《They came by the dozen (Dropped)》Journal of the OP-Weapon Smith chapter 2 part 2
It has been roughly seven months now since I last wrote in this journal. During which several thing have happened first of which is that we have gotten used to our abilities and bodies. The second is the discovery of our evolved parts can also evolve into a greater version of itself which is caused by us getting used to our bodies, the evolved parts don't do anything to our stats which is strange but who cares.
The third is that us crafters have finally broken to the grandmaster tiered mythical god grade equipment with using the best grade materials that the suppliers can currently create, we used up a lot mind you but we recycled the materials we smelted the metal pieces back to liquid form and started to experiment with them basically we mixed them to see what would come out.
The fourth is that we created three books for recipes like metal alloy, tree breed and the mixture of creature parts.The alloys that were discovered and the recipes for them were compiled by Sesi into a single book named "Oreum Discoveria", the wooden pieces were also combined together and they also became a different breed of trees which Harom compiled the recipes into a single book known as "Woodries Discoveria", the same was done to the pelts and monster parts which we don't even know how we did it but we did Doce compiled it into a single book known as "Creatures Discoveria".
The fifth is that Rou became a supplier with technology meaning wires and any electrical basically. Yeah we got to make transforming equipment which was awesome for us crafters. If you can imagine a ring becoming a full on glove as one of it's form and another form would be a full armoured gloves, or a bracelet that can become a shield or arm armour and so forth. We had a lot of fun in the Den.
The sixth are experimenting, altering, creating, recycling, testing in simple terms we holed up again in the den for about three months until Egy barged into the den demanding a meeting because we have been doing our own stuff well basically eight out of twelve were in one building for three months while the other four were feeling left out so yeah. It was understandable, so we told Egy to let us finish our projects first then we'll have that meeting, yeah we finished after three weeks.
The seventh is the meeting which really straight forward meaning the topic for the meeting was what should we now.
We crafters said we want to create our individual equipment which was accepted by the rest but before they accepted the offer they asked why we replied with "because we have been holing ourselves up to perfect our skills but we are still lacking experience so it's better if we split up and go do our individual journeys. It would be better to have our own equipment that only we can use, instead of equipment that wouldn't be great, which gives us crafters a sense of dissatisfaction when we think that our friends are using shit gear." some of you guys are probably thinking why we don't have an alchemist the reason for that is because we all decided that it's better if everyone is able to create there own medicine during the journey so yeah granted that the suppliers are gonna supply us with the materials.
Yeah instead of the usual eight people in the Crafter's Den the whole group holed ourselves up, we stayed in there for about four months, mastering and getting the hang of making potions and medicines because our knowledge are for plants our old worlds but we started by identifying every plants and compiling them into twelve books with their properties and all that we just called it "Flora of the World" and we also studied the creatures of this world how they act, and all that we also compiled what we learn into twelve books called "Fauna of the World", we created a measure that prevents it being stolen we call it "Blood Purge" we call it a purge because our blood is used to purge the materials used so only we can use the items, we also made it that all of us can use our individual weapons given permission of course.
This is our equipment well weapons first. Will be split to form a three man cell. Each weapon has three transformations. I swear I don't even know how I made them but I did, please consider I think I passed out while I was making them.
Egy has a great bow (http://i.imgur.com/4hIUQN7.jpg)that can transform into two tonfas by splitting the bow in half and ^ don't want to try to explain I don't even know^(http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/6/63/FrontierGen-Tonfa_Equipment_Render_002.png/revision/latest?cb=20140423194855), this weapon can still transform into a big as sniper I don't even remember how I made it (http://img09.deviantart.net/6d8b/i/2009/088/d/8/tech_sniper_by_hungerartist.jpg)
Rou has a grand lance (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/1/16/Drill_Lance.png/revision/latest?cb=20110531112508 without the shield)that can become two cannon (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/fd/22/30fd22c07ec4dddb253be422cc183a22.jpg and http://www.iamag.co/features/itsart/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/destiny-a30.jpg), this weapon can still transform by detaching the handle and putting your arm to the handle holder and then it will change into a shield and it's stabilizers and sight join up to the handle becoming a hand axe (http://www.blowgun.com/images/AlienAxe-4.jpg and the shield is a great shield http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/762/761504/Erebor_Elite_Guard_Shield.png).
