《The Summoned Prince》Volume 1-3: Goblins
Author's Note: I decided to throw out the schedule. AHAHAHAHAHAHA ANARCHY!ANARCHY! so expect at least 1 chapter every week but the days may change. Also if you spot any errors due help me out. I don't proofread he-he although I should
As always reviews,ratings,Recommendations,Corrections,Questions and comments are greatly appreciated
Chapter 3: Goblins
For the next month they were taught by the Head knight of His Majesty’s knights. At first everything went smooth fully but their treatment began to change. Their food was now the same as the local soldiers. Broth and hard bread. They were taught as soldiers rather than heroes. They were exhausted and started to complain and whenever they did they were visited by Yletta whose words completely calmed them down and so the process continued. They trained till exhaustion, complained and began to protest and Yletta would show up and calmed them down easily.
Elden raised the shield he held in his left hand to block paul’s strike. Away from them stood the Head knight and Yletta.
“Father wants to know who’s the strongest in swordplay.” said Yletta.
Markusÿ—The Head Knight— looked towards Paul and Elden who were sparring.
“If I had to choose it might be paul. His power and speed is better than most Knights”
Yletta seemed unsurprised.
“But Elden seems to have much more talent. Even though he has inferior physical capabilities he’s able to go toe to toe with Paul with pure instinct.”
Yletta seemed surprised and stared at Elden.
Paul’s training sword came in contact with Elden’s shield. In truth Elden could use his father’s swordsmanship and defeat Paul easily but he chose to learn the knight’s sword arts first and relied only on that. Knight’s relied more on brute power and it seemed almost barbaric compared to his father’s swordsmanship
The second reason was Elden didn’t want to show all his cards just yet. He was humble and not one to brag.
Elden dodged to the left and spun around aiming the sword at Paul’s helm. Naturally Elden was not capable of wearing a helm due to his long hair. The red bow from the party was still tied to his hair. It seemed the maids took care of his hair everyday with great joy and even took turns in brushing.
Paul jumped back in the nick of time. Elden moved back for and prepared for another flurry of attacks. All the males of the class had been issued armor that was made from some type of material that was nearly indestructable. The Heavy armor though restricted Elden’s movements but it helped to build his endurance so it was no different than weight training for Elden.
Paul seemed pissed that he had to be on the defensive and so he lunged forward his counterattack. Elden had predicted this as Paul’s character wasn’t one to be on the receiving end. Usually elden would have easily dodged all attacks and strike down his enemy with a single strike but the Knight’s sword play was different and so he met everyone of Paul’s attacks. It turned into a contest of strength. Paul was a daily weight lifter at the gym so his attacks were powerful. They traded blow for blow.
Elden then used another skill related to knights. Shield bash! Paul blocked with his sword rather than his shield. He tended to rely more on his sword than his shield. Elden was going to learn all he could and make it his and so he used the new techniques that were taught by the knights.
Paul fell on his back and the knight that was referring ended the match.
With this Markusÿ’s evaluation of the students was complete. His task was to choose who among these children would receive the royal treasures that the king kept. Of Course everyone would be receiving the best armor and equipment but only a select few would be receiving enchanted items.
Markusÿ turned to some commotion on the training yard. A black girl was holding a training sword while arguing with a guard. He walked over.
“What’s the problem here?”
The guard turned to the knight Captain” Sir she keeps insisting on practising with a sword.”
Like the Kingdoms of old gender disparity was something that could be seen everywhere and the kingdom of Kovolava was no different and had separated the class by genders. The men were given knight training while the women were made to learn chants and magic.
“I’m sorry little miss but please go back to learning chants.”
“Well you see it’s against our traditions to have female knights.”
“That’s a stupid tradition aren’t we risking our lives to help you guys.”
As Yletta noticed the commotion she went forward with the gazes of all the boys who were training followed her.
One of the girls from the class pulled the black girl
“Keisha, Let’s just go back.”
“No! it’s stupid!”
“Everyone please calm down. what seems to be the problem?” called out Yletta
Her soothing words affected not only the knights but also the surrounding students While elden put his fingers in his ears.
“Hmm let’s see if it works.” he murmured
“I won’t calm down!” screamed keisha.
Elden frowned he could still somewhat hear her. It seemed he’d need something truly soundproof in his ears. he felt her words tug at him. He reached towards his neck towards the ring he always wore.
The only other valuable besides his watch was a ring that had belonged to his mother. It was too elegant to wear so he had bought a simple metal chain to hang it on. He would rub it whenever he was stressed or worrying but it seemed he had left it back home.
