《Divine Elementalist》Chapter 4: It's all a lie
Hello to the people who read this :D Enjoy the Chapter
Chapter 4: It’s all a lie
I cover my eyes with my hands and sigh. This is the third floor! What is my mother even doing?
While I was holding my head up with my hands the window slides open because it was unlocked, and my mother just walks in. I didn’t know I had to lock a window on the third floor!
My mother walks over, “My poor son! Why did you do something so dangerous?!”
I keep my hands on my face, “Since when does someone’s mother enter on the third floor? Isn’t it just as easy to use the DOOR!? Like a NORMAL PERSON!!”
She puts her hand on her cheek, “Ara~, since when was my son so aggressive?”
I smirk, “Since when did my mother say Ara~?”
Her face changes to a serious expression, “So I want to get straight to the point here.”
I lean back onto the pillow behind me, “It has only been a bit less than an hour or two since I’ve woken up after being transported. The day before I got the memories from this body. And the day before that I found out that I was missing my arm. The day before that I died. The same day I had to kill a man that raised me for a few years after finding out he killed my real parents.”
My mother frowns, “That really is hectic. Well, as your mother, I feel I need to tell you that it isn’t going to settle down for a while longer still.”
I rub my hands over my eyes and sigh, “Well then. What has my wonderful mother come to tell me? Also, why did you come from the window?”
She puts up her index finger, “First, I came through the window because it was faster than talking to people.”
I nod slowly, “That is certainly true…”
She then raises her middle finger too, “Second, I came to tell you about the real world.”
I slowly tilt my head, “Is the world this bo… I mean… is the world I know a fake?”
She laughs slowly, “If you were trying to hide it you shouldn’t have already said that you died. I know you aren’t my son per say. You have his memories, but you seem to have fully taken over his body.”
I frown, “Is that uncommon?”
She shakes her head while smiling, “It’s a bad sign if the link doesn’t take over the body.”
I nod, “Okay, that makes sense. I think it must be along the lines of the stronger mind takes over.”
She nods and claps, “Good job guessing that on your first try…” A serious look creeps onto her face, “Well, you’ll learn the exact theory behind it another time.” She takes a deep breath and raises three fingers, “Third, I will tell you why you are here.” And her fourth finger rises, “Finally, I will tell you who I am and ask who you are.”
I smile, and say in a sarcastic tone, “This sounds like it will be…”
She nods, “Fun?”
I hang my head, “That’s not the word I would have used, but I guess it works.”
My mother nods, “So where should I start?” She nods slowly and takes a deep breath, “So. To start, I will tell you why you are currently here.” She finally sits down on the edge of my bed. “Many millions of years ago, there were ten individuals who were so powerful, they could create or destroy anything with a simple wave of their hands. One day, it was known that two of these individuals had fallen in love with each other and were done with ruling all that existed. The other eight heavily disagreed with the choice these two were making. As no one would approve of the relationship between the two. To clarify, one was male one was female. Anyways, the eight other individuals decided to work together to try and remove the two from existence. The thing about these individuals is that they were all of equal power. The two ran away as fast as they could without being noticed. They made it to the edge of the universe. At the edge, where everyone thought it was nothing, there were countless amounts of monsters, ruled by the dragons. The monsters and dragons were friendly, so the two thought that they would befriend the strongest of the dragons, and they did. Thousands of years went by where these two individuals were with the dragons. The strongest dragon was on equal footing with the ten individuals. The dragon thought that all humans were like the two so, it allowed monsters slowly moved away from the edge of the universe. The monsters eventually made their way to the other eight individuals. The monsters told tale after tale of the nice humans that were on equal footing with the strongest being in their minds. The eight figured it was the plan of the two to destroy them, they were wrong but they started to slaughter the monsters. The eight traced the monsters back to the edge of the universe, where they found the two enjoying their time with the dragons. One misunderstanding after another came into play and the two were then hated by the monsters for using them, and the eight hated them for turning against them. The two had nowhere else to run. Inside the universe, the eight would find them, outside, the monsters would overwhelm them. Inside the universe was a bloody battle that seemed endless. The two were able to hold off the eight using methods taught to them by the dragon. It was a battle no one could win. Both sides ending up giving the other fatal wounds. The eight died before the two but it would not be long before they also followed the other eight. In their last breaths they created a world light years apart from anything else. They made the flow of time surrounding that world twenty five times faster than the rest of the universe. That world was also blessed with the knowledge to become as powerful as they once were. However, human greed degraded the information as most was hidden from the public eye, and those that were made known of its existence were not talented enough in order to reach the peak of power. As the two died, they allowed the beasts onto the planet in order to challenge the people who lived on the planet. Millions of years later in the rest of the universe, the monsters have come from far and wide. The weaker monsters stick to the planet and survive within the atmosphere while stronger monsters exist as you further yourself from the planets.”
