《They came by the dozen (Dropped)》Adventure of the OP-Weapon Smith chapter 1
Hey guys Finally I get to the story part and no I'm not gonna put the journal part into the story way too much happened and I'm bound to loss stuff to write about.
Finally here we are at our assigned directions Het, Ocht and myself are at the Northern Gates doing our final checks to leave this place.
The pet/mounts have finally evolved and also it seems they have our bloodlines as well like the other parts of our equipment. They have three forms combat, mount and passive with different effects. Which changes to fit the gear set being used by it's owner/partner.
We are all using our explorer gear set ( a mixture of both the "Primor" armour and the "Overlord" armour with additions like this http://img05.deviantart.net/754f/i/2013/143/b/7/longcoat_of_the_fallen_explorer_by_svetliy_sudar-d6692pd.jpghttp://pre15.deviantart.net/4909/th/pre/i/2013/143/4/3/longcoat_of_the_fallen_explorer_by_svetliy_sudar-d6693ai.jpg, underneath that is http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=52368563 and underneath that is https://img0.etsystatic.com/044/0/9303801/il_fullxfull.579037198_5sxt.jpg) by the way we have the same design for our armours with different flare well mine came with a more winged wind motif for example my helmet had wings (mix both the helmets up but the colour is grey https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/91/a8/5b/91a85b9414787c0f4e0e32b42dc62108.jpg, the long coat has wings as it's design prints https://41.media.tumblr.com/89fc462d9fb1bbdc806f1e4b0d0c283d/tumblr_o1hkjzFeSW1ua8h78o1_400.jpg, while the armour has this coat of arms but it has a dozen sets of wings instead of one http://previews.123rf.com/images/cattallina/cattallina1205/cattallina120500012/13840601-winged-shields-vector-illustration-all-elements-are-editable-Stock-Vector.jpg and inside of the shield is sword and a syringe crossed while an anvil is in the middle and the words "No Regrets, No Remorse but Never Forget that every action has two re-actions both good and bad, so one must be able to live after their actions has taken place with no complains." can be seen at the bottom while the words "Though we are divided nor does it mean we are not united, our views might differ but our goal is the same. To achieve that goal we must walk separately but nor does it mean everything can be done alone so we lend and receive help from others for that is the only way for us to achieve our own goals.)
Anyways it took us about an hour to do our checks and we already said our goodbyes to each other and to the beings who reside in our domain.
Oh yeah Het lost our rock, paper, scissors match with the bet that whoever loses will have to be a girl for the first decade of the journey thank the gods our gear changes to gender as well or ohh boy. We agreed to be called he if we are in guy form and she when we are in lady form.
She looked beautiful with her feminine facial features that held both delicate and kind features with her long and flowing hair of silver hair that exudes an azure glow that increases it's beauty and fits perfectly with her facial features along with her azured blue eyes were captivating especially when she smiles (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonballzroleplaying/images/c/cc/-Clouds-Vocaloid-Flowers-Blue-Eyes-Skirts-Long-Hair-Smiling-White-Hair-Ahoge-Flower-Petals-Skyscapes-Anime-Girls-Ia-Fresh-New-Hd-Wallpaper--.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131129040859)
The armour fits snuggly on her body it shows in greatly detailed her curves they were work of art but we didn't feel anything rather we felt as if seeing our younger sister going to her first date, which got me and Ocht to smile warmly without us noticing.
Out of curiosity both me and Ocht changed into our female forms.
Ocht had a sexy and mysterious facial features with a deep but light Hazel coloured eyes that sparkle more with her bright and wavy smooth long orange hair (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LPAbH11PWNE/UA77bvwQiUI/AAAAAAAABc8/YkV5oIYAZGo/s1600/bow-brown-eyes-brown-hair-hair-bow-kimono-lips-long-hair-noizi-ito-solo-wafuku-zoom-layer-anime-girl-pretty-beautiful-art-wallpaper-orange-hair-autumn.jpg). Her body has an athletic build .
