《Divine Elementalist》Chapter 10: First classes
no time to post anything wordy.
enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 10: First classes
I open my eyes and look out the window of my room. Still dark. What time do classes start? I guess I can just go and ask Claire. I slowly get out of bed and stretch. I wonder what kind of things I have in store for me today?
I have a quick shower as I may have forgotten to last night. I don’t particularly remember.
I dry myself off and grab my prosthetic arm. I have gotten better at putting it on now that I take it off more. It really is a hassle not having a right arm. I wonder if there are any better prosthetics I can use. Maybe I should ask the principal.
I walk out of my room, the dorm lights are still off, but some of the room lights are still on. I hope Claire or Sayaka is awake.
I walk towards Claire’s room. I wonder if ‘Queen’ will be there. I hope not. She really seems to hate me.
I take a deep breath and knock on Claire’s door.
My heart stops as I hear ‘Queen’ shout, “I’m coming, give me a second.”
I brace myself for when ‘Queen’ opens the door to Claire’s room. ‘Queen’ opens the door wearing her sleeping clothes. I wave, “How are you? I’m just here to ask for when classes start. I have no idea to be honest.”
‘Queen’ blushes, “Wait for me and I’ll go with you to classes. Wait right there! Don’t run like yesterday!”
I sigh at my misfortune. I wonder if she likes me because of how she acted just now. If she does, why does she try to hurt me with a sword? I’m pretty confused. I know a type that will act angry with the person, but usually not to the point where they try to kill the other person in question.
I wait out in the hall for ‘Queen’. I wonder why I don’t just run. Oh yeah, I have no idea when classes and this is the easiest way to learn.
Sighing yet again, I lean against the wall and slide into sitting position.
‘Queen’ comes out of the room wearing the boarding school type uniform, “You ready to go Ryu?”
I stand up slowly, “Yeah. So ‘Queen’, when do-“
She stops and stares at me, “Kelly!”
I tilt my head, “Yes that is your name.”
Her face goes red in rage, “Use my damn name!”
I shrug my shoulders, “Whatever Kelly. I just want to know when classes start. I was never told the start time for classes. A certain teacher and principal like to leave out information when they talk to me.”
She frowns, “You are a horrible person you know?”
I nod, “Yep. I know. I ignore other’s feelings in order to benefit myself. I ignored everyone who wasn’t my wife in the other world you should know.”
She blushes, “What if I was your wife in the other world?”
I frown, “I don’t remember my wife having mood swings from loving, to wanting to kill in such a short amount of time.”
Kelly starts to walk away, “Just follow me already!”
I follow behind her while we head to the first year building. I walk up beside her, “So, what class are you in Kelly?”
She turns her face away from me, “I am in the general arts class.”
I tilt my head, “Why is the high and mighty ‘Queen’ in the general arts class?”
She turns to me with an angry expression, “I am not high and mighty!”
I shrug my shoulders, “I guess so. Anyways. I talked to Mr. Grey two days ago, but I never really found out what class we have today.”
She sighs as she brings her hand to her face, “What do you know?”
I smile, “I know a lot of things… just not things that are useful to me at the moment. Once I hit the second realm though, I will be a force to be reckoned with.”
She frowns, “And you are what? At the B-rank in the first realm. Tell me. How long until you make it to the second realm?”
I think for a second and just shrug my shoulders, “I don’t really know. It could be tomorrow. It could be a month from now. I have no control over fate.”
Kelly stays silent. We arrive in front of the first year building.
Mr. Grey was standing outside the building. He looks at me and waves me down, “Hey, Ryu. I’m sorry about not explaining the card I gave you the other day. I will walk you around after classes if you want. Well actually…” his head hangs down, “The principal yelled at me for not guiding you around. However, he did get the report that you went to the library to read some books. I should also notify you of the student functions of the…” He finally notices Kelly beside me. “Oh. Hi Kelly.”
Kelly walks into the building, ignoring Mr. Grey.
He shrugs, “What a pleasant person to deal with. So, anyways. Today’s class is going to start in the training field in a couple of minutes. After that we will come back to the classroom to learn about cultivation and how it works.”
I nod, “I will follow you to the training field as I do not know where they are.”
He nods, “I thought that would be the case. So let’s go now. All of the students should already know where to come.”
