《Reincarnated As A Crocodile》Chapter 3: Day 2: "Evo" (Re-Edited)


Day 2

Returning to consciousness, the now dragon named Dracul, unknown to him, jolted up. Dracul is feeling more than a little sluggish.

"What the heck just happened to me? And by GOD that thing tasted awful" Dracuul wondered as he rose from his slumber.

Looking around the forest with his new eyes was a whole different experience for Dracul. He could see every leaf and blade of grass on the ground, everything was so clear. The trees were a lot larger than the ones back home in mama's swamp.

[Evolution completed]

[Race changed to Lesser Black Fang Komodo Crocodile Dragon!]

[You've acquired new skills!]

[Skill - Poison Network, has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Devour, has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Poison Flamethrower, has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Toxic Slash, has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Limit Breaker has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Siphon has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Heat Sensor, has been added to the skill list]

[Skill - Dash, has been added to the skill list]

Dracul doesn't know what all these skills are but he can tell they'll be useful. He has no idea where he is or how he got here but one thing is certain, he needs to eat something!

"I have to find food," Dracul said and started walking deeper into the woods.

After a few hours of exploring Dracul found a small pond. Looking at it through his new eyes it looks like a great place to catch some fish.

"What is my race?"

A highly venomous species of crocodile dragon, a drop of its venom is deadly enough to kill 100 adult humans in under a minute. Sharp fangs, tough scales, excellent senses. When detoxify, their meat is extremely delicious and tender; they also go well with hot sauce. But they have the most potential as they can evolve into different types of dragons, lizards, crocs, or hybrids.

"IS THIS A COOKING SHOW!?" Dracul screamed. Hell, his tail is making a retort! "Why would you pick my current evolution to be something good to eat!?" Dracul was furious.

Thought it be funny. And it's the path to the strongest! Also, the most scrumptious

Dracul is speechless at the answer.

He had a short fuse when he woke up, and even more so after hearing such an idiotic statement. He puffs out his chest and roars loudly, spraying dirt and leaves everywhere.

"A-alright, I made up my mind!" Dracul said, getting over. "You know what? I'm going to get back, are you fucker. When I do, it's going to be legendary! Also, by the way, what kind of world is this place. Is it like D&D, Final Fantasy, or something else? Also, can you tell what I look like?"

Since I have access to your memories. This world is more like Sypro meets DBZ. You are 111.8 cm (3 ft 10 in) in size. Have four long hind legs now. Think of a Kaprosuchus and Sarcosuchus prehistoric crocodiles with dragon abilities. You have a similar look to your mother. Yellow spikes that go down your tough, scaly back with six curved black horns jutting out with three on each side of the row of spines. Your tail is still there but much longer now. The horned tip is sharp and the base is thick, though it isn't as strong as a bull's. In addition, you have a small but powerful bite and can use your tail to swing yourself around.


"That is really terrifying, actually... But thank you for the info." Dracul says. "Now, pull up my stats screen if you please."

The information about Dracul's stats appeared.

Status Information Attributes Traits. Titles. and Skills -Name- "Dracul" STR 5 ⇒ 25 Skills 3 ⇒ 5 -Race- Lesser Black Fang Komodo Kid Croc Dragon VIT 2 ⇒ 25 Traits 3 ⇒ 7 -Sex- Male AGI 6 ⇒ 25 Titles 1⇒ 3 -Rank- E+ DEX 4 ⇒ 21 Skillpoints 5 ⇒ 10 -Level- 1/10 INT 12 ⇒ 34 Resistances Health 50/50 CHR 6 ⇒ 6.5 Physical Resistance 0 ⇒ 15 Stamina 54/54 WILL 11 ⇒ 20 Magical Resistance 0.006 ⇒ 0.010 Mana 100/100 MAG 12 ⇒ 18 Mental Resistance 5 ⇒ 7.5

Wow, that was a huge stat increase all the across the board. He thought didn't think eating that gross thing would level up him so much. Maybe because of his mother's strength or maybe Dracul just shit dragon puberty, or something. Either way, Dracul was more than happy to be a crocodile dragon!

"Hahaha! So, I'm a 'kid' crocodile dragon now. Now, let's see what we can do with this body!"

Dracul said and began swinging himself around like a monkey. His new muscles were incredibly flexible and strong, allowing him to leap high into the air.

"Let's try and fly!" Dracul said before attempting to jump higher, but he barely managed to touch the water.

"Looks like I need a little bit more practice."


Dracul spent the rest of the day training his new abilities. After a while, Dracul took notice of the giant tree that was close to the pond. It was beautiful with its smooth bark and large branches. Dracul wanted to climb it and see how far he could go. He jumped off the ground and started climbing.

"This is almost too easy..." Dracul mused as he reached the top.

He saw a big red fruit hanging from one of the lower branches. Since he was so close, Dracul decided to take a bite. What he didn't know was that the tree was poisonous. Dracul ate the fruit and felt a sudden surge of power flow through his body. He leapt into the air and then hit the ground with incredible force. He felt like he could run forever.

"What in the hells happened!? Did I become super strong or something!?" Dracul yelled out loud. "Enough about strange fruit... What is my traits list?" Dracul asked himself.