I was told by the two that I had a charming and calm facial features with a deep bright green eyes with my black shoulder-length straight flowing hair (http://api.ning.com/files/BQFDJUK6lIx9JLD6Ku3BKwUpXGDBVGucnpspHKkukLLcKEFEGsvnmpO90wBWvGeQLxZuwcTAzfszGKBy9SrSXMxzXQYDsxj5/Trenna.jpg), while my body was the biggest out of all the three of us in both height and weight but because of my height my consumption is bigger than the other two so yeah.
It seems that our bodies are the bodies of supermodels which is cool, we spent about two hours doing a small fashion show just between us three but hey we were all girls that time, our thought process were those of girls who were about to go out to a party.
When we finally got on our mounts we rode straight out of the gate, and what we saw when we left was actually amazing, even though we have been here so many times before but that was because of the skirmishes and the armies that did them. It wasn't like before because right now there wasn't any army just a beautiful sea of flora and not the usually red but actual array of colours.
We rode for about three hours and took a break because we forgot to eat before we left and also forgot to feed our mounts. We stopped inside of a forest at a serene location with nothing but nature and us, so we started to play music as we rested (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwGyIIZQ_PM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-jGHbkM8e4, don't forget all the weapons have a musical instrument as a transformation) and waited for our food to slowly roast away. This continued until we heard the sound of battle once again it was far away but our sense of hearing can still pick it up.
We got bored so we planned to go there after we ate our food and waited for about ten minutes so we won't be vomiting caused by motion sickness.
When we were finally ready we changed our current gear into our "Battle" set which also changed its appearance and it differed greatly from the "Explorer" set because there wasn't a general form for the armour instead there were three types Heavy,Medium and Light. My armour was one of the heaviest armour, Ocht's was one of the medium armour while Het's was the lightest armour but the only thing that is the same is that we all wore the same inner armour design and the middle armour design (http://orig15.deviantart.net/9550/f/2012/179/c/4/nightingale_armor_by_williamfdrake-d557y35.jpg and http://orig11.deviantart.net/e411/f/2012/080/4/2/42b0da46bfffd238dc189c5e7bb1c5ba-d4th874.png) the armours underneath the outer armour are bodyfitting gear so we aren't bulky. My armour was a mixture of the "Primor" and "Overlord" battle armours with differences (This is the barbarian armour https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/4/48/User_Mediggo_Heavy_armor_02_concept_art.jpg/300px-User_Mediggo_Heavy_armor_02_concept_art.jpg, this is the new paladin armour http://img.cadnav.com/allimg/140723/1-140H3134029.jpg), Ocht's armour was also a mixture of his two "Battle" armour sets his armour looked like it was a heavy armour well it might have been for normal people but to beings like us they weren't that heavy (http://orig05.deviantart.net/ae00/f/2011/029/8/3/royalguard_by_mabuart-d38bgcz.jpg, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4a/7e/f3/4a7ef368a9ca0a11d8f3f6b53e34b970.jpg) and Het's armour were the combined version of both his "Battle" armour set (http://fonxl.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Warriors-Armor-Mage-Staff-Fantasy-Girls_2000x1449.jpg and https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/36932/armor.jpg).
Our mounts are also changed into their battle forms they had the same overall design (a mixture of this two bike designs from this design https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ab/c8/7b/abc87bb968d8da80e9245ae53eb6f65f.jpg the roof is taken and while for this design https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5f/b4/26/5fb426f37aea2543b741ac4e07eacc72.jpg the whole thing except fo the side lights) but with some appearance differences like for example mine had a winged-lion motif while Ocht's mount had the twelve tailed wolf. The wings will become the roof and the lion's head will be formed at the front.
Anyways it took us about another ten minutes to get ourselves comfortable with our equipments and then we finally rode to the battlefield which only took us about another ten minutes to arrive which was actually surprising.