I tilt my head, “Why is that?”
He laughs, “At the entrance ceremony, the students were separated by class and afterwards were taken by the teachers of their class to talk about class times, class rules, and the basic content of the class.”
I nod, “I guess that makes sense now that I think about it.”
Mr. Grey starts walking and I follow beside him. He looks to me, “Are you okay with doing a basic strength test?”
I nod slowly, “Um, I should be able to do a basic strength test. I guess we are doing a strength test in the training field.”
He nods, “You are quick on the uptake. But are you sure you’re fine?”
I nod confidently, “A little bit of strength is nothing to me. This should be easy.”
He sighs, “I guess I can’t stop you then.”
Mr. Grey walks towards the general class students that are gathered together in the training field, “Welcome to general arts class! I thank all of you for coming! First things first we will start with jump height! Get into lines based on your rank! A-rank on the left, B-rank in front of me, and finally C-rank on the right!”
The students quickly get into the lines. I am in the middle of the middle line.
Mr. Grey walks in front of the C-rank group with a clipboard, “Okay, C-ranks! You first! After you jump your highest from standing, go to the back of the line! Remember! No using any martial techniques as it will get your score instantly set to zero!”
The C-rank average was about five feet.
Next was my line. Mr. Grey stands in front of the line, “Same as the C-rank! No using martial techniques. If you do, it will result in an instant score of zero!”
The average jump height for the B-ranks was about six feet. I jumped exactly six feet high while trying my best. My body isn’t as weak as I thought! Yay!
The average jump height for the people in the A-rank was seven feet high.
Mr. Grey stands in the middle again, “Now will be the final section of the quick strength test! I feel like mixing things up now! A-ranks will go first followed by C-ranks, then finally the B-ranks! This final section of the test is arm strength!”
I frown. I’m practically last now!
The A-ranks go first.
Mr. Grey shouts, “Remember! No martial skills! If you use anything of the sort, it will result in an instant zero! The target for punching will be this scoring rock. The name is stupid, but it shows the number of pounds of force the rock has been hit with! The name sucks but the functionality is still there!”
The first person steps up. I see a small amount of the power of earth gather on his fist. He punches the stone.
“Zero!” Mr. Grey yells as the rock gives the number.
The student turns to Mr. Grey, “Come on man, I didn’t use any skill at all!”
Mr. Grey shakes his head, “You say that, but I could clearly sense the power of earth gathering on your fist! If you think you can fool me by using a low output or even a stealth skill, think again! I am at a much higher realm than all of you! Even if you all came at me combined I could defeat everyone here! Do the test properly!”
The rest of the A-rank students go up, but no one else tries anything like the first student. Even Kelly was proper. As expected of a queen.
The average strike force is 300 pounds
Next is the C-ranks.
The first few students hit with exactly 200 every time.
A student with a larger than average build goes up to the stone. I sense a large amount of power of earth on his fist.
Mr. Grey shakes his head as he already writes the zero on the clipboard.
The student punches.
Everyone, but Mr. Grey, who sensed the power of earth slightly tilts their heads. What just happened?
Mr. Grey sighs, “Seriously!? You used too much power, then pulled your punch because you realized you messed up! I will give you pity marks! 50!”
The rest of the C-ranks go and the average strike force is 200 pounds.
Finally time for the B-ranks.
The first few people go and average 250 pounds of strike force.
A smaller girl goes up next. She uses a very small amount of the power of earth on her shoulder. Probably to increase the speed of the punch.
Like usual, Mr. Grey sees this and automatically writes a zero on the page.
“Zero!” Mr. Grey shouts after the rock shows the number.
Seriously though. This rock is weird. It just shows a number on its surface. So weird.
Everyone so far has only used their right arms.
I guess it is my turn to do this now. I take a deep breath as I walk up to the rock. Mr. Grey has a worried expression as I arrive in front of the rock.
All I have to do is a normal punch right? I wonder if the rock is going to hurt once I punch it. Well… it is a rock.
I get into a good stance and ready my right arm. I take a deep breath.
I swing my right arm at full speed towards the rock.
Oh shit! My right arm is prosthetic! My arm is already too close for me to stop the punch.
I continue with the full force punch.
The hand of the prosthetic arm disintegrates into dust. The rest of it has cracks running through it as it falls off.