My eyes widen as the story finishes, “So you are saying that monsters exist that can destroy planets as easily as someone can snap their fingers!?”
She nods, “Well, supposedly there are. On this planet, there are maybe five people that are powerful enough to travel beyond the atmosphere using only themselves.”
I frown. The technique ‘ascension’ would only allow a person to fly a couple miles above the ground.
My mother smiles, “The reason you came to this world is because that world is connected to a seemingly infinite number of other worlds. We call the connection between two people from this world and the other a ‘Link’. Those people who have a ‘Link’ are usually taken over by the person of the other world after they die. The average age of those that die is about twenty to thirty years old. After fifteen years in this world, a person will link with someone from the other world and as soon the person from the other world dies, they will come to this world and take over the other persons mind if their age is greater or, their power is much greater.”
I nod, “This makes a lot of sense now that I think about it.”
She shrugs her shoulders, “It’s not very complicated though.”
I lightly laugh, “Well, I’m glad it isn’t.”
My mother takes another deep breath, “Anyways, there are a couple organizations spanning the entire universe called the ‘Universal Defense Corps’, ‘Universal Attack Corps’ and the ‘Universal Knowledge Corps’. These groups do pretty much what is in there name. The UDC defend the planets from stronger monsters. The UAC take the initiative to attack monster infested planets in order to create training grounds for young troops, and even sometimes, schools are founded on these planets. The UKC collects various information from the other world and brings it to the main planets to make people more powerful. This world is for people who have yet to connect to a link. It is protected by the UDC. There is also an illusion barrier cast around the planet to ensure that ‘normal’ people do not know of what is going on off the planet.”
I frown, “Does that mean everything in this body’s knowledge is a lie?”
She shakes her head, “No, almost all of it in fact knowledge from this planet, not much is false. History and geography are correct. Math is also correct. Astronomy and physics are wrong though. Biology… I think you will see some monsters that will defy all natural laws, so that’s wrong too.”
I smile, “This seems like it could easily get out of hand.”
My mother nods, “It could easily go downhill.”
I frown, “I’m scared to ask, but what realm does it take to travel to other planets?”
She laughs, “Well, a person has to get to the highest known realm.”
I nod and ask slowly, “What’s the highest known realm?”
She frowns, “While I will not call myself an expert by any means, I do know a bit of information. The highest known realm is the ninth realm.”
I bury my head in my hands. Oh the degraded information! I probably know more than the whole UKC combined!
My mother tilts her head, “What’s wrong? Do you know more? Oh yeah! Training is about twice as fast outside of the other world. Most people double their previous highest realm, some even triple.
I nod excitedly, “That’s amazing!”
She smiles widely, “I knew you’d think so. Also, the average realm people make it to, is the fifth realm. Most people from my time, in the other world, only got to about the second or third realm. How about you? I was the head guard for the twelfth generation fighter emperor, at the seventh realm.”
I nod slowly. Should I stand out or blend in? Here’s where I get the choice. I stood out in my previous life, let’s see if I can blend in this time. “In my time there were many people who had made it to the ninth realm. There was the fighter emperor, the mage emperor, the supreme emperor and his wife, and the man that raised him. I think there were many more that were in closed door practice.”
My mother’s jaw drops, “I’ve heard of the fighter emperor and mage emperor positions. What’s with the supreme emperor though?”
I sigh, “Alas, I only know some tales of the man, his identity is almost completely unknown except for the fact that he is the most powerful existence in the world.”
She frowns, “Come on, tell me some stories. Come on!”
I scratch my head, “Well, from what I remember, the supreme emperor was an existence that could not be killed. He beat the ninth realm fighter emperor in a very short amount of time. Also, any magic that came near him was immediately dispelled no matter how powerful.”
She makes a complicated expression, “If he came to this world, I think that he would pass the highest known realm… so tell me this. Did you witness him die, or did you hear about him dying?”