Harom has a double bladed spear (http://img13.deviantart.net/a751/i/2011/143/a/c/voltaic_spear_by_exhibit_the_mad-d3h0p8w.jpg a bit longer and having the head on both side with the spear head of http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/7708051_f260.jpg) that can transform into twin rapiers by splitting the handle in half and the spear head sides becomes handguards while the spear head becomes the blade and the handle shortens (http://img09.deviantart.net/39fe/i/2011/343/e/9/fantasy_rapiers_by_licataknives-d4in676.jpg), which can further transform into a shotgun which i don't even know how but I made it (http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/487751204003632653/6DF01E7570B74585D6643C051F97F8A841CEE6DE/)
Negy has a two sided scythe (http://pre15.deviantart.net/cf80/th/pre/i/2005/354/b/a/__double_scythe___by_abscenceofheart.jpg) that can transform into twin scimitars by the handles shortening them
(http://s12.photobucket.com/user/AkashaSuki/media/Other%20Stuff/BlazeScimitar3.jpg.html), can still change into twin revolvers by the blade cuts off at the 3/5 point and attaching it to the bottom, at the cut off point two barrels appear one on top the other, the bottom blade gets a bit thinner and it's wastes moves up near the handle and forms the cartridge (http://1dut.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cool-concept-futuristic-medieval-and-fantasy-weapons-1dut.com-38.jpg)
Ot has a ball chained sickle (http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140116153506/warframe/images/archive/f/f9/20140124181157!DEDualKamas.png connected to the ball by a long chain http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/unrealworld/images/f/f4/Ball_and_chain.png/revision/latest?cb=20130417170917) this weapon can change into a flail with the blade of the scythe joining the ball (http://i.imgur.com/lL9CTjS.jpg), which can turn into a granade launcher (http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/5/56/Deftech37(2).jpg/400px-Deftech37(2).jpg) don't ask how just it does.
Sesi has a set of twin short katanas that can become a single long bladed katana, (http://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/T/Gemini_Twin_Ninja_Sword_Set_01.jpg is the twin sword version and the large version is http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110227161512/finalfantasy/images/e/e4/Sephiroth-FFVIIArt.png which he can control the length of the blade at will but can't when it's in twin blade mode and is one of the only weapon to be able to do so), this weapon can become a sniper rifle revolver (http://orig07.deviantart.net/c47d/f/2013/203/3/b/fictional_firearm__hc_sgr50x_sniper_rifle_by_czechbiohazard-d6658cn.png) .
Het has a staff mace but has two different designs as it's maces (http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/MCI-2908.png as the base and http://img.cadnav.com/allimg/140730/1-140I01I529.jpg as the top mace head while http://img.cadnav.com/allimg/140730/1-140I01K934.jpg is the bottom head) this weapon can transform into two war maces by splitting the handle into two using the two heads as the weapons, this weapon can change to become a light machine gun (http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140731021256/destinypedia/images/9/98/Destiny_Heavy_Machine_Gun.jpg)
Ocht has eight sets of twin of knives (https://www.karatemart.com/images/products/large/kyouraku-shunsui-twin-sword-set.jpg, http://www.smkw.com/large/knife/DBHK983.jpg, http://www.bladesandbows.co.uk/ekmps/shops/bladesbows/images/dragons-fury-fantasy-knife-359-p.jpg, https://mastercutlery.com/Pic/PRODUCTSPIC/XLARGE/MC-2069.JPG, http://www.smkw.com/large/knife/DBFM539.jpg, http://www.churchofhalloween.com/wp-content/posts/licata-knives.png, http://www.cartertown.com/images/Knives/Hibben/Fantasy/MyGHProdKnives/11%20Griffyn/MyKnives0205%20273.JPG and http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9an9WeLfgPA/VCmXdBVFa4I/AAAAAAAAAC0/igEm8-J9iUs/s1600/knives-fantasy-knives-prehistoric-m-sea-monster-leviathan-knife.jpg)
the knive sets can be merged together by combining any combination of the knives as fist weapons and feet weapons
(http://www.smkw.com/large/knife/DBMC2091.jpg are for the hands and http://www.discountcutlery.net/assets/images/ProductImages/M3139.jpg is for the feet, basically imagine an mma fighter except he is armed to the teeth), the knives merge to become a machine gun (http://cdn0.wideopenspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/RAR_WOS_10-Ficitonal-Guns_Lancer1.jpg)
I have a greatsword (http://artfiles.alphacoders.com/341/34158.jpg), that I can split into several single edged blades that I can control by using the handle as a conductor's baton (http://www.anticstore.com/DocBD/commerce/antiquaire/galerie-delalande-466/objet/20497/AnticStore-Large-Ref-20497_03.jpg, the blades split like this http://cache.wists.com/thumbnails/0/bb/0bb55b7259521008ea7ce2c96f3c1366-orig but with more designs and a lot more blades), this weapon can change into a minigun (http://www.1zoom.net/big2/105/330354-blackangel.jpg)
Tiz has a warhammer and a war axe (http://previewcf.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/07/06__13_24_34/REN_Signature.jpg0bc7f700-0fc9-413f-9cbb-1147a08ae11aLarge.jpg) it can transform into twin warhammer axes (basically the gravity hammer in halo http://www.haloforever.com/halo-reach-images/halo-reach-weapons/halo-reach-weapons-gravity-hammer.jpg), which can become a rocket launcher (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/05/89/24058997b3afdfbe65ff99ee8eba7820.jpg with all the attachment)
Hamaika has a halberd can change it's design based on it's size (this is it's form when it's in long formhttp://s804.photobucket.com/user/edge_519/media/APWotW.jpg.html, medium form http://i40.tinypic.com/349eaf4.jpg and it's short form http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/0/0a/DW_Knight_Halberd.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130124225505) and a shield that can also change it's size and design (http://orig00.deviantart.net/e796/f/2013/143/d/7/escudos_by_bistrod-d66alz9.jpg) the halberd and shield can be combined to become an assault rifle (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/bd/DrCid-Rifle-ffxii.png/revision/latest?cb=20131008041101)