I look at my arm on the ground, “Well. I guess I forgot again.”
Most of the students look at my arm on the ground with their jaws wide open. Some look at the dangling sleeve by my side. The rest are looking at the score on the rock.
Mr. Grey yells to all the students, “Yes everyone! This student does not have a right arm from slightly above his elbow! He may also be stupid enough to forget he doesn’t actually have an arm anymore! That does not mean that he is in any way inferior to any of you! Ryu!”
I stand up straight and look at Mr. Grey, “Yes sir?”
He points to the rock, “Hit it again with your left this time! We will use the greater score for you grade!”
I nod, “Yes sir!”
All the students still have their jaws open as the watch me ready my left arm to hit the rock. I move my left arm quickly and hit the rock.
Oh? I’m only B-rank, I shouldn’t have that much strike force.
“Great job Ryu! I look forward to seeing you grow in strength!” Mr. Grey shouts.
No wait! I have no idea why that number was so high!
I sigh as I pick up the broken prosthetic. What am I going to do about this poor broken thing? I kind of need an arm for daily functions…
The testing ends finally. All the students start to head for the building. I start to go with them, when I am waived down by Mr. Grey.
I walk over to him, “What’s up?”
He puts his head in his hands, “Do you not know how most people find disgrace in losing limbs? Some people here in this class were even people who were killed because they had lost a limb in battle.”
I laugh, “If getting hit by a train, then having your right arm amputated, along with several internal organs crushed, then me having to die in another world in an extremely painful way, just to come to this body with a three year time limit to get to the ninth realm in order to stay alive, counts as losing a battle. Then I have fought the hardest battle of everyone here! Do you know how hard it is to be able to joke around while knowing that I have a time limit on my life!? Do you!?” I broke slightly, “I killed the man that raised me!” I shrug my shoulders and tilt my head, “Well. I say he raised me, but he spent a few years with me telling me how useless I was that I couldn’t use an element! He killed my real parents just because a crazy old man ‘Prophesized’ that I would become the supreme emperor! It came true! But he tried to kill me for the title! I married a beautiful woman! She held me in her arms as I DIED! Do you understand that I let her down! She loved me and I left her! I have no idea if she came to this world or not!”
Mr. Grey sits there as I yell at him. There was a sad look in his eyes. He isn’t looking me in the eye anymore.
I see Kelly walk behind me. She was standing behind me and listening. I continue to shout, “I will not give up until I make it up to her! I will find the source of what made me sacrifice my life! I will find my wife and I will make it up to her!” I move so I look directly into Mr. Grey’s eyes, “I will not give up because I started missing an arm! If something that trivial stop me from reaching my goal, I would have already been in this world for quite some time! I refuse to give up! Mark my words! If a single man tries to stop me it will not work! If a thousand man army stands in my way, I shall slaughter them all! If heaven itself decides to stop me from reaching my goal! Then so be it! I will go against the heavens! If you want to kill me now, all because I am missing my right arm! Then do it already!” I spread out my arms and keep my vitals wide open.
Mr. Grey stands up. His head was down, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything when I said that, I was only trying to warn you that people will make fun of you for not having your right arm.”
I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, “I understand. Just remember what I said. I will not stop until I find my wife. Nothing will stop me except death itself. Even if I have to crawl there without legs.”
Mr. Grey takes a deep breath and nods, “I’m glad you understand then. Class will continue in ten minutes. Please make your way to the classroom for the lecture.”
I nod as Mr. Grey walks off.
Kelly hugs me from behind, “I didn’t know your life was so hard!” She was crying.
I look at her tears. They are real tears. She feels some sort of emotion towards me clearly. I don’t know what to do though. I would feel bad if I was mean to her now. I need to go to class though. I decide it, “Hey Kelly.”
She opens her eyes to see my face really close to hers. She jumps back, “Yes R-Ryu?”
I hold out my hand, “Let’s go to class. I made you listen to something sad. I will take you somewhere for dinner if you want… well I say that, but I have no idea where anything is outside the school, so I need you to guide me around. But I will make sure we eat somewhere nice.”
She nods while wiping the tears from her eyes, “Yeah. Let’s do that after class.”
Kelly and I walk into class together. Kelly was directly beside me. I had rolled up my right sleeve as walking around with it dangling was annoying. The stump was clearly visible as I walked into the classroom. Many students turned to look at me as I entered beside Kelly.