When we arrived just above the gorge but we are still inside the forest, and using our "Observe" skill we learned that the Qu Empire are invading
Het got annoyed at the reason for this and was about to jump in until Ocht told him that it's best to just destroy the Empire in one go, in which replied with that would make us seem like the invaders and that would probably be used by the "Immortal" faction against us, so instead I told everyone on what we found, two of the other groups also told us that the same thing is happening but only the West group told us differently what they told us is that the Qu empire is split into several factions that run like independent kingdoms but are under the same banner. It seems like half of the Empire feel like they are the best and are the most important beings, this seems to apply to both nobles and commoners and also to the princes'.
So it seems that not everything is in black and white, the sayings "Nobility is not a birthright, but is defined by one's actions.", "It's an ill bird that fouls his own nest. and "You can't stop a pig from wallowing in the mud" can be used to describe half of the Qu populace and the other half is the exact opposite of them.
Well Het couldn't handle it anymore and was about to jump out but was stopped by me this time because I told him to control his strength or she will cause more destruction than needed he looked annoyed but Ocht reminded her that we aren't normal mortals anymore which shocked and calmed her down. As Het was ready to go she wasn't using her weapons but only her fists which by themselves ripped a god in half, we put a restriction on how much power we were gonna use. As Het got on her mounts again she rode straight through the middle of the two armies, myself and Ocht split and rode to a different location to Het, Ocht rode to left of Het while I rode to the right.
The reason for this is because both Ocht and I felt that this doesn't make sense for a large army to fight a small army at a gorge and also we sensed another large number of beings going behind the small kingdom's army but we don't know if they're friendly or not.
When I arrived at the end of the gorge what I saw amazed me because I saw hundreds of villages in flames and what I heard fueled my anger, I heard voices, they the were cries of children. The screams of the both the male and female villagers, the laughter of the drunken bloodlusted Qu soldiers. Then I saw a group of soldiers chasing a group of women and children, the men tried to stop them but ended up dying.
I was angered beyond reasoning. I told everyone what was happening in front of me and their reactions were a mix of both anger and disgust, Ocht also told me that there was detachment wreaking havoc at where he was but it wasn't as bad as where I am. Het has gone berserk tearing, breaking, suffocating, burning, drowning, electrocuting, crushing and a lot more colourful methods. Sometimes it's good to be connected to the wind but times like this isn't one of them.
I got on my mount and just as I was about to go a notification appeared in front of me then a very heavy and painful event happened to me, I couldn't even read the notice and what seemed like a century of pain slowly and eventually stopped. As I was recovering from the pain my mount slowly changes to its original form and I fell off of it, it took me about half a minute to recover and I started reading the notice in front of me which states.
Due to your emotions of anger, sadness, grief, disgust and your protective sense have awakened two of your bloodlines. Due to their rivaling natures which would usually make the two bloodlines at odds with each other but due to your emotions of wanting to preserve and annihilate lives, both bloodlines have merged and became a long, lost and forgotten race of beings known as the "Keepers of Balance" in which you possess one the race's strongest bloodline. This beings balanced their opinions of life and death and their knowledge, understanding and experience of this two natures made them formidable enemies but brilliant alias, this specific race of beings were considered to be one of a dozen or so races that predates even the ancient "Primordial" races. The jobs that corresponds to this two natures have turned into the occupation/job "Judge of Life and Death". The usage of the skills and abilities concerning life and death have considerably increased but due to this merge previous levels of the two occupations have been turned into proficiency level "1" but the skills and abilities are retained. The traits of race "Keepers of Life and Death" have split from the combined trait "Royal Elemental, Life Death and Wind" and has become the trait "The Keeper's Oath", the remaining combined traits has become "The Elemental's Promise". The attributes "Wisdom" and "Intelligence" have became the attribute "The Scholar's Experience" and has became (1).
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