Doce has a two sets of whip blades (the long sword https://img-new.cgtrader.com/items/98708/fantasy_sword_3d_model_fbx_f02101e0-2595-437a-8032-15228bd2b258.png and short sword https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/fd/f7/77fdf75c0619054546d69b9935123114.jpg) and the short swords transform into twin handguns (http://www.blogcdn.com/massively.joystiq.com/media/2012/10/guns.jpg) while the longswords becomes a single rifle (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/kallenbearrp/images/7/7e/Blade's_Rifle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141201213734)
It took me a long time to make the god freaking weapons with the specific adjustments the users wanted but screw them I just did what is more versatile as I could but they were so fun to make especially when I can't remember how I made the gun part or hell how I did most of the transformations, thank the heavens we were raising our poison resistance by eating the plants, it's a good thing we did because I would have been pissed off when I was trying to do it oh yeah guess what they aren't grandmaster tiered mythical god grade weapons no they are low tiered newborn primordial grade weapons yes feckin yes I finally got over my bottleneck of just being able to produce grandmaster tiered mythical god grade weapons yes I don't care if they are low tier equipment they are still primordial grade equipment fuck yes.
This are their stats, just like before they'll be put in groups of three.
Bow of The FirstType:Transforming weapon (Great Bow)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Egy. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a Great Bow, a pair of Tonfas and a Sniper (Granger F332). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Lance of The SecondType:Transforming weapon (Grand Lance)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Rou. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a Grand Lance, an axe & shield and two hand cannons (Hawkmoon and Thorn). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Spear of The ThirdType:Transforming weapon (Double Blade Spear)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Harom. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a double blade spear,a set of twin rapiers and a shotgun (UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.
Scythe of The FourthType:Transforming weapon (Two Sided Scythe)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Negy. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a two sided scythe,a set of twin scimitars & a set of twin revolvers (M720 Custom .357 Mag). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Ball Chained Sickle of The FifthType:Transforming weapon (Ball Chained Sickle)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Ot. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a ball chained sickle,a flail & a grenade launcher (M23 MGL). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.The Twin Katanas of The SixthType:Transforming weapon (Twin Katanas)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Sesi. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a set of twin tachis,an odachi & a sniper rifle revolver(Smith and Wesson Sniper Revolver). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.
Battle Staff of the SeventhType:Transforming weapon (Staff Mace/ Battle staff)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Het. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a battle staff/ staff mace, a set of two war maces & a light machine gun (XM8). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Knives n' Daggers of The EighthType:Transforming weapon (Knives and Daggers)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Ocht. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of eight sets of daggers/knives, a set of pair of bladed gloves and boots & an assault rifle (AR-41). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Greatsword of The NinthType:Transforming weapon (Greatsword)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for himself. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a single greatsword,magically infused sword blades and a baton & a minigun (M134). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.
Hammer n' Axe of the TenthType:Transforming weapon (A Warhammer and a Waraxe)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Tiz. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a pair of a warhammer and waraxe, twin war hammer-axes & a rocket launcher. This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Halberd and Shield of the EleventhType:Transforming weapon (Halberd and Shield)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Hamaika. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of a halberd and spear, an axe and shield & a light machine gun (chainsaw). This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.Twin Snake Blades of The TwelfthType:Transforming weapon (Snake Blade/Whip Blades)Durability:IndestructibleQuality:TierLowGradeNewborn PrimordialDamage:1This weapon was created by the weapon smith Nino for his friend Doce. This weapon is created with versatility in mind and so it can change into three forms.This particular weapon has the forms of two sets of whip blade/snake blades, can become short sword or longsword & twin handguns . This weapon is a newborn sentient weapon so it's power is just like a newborn so to compensate this weapon can level up by experience and by eating weapons of the same category as it's initial phase.
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❛ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ꜰɪʀᴇꜰʟɪᴇꜱ ʀᴏᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʟᴀɴᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ᴏᴜʀ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅɪᴍɪɴɪꜱʜ. ❜ ~ Layla Griffin"When Fireflies Diminish" is a collection of poems that touch various dark and neutral themes such as loss of loved ones, life's challanges, mental health issues etc.Copyright © 2022 Layla GriffinCover by @-DeeIsDead-Started: 09.06.2022Completed: ~
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