Some students stared at the stump. Some stared at my eyes with a hint of jealousy.
Kelly points to a place at the back of the room with two empty seats beside each other, “Let’s go sit there.”
I sigh, “Sure. Remember something though.”
Kelly drags me to sit down, “What is it?”
I put a serious look on my face, “You heard me when I was yelling. I am completely devoted to my wife. I refuse to do anything with any other women beyond a simple hug. Even that is a bit much actually. I am a man who keeps his promises after all. I will take you out to dinner, then that is it. I will not date you nor will I have any feelings towards you. You do know all this right?”
She nods cheerfully, “Yep!”
I sigh as I sit down in the chair at the desk. It is weird how this looks identical to a university classroom though. I feel slightly accomplished just being in this room.
Why is Kelly so happy about going out to dinner with me? It is only dinner. Isn’t it?
Mr. Grey walks into the classroom, stopping me from thinking about it further. He sets a book down on the teacher’s desk at the front of the class, “Okay class! What is the main goal of this school?”
Several students raise their hands. Mr. Grey points to a girl in the front row. She stands up, “Yes! The main goal of this school is to better yourself!”
Mr. Grey slams his hands down onto the desk, “Wrong!” He points to a male student near the middle of the class.
He stands up, “The main goal of tis school is to learn and improve!”
“Wrong again!” Mr. Grey smiles as he looks at me. “Ryu! Tell us the main goal of this school!”
I get it. I must have said it at some point during my rant. I don’t really remember all that I said, but I will just take a shot in the dark, I stand up.
“The main goal of this school is to teach students to persevere no matter how tough a situation is! Students are going to learn not only how to protect themselves, but learn how to protect those around them!”
Mr. Grey grins widely, “I couldn’t have said it better myself!” He slams his hand on the desk again, “In this school, No! This class! I will teach you how to persevere no matter what the cost! Not too long ago it was brought to my attention that there are all kinds of different people in this world! Those who quit, and those who succeed in life! What do you want to do?”
The students all yell in unison, “Succeed!”
“That’s right!” He stands up straight, “You all want to succeed! Even if for example, lose an arm!”
Everyone in the class looks towards me at the same time. Kelly also looks at the stump. Even you!?
Mr. Grey slams the desk to get everyone’s attention, “Even if someone loses an arm! They will push on to their goal! Sometimes you might face a single man! Maybe even a thousand men! If it is to accomplish your goal… Persevere! Fight until you can’t fight any longer!”
He grabs the book, “A student once said to me, “If heaven itself decides to stop me from reaching my goal! Then so be it! I will go against the heavens!” Learn from this student! If you find this student cheer him on! If you do not choose to change and persevere to achieve your goals. You may leave this class right now! I refuse to teach students who do not try their hardest to reach their goals!”
This feels more like a motivational speech than a class right now…
Mr. Grey takes a deep breath and lowers his voice to a normal volume, “That being said. I will now start the real section of class we were going to do today. I hope you all listen carefully.”
Mr. Grey sits down in a chair at the front of a class, “I am going to start talking about the money system here at this school. Money at this school can be used to do lots of things. First is martial techniques. The school has an endless amount of techniques for beginners to use. The first five are free for general arts class students. After that they will cost 200 dollars per book. Second are cultivation methods. Some of the cultivation methods that are known to you guys are degraded versions of the real method. This school offers you a chance to get a new method. Oh yeah. This school also has a method to test potential. Potential test are strictly confidential and not to be shared with any other student and only the examiner, the principal, and yourself will know your latent potential.”
The class starts to chat as Mr. Grey stops there. A student raises their hand. Mr. Grey points to them and they stand up, “When do we do the latent potential test?”
Mr. Grey smiles, “The principal will personally contact you by order of importance. Gold card students, silver card students and then bronze card students.” Mr. Grey looks at a clock on the wall. “Well, that’s how it normally is. Everyone will have their latent potential tested today. The principal will work hard to test every student from this class today. That being that. Those with cards better than bronze, please head down to the principal’s office. He will be expecting you.” A third of the students in the class stands up and walks towards the door of the classroom, including myself and Kelly.
The teacher looks towards me, “I expect great things from my students!”
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