I laugh as I type, ‘That would be great. How about fifteen days from now?’
Another near instant response, ‘That is acceptable. I will now forcibly disconnect you. Go cultivate or something. The internet will rot your brain.’
Well, that seems like it was counterproductive if anything at all.
I sigh as I close my laptop. When will something go as I plan?
I will forcibly make something go as I plan! I swing my arm around.
My control of this arm is almost at a perfect level already. It is so simple to use. I just keep my internal energy inside of it and it moves to my will.
I open my door and sprint to the training fields. I’m curious what exactly goes on in those things.
As I arrive I see a couple students sparring with each other and some moving around trying new techniques.
I smile. I need to relieve some stress. I normally don’t challenge people first, but I think I should test this new prosthetic arm a little.
Lucky contestant number one! Come on down!
I spot a group of people sitting down on the ground. I notice they are all in the C-rank of the second realm. These guys are perfect!
I slowly walk up to them, “Hey guys, are you done sparring? If not, would it be possible could I join you guys? I need to test my limits against people who want to actually fight me.”
The group was all male students. Five in total.
One of the guys stands up, “Nah man, we were just about to start! If you would join us that would make it so we have a group of six. That makes partner rotation slightly easier. We are in the second year class, how about you man?”
I laugh, “Well, I am a first year.” Some of the guys start to frown, but I continue quickly, “However, I am easily able to fight in the second realm. However I can’t use any of my techniques yet. My name is Ryu. I was wondering if any of you might know my name.” I hate acting this arrogant.
The guy standing up widens his eyes, “The harem guy!? Man, your fight was awesome! I was personally there! I was in the back so I didn’t get a good look. I clearly saw that he didn’t have a right arm though.”
I roll up my sleeve to show him where the prosthetic connects, “The real reason I came here was to test out this new prosthetic I got. Also to test my strength. Those girls didn’t even try.”
The guys all laugh. The on standing up pats my shoulder, “No worries man. We will help you no problem. Among the men of this school you are like a living legend.”
I frown, “Let me get this straight for you right now. I do not, nor will I ever want a harem.”
He laughs, “Of course, of course. Shall we get started then? I will fight against you first. You said you can’t use techniques yet? I won’t ask why, so should I use mine or nah?”
I shrug my shoulders, “You can do whatever you like. I just want to test my strength against a proper opponent.”
He nods, “You start. I am not really good with starting these things.” He picks up his weapon from the ground. It is a single small dagger.
I nod as he readies his stance. I take a deep breath.
My first real fight! Let’s do this! I lunge at him for the first move.
He dodges to the left and slashes at me.
I grab for his wrist and he twists his body to go for a kick at chest level. I cross my arms over my chest as his kick connects.
I grab his ankle while his leg is still in the air. I strengthen my arms for a split second as I toss his leg up into the air. He flips upside down.
While he is in the air I land a punch on his abdomen with my new prosthetic. It sinks in slightly.
He falls onto his back and bounces off the ground. He coughs up some saliva and raises his arm in defeat after dropping the dagger.
I slowly walk to him and help him stand up.
He smiles while he stands up, “Man, your reflexes are so fast. It is almost like you predict my moves.”
I tilt my head, “Someone else has said that too. I just react to things as I see them. I have a lot of battle experience compared to your average person though. Maybe that has something to do with it.”
He laughs, “Nah man. You are just too good. I didn’t even get a chance to use any techniques yet. The average students just aren’t a challenge for you.”
I smile, “This was a good enough test for me. I’ll leave you guys to you practice now. I’m going to go eat something.”
The sky was starting to get dark. He nods as he looks to the sky, “No problem man. I’ll see ya around.”
I nod as I leave towards the cafeteria.
I wonder why these people are so weak. I can’t even use any techniques yet. What will happen then? Is my body stronger or something? I don’t know what’s going on.
Whatever is going on, just isn’t normal. Not at all.
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