I frown. What do I do? Just lie? Yep, I will just lie to her. “Well, you see. There was a large amount of these monsters you talk about. They came with low ranks at first. Very quickly, the monsters that came were stronger and stronger. From what I saw there was a monster that referred to himself as a ‘Demon’ His power was stronger than ten of the supreme emperor. The emperor was at a complete disadvantage. Some heard him shout something, but I am not sure what I heard was correct. After he shouted though, his power raised to the point where he could toy with the ‘demon’, but he killed it quickly. He fell from the sky where he was fighting with the demon…” I shrug my shoulders, “I heard him talking to his wife after he fell, but I was already dying from an attack that I received moments before. But, from what I heard, he died while fighting the ‘Demon’.”
My mother makes a very worried expression, “I have a couple things to ask.”
I nod slowly. I will have to answer these carefully. “I’ll answer anything I know.”
She takes a deep breath, “First question I have for you is, what do you think the words he shouted are?”
I make a complicated expression. I will just say the name, even if someone knows the name, it doesn’t mean they can use the technique. “I am pretty sure he said, ‘Heaven Shattering’.”
She nods, “Okay. Second question. Who are you?”
I open my mouth but close it immediately. Who am I if I want to stay low? I should really think these things through before I decide things.
My mother smiles gently, “It’s okay if you don’t tell me, I was just curious because you sound like you were close to the supreme emperor, if not the man himself.”
I smile, “There’s no way I am the supreme emperor.”
My mother laughs, “Ara~, no self-confidence.”
I frown, “What does me saying I’m not the emperor have to do with being confident?”
She smiles and stands up, “I wonder about that?”
A knock comes from the door of the room, “Mr. Ryu, I have come to check on you. Are you awake?”
I look to the door and then where my mother was half a second before. She was gone. So fast! Can I have a break from the crazy nurse? Please? I clear my throat, “Come in.”
The perverted nurse walks in the room carrying a tray with some food on it, “I also brought you some food.” She blushes.
I frown, “Okay, thank you for the food, but, why are you blushing?”
She puts the tray on my bed, “I can tell you were thinking rude things about me.”
I grab the food. It was some sort of mush thrown into a bowl. “What is this mystery mush?”
The nurse smiles, “That was… is supposed to be oatmeal.”
I frown deeply, “You said was! I refuse to eat this. I declare a hunger strike!”
The nurse grabs the spoon while emitting an evil aura, “You. Will. Eat.” I nod faster than I have ever before. She smiles and says cheerfully, “Good!”
She brings the mystery mush to my mouth. I take a deep breath and eat the mush. I chew the mush and it actually tastes pretty good. I swallow it, “Hey, this is actually pretty good.”
The nurse smiles happily, “I’m glad you like it. I made it by using my…”
I put my hand up, “I’m hungry, and I do not need to know what is in this. Please leave and let me eat… also no more visi…”
Claire jumps in the room, “Ryu! I accidentally gave you the wrong book!”
I grab all the books, “You know what. I don’t need any of these as to avoid another mishap by reading these. I feel slightly traumatized and I only read the title.”
She blushes, “You read it? Did you enjoy it?”
I tilt my head, “Are you deaf? I said I felt traumatized after reading only the title!”
Her eyes start to water, “Really?”
She looks like a sad puppy. Really? Why do you have to look cute now of all times? Guilt! I feel guilt! Stop making me feel guilty! “I’m sorry Claire. No need to be upset… just try to tone down the fantasies. Also, if you like me you should just say it, rather than fantasizing. It’s not good to hold in emotions you know.”
She blushes and screams, “I don’t like you! You idiot!” as she runs out of the room carrying the books she gave me.
I drop my head into my hands, “Seriously. Does everyone have problems with them?”
The nurse puts her hand on my shoulder, “You shouldn’t be so forceful with women like that. Like that you won’t even be able to get a girlfriend. Speaking of which. Marry me.”
My jaw drops, “Umm… please leave. Wait! Why on earth would I marry someone I barely know!?”
She walks out of the room while blushing, “Have it your way then. I’ll be back to check on you later.”
The door closes behind the nurse. I sigh deeply. I want to relax already!
I look out the window again. The sun was currently setting. Another long… long day.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath and attempt to focus on the power of heaven and earth floating around me.
The sense the power of heaven and earth around me. Now that I think about it, the power of heaven and earth actually seems to be a bit denser than I remember.
That doesn’t help me right now though. I need small… minuscule amounts of this power right now.
Two specks… four specks… eight… sixteen. The specks of heaven power circulate through the veins faster with each attempt. It seems after living for so long I am able to control the power better than when I was young.
I smile to myself. It seems by tomorrow I will reach the first realm.
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