An idea came to mind. he looked around him to make sure he wasn’t being watched. He took out an old digital music player that michael had gifted to him. he placed the earphones in his ear and turned up the volume. He made sure to play some heavy metal just in case and played the song. His ears hurt but all sounds were completely drowned out and he felt like Yletta no longer had control over his heart.
He pumped his fist and Paul and some other knights looked weirdly at him. Luckily Elden had untied his hair at this point and it hid the earphones so no one knew.
Meanwhile Yletta’s words got louder.
“Please just give the sword back and go back to chantings classes!” she ordered
“Fa….Fine!” said Kisha while entranced by Yletta.
———————————————Later that night————————————————————
“Father, please start sending out the heroes on some quest or something.” Yletta begged her father
“They’re still not ready. I don’t want to lose any trump cards if I can help it.” said The king.
“My charm magic can only calm them down but their anger won’t disappear. I fear if they don’t find an outlet to get rid of their anger they may do something we may not like.”
‘Hmm I’ll discuss it with the Head Knight, perhaps a goblin extermination may help them. It will be good practice so they can get used to killing.”
———————————————A week later———————————————————
They were dressed in the finest armors while carrying strong shields and the sharpest of swords while the girls wore robes and held staffs. Surrounding the classmates were a few knights who acted as extra guards to their flanks. It was a simple formation. The boys at the front while the girls behind them acted as their support.
“Hmm so you saw the girls using magic then?” asked Elden
“That’s right it was spectacular really but I don’t see why we couldn’t learn the chants. It would help.” Ganesh looked on ahead
In the Country Kovolava it was seen as cowardly for men to use chants and magic since such things were left to witches and clerics from the church. Suffice to say that the girls had been taught by nuns in the use of holy magic.
“Hmm. well atleast we learned martial arts.”
To make up for the difference knights were capable of performing superhuman feats and used martial techniques to defeat their enemy.
“It’s sad tho.” said Michael
“Hmm? what is?”
“The other races are being enslaved although maybe it’s better to have slave monster girls. eheheheh” Michael started panting to his delusion.
Elves,cat-girls,Lamias it seemed all these fantastical creatures existed in one form or the other and Michael was hellbent on finding them.
“Any other information Ganesh?”
“No, the servants seemed rather tight-lipped.”
“Agreed, Although I think they’re purposefully keeping information from us but luckily I attained some information from my maids.” said Elden
After the first day on this new world the maids that had been assigned to clean them up had been permanently assigned to each hero. So everyone had 2 maids that helped them get dressed and did other chores for them.
“What did they say?” asked Ganesh
“What the hell my maids hate me and won’t even talk to me.” said Michael depressingly in the background
“Well we’re surrounded by many kingdoms and countries but there are four other major ones. To the north is the kingdom Seversky, In the east Vichodni Kingdom, South of us is the Jizny Federation, and lastly to the west lies The kingdom of Zapad.”
“Hey you guys stop talking we’re on a mission!” yelled Paul.
Michael clicked his tongue”Who made him leader?”
The trio had decided that it was their best chance to discuss things but Paul had some reason to warn them. They were on a goblin extermination Mission. It would be their very first military operation as knights of the kingdom.
“There it is!” said one of the male classmates.
“Shhh. shut up they might hear us.”
They had arrived at the cave where the goblins had settled. The knights of the kingdom had told them to pretend as if they weren’t there so everything was up to the students. Nobody moved for quite a while.
“Ahahaha this is nothing guys come on. It’s just like a game. Someone hand me a torch.” Someone handed Paul a lit torch which he carried on his left hand. Early on Paul had ditched the shield when he had been given an enchanted Greatsword from the royal treasury. It was called Brilliance and it’s enchantment allowed for strikes embedded with lightning.
“It’s just a game.” Paul repeatedly mumbled while he entered
“Well let’s go too. Paul can’t be the only one with balls.” said Elden as he drew his Sword ThunderCrack—sister sword to Brilliance— which was also given to him from the royal treasury. It was ironic that Thundercrack was a single handed sword while lightning was a two-handed Greatsword.
For Elden it felt like Thundercrack took more skill to use even if his preferred weapon might have been brilliance it felt like he could bring out the best in Thundercrack.
“It needs a better name.” said Michael next to him while holding a torch.
“Hmm? what does Mike?” Elden turned his head while walking
“Your sword, dude”
“I think it’s fine. I mean it’s just a sword.”
“No you don’t understand agh.look” Michael had taken out his phone
“Oi.what did we say about hiding our phones. the entire class agreed we’d hide all electronics.”
“It’s fine.It’s fine” said Michael as he typed something into his smart-phone.