"Well, let's see..." Dracul said as he looked over his Traits list.

Traits Name

Dinosaur-Dragon Physiology

The physiology of a dinosaur-dragon hybrid, with the primal instincts and skills of a dinosaur combined with the supernatural capabilities of a dragon giving them a huge advantage in both combat and hunting skills. -Lustful Devil Blood- Physiology of the body into those of an Amadeus. Named after the Demon Lord Asmodeus and one of the symbols of lust. Grants Demon core magical energy circulates within their body, therefore causing their magic core and own magical energy to become "demonic" in nature; thus, a portion of their own power changes the user's magical power into that of a Demon. -Spectra Crow Blood- Physiology of the body into those of a Spectera Crow. The Legendary bird of Astral plane. -Devour- This ability allows its user to get the abilities of other beings and things by consuming them at a 10% chance. -Siphon- New Consuming blood provides the user with EXP and attribute increases. Drinking the blood of a rare creature or drinking blood a great number of times of the same creature with a similar or higher power level to the user provides the user with a minimal chance of acquiring a compatible skill from the said creature. -Skill shop- A unique trait that provides the user with skill points at each level and allows the user to use the system to open a shop, where they can purchase skills with said skill points. -Limit breaker- A unique trait that allows the user to be unhindered by the limitations of levels, evolutions, and skills. -Poison Network- NEW The user's body became capable of synthesizing its own powerful poisons and venoms.


"How the hell do I have demon blood and a ghost crow in me?" Dracul questioned himself.

Due to you earning your biomass threshold, you have been awarded two random traits.

"Ahhh, refreshing!" Dracul exclaimed as he took a drink from the river. Drinking was kinda weird since he couldn't hold anything in his hands. Still, the feeling of the cool water rushing down his throat was incredible.

Dracul continued drinking water until he noticed something. He could feel a tingling sensation on his skin.

"What is this!?" Dracul yelled out loud.

Dracul felt all over his body and realized that he had more muscle than usual. His entire body was covered in dark scales that seemed to shimmer in the light of the setting sun.

"I can't believe it, I've grown a bit!" Dracul said with excitement. "Man dragons are busted!"

He looked down at his feet and noticed a pair of wings growing out of his back. The size of them surprised Dracul for a moment, but the longer he stared the more excited he became. This is crazy, he thought.

Looking towards the river, Dracul saw a large rabbit swimming in the water. It caught Dracul's attention for a brief moment until another idea struck him.

"Since I'm a crocodile might behave as a crocodile does!" Dracul said aloud.

With that, Dracul jumped into the river and swam rapidly towards the rabbit. His body had adapted to the climate so quickly that he didn't even notice the difference. He grabbed onto its neck and started shaking it violently trying to snap the animal's neck.

The rabbit struggled under the assault for a few seconds before it gave up. Dracul released its neck and watched the carcass fall to the ground.

"There we go, dinner!" Dracul said with a satisfied grin on his face.

Lvl-9: Unicorn Rabbit has been slained!

[48 experience points have been obtained.][Because of the effects of Title Skill [Dragon's Queen Son]. Another 48 experience points were obtained.].

"Holy snap, wabbits are good! Also, turn off those stupid exp notifications."

Three bites later. Dracul has eaten all of the Unicorn Rabbit. However, he remembers that he still has biomass points.

"Alright, dude, bring up the mutations menu."

Mutations Biomass Points: 20 Name -Body- (+) -Eyes- (+) -Legs- (+) -Skeleton- (+) -Brain- (+) -Stomach- (+) -Muscular System- (+) -Scales- (+) -Circulation- (+) -Respiration- (+) -Sub-Neural Network- (+) -Teeth- (+) -Jaws- (+) -Thermoregulation- (+) -Osmoregulation- (+) -Inner System- (+) -Wings- (+) -Feathers- (+)

"Ok, that's... a lot... of changes..." Dracul said to himself, staring at his own reflection.

Most of the changes are related to his body, which has transformed into a reptilian beast with black scales covering his skin.

It seems mutations improve a body part at the cost of points by eating prey. The more Draconic-Dino blood, the stronger his muscles will become. Also, he has learned to breathe toxic flamethrowers, which should help him against any enemies he encounters.

"I have a lot to learn... Also, eat a lot... Add five points to the brain." Dracul said to himself.

After minutes of waiting for the food to digest, Dracul waited for his brain to you know, evolve. During that time, Dracul started thinking about his plans for the future.

"Hmm... If I want to become stronger, I need to hunt more monsters and stuff. I also wonder what is going to happen when I go back home... Also, what giv-"

Dracul didn't finish his question because a surge of mindboggling pain flared and reverberated throughout his head. It was like multiple nails were put into his skull while having a seizure and looking at a strobe light!

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Dracul yelled as his body stiffened up and became paralyzed from the waist down.

Dracul could hear screaming and shouting coming from somewhere nearby. He could smell burning flesh and something that smelled like

"OOOOOOH, GOD!!! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOPPP! MAKE IT STOPPPPPP!" Dracul screamed out loud as he tried to move his legs.

Just as Dracul thought that he wouldn't be able to survive, the pain suddenly stopped. He'd passed out from the intensity of the pain drifting in the water to an unknown destination.

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