“See.” said Michael as he showed the screen to Elden. On the screen was a translating app which displayed Kaminari Zougan.
“Kaminari Zougan? does it have a special meaning?”
“That's not the point doesn’t it sound bad ass? I mean imagine drawing the sword while sayin “ Kaminari Zougan” and then killing your opponent with your a single strike.”
Elden face-palmed” Michael just shut up for a bit.”
Elden viewed his surroundings as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He saw several small shapes in front of them.
“Hey! Watch out!” he screamed as several arrows were headed towards the front of the group. A few of the boys smart enough put up their shields. those who hadn’t were lucky enough that their armor could not be easily penetrated by crude arrows.
After the second wave of arrows many goblins went forward and charged them. Paul roared and drove his sword into a oblin. His face full of disgust as blood sprayed over him. Paul, Elden and a few other boys were the only ones fighting. The rest of the boys just stood there while slowly inching back.
Elden swung his sword and decapitated a goblin.
My first kill huh
A moment’s thought about his first kill but he didn’t have time to think about anything else as more goblins came forward. He kept cutting them down one by one but every time another another came out like a game of Whack-a-Mole.
He turned and look at the girls. Most were unable to due anything due to their fear unable to recite the chants for any buffs or healing magic. Only three girls were doing their jobs but they were all casting it on Paul.
What the fuck…..
Elden had only one scratch on his face and he still had yet to break a sweat but he had been trained since childhood. The other boys began to get tired. It was they who need some recovery magic. Elden could do nothing as more of the goblins began to concentrate on him since they deemed him the largest threat of the group.
He alone was holding the left flank as he slowly went forwards towards the center.
Just like practice. They’re nothing more than moving dolls.
He steadied his breathing. Relying on all the sword movements the knight’s had taught him. It was good practice for him. He had decided not to use his father’s teachings and rely on only the knight's training but he’s occasionally use moves that were unlike a knight's due to force of habit. The Knight's sword play was more Hack and slash. It relied on strength more than anything.
Usually Elden wouldn’t allow even one strike to land on him but he relied on his shield and armor to take on the attacks from the Goblin’s inferior weapons.
He sighed. What he was gonna do would go against what his father always told him. Help no one and lookout for number 1.
“Oi! everyone run away from the cave! I’ll hold em back.”
Either they ignored him or were to scared to listen. Elden yelle even louder.
“Run! You idiots. I’ll be the rear guard.”
It didn’t take another second for people to start running towards the cave’s exit. At first maybe one or 2 girls ran but afterwards as if a dam had been broken they all ran.
Elden wasn’t planning on dying. The knights who were accompanying them had been left outside at the cave entrance. So as long as he reached the exit he'd be safe.
He brought up his stance and prepared to use the enchantment on his sword Thundercrack. He dropped the shield and brought the sword back and then he swung. A thunderous sound and the waves of Goblins were blown back. It was more like a super sonic boom that blew em away like a hurricane . The aftermath was as if a quick storm had visited the cave. The small pitched tents and all the goblins belongings were in tatters.
However most of the goblins were unhurt and slowly stood up extremely pissed and ready to go kill the brat who had blown them away. They looked forward but he wasn’t there.
“Ah who would've thought we’d get our asses kicked by goblins.” said Elden in between breaths as he ran towards the cave exit.
“Kill pretty girl!”
He heard the goblins scream. Elden was still wearing that bow to tie his hair back although he didn’t think it necessary,his maids Terra and Liandra were very obstinate about him wearing the large red bow.
He had to admit his hair was silky smooth now compared to before but well it really didn’t matter to him either way. Only reason he had grown it was to save money.
The Knights were standing on the exit ready to receive an attack from goblins only to be surprised for Elden to come out instead.
Elden wasn’t very sure about fighting together with his class. They wore nothing more than nuisance and liabilities. He had to show them the brutality of life.
“We are not done! Everyone form up! Guys in the front and girls in the back. The Knight’s will watch our flank. There will be no running away this time. Seriously they’re goblins! The weakest of the weak.”
Markusy was impressed.” You heard him!”
An official leader had never been appointed and most had assumed Paul would end up in that position.
We should have just done this from the start
thought Elden as they all stood in formation awaiting the horde of goblins.
The first of the goblins came out unto the sun. While momentarily stunned they soon realized they were encircled and they went forward in rage to protect their homes and children.
“Shields Up! Stay in line!”
Elden stood at the center and seeing him hack away at countless goblins gave they classmates vigor and they too started to perform without a care. This time their flanks were secured by professional warriors.
At the end of the day 300 hundred goblins had been eradicated.
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